That gameplay footage looks pretty cool



  • They were pretty an over-the-top couple don't ya think?

    Deltino posted: »

    More specifically, the hatch was tied to the grenade, which caused the pin to be pulled out and the grenade to come loose when Clem opened the door. The grenade eventually rolls over, arms itself, and boom.

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    I dunno, they seemed to have the place tied down pretty well...

    Jokes aside, I get the feeling it was intended as a last laugh against bandits/looters. I mean, if their wish was to be left alone as they were, I'd imagine that would extend to the rest of their belongings too. Either way, they're dead, so we can't really ask them why.

    They were pretty an over-the-top couple don't ya think?

  • have the place tied down pretty well...

    Hahaa lol

    I get the feeling it was intended as a last laugh against bandits/looters.

    I can see that being the case. I don't think it crossed their minds that kids would eventually loot. It is always a surprise for people when they see Clem still roaming by herself. Would you go as far to say the couple went out with a bang? lol

    Deltino posted: »

    I dunno, they seemed to have the place tied down pretty well... Jokes aside, I get the feeling it was intended as a last laugh against ba

  • You know what they say... with age comes wisdom :smile:

    Fuck I'm getting old

  • It was somehow rigged to activate if someone opens the door a certain way.
    But yes, I assumed they were under attack at first.

    I'm shocked that there's not single comment asking about WHO THE FUCK THREW THAT GRENADE!????!

  • Same I thought it could have been a couple of members of the adult faction. Not entirely sure why I thought that. But since you are here... what are your thoughts on the gameplay? :smile:

    DabigRG posted: »

    It was somehow rigged to activate if someone opens the door a certain way. But yes, I assumed they were under attack at first.

  • My thinking is they assumed anyone who got to the food will have had to kill them to get the key, or at least have had to kill the man walker, and so the trap was a final fuck you to that person for defying their final wishes. But if that were the case I'd think they'd trap the door itself, not the hatch that was almost completely hidden. People could kill them, get the key, and not even see the hatch. Clem and AJ didn't even see it until the can rolled onto the exposed corner.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    What you said was quite dumb. If there is food, and you don't want people to eat it, you don't kill them, as well as risk all of your food g

  • But it's completely understandable though

    I know. It's natural for his character and that makes it even better.
    I'm just appreciative this isn't just another "Controversy and Drama=Strong Amazing Character" right off the bat.

    we don't have to give him the "Sarah treatment".

    ...What. Do you mean. By that?

    But it's completely understandable though, I mean this kid doesn't even know of the world before him. Remember when he asked "how many peopl

  • You mean all it took was one twinkie being in the way and "BOOM, Season Over!?"

    Deltino posted: »

    More specifically, the hatch was tied to the grenade, which caused the pin to be pulled out and the grenade to come loose when Clem opened the door. The grenade eventually rolls over, arms itself, and boom.

  • Is good. I-Is gud! Decent update.


    Go find my actual impression wherever it was because I can't think of anything to say.

    Same I thought it could have been a couple of members of the adult faction. Not entirely sure why I thought that. But since you are here... what are your thoughts on the gameplay?

  • I wonder if any Telltale Staff has checked into this discussion to see what our thoughts are towards the gameplay....

  • I wonder if they have time to add anything we thought was missin. :lol:

    I wonder if any Telltale Staff has checked into this discussion to see what our thoughts are towards the gameplay....

  • I'm sure they have, even if they aren't commenting.

    I wonder if any Telltale Staff has checked into this discussion to see what our thoughts are towards the gameplay....

  • I will get to it :joy: :smile:

    DabigRG posted: »

    Is good. I-Is gud! Decent update. (Spoiler)

  • Yeah you are probably right :smile: I think I already said this in a previous comment but thanks for creating this discussion :smile: and thanks for replying

    I'm sure they have, even if they aren't commenting.

  • "Controversy and Drama=Strong Amazing Character" right off the bat.

    God, that would've killed it for me right then and there.

    ...What. Do you mean. By that?

    And you know, like how Carlos and everyone else kinda kept everything hidden from her, making her think everything is roses. Essentially "babying" her. Not to sound too harsh. Though she did have a condition according to Carlos, so I may be reaching a bit.

