This is the biggest thread I've seen so far on these forums! I mean TellTale has to be discussing a Season 2 with the creators of Borderlands and this game I believe sold really well. I hope they make a season 2 looking at all this fan art makes me want a Season 2!
by the lord, this thread isn't nearly as dead as I expected. truly, the power of Rhyiona shall not be broken by mere time. ...welp, just passing by. see ya'll in season 2!
holy DANG those are f*cking awesome! are those recent, or did you dig them out from the archives? honestly, I'm both surprised and impressed by the passion everyone puts into a 'mere' ship (forgive my heresy). then again, undertale is still going as well, so yeah...RHYIONA SHALL NEVER DIE
holy DANG those are f*cking awesome! are those recent, or did you dig them out from the archives? honestly, I'm both surprised and impresse… mored by the passion everyone puts into a 'mere' ship (forgive my heresy). then again, undertale is still going as well, so yeah...RHYIONA SHALL NEVER DIE
they do not! it is indeed me well, ever since godknowswhen when I "left" this community, I've just been...well, kinda busy, as clishe as that might sound. seeing new fandoms, finding a place for an apprenticeship, getting obsessed over games, losing obsessions with said games, watching shows, and all that cal. it wasn't until I recently played bl2 again that I thought "I do kinda wonder what those crazy rhyiona-guys are up to." honest to god, I didn't expect this thread to still be active, let alone being recognized XD I do wonder if others of the ol' crew are still active, like wolfie, lotti and all the others. would be...interesting to see them again
yeah sadly its pretty dead though i do peek in once a week to see if anything new is posted. Though you can just as easily hit them up on the steam group, but I haven't been in the groove for loot hoarding in a while. Sadly, I haven't touched a borderlands game in forever, I've played skyrim more recently than BL or 2 or TPS and that was literally a year ago. Holy heck how time flies. Though I have come up with a comic idea for a fire-siren worshipping psycho oc, but I suck at drawing (understatement) so....that's a wip.
I'd love for a reunion of somekind to happen here
they do not! it is indeed me well, ever since godknowswhen when I "left" this community, I've just been...well, kinda busy, as clishe as th… moreat might sound. seeing new fandoms, finding a place for an apprenticeship, getting obsessed over games, losing obsessions with said games, watching shows, and all that cal. it wasn't until I recently played bl2 again that I thought "I do kinda wonder what those crazy rhyiona-guys are up to." honest to god, I didn't expect this thread to still be active, let alone being recognized XD I do wonder if others of the ol' crew are still active, like wolfie, lotti and all the others. would be...interesting to see them again
Same here T_T
Well, I guess never say never, I'd already lost hope on TWAU S2 tbh. Gearbox just have to hurry their butts with Borderlands 3. Or give Telltale the greenlight to make a S2 while they spend another 5 years on BL3.
At least from time to time we still get fanart of these 2
Wh-wh-when was this made? How come I've missed this. Why don't I remember?? I'm already 4532 pages in!
EDIT: [Gasp] Wait wait wait wait. This is the Rhyiona Thread. Why is it in the Batman section? Such power shouldn't be in the hands of men... That's ok tho at least Rhysha is still there, right? .
Edit2: Blind! Where have you gone? You've abandoned me!
hey guys let's quit it with the off-topic borderlands posts and daily life talk, the op pretty clearly indicates that we're meant to discuss how frank is bruce's soulmate and how we should punish nonbelievers
hey guys let's quit it with the off-topic borderlands posts and daily life talk, the op pretty clearly indicates that we're meant to discuss how frank is bruce's soulmate and how we should punish nonbelievers
But really when did shipping threads get allowed and how did this get so popular in a day?
@Dan10 This was originally a Tales from the borderland shipping thread, but I think it changed from that, to the Walking Dead(?) to finally Frank/Bruce. So that's probably why its long right now;;
Its not exactly fair, but this was I guess made before they put that rule in about shipping threads. So the person probably been just updating this with different ships, I don't know.
But really when did shipping threads get allowed and how did this get so popular in a day?
@Dan10 This was originally a Tales from the borderland shipping thread, but I think it changed from that, to the Walking Dead(?) to finally … moreFrank/Bruce. So that's probably why its long right now;;
Its not exactly fair, but this was I guess made before they put that rule in about shipping threads. So the person probably been just updating this with different ships, I don't know.
@Dan10 This was originally a Tales from the borderland shipping thread, but I think it changed from that, to the Walking Dead(?) to finally … moreFrank/Bruce. So that's probably why its long right now;;
Its not exactly fair, but this was I guess made before they put that rule in about shipping threads. So the person probably been just updating this with different ships, I don't know.
It's alright. We all know they're in line for some angry loving when the Sasha thing falls through. Poor Rhys.
sexy shit FUCK
Can't believe this shit's still going
A new comment each month? Dope.
I know right? Happy Rhyiona Day to all
This is the biggest thread I've seen so far on these forums! I mean TellTale has to be discussing a Season 2 with the creators of Borderlands and this game I believe sold really well. I hope they make a season 2 looking at all this fan art makes me want a Season 2!
by the lord, this thread isn't nearly as dead as I expected. truly, the power of Rhyiona shall not be broken by mere time. ...welp, just passing by. see ya'll in season 2!
holy DANG those are f*cking awesome! are those recent, or did you dig them out from the archives?
honestly, I'm both surprised and impressed by the passion everyone puts into a 'mere' ship (forgive my heresy). then again, undertale is still going as well, so yeah...RHYIONA SHALL NEVER DIE
Do mine eyes deceive me? Is that really our long lost Dracu? Dang dude where have you been?
they do not! it is indeed me
well, ever since godknowswhen when I "left" this community, I've just been...well, kinda busy, as clishe as that might sound. seeing new fandoms, finding a place for an apprenticeship, getting obsessed over games, losing obsessions with said games, watching shows, and all that cal. it wasn't until I recently played bl2 again that I thought "I do kinda wonder what those crazy rhyiona-guys are up to." honest to god, I didn't expect this thread to still be active, let alone being recognized XD I do wonder if others of the ol' crew are still active, like wolfie, lotti and all the others. would be...interesting to see them again 
yeah sadly its pretty dead though i do peek in once a week to see if anything new is posted. Though you can just as easily hit them up on the steam group, but I haven't been in the groove for loot hoarding in a while. Sadly, I haven't touched a borderlands game in forever, I've played skyrim more recently than BL or 2 or TPS and that was literally a year ago. Holy heck how time flies. Though I have come up with a comic idea for a fire-siren worshipping psycho oc, but I suck at drawing (understatement) so....that's a wip.
I'd love for a reunion of somekind to happen here
holy fuck this thread is nearly as dead as my activity in these forums
tfw you return for a second time
i need a drama-b-gone
for my entire life
This thread's been sleeping just like Rhys here
I miss them ;_;
Same here T_T

