Please make the season darker
I know a lot of people will agree with me in this one. One of the reasons why TWD s1 was so good was the dark themes and, consequently, the emotions, I hope this season isn’t like ANF, darker themes and atmosphere would be great. Katja killing herself after Duck got bitten is a perfect example, it was very impactful and emotional. With that we can se more sides of the characters and more development, it is very important to make the characters suffer... after all that’s what makes The Walking Dead great.
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Rumor has it that season two was intended to be darker than season one but got changed around too much like New Frontier. I really pray they make season 4 the darkest if are able to. Some of that much needed, old fashioned terror is long overdue. You should feel sweaty palms from some of what's about to go down, but this can only happen with masterfully developed characters to cherish while rooting for their safety. This is why long episodes are needed along with added episodes not subtracted episodes. Even if the core story only called for four episodes you still could of used extra room to develop characters enough to love over a couple more episodes. Only way S4 could make up for this lack is if each episode was within very close reach of a 3 hour averaged threshold for all this season's episodes.
From the teaser trailer it does seem like this will be the case.
"Always save the last bullet for yourself"
I don't know about you but it seems pretty dark to teach a child to kill themselves if they get surrounded by walkers, this is some "The Road" shit
S2 wouldve been better if they wouldve stuck to their original plan of a dark season and avoid the amount of rewriting. So Telltale, stick to your plan! Trust yourselves! Rewriting most the time fucks things up
S1 and S2 are pretty dark, I might be in the minority here but I think S2 was much darker. The never ending snow weather and the hopelessness of the last two episodes hit me pretty hard.( but ofc not as hard S1ending
darker themes yes i agree,but not too dark,S1 and most S2 captured the essence of this
I mean, damn I think Season 1 and 2 were pretty dark.
One of the endings is Clementine alone with a baby with potentially almost everybody being killed in a horrible way (if you let Jane die and then shoot Kenny). There was a lot of darkness in S2, I don't think we need to worry about TFS not being bleak enough, especially with what we've seen of "The Last Bullet" trailer
if things get too dark then it becomes a damn emo story. that should never happen in a story. i liked s1 for its puzzles, extra gameplay, hubs, characterisation, and most importantly, HUMOUR! because it just felt right. there needs to be a balance between the light-hearted and dark. personally i think the majority of TFS scenery needs to look like the woods area at the start of S1 EP2
of course, i do want dark parts
season 2 was dark? I must have missed it.
Not sure how you could have.
Michonne had the darkest themes. I hope The Final Season is as violent and dark as Michonne mini-series. (Bashing a face in, decapitating walkers, servering a arm, breaking fingers, torturing, flare gun in jaw, slit throat and stabbed in the eye, so yeah it’s pretty dark). I hope The Final Season has some very gory and disgusting deaths!
My dude, there was a part where a young girl had a panic attack whilst being shot at and freaked out when her father was shot, fell over and eaten by walkers in front of her, causing her to attract walkers and run leaving behind a group surrounded by walkers and fighting for their life possibly resulting in Kenny's new romantic partner bitten and with an arm chopped off.
I mean I get that you may want things to be darker, but Season 2 was definitely dark.
I'm just too cynical. The impact of that scene probably would have worked better if it wasn't SPLIT IN HALF BETWEEN END CREDITS AND ANOTHER "PREVIOUS ON" EVERYTIME YOU PLAY THE GAME.
stupid cliffhanger ending is stupid
Lots of violence doesn't automatically equal dark. In fact, if it's handled badly, it actually makes the game feel really IMMATURE.
okie here you go
true, but there's still stuff like an implied miscarriage, onscreen animal suffering, a scene of an 11 year old forced to stitch her own arm with every agonizing step shown, implied rape and torturing of the victim's husband, guy gets shot in the dick, and the list goes on. Might not agree on if it was handled maturely, but the season did have dark stuff in it.
You accidentally hit the caps lock at the end there. I agree, I was glad it wasn't any more violent than the first game and handled pretty much the same.
Pretty much this.
Underrated post
I think you are mixing up dark themes with gore. Dark themes means a dark and creepy atmosphere, and scenes that disgust and creep you out, kind of like when Lee found Mark legless in season 1, because it was so twisted. I did NOT get that feeling in Michonne at all.
Lol if you think that's dark, look at the scrapped season 2 content. Sarah was supposed to walk up to her father's remains and tell him to get up.
If that's true, it reinforces my assertion that there was something wrong with her and apparently it was supposed to be even more obvious.
I was hoping someone had done this and you have delivered. Thank you.
yeah i get those feelings too. If Sarah is fifteen and she doesn't understand the concept of death that means Carlos is a bad dad who needs to educate her more, or she has some problems in the head
My money is autism. I've said it before but I'll reiterate it. I know "autistic" is a word people like to throw around on the internet to insult one another, but I think Sarah really was autistic. Autism is a spectrum. It covers minor things that would classify someone as being an oddball or eccentric but otherwise normal all the way up to sitting quietly and shrieking if anyone touches them. One of the biggest signs of autism is difficulty with social cues, which is something Sarah clearly had issues with. Her dad told her everything was fine, but any normal person would pick up from social cues that things are not fine, yet she seemed almost completely unaware anything was going on. If she was originally intended to see her dead father and treat him as if he wasn't, that's clear evidence that the devs clearly intended her to have mental issues.
Soooul phunny, MRI Bill?
ReMIND smee oven other HILarryUs skhit--howl deed ego agin?
Ur _Soooul DisFUKShitUlP!_
Or, you know, it could just be the disbelief and refusal portions of denial.
Hear it for yourself.
à la Kenny, with Sarita.
I was actually considering bringing up Kenny with Duck initially.
But yes, Kenny and Sarah actually a fair lot in common despite their completely different characterizations.
You could say Duck too. I just mentioned Sarita, since it was during the same situation.
Would've been interesting to see those two develop together, if more than two secondary characters actually mattered to the plot by that point.
Pretty much.
The funny thing about Sarah is that there was actually quite a number of plot points and interactions that still could've been done with her that they either didn't bother with or didn't think of.
Or somewhere in the middle.
Granted, the same could also be said of Jane, somewhat, but not to the same degree.
Most likely the former. Telltale was working on ep's 3 & 4 before episode 2 was even out, according to @Graysonn
Really now?
Okay, that actually doesn't too out of the norm when you say it out loud, but yeah, that is a little concerning/telling.
Was the release schedule similar to ANFs?
Not that I know. I remember Melissa saying in a interview back in January 2017, that they had barely started recording lines for episode 3.
Skip to 20:20
Then there's what Collector Boy said about the original stories for both those seasons; if those are to be believed.
Ah yes--the interview where even the mascot's voice was pretty upfront about her legitimate confusion regarding the constant cuts and rewrites that seem to be happening. And the mention of a Carver-type character.
Anyway, the answer to my question was . Here's Season 2's release dates compared to ANF's:
No surprise as to why most of the episodes have such long gaps between each other.
I didn't play Season Two when it first came out, but I heard Amid the Ruins was delayed by a month? Is that true?
Because they're trying to make sure those episodes are the best quality possible?
I wouldn't know, but given these games track record, I wouldn't surprise me if it was.