The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • edited January 2018

    Not really sure how you believe it is the best ending. Every ending where Clem and Javi go together seem so loosely thrown together

    Yeah, seriously.

    Tbh the best ending would be Javi going after David and Gabe alone.

    See, that's the one I could(read: Have to) get if I don't restart, but I've already said that I prefer the Good ending as ending.
    Then again, I did end up staying silent when Kate popped the question, so there's that too.

    The best ending should be the one that does the story and the character arcs the most justice


    Not really sure how you believe it is the best ending. Every ending where Clem and Javi go together seem so loosely thrown together and goin

  • I'm confused what you're saying. The game got your choices wrong and you're going to get the Javi goes after David/Gabe ending if you dont replay? Which ending do you actually want?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Not really sure how you believe it is the best ending. Every ending where Clem and Javi go together seem so loosely thrown together

  • Perhaps if the game actually made the characters feel worth a damn, I'd agree. But it didn't. Different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

    Thats not actually a good reason why it's the best ending, that's just negative metagaming. The best ending should be the one that does the story and the character arcs the most justice, which is the one I described.

  • The game got your choices wrong and you're going to get the Javi goes after David/Gabe ending if you dont replay?

    Uh, yeah! The alternative is retroactively the worst of them all thematically speaking.

    Which ending do you actually want?

    The quintessential Good/Best Ending--where Javier and Kate fix the wall, Clementine personally saves Gabe, and Kate gives David the burial he told her about.

    Fairytale-esque and potentially diabetic, I know, but that's kinda the point.

    I'm confused what you're saying. The game got your choices wrong and you're going to get the Javi goes after David/Gabe ending if you dont replay? Which ending do you actually want?

  • Given her familial destiny as, well, a midget, do you think Ava was the Runt of her family?

  • Didn't inject Ava


    DabigRG posted: »

    Accepted Ava, Didn't inject Ava, Spit on David. Also, shook Ava's hand.

  • Didn't inject Ava

    Oh my goodness, I didn't even notice that!
    What do I even take from that...?

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Didn't inject Ava

  • With some hiccups and finer details of their character arcs/showcasing not withstanding, would you say the cast of ANF is close to being a pro-feminist one?

  • In a way, yes. But I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. I think it's more of the writing choice with this game. They made the male characters seem more bland and predictable compared to the female characters, which is different from S1 with it's more male-dominate roles and story arc. Things could change in S4, though.

    DabigRG posted: »

    With some hiccups and finer details of their character arcs/showcasing not withstanding, would you say the cast of ANF is close to being a pro-feminist one?

  • I have always wondered, how the heck did Clementine drag Lee into the jewellery store by herself, also she was in the middle of herd. Makes me wonder did a mysterious character help her?

  • edited January 2018

    But I wouldn't consider that a bad thing.

    Of course I don't. In fact, it's technically one of the broader reasons why the change in direction the last two episodes got really annoyed me.

    They made the male characters seem more bland and predictable compared to the female characters

    True, in a number of cases.
    Though Eleanor never really got much fleshing out beyond her relatively basic character. And Gabe and to an extent Conrad got a good amount of focus with their arcs.
    Granted, they were some of the few characters to get any consolidated character development, but still.

    which is different from S1 with it's more male-dominate roles and story arc.

    For the better, I'd argue.

    Things could change in S4, though.

    How so?

    In a way, yes. But I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. I think it's more of the writing choice with this game. They made the male characte

  • For the better, I'd argue.

    Yah. Lilly and Carley are strong counter arguments.

    How so?

    Just in giving us more opportunity for new characters. Most of the atmosphere is set around it's character base. But having Clem as our pc wouldn't do much to tilt things the other way.

    DabigRG posted: »

    But I wouldn't consider that a bad thing. Of course I don't. In fact, it's technically one of the broader reasons why the change in

  • Lilly and Carley are strong counter arguments.

    In what way?

    Just in giving us more opportunity for new characters. Most of the atmosphere is set around it's character base.

    Ah, naturally.

    But having Clem as our pc wouldn't do much to tilt things the other way.

    No, no it wouldn't.

    For the better, I'd argue. Yah. Lilly and Carley are strong counter arguments. How so? Just in giving us more opportun

  • Sheer force of will.

    I have always wondered, how the heck did Clementine drag Lee into the jewellery store by herself, also she was in the middle of herd. Makes me wonder did a mysterious character help her?

