Which character death effected you the most in Walking Dead Game?

Excluding Lee or Kenny's death
You can choose somebody from both Season 1,2nand 3 btw

What effect me is Luke's death. I was expecting a Luke vs. Kenny confrontation since Episode 2. Plus he was a stand-up guy. Also not to mention that I basically saw Luke as a sort of brother-figure to Clem.



  • The Ben death, Mark death, and Danny/Justin (400 days)

  • For season one it was Ben, more so than Kenny even though Kenny is excluded. Ben finally grew a backbone to die a piteous death. In 400 Days, Dee because it was such a twisted outcome. You think u are protecting yourself from a stranger only to find you've killed your maybe love interest's wife. In season 2, I'm going with Sarah bc who wants to see a kid get eaten alive? In ANF, I didn't really care. I guess Kate's death was the saddest. Mariana's was sad but it was a great scene that set the tone for future dealings with Badger's group.

  • In Season 1: Ben
    In Season 2: Luke
    In ANF: David

  • 1: Duck
    2: Luke
    3: Gabe

  • GohanFGCGohanFGC Banned
    edited December 2017

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, especially after all of the development his character went through in Episode 5 Alone. In fact, I'm personally inclined to view this one as Non-Canon, regardless of Clementine's response. Even Lee's Death wasn't that bad.

  • Same here. :disappointed:

    DabigRG posted: »


  • She deserved better, that's for sure.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • edited December 2017

    You know, when it was implied in a comment for the best ending that the player was lucky they were able to save Gabe, I was very annoyed to learn that was indeed a thing. And flash forward: that ending has NOT aged well since then, to the point that it's definitely dethroned the Teamup to Save Gabe ending as the worst of them.

    But either way, when I eventually saw it and the other endings for myself, I did get drythroated and a little pained in my chest while watching that one. So wait, does that make how distracted and even mood whiplashy that ending can/will be a slightly good thing or just a really bad thing?

    GohanFGC posted: »

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, espe

  • Another victim of Telltale Writing. :'(

    DabigRG posted: »


  • 1: Doug (EP. 3)/ Ben (EP. 4)
    2. Nick (EP. 4)
    3. Tripp (EP. 5)/ Kate (EP. 5)

  • Well, they wanted to make people feel bad for the kid. In THAT sense, I'd say Telltale succeeded with THAT one. Of course that STILL didn't work for some people. Not everyone has nieces and nephews like I do IRL.

    DabigRG posted: »

    You know, when it was implied in a comment for the best ending that the player was lucky they were able to save Gabe, I was very annoyed to

  • Duck - awful, harrowing moment. I remember rewatching it on youtube, with some youtuber laughing at Duck. This is like the least funniest moment in the game for me)
    Larry - was happy to take revenge against the guy that tried to kill Lee
    Sarah 2nd death - No reaction from the characters was a little strange to me.

  • Carver ... in a good way.

  • Just hear me out guys.....

    But Carver's death ._. Simply because of what it did to Kenny's character. Even though Carver deserved to be turned into cherry cobbler. Like afterwards everyone just looked at Kenny as if he was this loose cannon-bloodthirsty-gruesome-animal, when in all reality he was just a broken man. See, that's why I never cared for those assholes Luke, Bonnie, and Mike and especially Jane. She really explains my point. Call me cold blooded, but I also seen no wrong doing in the way he treated Arvo. This random p.o.s. ambushing them into a loot & shoot, with the possibility of killing 2 children!! And Kenny is coldblooded? Fuck off. But all in all Kenny is in the top 3 most loved TWDG characters of all TIME. But Carver's death tarnished the perception of him.

    And Ava's death as well. Ridiculous. Can't stand picky walkers.

  • The thumbnail threw me off :D

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Even Lee's Death wasn't that bad.

    'Scuse me? I guarantee you, there were hundreds, if not thousands who mourned Lee's passing for a good while. Most couldn't even watch it unfold it was so painful. Gabe's death probably effected new fans at the most. Not saying you're new, just it didn't really do anything for me.

