How did Avesta discover that Bruce was Batman???
I actually have a theory on how she found out. I was replaying Episode 1 and during the part where Avesta and Blake are interrogating Bruce, when he goes over to his desk to hide the file she gave him as Batman earlier, I noticed that the drone that Tiffany has just given him was still visible on his desk. This means that at the end of Episode 1 when you had to reroute the missiles she saw Batman use it and must’ve put 2 and 2 together. The only problem with this theory is that I don’t see when she would’ve had enough time to tell Waller considering we never saw the 2 of them talking. Btw I’m new to making discussions sorry if I messed something up.
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Pretty sure the Agency started to investigate Bruce Wayne secretly after all that drama involving his family and him being framed for corruption as well, and Im sure after they kept investigating they eventually figured it all out. (such as how he had involvement with all 3 of the main villains)
Except at the end of episode 1 that is when Waller reveals she knows Batman is Bruce. But your right it's during that instance. It's actually when Bruce is walking toward his desk that Avesta sees the file. She looks deliberately at it just before she diverts her path and looks at the picture, she gives him a chance to hide it and pretends she didn't see it. This is actually confirmed when, if you don't hide it, she looks directly at it in frustration before interrogating Bruce.
Considering they have files on a lot of people. Matching Bruce Wayne and Batman's file wouldn't be the hardest thing to do. Hugo Strange did it in Arkham City. Also she says to Batman "You're drawn to the crazy villians." and to Bruce she says "They're drawn to you."
Except the file she gave Bruce is an agency file. It has a huge agency logo right on the front as far as I remember.
Vicki Vale told her.....Avesta is part of the League of Shadows.
Not talking about the one she gave him. I'm saying they likely had a file on Bruce and Batman.
Oh, sorry. I get what your saying.
I agree I think there are a number of things that contributed to figuring out. ...I mean.. I don't think it'd be that hard to put two and two together.
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there's actually a few dialogue choices in-between the Batman convo and the Bruce convo that you can set it up perfectly. Like with Batman you can have him say "I don't like what you're insinuating" and for the Bruce option it says "I don't like where this conversation is going". With all the data The Agency has on Bruce and the fact that Avesta is trained to psychoanalyze and read people it's not that hard to buy she could put the pieces together.
We can only hope
solid theory. avesta probably spoke to waller off screen. she would have needed being debriefed and what not.
Really?! I didn't catch that lol.. Well in this universe, at the rate we are going everyone in Gotham will know batman's identity.
And also, for someone like Avesta I'm sure that was one of the easiest assignments she's ever had lol. Bruce is terrible at keeping his identity a secret.
Still curious
She understands Bruce
She asked Batman a question "Criminaly insane, you seem drawn to them" then she asked again the same question to Bruce Wayne and if you answered two times with the same answer i mean how wouldnt she discover it, its so obvious.
I feel like Avesta already had suspicions and since she's the one handing you over Riddlers psychoanalysis im sure that she also created one for Bruce and Batman after asking both the same question. Not sure if you guys remember but after answering her question as Batman in the casino on the left side of the screen a notification popped up saying something like "Avesta made a note on her tablet" or something like that and since she asked Bruce the same question later in his office she just had to connect the dots.
She probably guessed it before episode 1 even started, and became more confident as the episode progressed. Powers of deduction + her psych analysis. It's not really hard to put together if you avoid making assumptions about the public persona of Bruce Wayne. Waller was probably not even completely sure until the moment she calls Batman Bruce and he's taken aback, confirming it.
All speculation, but I think it's at least safe to assume that she had already figured it out and told Waller before the showdown with Riddler.
There is one thing this thread got me to reflect on : the "file" that Avesta had back in episode 1. The game makes explicit mention of this "Avest wrote bla bla bla".
But, it never appears again, ever, why ? I thought we would get our hands on that file and that would give us clues as to how she pieced it together.
I expected something like that too, in Season 1 after we finished Episode 5 we got a analysis of our actions in the whole Season. Would've been nice to have something like that in Season 2.
I miss that as well.
Seems like her character will be a presence in Season 3. Maybe more insight will be given.
But what if... Iman is actually Vicki?
It was fate

I think Avesta will be the Telltale version of Talia if they make a Season 3.
Then you might regret giving her a job at Wayne enterprises if Avesta is in fact an evil person
Avesta made a note saying "Bruce Wayne is Batman". In the end, she did regret telling Waller.
Even Joker figured it out too. I mentioned that during their first meeting at Arkham that I think Joker knew his duel identity when he said "you see, I know what you really are." At the Funhouse depending on your choices he says "you ARE the batman"
It seems to me after having read all of these comments it could have been any number of things or ways in which Avesta was able to figure out Batman was Bruce Wayne or Bruce Wayne was Batman.
I've even gone back and watched the scene in Bruce's office and i never noticed it before however it defiantly looks as though Avesta spots the file she gave Batman on Bruce's desk as she is walking towards it saying 'this office it really represents you'
She then watches him as he walks past them and sits on his desk and it isn't until he has turned around and is facing her and Blake that she starts to walk over to the picture of him and his parents I don't think you can argue she's giving him time to hide the file while distracting Blake from paying Bruce any attention and making it seem like she hasn't noticed the file.
Another thing I never realised/noticed is that as has been pointed out in at least one of these posts Tiffany's gift to Bruce is sitting on the table not too far away from where the file is.
