Well no...grenades kill by the shrapnel they let loose...the explosion might have disoriented them and hurt their ears...but if it had not rolled then more than likelyshe would have been fine because the floor would have eaten the shrapnel.
the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release.
I don't find the dialogue to be annoying. I think it works well with what is going on during those scenes. Teaching AJ what to do first when approaching an unknown area is key to his survival and his future. You always need to have a backup plan if things go South especially in the world of The Walking Dead. As for the car scene I feel that it really gives a glimpse of the type of relationship that Clementine and AJ have. They can have fun and still act like kids despite the world being the way it is. It also shows that Clementine is truly focused on keeping AJ safe.
Also the framerate looks something like 60fps. I understand they wanted the game to run decently, but at the same time, it was kinda disorienting seeing the game running so fast. It wasn't necessary, and it kinda fucked up my perception of how fast things were going. It also screwed up my immersion. I hope they give us the option to cap it at 30fps.
Judging by the buttons for the QTE's I assume that they may have shown gameplay from the Xbox One X version. I heard (although I could be wrong) that it allows users to prioritise either performance or 4K graphics (by which you are required to download a large update to apply and make use of the 4K graphics) So I can imagine the frame rate will be capped at 30FPS on previous models of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 so to relieve stress on the hardware. While the upgraded latter versions like the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro will probably run on 60FPS but that is just a guess of mine. Anyways That is enough random, complicated tech stuff from me
The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the fra… moremerate looks something like 60fps. I understand they wanted the game to run decently, but at the same time, it was kinda disorienting seeing the game running so fast. It wasn't necessary, and it kinda fucked up my perception of how fast things were going. It also screwed up my immersion. I hope they give us the option to cap it at 30fps.
I can't see the telltale tool using enhancements from pro or X, and while Season 4 looks wonderful there's no way in hell that It couldn't run at 60 on another engine. Seems more like faults with the tool doing things it hasn't done before rather than constraints on console hardware.
the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release.
I don't find the dialogue to be annoying.… more I think it works well with what is going on during those scenes. Teaching AJ what to do first when approaching an unknown area is key to his survival and his future. You always need to have a backup plan if things go South especially in the world of The Walking Dead. As for the car scene I feel that it really gives a glimpse of the type of relationship that Clementine and AJ have. They can have fun and still act like kids despite the world being the way it is. It also shows that Clementine is truly focused on keeping AJ safe.
Also the framerate looks something like 60fps. I understand they wanted the game to run decently, but at the same time, it was kinda disorienting seeing the game running so fast. It wasn't necessary, and it kinda fucked up my perception of how fast things were going. It also s… [view original content]
The Microsoft Store lists The Final Season as being an Xbox One X Enhanced title. But it may only enhance the graphics and may not actually improve performance
I can't see the telltale tool using enhancements from pro or X, and while Season 4 looks wonderful there's no way in hell that It couldn't r… moreun at 60 on another engine. Seems more like faults with the tool doing things it hasn't done before rather than constraints on console hardware.
I can't see the telltale tool using enhancements from pro or X, and while Season 4 looks wonderful there's no way in hell that It couldn't r… moreun at 60 on another engine. Seems more like faults with the tool doing things it hasn't done before rather than constraints on console hardware.
The Microsoft Store lists The Final Season as being an Xbox One X Enhanced title. But it may only enhance the graphics and may not actually improve performance
Over all I am very pleased by what was shown. As S1 was a harbinger of how Telltale games would be...it seems S4 is now letting us know that Telltale can learn new tricks and as a last hurrah for the old engine...it looks to be going out in style.
This of course has got me excited all over again for TWAU2...taking these lessons they have learned and pairing it to the Unity Engine...I cannot wait to see what they come up with!
It did look good and showed some good signs. Unfortunately it's not enough for me to get the game at launch day as I want to see if TT carried over the good stuff to the rest of the episode/game. ANF had for me a pretty good 15 or so minute intro as well and look how that turned out.
I like to remain hopeful and if TT deliver they get my money
You know, I've heard something to that effect before and while it does sound like it makes sense, I can't help but associated explosions with relatively sure chances for death or at least hospitalization.
Well no...grenades kill by the shrapnel they let loose...the explosion might have disoriented them and hurt their ears...but if it had not rolled then more than likelyshe would have been fine because the floor would have eaten the shrapnel.