  • How could/would the Prescott negotiation scene play out if Badger were there for Clementine instead of Javier?

  • This might be redundant, but what was your favorite relationship/dynamic of the Garcia family? Or/And how did it rank compared to the other combos?

  • edited January 2018


    I would think that everyone would want to kick her out of prescott due to their neutral outlook to Clem, but Javier would have the choice weather to fight for her or to let them take her. If you let them take her, she would probably refuse and due something stupid to cause the battle like in the regular game. If you fight for her than things turn out the same as if you're fighting for your own freedom, just a tad bit of dialogue is changed. But that's just going with Telltale's ANF effort. Of course, any other shit can happen, if you think it can/should.

    DabigRG posted: »


  • I spoilered that for a reason dude. A self-aggrandizing reason, mind you, but a reason none the less. It's a simple quote with an ! on it's right.(>!)

    Conrad was gonna put two and two together and urge Javier to do what it takes to make them leave and later get Francine back.
    And yes, that's pretty much what I thought would happen as well.
    Maybe Roxanne would've actually had a little more to do there.

    K (Spoiler)

  • Conrad was gonna put two and two together and urge Javier to do what it takes to make them leave and later get Francine back.


    Maybe Roxanne would've actually had a little more to do there.

    Rox... I have no idea who they are, and the Wiki page doesn't help much besides telling me they're one of the raiders. Very elusive this one is.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I spoilered that for a reason dude. A self-aggrandizing reason, mind you, but a reason none the less. It's a simple quote with an ! on it's right.(>!) Anyway, (Spoiler)

  • Rox... I have no idea who they are, and the Wiki page doesn't help much besides telling me they're one of the raiders. Very elusive this one is.

    (Not spoilering this since it's not that important to the question.)
    enter image description here
    Yes, she's one of New Frontier members who accompanies Max and Badger in going to arrest Javier at Prescott. Specifically, she's the woman who Badger has clip off one of Francine's fingers with pliers and determinately put a gun to Javier's head after he surrenders to execute him on the spot, implying that she works for him specifically.


  • Game files show that her name is Roxanne. It was just not used in-game.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Rox... I have no idea who they are, and the Wiki page doesn't help much besides telling me they're one of the raiders. Very elusive this one

  • Any hint as to any further relevance her role might've had? Cause it's kinda odd they bothered giving her a name when she doesn't speak, as far as I know.

    Game files show that her name is Roxanne. It was just not used in-game.

  • By that information, yes, It would be nice to have more to do with her. Cutting off someone's fingers to persuade our group members to give them custody over a teenage girl. I say that would change things up. Then everyone starts fighting over if they should give her to them or not and Clem is having none of it. The same type of stress as before with being afraid to hear about what happened to AJ, along with memories from the cabin group standing over her and arguing what to do with her spark her anger. She takes out her gun and starts shooting at the new frontier. And all hell breaks loose after that. It would make things a little different with the group, with everyone now hating her for starting the battle that destroyed prescott, and Javier gets a choice whether to still trust her, or think the same way and tell her to get lost.

    "Javi, we had a deal." [Anger on her face]

    "Yah, but that was before you pulled your little stunt that resulted in the deaths of many people. All their deaths are on you, Clementine."

    "But... You couldn't have known for sure. Did you really expect that they would just leave after they took me? You saw what they had in their truck. They were ready for war."

    [A bit of a pause from Javier] Maybe where you decide to tell her to get lost or to trust her.

    "Trust me, things would've gone south either way."

    DabigRG posted: »

    Rox... I have no idea who they are, and the Wiki page doesn't help much besides telling me they're one of the raiders. Very elusive this one

  • Javier gets a choice whether to still trust her, or think the same way and tell her to get lost.

    Hmm...see, I'm honestly stuck on what the heck to say about this, given that it'd kinda mess with the direction the story went in from that point.

    "Yah, but that was before you pulled your little stunt that resulted in the deaths of many people. All their deaths are on you, Clementine."

    Not sure whether to cite this as taking me out of it for a second due to the broken flow or a smart attention to detail.


  • Hmm...see, I'm honestly stuck on what the heck to say about this, given that it'd kinda mess with the direction the story went in from that point.

