Why in the world is everyone saying Avesta is Talia?



  • edited January 2018

    Tbh I hope the League of Assassins stays far away from this series.

  • edited January 2018

    Because Waller said there was a mole. And some people think that Ra's al ghul is with Sanctus.

  • Agreed.

    Tbh I hope the League of Assassins stays far away from this series.

  • That still doesn't justify it. I mean you take a random supporting character and and claim it's Talia....what?

    Because Waller said there was a mole. And some people think that Ra's al ghul is with Sanctus.

  • Its not proof. Its just speculation.

    Dan10 posted: »

    That still doesn't justify it. I mean you take a random supporting character and and claim it's Talia....what?

  • I'm all for speculation but this is just....random.

    Its not proof. Its just speculation.

  • Oh, I'm so agree with you!

    Tbh I hope the League of Assassins stays far away from this series.

  • I think that's a story for another season.

    Tbh I hope the League of Assassins stays far away from this series.

  • That would at least make her interesting..

  • cause ever since Vicki people want to guess the next big plot twist even if it makes no sense whatsoever

  • edited January 2018

    I also heard theories she could turn into Poison Ivy with Sanctus experiments

  • To be honest this is simple, because of how little we know about Avesta. Some people have said that the theory is that Avesta is trying to get what The Pact wants from the black site because it might have something to do with Ra's Al Ghul. I also think it might be possible considering how much she was in the trailer. Also if it is true then I saw this twist coming since episode 1 and the Avesta Romance thread.

  • I hope that Avesta is Avesta

  • So do I because I hate the fact that Talia and Bruce have Damian Wayne as their child. Damian is the character I hate because he is arrogant and self righteous and even disrespects Bruce since Bruce doesn't kill his enemies. Damian has none of his father's qualities such as being respectful towards Alfred, wanting to do the right thing, and thinks that he can beat Bruce Wayne in a fight even though Tim Drake kicked his ass.

    JmoooX posted: »

    I hope that Avesta is Avesta

  • There's nothing wrong with fan speculation. Once the theory was mentioned, many hopefuls got on board with it until there's a reveal one way or the other. Whether they are hopeful for an appearance of al Ghul or just want that romance with Avesta as a possibility ( as Talia is the other mainstream romance for Bruce ), is anyone's guess.

    I'd simply be a fan of her character. For me personally, her actions show more than her dialogue/appearances. The same that can be said of Tiffany, who hasn't had much dialogue or investment thus far in the story. I'd like to see her further developed as Avesta, but I'm open to whatever direction TellTale has at the moment.

  • I agree with what you said and if anything I would rather have Talia be Bruce's friend and ally than a love interest. Talia is a great character and one who can challenge Batman in hand to hand combat.

    Poptarts posted: »

    There's nothing wrong with fan speculation. Once the theory was mentioned, many hopefuls got on board with it until there's a reveal one way

  • edited January 2018

    I don't know what on earth are You talking about, Damian is such a sweet innocent child!

    So do I because I hate the fact that Talia and Bruce have Damian Wayne as their child. Damian is the character I hate because he is arrogant

  • edited January 2018

    I think people here are being selective on what they show and say about Damian. There's plenty of good in him once he got settled. I'd actually call him a daddy's boy considering he's constantly chosen his father over going with his mother's side and point of view.

    JmoooX posted: »

    I don't know what on earth are You talking about, Damian is such a sweet innocent child!

  • I've never been a fan of Damian's, however this season of Batman has definitely showed me not to hold TellTale to any of Batman's previous canon history. They've made this completely their own. That's why I haven't put too much stock towards any 'canon' relationships for Bruce or history for any characters. Damian Wayne might not ever be created in this universe, and even should he be.. he might be entirely different than the one that we know.

    So do I because I hate the fact that Talia and Bruce have Damian Wayne as their child. Damian is the character I hate because he is arrogant

  • Don't get me wrong, I love the kid, and I still don't quite understand why some people hate Him so much

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I think people here are being selective on what they show and say about Damian. There's plenty of good in him once he got settled. I'd actua

  • I don't hate Damian. I'm just not a fan -- that's of most children in comics in general. It's challenging to write them into a story well, and without causing any resentment from the readers ( it's an often used writing crutch to have them screw something up, ect ). It's also why I advocated for if they included Robin for him to be older.

  • The best Robin written in my opinion was Dick Grayson and when he became Nightwing his story just got better and is part of why I love Batman. Nightwing will always be amongst my favorite Batman characters.

    Poptarts posted: »

    I don't hate Damian. I'm just not a fan -- that's of most children in comics in general. It's challenging to write them into a story well, a

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