Staff pretty much confirms that ***** is ***** [FINAL SEASON SPOILERS]
Staff pretty much confirms that christa is returning
In case youre wondering why check out this thread
Now let's just hope they dont scrape it
In case you dont know, that person who replied with the gif is Christa's voice acress
This discussion has been closed.
LOL. I wonder how Christa will be at all relevant to whatever's happening in S4. I'm not entirely sure I trust Telltale with her character right now, let's hope she's not ruined.
lol ok
Hopefully, they'll do something interesting with her beyond revealing the oh so important fate of CJ.
Alright, I'm down. Here's hoping for some Michonne or 400 days characters on the side to help liven the season up.
Just seeing Christa's reaction to seeing Clem more grown up and with AJ would be enough for me. Nothing else is required, I would know what happened just through her expression.
Warning, "highly confidential" information, regarding Season 4. That'll now be irrelevant as the entire season will now have to be completely rewritten.
EDIT: This is a joke.
. * Stares oddly at profile pic *
Also, wouldn't it make more sense if it was a Vernon-clone?
That was a commission I requested, that was done by ReyHabeas. (Check your messages, btw)
Christa is repeating Kenny's arc in this version. A Molly clone makes more sense because every season has one.
If this is true the new season will be so shit... hopefully the new cast does get development and we get more hubs and exploration.
Since it is the first episode I don’t think more than one person will die, so I am not convinced with the “new cast gets no development and slowly dies off”.
How would you even know about the Season. Until you give further and reliable information then people will start to believe you. Don’t buy it, not one bit
@SargeantNario101 @Dont_Look_Back
If this doesn’t happen they will say it was rewritten, regardless of whether this statement is true or not lmao
If this gets REWRITTEN, I'm done with this series. That's it.

ReyHabeas...why does that name sound familiar?
Ah, see, it looks much better when you can make out the whole thing. I thought she was an awkardly drawn Dog!Mario at first.
Well it should at least be a Spear Counterpart. Or better yet, a reflection of Luke after his intended [negative] character development.
So... By staff not doing what they say they cannot do, it confirms something. Okay. But, hey, if it turns out to be true, I guess it means something.
I truly hope Mara is trolling the fans.
@DabigRG Cause it's literally in the spoiler that OP posted.
itll be as good as davids reaction to seeing javy after 5 years lmfao
For the record, I was joking when I posted that. Thought putting highly confidential in quotes would've made that obvious. Apparently not.
Though I wouldn't put it past Telltale to pull something like that.
In my opinion I think that this is all to create some hype for The Final Season. I think the Staff are far too clever to just leak this sort of information on Twitter. If Kenny didn't return in Season Two then they may have possibly done the exact same thing with Gavin Hammon, Kenny's voice actor. Just wait until the Final Season premieres. If Christa returns then cool I look forward to meeting her, if not then that is alright ?
*sips chamomile*
I wouldn't mind it, but I have a bit of hope it was just Mara posting to prove Emily's point. People totally latched onto this and did exactly what Emily said fans do. I think she's right and fans dig a bit too much to find clues, making developers feel uncomfortable saying anything and being themselves on social platforms.
Again, I'd be fine with her returning.
Telltale staff, if you're seeing this, don't let this discourage you from bringing Christa back. Knowing that she's coming doesn't mean that we don't want to see her. You can still surprise us even after she has arrived. And just seeing her again and having her disappearance in S2 answered would be very relieving for us who have had this question at the back of our mind for the past 4 years. We miss her, and it would be great for you to bring her back for us. We have high hopes for you, and for making this final season a great one.
Pretty much
Thank You.
It's hot-dish night, Baby
Alright, I had to clean up some of the comments since the discussion was getting out of hand and into personal insults.
As for the tweet, I would discourage people from reading too much into that. Dara's tweet could be a hint, but Emily was just commenting at how... well... how she can't comment.
In the past, we've had some issues during Season 2 where people would read too much into certain tweets (on personal accounts), or scrutinize staff for having a personal life outside of work, so for newer Seasons like A New Frontier and Season 4, we've tried to steer people towards discussing the official tweets instead of reading too much into staff member's personal off-handed comments on their own personal social media.
For now, I'll hesitantly keep the thread up because this has some potentially interesting merit for speculation/spoiler discussion. But, if discussion gets too rowdy again, I may close it as per the Guidelines about respecting personal boundaries towards staff. (My apprehension is not because of spoilers, but because of what I mentioned above.)
I'm up for Christa somehow logically showing up again. She can tell Clem all about how she got real lucky in the woods after Clem ditches her. If she currently has custody over AJ then maybe things could get interesting since she lost her first unborn and Clem had a indirect hand in causing Omid's fate while Christa would never have known anything about AJ's true mother nor the other cabin group members. I use to prefer Lilly to return but now a days I would settle for either. It is probably a smaller world now with barely any transportation and living places uninhabitable due to zombies so unless Christa traveled very far by car the odds of her bumping into Clementine again could be favorable.
Also think folks are pretty quick to be pessimistic based on the past.
Sigh Thank god.
I don’t see why Mara would agree to be part of a silly set-up that leads to hype if she’s not actually involved in a project with Telltale.
I don't know. MAYBE. Maybe NOT.
Im a little worried if they bring back Christa it wont feel like the story needed her and its only there to try and make fans happy after ANF. Im for Christa coming back but only if it makes sense and feels like it belongs in the story. I dont want it to be, Clem is walking in the woods and then GASP "ChrIStA Is ThaT yoU!??"
Yeah Clem,i got lucky real lucky.
Oh I remember the Season 2 days haha
It got pretty crowded here with people wanting to know every detail about anything they could, hopefully there are no repeats of that this time round!
As for the tweets, I agree. No one should read too far into them, a staff member wouldn't just post outright spoilers for an unreleased game (hopefully lol)
Hey everyone.
I am. Not. Confirming. Or. Denying. Anything. About. This. Game.
Those tweets meant nothing.
As a matter of fact, if you look at the thread, they were comments on me talking about how this type of speculation is EXTREMELY difficult for staff, and how it makes us unable to talk with fans.
For the record: we staff are NOT allowed to post hints. We don’t do it. We will never do it. It doesn’t happen. I know you’re excited. But I’m sorry. You won’t get anything from us. Please, please, I’m begging you. Stop asking us, and stop interpreting things we say as hints.
...on that note, seeing Emily's comments, I should probably go ahead and lock this.