Well, I guess never say never, I'd already lost hope on TWAU S2 tbh. Gearbox just have to hurry their butts with Borderlands 3. Or give Telltale the greenlight to make a S2 while they spend another 5 years on BL3.
At least from time to time we still get fanart of these 2
What's been going on? Wanna talk about it?
Frank is love, Frank is life!
Wh-wh-when was this made? How come I've missed this. Why don't I remember?? I'm already 4532 pages in!
EDIT: [Gasp] Wait wait wait wait. This is the Rhyiona Thread. Why is it in the Batman section? Such power shouldn't be in the hands of men... That's ok tho at least Rhysha is still there, right?
Edit2: Blind! Where have you gone? You've abandoned me!
Finally, a thread I can get behind
in more ways than one
Frank must die.
This is the best ship in the game, Frank is the only person i want Bruce with

Finally some reasonable shipping thread.
hey guys let's quit it with the off-topic borderlands posts and daily life talk, the op pretty clearly indicates that we're meant to discuss how frank is bruce's soulmate and how we should punish nonbelievers
Here we go... once again.

Can't believe mods didn't delete these kinds of posts already, they're clearly disrupting the flow of the thread.
...of old age, 60 years from now on, with his husband Bruce at his side.
Sigh I guess it could be worse. It could be Gabentine... again.
What the...?
But really when did shipping threads get allowed and how did this get so popular in a day?
this is one sexy ship
The John Doe shipping thread was nothing compared to what this is.
@Dan10 This was originally a Tales from the borderland shipping thread, but I think it changed from that, to the Walking Dead(?) to finally Frank/Bruce. So that's probably why its long right now;;
Its not exactly fair, but this was I guess made before they put that rule in about shipping threads. So the person probably been just updating this with different ships, I don't know.
This is some matrix advanced algebra stuff.
(Breaking the unspoken law, it's April Fools, we changed it to a different ship)
Frank and Bruce is the true OTP.
This is what the true canon ship is the others are obsolete now, Frace forever
Something's not quite right...
I dub this ship: The Freeway!
May its road of life stretch on for eternity...