    Gabe dying was like watching Justin Bieber dying to say the least. Lee's death actually broke my heart. On a scale of 1-10 of being effected by Gabe's death, I'll give it a meh.

    GohanFGC posted: »

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, espe

  • edited December 2017

    I don't know about you guys, but I thought Duck and Katjaa's deaths were pretty brutal, too. Putting the kid out of his misery was a tough thing to do, and witnessing how it broke Kenny made me choke up a little the first time around.

  • Even Lee's Death wasn't that bad.

    Um, what? His was well-written.

    GohanFGC posted: »

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, espe

  • were you watching the two best friends let s play on season 1?

    wdfan posted: »

    Duck - awful, harrowing moment. I remember rewatching it on youtube, with some youtuber laughing at Duck. This is like the least funniest mo

  • Lee's death had some full warning going back a full episode and had a lot of buildup to it. I expected it to happen. Whereas Gabes death had No Buildup. It came out of nowhere and caught me completely off guard. Thats why I couldnt stand to watch it.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Even Lee's Death wasn't that bad. Um, what? His was well-written.

  • In that case Gabe’s death was more for shock value. His was only hard to watch because he was a kid. If he was an adult or even Ben’s age, it wouldn’t have the same affect. I don’t think Gabe was even meant to die in Ep.5 but the writers, of course, had to please the fans who hated his character (I did but I didn’t wish him to die).

    Whereas Lee’s death was more for building Clem’s character rather than shock value like Gabe’s. His death completely changed Clementine and even us, the players. Gabe’s death didn’t change any of the characters. What got to many fans was Clem’s reaction to Lee dying. She was so young when he was passing and watching her cry made me cry. Lee saying his last words was basically what we would say if we were in his shoes.

    GohanFGC posted: »

    Lee's death had some full warning going back a full episode and had a lot of buildup to it. I expected it to happen. Whereas Gabes death had No Buildup. It came out of nowhere and caught me completely off guard. Thats why I couldnt stand to watch it.

  • S1: Carley's death really messed with me and changed the way I regarded other survivors and made me insanely protective over what remained of the original group.

  • It would have to be Gabe's death in season 3.

  • Tell me why? ?

    It would have to be Gabe's death in season 3.

  • edited February 2018


    All five break my heart.

    1. Carley/Doug, being shot by Lilly.
    2. Immediately, Omid. Overall, Sarah, with Walter, Luke, and Mike at close seconds, all 4 for missed opportunities.
    3. Immediately, Gabe (going to save him together). Overall, Edith, Kenny, and Jane.

    Michonne: Norma, Jonas, and Zachary.

  • PapaHutDomino posted: »
    But Carver's death ._. Simply because of what it did to Kenny's character. Even though Carver deserved to be turned into cherry cobbler. Like afterwards everyone just looked at Kenny as if he was this loose cannon-bloodthirsty-gruesome-animal, when in all reality he was just a broken man. See, that's why I never cared for those assholes Luke, Bonnie, and Mike and especially Jane. She really explains my point.

    In their defense, it's basically a bigger fish situation. Don't forget that Kenny had been somewhat aggressive with half of them before Carver beat him. Combine that with Carlos's prognosis that there may be damage to the brain, how he went to town on Carver, and Kenny's behavior after Sarita was bit and it's somewhat understandable they'd be at least concerned about what he might do next.

    Call me cold blooded, but I also seen no wrong doing in the way he treated Arvo. This random p.o.s. ambushing them into a loot & shoot, with the possibility of killing 2 children!! And Kenny is coldblooded? Fuck off.

    To be fair, the whole "Rob the Whole Group" thing was something Buricko(the bald guy) came up with, with the implication that they didn't actually what exactly they were gonna do if they found Clementine and/or Jane again. And Arvo himself was distinctly reluctant to actually go through with it, even trying to accept an offer to at least bargain that Buricko still shot down.

    PapaHutDomino posted: »
    The thumbnail threw me off :D

    Yeah, I realized that after I posted it. :tongue:
    The irony is that probably would've been a better, more in theme death for her than what she got.

