Who Do You Want To Return And Why?
Well, we know 1 or 2 characters will return, so who dya think it will be?
I Think Christa has a big chance of showing up, she just has so much unexplained story and we all just want to know what happened. She screamed off camera and there was a slice/cut sound, then silence... so she might be dead, might be alive.
Not sure about you, but many people want Lilly to return. She was one of the first people she met when the world went to hell, and I quite liked her. The way she went off, I think, was bad. I get what she did, and what she wanted to do, but I want to see her back. I would like to see how she has changed, what happened when she left, and also, how Clem acts around her. Multiple years have gone by, since Clementine was 8/9 when she met Lilly, and to know how old she is now, people just want to see how they've matured.
Molly! Interesting Character. When I met this mysterious character, I thought she was cool. Then BAM! She has an interesting backstory, and now she's gone! Just gone! The way she came then left, I feel like Telltale made her, as if she was a returning character. They didn't build on her as much as I expected, and I feel as if she was set up to return. I'm pretty sure every player liked her and wanted her to return.
At the moment, I cant think of anyone else, those were the main people I want to return from season 1 and 2, but leave your suggestions down below. Do you agree with me?
Lily, Arvo, and Christa tend to be the big ones for somewhat good reason, so I'll go with the feminine parts of that trio.
Any 400 days character except Bonnie's stupid ass
Kenny lol
I will gladly take that entire trio and then some.
Christa I guess. She lost her child and now there is a lot of kids in this season, I can see potencial stories and character development with it, it fits.
Okay, I don't mean to pick on ya or anything, but "She lost her child and now there is a lot of kids in this season" is kinda like the most roundabout reasoning for her inclusion I've seen.
Nah, but to be serious here, back when we didn't know anything about The Final Season outside of Clementeen going to find AJ and later the subtitle, I was under the impression that this could f_inally_ be 'Mom-centric season/plot,' which would offer enough(or really, just perfect for little it had to work with) room for characters like Christa and if they were legit about bringing her back Kate to come back in a somewhat significant, character-driven way.
Christa, they just tossed her out of the story through characters we never see again.
Not true--Victor turns up on his way out at the end of the episode. And "Ralph" was planned to have returned in a supporting role a few episodes later.
Okay, but we never see them again after episode 1 and they literally have no role in Season 2's story (or more so lack thereof). But Ralph didn't return which makes that whole plot point moot.
I think Bonnie, Lily, Christa, Arvo, and Mike have a possible chance of returning. I'd personally like to see Christa return. I'd love to be able to finally reunite with her.
I wouldn't mind running into Lily. I enjoyed her as a character. I'd also be alright with Christa - there are sections of her story left untold which have been left up to our imagination. I'd prefer not to have Arvo involved again. I didn't care for him the first time, and Bonnie's annoyed me since 400 days lol.
I want Arvo, Mike, and Bonnie to return so I can kill them.
Id say either of Lily , Christa , Bonnie or Mike ((to be quite honest id actually forgive Bonnie and Mike if given the chance but arvo can go jump off a cliff and get swarmed by walkers ))
Specifically her, but only because she could serve as an adversary for Clementine. Basically a Kenny/Jane kind of thing.

Eh, I've been of the mindset that it's been too late, way so at this point.
Javi and Kate (or whichever Garcias survive ANF), even if it's just for closure on their story. No one else makes sense. it's been too many years and too many miles to realistically run into anyone else Clem has known throughout the 8-9 years (including the ANF-TFS time jump) since the ZA started. Kenny showing up in season 2 was enough of a miracle, anyone else doing it, especially after so much time and so many miles, is entirely unrealistic. Real life doesn't work that way. The only way it'd even be remotely possible is if Clem were to end up in a large, ultra successful survivor community, even larger than Richmond, one where people travel hundreds of miles to join it. Then it'd be somewhat believable, I suppose, but so far it's not looking like Clem is going to end up in any such place so her randomly running into anyone she hasn't seen in years will be so unlikely that if it actually happens it'll be such obvious fan service that it'll ruin the entire game.
Small World. It's not entirely impossible and unrealistic. She met Kenny again after all.
Well, this is a apocalyptic zombie video game you're talking about.
Who knows, maybe she'll visit the Hilltop or the Kingdom and see many familiar faces. Or she might just happen to run into some familiar people.
They BETTER fucking provide us with fan service not a threat. Do you actually know who the fuck WE are???? We're doing them a favor by playing their games and keeping them in business, so we sure as hell deserve to have a say in what goes on in the games we BUY. That doesn't mean we should be allowed to change their entire story the way we see fit, but should at least be able to say "well, we like this character, so if it isn't asking for the world, please have them make a return", and have our request met without a problem.
I addressed that. >Kenny showing up in season 2 was enough of a miracle, anyone else doing it, especially after so much time and so many miles, is entirely unrealistic.
Christa, because I want to know how she survived after attack and what happened to her baby. Besides, her and Clem reunion after all those years can be touching.
BUT I really want to see Luke again. He was a such a great character in Season 2, but I think one season for his character was not too much. And I still believe in that he could survive somehow.
I'd like Christa to return because we never got proper closure for he character and I'd like Nate to return because he has potential as a good villain
What makes you think she even survived that encounter? In all likelihood she was killed.
In order, it would be: Christa (for obvious reasons), Lilly (also for obvious reasons), and then either Arvo (because I like him), Mike (don't retcon his death and then just not bring him back), Paige, Javi, or Kate.
I would gladly give up all of these characters for some stats, though (like height/birthdays/full names).
Uh, I really don't care this type of mindset.
This. Words of providence.
Uh, okay...how?
It wouldn't have come to that
but he had me thinking what if they turned around and said "You know what, scratch that. No one's coming back this season. Forget about it", knowing we wanted a few old characters to pop back up.
Lilly as the main antagonist and Christa.
My homie Joyce deserves a return, who doesn't remember this badass character?
I want Andy St. John.I wanna some Cannibalism
Lily, Christa, Bonnie or Mike. It would be nice with any of the old familiar faces.
Where did Lily's returning hope come from.3 seasons and 7 years passed beetwen Lily's last appear
Really mate? Didn't noticed that it was 7 years ago. Man i feel old.
Forget about Lily.She killed Carley
Or Doug.
And to be fair, it's not like she entirely intended to, nor happy with the immediate result.
I would also be willing to have Nate be a sort of anti-hero. And after a while, your choices can either turn him around and he chooses better options or he just stays sociopathic and does messed up shit without thinking about what it's effect has on you or others around him. Even being influenced by Russell's choices in 400.
What his actions can do to a little kid...
Is dead
Lily! She is not a villain! She acted on grief and did something horrible but it’s not like she did it out of pure hatred.. We’ve seen it before, in Kenny in season 1 and 2...
Kenny yells and goes crazy on Clem for killing Sarita, goes even more crazy and tries to kill Jane without trying to even rationalize, and brutally bashes Carvers face in with a crowbar (He deserved it but still) And yet everyone still loves him... Sure, he redeemed himself a lot but Lily never even got the chance. I want her to come back as a protagonist.
I love how you prioritized/ordered those!
I don't know about being a protagonist, but sure.
A wild David appears