    DabigRG posted: »

    But it's completely understandable though I know. It's natural for his character and that makes it even better. I'm just appreciati

  • Honestly there was one thing I noticed that I was kind of confused with. When Clementine leaves the Train Station with AJ and they are running to the car Clementine does not have her gear bag. However when she gets to the car she has it in her hand and she throws it into the passenger seat. Maybe she gave it to AJ? I am not sure.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I wonder if they have time to add anything we thought was missin.

  • emilybuckshotemilybuckshot Former Telltale Staff

    of course we did

    I wonder if any Telltale Staff has checked into this discussion to see what our thoughts are towards the gameplay....

  • Fantastic!! I want to Thank you and everyone who is working on The Final Season on creating such incredible gameplay!! I love it :smile: August 14th can't come soon enough... :disappointed: But again thank you for your hard work and dedication towards The Final Season :smile: Sorry if I am being a headache or anything

    of course we did

  • ...Okay.

    Treating her like a baby at times, yes. But always remember that they were all complicit in the escape and that Sarah herself took issue with the way she's treated a couple of times.

    "Controversy and Drama=Strong Amazing Character" right off the bat. God, that would've killed it for me right then and there.

  • ...Classic oversight, honestly.

    Honestly there was one thing I noticed that I was kind of confused with. When Clementine leaves the Train Station with AJ and they are runni

  • But then that brings up the question, was Carlos right all along? Does her illness make her restless at times which then leads her to be irrational?

    DabigRG posted: »

    ...Okay. Treating her like a baby at times, yes. But always remember that they were all complicit in the escape and that Sarah herself took issue with the way she's treated a couple of times.

  • Uh...sort of. Sarah was suffering from PTSD-powered anxiety, so trying to limit how much was triggering her at any given time was a reasonable response to it.

    The problem really comes down to the fact that it was too much of an extreme--one that the current state of the world had plenty of obstacles for after causing it in the first place and that he(and Clementine for that matter) didn't get much chance to properly wean from.

    But then that brings up the question, was Carlos right all along? Does her illness make her restless at times which then leads her to be irrational?

  • Apologies to any Telltale Staff if this comment came across as cheeky or anything. Honestly I was kind of baiting Staff members into coming here to see all of the positive comments towards The Final Season and its gameplay, graphics and mechanics.

    I wonder if any Telltale Staff has checked into this discussion to see what our thoughts are towards the gameplay....

  • I always felt like Sarah was autistic or something. She never seemed quite right, never seemed to really grasp the reality of their world. Even if her father was trying to lie to her she would have had to know things weren't fine, that things had changed. Everyone else would be acting in such a way that she should have picked up on social cues that things weren't what her father was telling her. Hell, they all ran from Howe's to that cabin so she would have had to see some shit first hand and still didn't seem to recognize just how fucked things were.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Uh...sort of. Sarah was suffering from PTSD-powered anxiety, so trying to limit how much was triggering her at any given time was a reasonab

  • The hood ornament bit stood out to me. Collectables for customization? Yes please!

    Aj's looking to be a really interesting character as well. Got me interested in the kind of person he might be. Also loving Clem's playful and sassy perssonality making a comeback.

    So... should I just assume that Clem just took AJ from whoever he was with?

  • The hood ornament bit stood out to me. Collectables for customization? Yes please!

    I'm not sure what to make of it. Clem wrecks the car at the end of that opening sequence so I guess she's gonna get another car, or the crash wasn't as bad as it looks.

    (Side note: This season is starting to look like TellTale is trying to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was season 1, which concerns me. I mean, season 1 started with a car crash, season 4 is too. Season 1 had an adult protecting a kid, so does season 4... Usually when trying to recapture such an unexpected success, the project just sucks.)

    So... should I just assume that Clem just took AJ from whoever he was with?

    Hopefully they properly explain what happened. I've seen others on the forums saying that it was heavily implied that the bit we watched wasn't actually the very beginning, that there's about 10 minutes before this. If that's true, hopefully that 10 minutes will be a lot like the beginning of season 2, where season 2 picked up right after season 1 then there was a time jump in the first 10 to 15 minutes. Hopefully this will pick up right after season 3, get AJ, explain why Clem didn't go back to Richmond where she and AJ would be safe, then flash the 4 years later time jump card and pick up with what we saw.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The hood ornament bit stood out to me. Collectables for customization? Yes please! Aj's looking to be a really interesting character as w

  • Prob

    DabigRG posted: »

    Forgot an important question How would talking to AJ go in that hub?