At that distance though the floor boards would likely be blown apart and turned into wooden shrapnel. It's only a couple feet from ground to floorboards and at that distance the pressure wave from the grenade will very likely turn those floorboards into splinters because the wood won't be able to withstand the sudden pressure change whereas the hard ground underneath will reflect nearly all of the blast force back up, into the floorboards so the floorboards will be taking nearly double the amount of shock force they normally would take.
Well no...grenades kill by the shrapnel they let loose...the explosion might have disoriented them and hurt their ears...but if it had not rolled then more than likelyshe would have been fine because the floor would have eaten the shrapnel.
Over all I am very pleased by what was shown. As S1 was a harbinger of how Telltale games would be...it seems S4 is now letting us know tha… moret Telltale can learn new tricks and as a last hurrah for the old engine...it looks to be going out in style.
This of course has got me excited all over again for TWAU2...taking these lessons they have learned and pairing it to the Unity Engine...I cannot wait to see what they come up with!
Are you kidding me? I've been on the fence up until now, the teaser and 15 minutes of game play was the final straw to settle whether to pre-order or not, and I did! You should quit creating elaborate justifications for stalling and do the same. The first 15 minutes of ANF can't even compare to TFS and that wasn't even literally the first 15 minutes, there's the 10 minute intro prior to the timeskip that we weren't shown.
It did look good and showed some good signs. Unfortunately it's not enough for me to get the game at launch day as I want to see if TT carri… moreed over the good stuff to the rest of the episode/game. ANF had for me a pretty good 15 or so minute intro as well and look how that turned out.
I like to remain hopeful and if TT deliver they get my money
At that distance though the floor boards would likely be blown apart and turned into wooden shrapnel. It's only a couple feet from ground to… more floorboards and at that distance the pressure wave from the grenade will very likely turn those floorboards into splinters because the wood won't be able to withstand the sudden pressure change whereas the hard ground underneath will reflect nearly all of the blast force back up, into the floorboards so the floorboards will be taking nearly double the amount of shock force they normally would take.
This first segment looks nice. Unfortunately though, it doesn't give assurance that such quality will be followed through in latter segments or episodes.
One of my main concerns is, for example, if this is at all sustainable for TT. These hubs and fight sequences seem to take 10 times more work that what was given to us before, and didn't a staff member even mention that it took the team a good amount of dedication to get the POV work in the car done? Of course it all looks nice and polished for episode 1, where they've had a good amount of time to work on it all. But can we expect Telltale to pull off this kind of work on a 1 month schedule between the episodes? ANF too had some decent hubs in episode 1. Look at the rest of the season and you see where that all goes.
Another concern could be the lack of information about the main plot. There has been little to nothing. Do these 15 minutes assure a good story? It all becomes even less trustworthy when you consider TT is handling a teenage cast...
Again, not saying that you or other are right or wrong for having faith on TT. Or that you are wrong for being/not being sold based on these 15 minutes alone. I'm saying that different people have different degrees of care when it comes to spending their money, different degrees of skepticism when it comes to what their shown about a product, and different opinions on the overall trustworthiness on the company we're talking about here, TT Games...
Are you kidding me? I've been on the fence up until now, the teaser and 15 minutes of game play was the final straw to settle whether to pre… more-order or not, and I did! You should quit creating elaborate justifications for stalling and do the same. The first 15 minutes of ANF can't even compare to TFS and that wasn't even literally the first 15 minutes, there's the 10 minute intro prior to the timeskip that we weren't shown.
I would agree for the most part...but meh movie physics plus the pressure would only be a real threat if A. the chamber was enclosed that the explosion had only 1 way to go...and B. we are seeing a floor crawl space that is probably the size of the entire station.