Now maybe Avesta didn't see the file. However there is no way she couldn't have spotted Tiffany's gift and then recognised it later when Batman uses it to save either her and him and Gotham or her and him and the Agents and Gotham.
Also I do not think Avesta didn't see the file due to the fact I have looked online and found a video in which somebody plays the batman season but doesn't make any choices or do anything unless he has to.
Prime example when your supposed to slide the Agency file underneath the laptop on your desk while the agents are "distracted" he doesn't and Avesta seems to be making a lot of 'small' talk.
I'm willing to wager people have usually slide the file under the laptop by the time Bruce tells Avesta how old he was when the picture was taken.
In the video I found Bruce doesn't slide the file under the laptop and Avesta goes on saying
"So happy. I'm sorry that didn't last." An as she says this she turns slightly almost as if she is trying to see out of the corner of her eye if Bruce has hidden the file yet or not.
Bruce (having not hide the file) responds by saying "Yeah so am I."
Avesta then says "They say children who suffer trauma spend their whole lives trying to make up for the loss. Your only what thirty two. An look at all you've accomplished. You've lived a pretty exciting life so far Mr. Wayne."
By this time you'll notice Blake seems to have gotten sick and tired of looking at the picture of the Wayne family due to him having gone from having his arms folded across his chest to down by his sides.
Bruce (still not having hide the file) says "yeah it certainly has it's moments."
At which point Avesta looks directly at the file and frowns.
I don't think she is angry because it is there I think she is angry because Bruce didn't take the hint and hide it.
There are also a few lines of dialogue that you can pick that do have a resemblance to what Batman said to Avesta the night before.
Batman I don't like your insinuation
Bruce I don't like your tone
Batman they're an easy target
Bruce I'm an easy target
Another thing is she says how they have a wall in the office with a bunch of photo's pinned to it those photos being of Two Face and Penguin and Lady Arkham as she refers to them 'Gotham's Most Notorious'
She goes on to say how they all have these little strings attached to them like a web and that Bruce is right in the centre.
This suggests that the Agency has been keeping tabs on Bruce longer than since they came to Gotham.
Which means Avesta might have either known or suspected Bruce of being Batman before she even came to Gotham.
An doesn't it strike you as a little bit weird that the day after Riddle makes his return they go and talk to Bruce Wayne?
I mean okay it can be argued it might have been due to John Doe being part of the pact and having supposedly listed Bruce as his emergency contact.
But then again that might have just been a convenient excuse.
I think it is kind of funny how just before the evacuation warning goes off Avesta says to Bruce. "You know more than your letting on Mr Wayne" because I personally think she knew more than she was letting on.
An I also like how in her own unique way Avesta kind of tests Bruce by after having told him that he knows more than he is letting on she adds. "Maybe your afraid. Maybe you don't trust us or maybe your a criminal like your father. Maybe your not the hero people think you are."
This in a weird way makes me want there to be a romantic possibility between Avesta and Bruce in season 3 even more.
Because she knows how to test him and I think she knows his mind which means she knows him and maybe she understands him rather like how it could be argued Selina knows and understands him which is why both ladies Avesta and Selina in their own way are arguable perfect if not at the very least good romantic interests for Bruce/Batman.
I think the Agency has been psycho-analyzing Batman and Bruce for a long time. They are able to draw a conclusion, because the Batman-Bruce Wayne personalities are so inter-twined. The story doesn't separate their personalities as much as other iterations.
For this reason, even if he gives up Batman, Bruce's life is destined to be a magnet for tragedy and disaster. Unfortunately because of this, I don't see Avesta being able to stay alive for long if she becomes part of his life.
Before you battle the Pact with Vigilante Joker, you can see and overhear “Iman” talking over the phone to someone. Throughout the conversation, she’s speaking bits of Farsi. Farsi is the endonym for the Persian language. From what I recall, the League of Assassins are located in Pakistan, and we all know that these days, it’s not uncommon to find citizens from other parts of the Middle East in Pakistan...specifically, Iranians. Farsi, nowadays, appears to be a rarely spoken language in Pakistan, but that’s not to say it’s an unknown language to Pakistanis and Iranians.
Now I get that I sound like a conspiracy theorist with all this nonsense, but it’s been brought up before, and now it could actually hold some weight; could “Iman Avesta” just be Talia al Ghul in disguise? I mean, the conversation between her and what sounds like a parent seems normal on its own, but then again, she’s asking for a place to stay in Gotham because she just got fired from the Agency, and the League of Assassins ought to have some sort of influence in Gotham, at least from the shadows. Let me know what you guys think.
She seemed to already have the connection on the mind and engaged both in part to confirm it.
In the comics, Ra's al Ghul already deduced Batman's identity long before he meets him. It makes sense that Avesta is investigating on behalf of Ra's Al Gul (likely her estranged father) since she mentioned in Ep 4 to John that "the past always catches up".
I'd say it is Ra's al Ghul who has the "connection" in the mind with Batman - similar to the comics.
Also, the previous creative director confirmed that Avesta is not Talia, but the Farsi-speaking segment is possibly pointing to her family connection to Ra's and Talia. I think Avesta is more likely an estranged daughter of Ra's Al Ghul who joined the Agency, and later Batman's team, as a rejection of the League. The Telltale team seemed to have planted the seeds for the next developer to build on a story involving Ra's al Ghul and the League. It makes perfect sense.