    I would say she would still come back into the story. After Javi and the group get kicked out of the frontier they would meet up in the same way as shown in the game. This time, Clem is a little more apologetic about her behaviour before and she tells you she hung around trying to scout out more of the area around Richmond. When you tell her what happened, she would agree with you, knowing how much of scumbags they are. She tells you she knows a safe path to the warehouse and offers to lead you there to try and make up for the whole fuck up with prescott, with some disagreement from the rest of the group, but Javier agrees to let her lead them. (Keep in mind she's just a teenager and Javier knows how much Gabe is wild with his ideas for his age.) This reunites the group "temporarily". In the woods before the warehouse, She tells them everything. Her history with prescott (Javier could've known about this, but didn't tell the others about it), about AJ, all in effort to try to earn their trust back and to help them understand why she acted in the way she did. And the story goes from there.

    Edit: Just thought of something... She already had a car before prescott was attacked, meaning the deal had already been satisfied. Durr.... That bit of dialogue can be changed though.

    Not sure whether to cite this as taking me out of it for a second due to the broken flow or a smart attention to detail.

    Hey, I'm just trying to be authentic to the source material. That whole prescott attack took me out of the flow of the story. Not much of it made any sense and none of them properly explained their actions, Tripp especially.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Javier gets a choice whether to still trust her, or think the same way and tell her to get lost. Hmm...see, I'm honestly stuck on wh

  • edited January 2018

    "You and 98% of players gave yourself up to save the hostage."

    DabigRG posted: »


  • Ch'yeah, I guess.

    "You and 98% of players gave yourself up to save the hostage."

  • In one of Carlos's [unused] lines, he says what sounds like "Don't look, Susie! Don't look!." Is it possible that Susie was the original name of Sarita?

    He also has some minor struggling/panting sounds in Episode 3. Any idea what this was about?

  • panting after he smashed in carver's face with a crowbar :smirk:

    DabigRG posted: »

    In one of Carlos's [unused] lines, he says what sounds like "Don't look, Susie! Don't look!." Is it possible that Susie was the original name of Sarita? He also has some minor struggling/panting sounds in Episode 3. Any idea what this was about?

  • Perhaps. :smile: I can't help but think they would've given that scene to Kenny before actually making the episode.

    Louche posted: »

    panting after he smashed in carver's face with a crowbar

  • Huh. Serious resemblance here.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Rox... I have no idea who they are, and the Wiki page doesn't help much besides telling me they're one of the raiders. Very elusive this one

  • The fuck?!

    Louche posted: »

    Huh. Serious resemblance here.

  • How wide do you think the age gap between Javier and David is?

  • With Javier looking like he's in his mid 20's and David looking like he's in his mid 30's, I would say they're at least 7-8 years apart. The family portrait helps a bit with the assumption, too.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How wide do you think the age gap between Javier and David is?

  • edited January 2018

    Yeah, I personally assumed Javier was about 28 while David would be at least pushing 40.
    With Kate somewhere between them, likely closer to Javi.

    With Javier looking like he's in his mid 20's and David looking like he's in his mid 30's, I would say they're at least 7-8 years apart. The family portrait helps a bit with the assumption, too.

  • The Walking Dead wikia lists Walt as being determinant. Any particular reason for this?

  • I would say 8-9 years.

    DabigRG posted: »

    How wide do you think the age gap between Javier and David is?

  • Oh yeah, I forgot about this question! Let's see...

    Officer Andre Mitchelle-Probably dead.
    Hershel Greene-Dead around the time SGB posted their playthrough.(Thanks Matt)
    Glenn Rhee-Dead, infamously.
    Lilly the Receptionist- Alive.
    Terry St. John-Yeah, why exactly is he listed as unknown? Didn't Brenda say he was dead?
    Danielle-Kinda hoped she was alive out there, under certain circumstances....
    Christa-Maybe Alive. Likely got away. At least for a bit.
    Anna Corea-Dead.
    Clive-Probably Dead.
    Joyce-Almost certainly dead.
    Vince-Probably Alive. Most likely.
    Russell-Not sure. Probably not, unfortunately.
    Nate-Hopefully dead.
    Wyatt-Hopefully dead.
    Eddie-Probably dead.
    Shel-Hopefully Alive.
    Becca-Probably alive.
    "Ralph" the Scavenger-See Mike.
    Alvin Rebecca Carver Jr.-Alive.
    Mike the Prisoner-Probably Alive, though I have a theory that says otherwise....
    Tavia-Probably Alive.
    Lowell-Who cares.
    Tyler-Who cares
    Tisha-Who cares.
    Arvo-Hopefully Alive.
    Randy-Probably alive.
    Patricia-Hopefully alive.
    Gill-Hopefully Alive. Depends on how long food lasted them in any given ending.
    Dominic-Didn't someone mention Michonne kept his walker as a pet?
    Elodie-Probably alive.
    Colette-Hopefully alive.
    Rich-Probably dead.
    Bob-Probably alive. Depends on if he remained around his post.
    Maybelle the Cow-Probably not, unfortunately.