  • Makes sense I guess. Guess they didn't know a child like AJ would be able to get through there without killing them.

    My thinking is they assumed anyone who got to the food will have had to kill them to get the key, or at least have had to kill the man walke

  • edited July 2018

    The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the framerate looks something like 60fps. I understand they wanted the game to run decently, but at the same time, it was kinda disorienting seeing the game running so fast. It wasn't necessary, and it kinda fucked up my perception of how fast things were going. It also screwed up my immersion. I hope they give us the option to cap it at 30fps.

  • I wonder if AJ asks about Clementines missing finger/scars/tattoo...

  • Uh, I never got autistic for a number of reasons, so I always just chalked that "theory" up to a few coincidental similarities and people being quick to throw that label around.
    As I said and you touch on towards the end, she clearly experienced a number of things both before, during, and after her time at Howes. It's not so much that she's ignorant per say so much as she's just been put into this semi-mode where she doesn't have to think about it as often as most do in favor of just pretending things aren't so bad everywhere and hadn't experienced just how fucked up things can get in such frequencies as when Carver finds them again.
    Her behavior and actions upon seeing Clementine's bite, after being told/realizing walkers got Pete, upon recognizing Carver, when telling Carlos about Carver, after arriving back at Howes, and inversely, before and after being saved from the trailer park hint at the idea that this mindset that helps give off a sense of being immature, overemotional, and perhaps oblivious is ultimately a facade meant to help her cope with the fact that things are different compared to when she was 12.

    I always felt like Sarah was autistic or something. She never seemed quite right, never seemed to really grasp the reality of their world. E

  • Need to work on dialogues before release? You do realize that the game is less than a month away? It is already written and there won`t be any changes on that front.

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the fra

  • edited July 2018

    I'm aware of that. Sounds like we're gonna be stuck with weird dialogue for a while.

    0v3rp0w3r posted: »

    Need to work on dialogues before release? You do realize that the game is less than a month away? It is already written and there won`t be any changes on that front.

  • So... should I just assume that Clem just took AJ from whoever he was with?

    Probably, I doubt Telltale is going to show how that all came about. There really are some complications with this, the fact that we'll be starting off with AJ years after the events of ANF with little to no explanation concerning:

    1. Why they're both on their own, despite me and many others choosing to tell Clem to bring AJ back to Richmond as Javi.
    2. How Clem reunited with AJ, considering that was her whole point of being in ANF, providing no closure to this plot line (not that I should be surprised, considering how they did that with a lot of plot lines and characters).
    3. As you mentioned, why the people (whoever they are) just decide to let this young teenage girl take a baby with her and go on her own. Yeah I'm sure they know she took care of AJ before, but still, seems pretty irresponsible of them to just let that happen.

    As much as I don't like ANF, the fact of the matter is that it's still a game in this series that set this stuff up, and it's not going through with them. Honestly, there's enough here to make an entire DLC/5th episode worth of content if Telltale wanted to explain how this all came about.

    AgentZ46 posted: »

    The hood ornament bit stood out to me. Collectables for customization? Yes please! Aj's looking to be a really interesting character as w

  • Complaining about 60 fps...

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the fra

  • I was literally just about to comment on that. Have we really sunk that low when it comes to criticizing Telltale that we will shit on them for having 60 fps in their games?

    Complaining about 60 fps...

  • 60fps is never a bad thing. Also that was probably footage from the pc version. Consoles will probably run at 30 with the occasional loading hiccup here and there. At least i don't see them completely reworking their engine for this last game to get it to run at 60.

    patrickrc95 posted: »

    The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the fra

  • edited July 2018

    That's not what I'm saying alright? 60fps is okay for people who enjoy it. If you like 60fps that's completely fine, but at the same time it makes the game feel like it's going too fast IMO. That's an immersion issue, not a performance issue. This is just my opinion okay?

    I was literally just about to comment on that. Have we really sunk that low when it comes to criticizing Telltale that we will shit on them for having 60 fps in their games?

  • The gameplay is so different than most other telltale games. I feel like this is just what I needed to keep interest in them because I was thinking about giving up on their games after the wolf among us s2. The game kinda gives me a the last of us feel which I really like.

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