Could The Final Season resembles Lord of the Flies?
We know most of the characters will be children... alone... in an apocalypse...
So could The Final Season resembles Lord of the Flies? I am not saying it will have an exact similiar story, but it might have a similar context, premise and style. Or even just a more mature and darker development coming from the children.
What do you think guys?
I also think we still will get some adult characters, people should wait before saying the new characters will be bad and cliche.
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Yeah, there will undoubtedly be some similarities to Lord of the Flies. The story is still in early development and the plot and characters are still subject to being completely scrapped or rewritten but as of now, it looks like Telltale will be exploring the ideas of how a community of youths have evolved to the apocalypse in different ways.
This season will definitely get a lot of hate. The game isn’t even out yet and there are already people shitting all over it. I’m actually intrigued by this new direction Telltale is taking. A community of adults who have lost everything is a trope that has been explored over and over again. But what about a community of children who have lost everything? Telltale is certainly taking a huge risk by doing this but they also took a huge risk when they put their twist on Batman and the story turned out pretty good, there are many people who consider Telltale's spinoff to be better than canon. The final season could easily crash and burn but I’m willing to give it a chance. If Telltale manages to pull this off it could be really good.
I heard the author who wrote that was a pedophile
I had thought about The Lord of the Flies when I first saw the info...but until we see the new season...who knows
that is the best reaction to anything i've ever seen lol xD
Eh, I was thinking more Ed,Edd, N Eddy-ish apocalypse edition. I mean Ten nearly resembles Johnny without plank and Marlin like Kevin with a ? fitting new pet.?
I would really like a lord of flies theme for this season.
I'm gonna need some sources on the many people who consider Telltales Batman to be better than the canon lol. Vicky Vale and Vigilante Joker tho.
It is an alternative universe, the game doesn’t even try to be better than canon or to be a definitive version of Batman.
I never said it was trying to be better than canon or a definitive version of Batman, I'm just curious about the many part, whether they're fans of the canon or fans of Telltale. I got a few laughs trying to explain it myself, didn't go well, that's what had me curious. I'm not saying there aren't one off stories that are far out there, but they usually start and end in one story. The Arkham games were an alternate universe story, they didn't stray far from the source material and managed to tell a damn good story across 3 well received games(unless you were on PC), and a prequel that had multiplayer so everyone complained. Generally, stories that severely diverge from the established canon are looked at on a scale of "what" to "interesting" before everyone goes back. That's what kind of threw me off about them changing so much of the origins instead of building on them.
I'm too lazy to research..but what's this "Lord of Flies" supposed to be about?