    Breckon-Probably dead.
    Lucky Number 7 Steve-Hopefully dead.
    Vanessa-Probably dead.
    Sam Everett-Not sure, either way. Part of me would like alive.
    Save Lots Bandit Leader Jake-Dead.
    Fivel's parents-Likely dead.
    Molly's Sister-Probably dead.
    Jimmy(?)-Um...probably alive?
    Adam-Kinda hoping alive...
    Stan-Probably alive.
    Radio Survivor-Probably dead.
    Frank-Likely Dead.
    Nancy-Likely Dead.
    Dan-Likely Dead.
    Deb-Likely Dead.
    Rashid-Probably dead.
    Vanessa-Probably dead.
    Mike-Probably dead.
    Baseball Kid-I thought alive due to that leak. You know what, I kinda hope she is.
    Alfred-Probably dead.
    Mrs.Moore-Probably dead.
    TJ-Likely dead.
    Abigail-Probably dead.
    Tiny Carlos-Dead.
    Donna Clarke-Probably dead.
    Ellen Breslin-Probably dead.
    Jaime-Technically not listed as Unknown, but something tells me she might hopefully be alive....

    Which unknown status characters are most likely to be alive and which are likely dead?

  • Okay, going back to answer a few of my own questions.
    Why? Because I honestly intended to put my own thoughts in on some of them.

    Mind of a steel trap, ladies and gents.

    Does anyone else sometimes give the characters fancy [sub]titles and/or cute nicknames?

    Yes, as my more extensive character lists tend to show off.

    If there was a Sinister Six type thing spanning any character from the previous games, who would it consist of and who would be the leader(s)?

    I get back to this one. Haven't decided on a team I like.

    @Fangirl101 Which character has the closest personality to yours?

    I think Luke, Sarah, and Alvin were all characters I cited in a similar question in the past. Might think this one through some more sometime.

    How old do/did you think the cast of ANF are/were?

    Did a list previously. Might link it next chance I get.

    Pointless question, but does anyone else find yourself namedropping Joan/Jane when you're actually talking about the other?


    Which one/two of the Four/Five Philosophies do you think each character operates by?

    Pretty sure I answered this one already, but I’ll [repost/link]( - Comment_2884419
    "repost/link") it.

    In each Season/installment, who did you tend to pick and/or side with in certain situations?(More than one answer per game is acceptable.)

    The link is in the question. My answer is there.
    Anyone else who wants to answer feel free to do the same!

    Who is the more basic character: Duck or Mariana?

    Duck aka Kenny Jr..
    (That’s his real name, btw.)

    I know I've made this point a few times before, but I think it bears repeating: What was the point of Thicker than Water having Clementine stick around after the scenes in Lingard's office if she was gonna add near jackshit to the rest of the episode?

    Well that and maybe because of the grandfather clause.

    Given his reaction to Max bringing up Clementine during Javier's interview, was Clint supposed to have been removed from Above the Law's flashback?

    Turns out I misremembered seeing him there. So moot point.

    How would you rank the endings of ANF?

    Did a list or three already, but I’ll list them anyway:
    Split up to Save Richmond
    Split up to follow Gabe
    Teamup to follow Gabe
    Teamup to Save Richmond

    If there was a Sonic Forces-type setup, what TWDG Villains would come together in place of the Eggy Six?

    Carver is probably the only guaranteed member off the top of my head. Never actually thought this through.

    What would each character be like in an Evil/Anti world?

    Might do a thread on this one day.

    If Sarah had her own hat much like Clementine, what would it be? Or, alternately/even better, what other accessory could she have?

    Preferably, something other than a cap. Have enough characters with those anyway.

    A bit late for this and potentially buzzy, but I suppose it's worth considering: Would/Do you say/think David was [another] Creator's Pet?

    Believe it or not, no. Not really/fully, anyway.

    In terms of emotion vs logic, is this scaling of each Group about right?

    Technically answered this within the damn question. :lol:

  • I know, right? Just color the hair.

    DabigRG posted: »

    The fuck?!

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