Could TT's TWD connect to TWD Comic / TV Series? [SPOILERS]
So basically we don't know much about The Final Season of TWD, but do you think that if let's say Clementine survives this then it could somehow tie with either TV Series or Comic? So the Comic is at the moment after The Whisperers War and TV Series slowly comes to end of All Out War. Would you think that it could be a good idea to somehow introduce Clementine to the Comic/TV Series? Her joining Alexandria community, building up some relations with main characters in it?
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I will quote a comment I made in a discussion where this topic was brought up. I strongly believe that what I said is the case (as selfish and cocky that may sound although it is unintentional)
Don't get me wrong.... the idea of Clementine appearing in either of those is appealing in itself. But most of her story is determined by our choices in all of the Seasons of The Walking Dead so far which would be very complicated and outright unfair for those who picked a choice just for it to be insignificant and dismissed by Robert Kirkman due to him (if he wanted her in the comics) needing to have some sort of backstory or designs in the comics
Clem and all characters have connections with the common wealth that would bridge of all characters. if this doesn't, clem will never be in the comics or show.
I have completely forgotten about the scar that is determined by S2 Finale. Alright. The topic is done, I guess.
If telltale want to shock fans with their ending but don't want to have anyone die they will probably just have the last scene of the game being Clementine stumbles upon Rick grime's group and then they look at eachother and then it cuts to black.
Adding Clementine into the comics and/or the TV show would be a huge mistake. So much of her past and personality is tailored by how the player plays her appearence is also slightly different depending on your choices. If she was introduced into either of those they would have to completely disregard everything that makes her character interesting.
What they said
The show would be a disaster because of how the show is going rn
She would show up, get 0 character development and then get killed in a stupid way.
You know, that could actually work. Telltale already tracks player choices, so they could use source material from the games based on the choices that were the most popular among all players.
To the show? No. To the comics? Technically yes but not in any meaningful way. The game takes the comics as canon, whereas the show is like an alternate universe, similar but different. The game and the comic are the same universe which is why Lee couldn't get Glenn to stay in season 1, Glenn was a major comic character and already had a story arc in the comics, which episode 1 of season 1 takes place before the comics pick up. Similarly, Jesus from ANF is a major comic character, and when he and David and Clem etc discover all the raided supplies in that warehouse place Jesus recognizes some of the location names, one of which I recall off hand was The Kingdom, which is a major comic location. Like Lee with Glenn, Javi couldn't convince Jesus to stay in Richmond, because Jesus already had a set story in the comics. Jesus is lead scout in the comics so he can come and go without breaking any storylines but he couldn't stay on full time.
But that would mean that choices that differ from the ones that Kirkman hand-selects for his comics are non-canon. Please keep in mind that Clementine sustains different injuries depending on player choices. So selecting just one of those outcomes makes the other outcomes completely void and meaningless.
You know the irony with the comic characters Glenn and Jesus is that they both knew Clementine and Clementine knew them both at different times....but Jesus never brings up Glenn's comic death. So Clementine could maybe stew over it after Javier (based on choice) bashes in badger's skull.
I mean ya know Clementine brings up Kenny doing a similar attack on Carver in the past....but I was waiting on Jesus to fire back with how Javier was no better than a bad guy called Negan killing their friend Glenn. Would been a neat little Easter egg for their dialogue to me. Not likely Jesus wouldn't have already dealt with the saviors in all out war yet as well anyhow.
Such a missed opportunity
. I would've liked him even more if he did that. Too bad any meaningful character interaction in that game was almost non-existent.
Yes that would of given season 3 a few desperately needed cool points for the comic and game continuity. But I just got a no fucks given sort of vibe from the writers of S3 anyways. Kirkman should of helped with A New Frontier and season 4.. since I doubt he would of let that remark from Jesus go by without it being said to Javier after killing Badger for killing Marianna, in fact every season with comic characters Kirkman should of been present for approval.
Really hope they dont extend Clem into the comics. It would just be dumb, also meaning there would need to be a definitive Clem out there somewhere, making the point of it being "our story" pointless.
For example, Borderlands 3 is probably going to be announced at E3 this year and I really hope that game does not involve Telltale's characters like Rhys and Fiona. If they do, there will need to be some type of "cannon" version which I wont enjoy, or anyone really. The point is for our story to be the cannon one, so I dont want a continuation handled in a different media happen, for Walking Dead or Borderlands.