Do the flowers from the autopsy affect anything?

In episode 2 you can pry open glamoured-Lilly's hand and find some flowers. Does this affect any dialogue or anything else in the long run?


  • I did this. Maybe? Not really. It was just a clue as to where she died. He might have made a monologue comment at the crime scene, but I think that was it.

  • Pretty much what Johro said, it was just so we know 100% Lily died in that bed that had the same flowers.

  • Do you remember if there was any dialogue changes or is it just for the player to deduce themselves?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Pretty much what Johro said, it was just so we know 100% Lily died in that bed that had the same flowers.

  • Im pretty sure Bigby mentions it, Im also pretty sure you always see/take the flowers.

    Do you remember if there was any dialogue changes or is it just for the player to deduce themselves?

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