At that distance though the floor boards would likely be blown apart and turned into wooden shrapnel. It's only a couple feet from ground to… more floorboards and at that distance the pressure wave from the grenade will very likely turn those floorboards into splinters because the wood won't be able to withstand the sudden pressure change whereas the hard ground underneath will reflect nearly all of the blast force back up, into the floorboards so the floorboards will be taking nearly double the amount of shock force they normally would take.
idk. I've tinkered with bombs and stuff in my younger days, blowing up tree stumps and stuff, but I don't have enough experience with them to definitively say one way or the other. That said, watching the footage again you can see 2 walls inside the floor space when the camera cuts to inside the space and we see Clem and AJ looking down into it. You can see a wall about directly under where they're standing, like right under them, and another to the camera left a couple of feet away from the hatch. That space may not be very big, forcing most of the explosive force upward, or the other directions could extend very far, we just don't know. We know it extends at least several feet in the direction opposite Clem and AJ, since that's where the camera moves to when it drops down below, but I do know that even if the explosion had two more axes it could move alone, that doesn't mean it wouldn't put force on the floorboards as well. They may or may not hold up, depending on how strong they were. In fact, thinking about it, I think the floor actually was shredded. Watch the video again, after the explosion there's a bunch of wood debris that comes flying through the ticket window. The floor had to have breached.
I would agree for the most part...but meh movie physics plus the pressure would only be a real threat if A. the chamber was enclosed that th… moree explosion had only 1 way to go...and B. we are seeing a floor crawl space that is probably the size of the entire station.
As much as I enjoy ANF (yes I said it) it's clear that it, along with S2 to a lesser extent, were rushed products. Fingers crossed that Telltale has taken a clue and slowed down their production process.
This 15 minute glimpse is a solid sign they have
Are you kidding me? I've been on the fence up until now, the teaser and 15 minutes of game play was the final straw to settle whether to pre… more-order or not, and I did! You should quit creating elaborate justifications for stalling and do the same. The first 15 minutes of ANF can't even compare to TFS and that wasn't even literally the first 15 minutes, there's the 10 minute intro prior to the timeskip that we weren't shown.
Uh, I never got autistic for a number of reasons, so I always just chalked that "theory" up to a few coincidental similarities and people be… moreing quick to throw that label around.
As I said and you touch on towards the end, she clearly experienced a number of things both before, during, and after her time at Howes. It's not so much that she's ignorant per say so much as she's just been put into this semi-mode where she doesn't have to think about it as often as most do in favor of just pretending things aren't so bad everywhere and hadn't experienced just how fucked up things can get in such frequencies as when Carver finds them again.
Her behavior and actions upon seeing Clementine's bite, after being told/realizing walkers got Pete, upon recognizing Carver, when telling Carlos about Carver, after arriving back at Howes, and inversely, before and after being saved from the trailer park hint at the idea that this mindset that helps give off a… [view original content]
You raise some valid concerns that I also share, especially about ANF, but, it's just $20. I mean, c'mon. I'd understand if they were charging us $60, but it's hard for me to feel like a fool parting with $20, though. This is a low risk pre-order, IMO.
Yes, the quality could drop after Ep1 but even if it does, how likely is it that you'll decide to skip experiencing it for yourself?
Someone else would have to address if they're planning to keep the 1 month release schedule & staff POV comments as I'm not familiar with that. All I know is they did great work pulling off the fight scenes on Batman The Enemy Within & even though I haven't been looking for them, I haven't seen many people quick to trash it when it is mentioned. I know that isn't POV but considering they were able to please people with Batman 2 after the first season flopped, they have my faith.
I'd like to think they'd give themselves more room for development since they will have DontNod's Life is Strange 2 to compete with for episodic releases this year. I wouldn't expect episode 2 until after TWD returns on 10/7/18 since LIS2 will drop in September.
Edit: Considering all the stuff that is going to happen in TWD for S9, it would be smart to time EP2's release shortly around Episode 4-5 for the buildup for what is to become of Rick. [Glenn's dumpster, revisited] This would put EP2 around the week of Halloween, 10/28.
This first segment looks nice. Unfortunately though, it doesn't give assurance that such quality will be followed through in latter segments… more or episodes.
One of my main concerns is, for example, if this is at all sustainable for TT. These hubs and fight sequences seem to take 10 times more work that what was given to us before, and didn't a staff member even mention that it took the team a good amount of dedication to get the POV work in the car done? Of course it all looks nice and polished for episode 1, where they've had a good amount of time to work on it all. But can we expect Telltale to pull off this kind of work on a 1 month schedule between the episodes? ANF too had some decent hubs in episode 1. Look at the rest of the season and you see where that all goes.
