What do you think about Clem's new style?
Personally, I don't like her new hair at all... they don't fit her. I know that if TellTale decided to give her that haircut it's probably for the best, but in my opinion they should give her something more sober.
About the clothes, I like 'em, I think they are appropriate for her age.
What are your impressions?
P.S: English is not my first language so if I did mistakes tell me and I'll fix 'em, trying to improve.
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Is it just me or was Javier trying to give clem HIS style? ? is that why he seemed disappointed when it looked a bit off? Cos that would be something that Javi would do, cos her new hair kinda resembles Javier’s style.
Well, her clothes are the same that she had throughout the events from ANF, except now, she have a jacket. So her style didn't change much.
And her new haircut looks like shit. Literally.
Ps. You asked about your mistakes. I don't think you need an "s" in word "hair".At least not in the context of your phrase. I might be wrong but I have a feeling that the phrase "I don't like her new hair" would be more grammatically correct. Other that that your English is very good, better than mine in my opinion. Hell, I don't even remember the comma usage... My advice would be that you shouldn't think much about it. It might sound weird, but based on my experience thinking too much about how good your English is will get you nowhere.
She looks like a Distaff Counterpart to Gabe. As redundant as that fuckin sounds.
Personally, I don't care much.
I really fucking hate her generic action hero/hipster look. The hair style looks dumb and the red leather jacket is.... it's just not Clementine.
Remember how Telltale gave us our own Clementine personality at the end of the season? They should have given a unique hairstyle to suit each personality. The style we got would maybe fit a Jane-type playthrough but for my playthrough the style was a heel face turn.
It suits her maturity level now. Pigtails are more for little kids. She could of got that Ava hakuna matata head. Nothing would of been wrong with that, then everybody would of been howling even louder bout that.
Oh my goodness, I can't even

Huh. I guess you have something of a point.
Also, I've been wondering: why exactly is Clementine's hair suddenly brown?
They should have just kept her hair straight instead of this assymetrical looking ass hair, if pigtails was too childish, just give her necklock hair that just hangs down or something I dunno.
Lol it’s always been brown. Just that season one made it look black just like it made her skin look white. It just turned from dark brown to a lighter brown.
Sounds like most of us hate her new hairs... TellTale pls do something xD
I dislike her new hair. It just doesn't suit her. And I mourn over Lilly's hair thingies.
Considering ANF has some kind of weird filters going on, I can't help but doubt that.
What's Season Two's excuse then?
Bad technology. Idk, her parents had brown hair so it also makes sense. And I’m the wiki is apparently unreliable, even though I have found nearly all information over there true, it also states that her hair is dark brown.
My bullshit detectors starting to cut on: Season 2's visuals were brighter, more stylized, and more detailed than every game besides Michonne. And I'm pretty sure most black guys have black hair anyway.
What does the wiki got to do with this, btw?
It normally tells you the hair colour of each character, right? Besides, my mum is black and she has brown hair so it’s possible for Clem to be the same. Also in the portrait, Ed does have brown hair, but it is very dark.
I can also confirm black people can have brown hair. Source: my black family. One of my cousin's daughter resembles Clementine as well (showed relatives a picture and they agreed), so I count that as extra bonus points.
Her hair is definitely dark brown.
Knowing that it's probably styled after Javi's, I'm willing to overlook it if she sees it and says it looks like his, for better or worse (in her opinion).
First time I saw it I thought she looked like a bootleg Miley Cyrus. Time has not changed my opinion.

she turned into a supermarket brand Ellen DeGeneres
Dabig! Been a while! I had a GIF response but I can't seem to get the new layout to agree with my mobile browser lol
....my eyes. There is no coming back from this. I am now dead inside
I actually quite liked it to be fair, found Javi's reaction funny when he thought it'd look better if she just wore the hat again even though I thought it looked fine.
Also, the image code is a combined ! [enter image description here] ( ), with the text and linear brackets being exactly the way I typed it.
That's not the animation I wanted to use, btw, but it was the only gif I could find.
I liked it but isn't the point of it all just to keep it short so it's harder for walkers and other scum to grab it?
I thought it looked fine to tbh, especially when it was crystal clear that Javier tried to make Clem look like him but it didn’t go the wa he had hope, I found that really hilarious.
I like asymmetrical haircuts. Maybe a pixie cut would have been better. An asymmetrical pixie.
Even though he didn't know how to cut hair, Lee himself would be pretty upset lol.
Uh, yeah, no.
Gotcha. Good looking out man, the boards as a whole look better than they did way back when, after they first changed. But I still miss the old style lol.
You're welcome. And I do too, but hey, whattayagonnado?
I think we're going to have to agree to disagree. I think Natalie Portman looks adorable.
I would post a picture but it seems I've forgotten how.
I think it looks kinda nice
I fucking hate it. I'm with @VengefulKenny, she looks like a fucking hipster. Next thing we know, she'll be dyeing it while wearing clothes from Urban Outfitters and riding her bike to go fetch some Starbucks coffee while smoking pot and contemplating the meaning of life.
Let's hope they give us an option to change the hair in episode 1 because it is so cringeworthy. After everything they did to poor Clem's character throughout s3 the terrible hair style was the cherry onto of the shit sundae.
Sounds like a cliché Seattleite. Also, Seattleites are known for being stand-offish, which Clem could certainly become. I love it!
I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I don't hate it to an extreme like some do. I always expected Clem's hair style to change at some point. She has been primarily independent for most of the apocalypse, so keeping her hair in that pigtail style was going to become unmaintainable at some point. I'm surprised her hair didn't become all matted and snap Lilly's hair ties. The hairstyle I thought she would get would be either some type of short dreads out of circumstances or a Jane style cut out of convenience. As a matter of fact, it would have been cool if she had a haircut that resembled her mom's hairstyle in the family picture.