    The thumbnail threw me off

  • Whereas Gabes death had No Buildup. It came out of nowhere and caught me completely off guard. Thats why I couldnt stand to watch it.

    That's one of the many issues I have with that ending.

    I don’t think Gabe was even meant to die in Ep.5 but the writers, of course, had to please the fans who hated his character (I did but I didn’t wish him to die).

    I don't either. Almost nothing about his arc even remotely suggests that.

    Gabe’s death didn’t change any of the characters.

    Oh no, I get the feeling they went through with it partly to claim one of the characters had an effect on Clementine.

    GohanFGC posted: »

    Lee's death had some full warning going back a full episode and had a lot of buildup to it. I expected it to happen. Whereas Gabes death had No Buildup. It came out of nowhere and caught me completely off guard. Thats why I couldnt stand to watch it.

  • Don't forget that Kenny had been somewhat aggressive with half of them before Carver beat him.

    Ohh yes I forgot about that. According to Kenny, Nick had the whole "Vanilla Ice" thing going on :D I loved that.

    Kenny's behavior after Sarita was bit and it's somewhat understandable they'd be at least concerned about what he might do next.

    And this. I hated this. I never liked how they approached his situation, like talking amongst themselves on what to do with him. It felt like they were trying to get everyone on the same page so when they neglect him, no one feels any remorse. Then again you couldn't even talk to him at all! not even Clem which was difficult to see. Me personally I'd just give him space and time to collect himself. It was like he couldn't have love. Kajaa then Sarita? :cry:.

    Arvo himself was distinctly reluctant to actually go through with it, even trying to accept an offer to at least bargain

    This changes everything lol I can't remember clearly, but I do remember them all being in position as if they were trailing them the whole time. Not confirming they were, just seems pretty sketchy that everyone was at the right place at the right time.

    The irony is that probably would've been a better, more in theme death for her than what she got.

    And I agree, Sarah did seem like she'd end up killing herself at some point. And it doesn't even have to be in that fashion, I'd imagine her walking into a herd, or even letting them get to her. Maybe the trailer was intended to be her demise? i dunno.

    DabigRG posted: »

    PapaHutDomino posted: » But Carver's death ._. Simply because of what it did to Kenny's character. Even though Carver deserved to be turn

  • Omid's death for sure. He was my favorite character in Season 1, and to see him die in the beginning of season 2 hit me really hard. He's the only character death that's made me cry in a game besides Kenny leaving Clem at Wellington, and Gabe's death.

  • Gabe? Development? Really? I didn’t feel a thing for a single character from Season 3. I was in floods of tears when Carley was shot and when Lee died though. They were well developed characters

    GohanFGC posted: »

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, espe

  • Carley, Duck, Ben and That poor doggy everyone seems to forget about! I mean yeah Clem had to get the dog off her but that scene with him in pain whimpering like omg how can you not feel for the poor thing it was starving too!

  • Sam.

    Sassycotton posted: »

    Carley, Duck, Ben and That poor doggy everyone seems to forget about! I mean yeah Clem had to get the dog off her but that scene with him in pain whimpering like omg how can you not feel for the poor thing it was starving too!

  • Thank you is that the dog's name?

  • No, it's the dog's name.

    Sassycotton posted: »

    Thank you is that the dog's name?

  • edited February 2018

    I wonder if the kids' deaths (Marianna & Gabe) is a precursor to Clem's probable death in TWD S4...it's my only way of thinking by letting kids die in the series.

    GohanFGC posted: »

    When I watched Gabe's Death at the end of A New Frontier, it literally BROKE ME. It was just so damn sad that I couldn't even watch it, espe

  • Pretty much every kid/youth besides Alex, Arvo, and maybe Becca tend to be killed off as the final part of this redundant trend involving making Clementine look good/seem special in comparison.

    I wonder if the kids' deaths (Marianna & Gabe) is a precursor to Clem's probable death in TWD S4...it's my only way of thinking by letting kids die in the series.

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