Another concern could be the lack of information about the main plot. There has been little to nothing. Do these 15 minutes assure a good story? It all becomes even less tru… [view original content]
Nowhere in my reply did I demand that anyone spend their money, I suggested that he stop making excuses to not spend it, that's all but did I tell him he was required to? No. It's his choice how he spends that little $20, lol.
I wipe my booty with $20 and smoke 24K gold rolling papers that cost that daily. Grow up & get you some money.
Complaining about 60 fps are you kidding me. Some people cant afford pc with 60fps game and they would be very happy to have it. If you wanna 30fps go buy yourself crappy pc and it will run just bad enough for 30fps.
If the game is too fast for you then its not fps fault, fps just makes sure your game runs perfectly without issues. The developers are the one who makes the fast and slow gameplay. I think its just awesome what they did, nice actions.
Sorry i get triggered when people complain about 60fps
The Gameplay looks good overall, but the dialogues feel too Raw and Annoying for my taste. Need to work on them before release. Also the fra… moremerate looks something like 60fps. I understand they wanted the game to run decently, but at the same time, it was kinda disorienting seeing the game running so fast. It wasn't necessary, and it kinda fucked up my perception of how fast things were going. It also screwed up my immersion. I hope they give us the option to cap it at 30fps.
Uh...sort of. Sarah was suffering from PTSD-powered anxiety, so trying to limit how much was triggering her at any given time was a reasonab… morele response to it.
The problem really comes down to the fact that it was too much of an extreme--one that the current state of the world had plenty of obstacles for after causing it in the first place and that he(and Clementine for that matter) didn't get much chance to properly wean from.
Well, again as I said before, my issue with 60fps has nothing to do with Performance, it has to do with Immersion. If you like 60fps, that's fine. You're opinion is completely valid. All I'm doing is giving you my opinion, unpopular as it may be.
Complaining about 60 fps are you kidding me. Some people cant afford pc with 60fps game and they would be very happy to have it. If you wann… morea 30fps go buy yourself crappy pc and it will run just bad enough for 30fps.
If the game is too fast for you then its not fps fault, fps just makes sure your game runs perfectly without issues. The developers are the one who makes the fast and slow gameplay. I think its just awesome what they did, nice actions.
Sorry i get triggered when people complain about 60fps
"OH NO! The pictures are moving too fluidly. It's so unrealistic. It's nothing like real life where people only move at 24 frames per second. My immersion!!!"
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
Well, again as I said before, my issue with 60fps has nothing to do with Performance, it has to do with Immersion. If you like 60fps, that's fine. You're opinion is completely valid. All I'm doing is giving you my opinion, unpopular as it may be.
Not trying to argue with you or anything my friend but having 60FPS makes it seem like it is happening in real time so it can help with immersing players and puts them under pressure which is good for gameplay. But I think it is probably because we are all used to Telltale's games being capped at 30FPS that makes the 60FPS seem way too quick to yours and other peoples liking.
Well, again as I said before, my issue with 60fps has nothing to do with Performance, it has to do with Immersion. If you like 60fps, that's fine. You're opinion is completely valid. All I'm doing is giving you my opinion, unpopular as it may be.
It may be unusual for some people as Telltale's past games were capped at 30FPS. Seeing a Telltale Title run at 60FPS can look pretty odd for the first time. But I am a big fan of 60FPS . It really immerses you into the world of the game
how the hell does 60fps ruin your immersion?
"OH NO! The pictures are moving too fluidly. It's so unrealistic. It's nothing like real lif… moree where people only move at 24 frames per second. My immersion!!!"
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
It may be unusual for some people as Telltale's past games were capped at 30FPS. Seeing a Telltale Title run at 60FPS can look pretty odd for the first time. But I am a big fan of 60FPS . It really immerses you into the world of the game
The thing is, he wasn't making excuses. He made valid points. If you can't tell the difference, that's your issue, but expecting someone to throw money at Telltale, a company who made a shit of the last game, because of a measly 15 minutes, is pretty dumb.
None of us know how the rest of the game will turn out and his decision to save his "little" 20 bucks is smarter than paying for a game which could, for all we know, turn out to be crap. I mean, maybe he'd rather spend that money on a game that's already been released and judged, and is actually good? Right now, 15 minutes isn't enough to judge a whole game.
Nowhere in my reply did I demand that anyone spend their money, I suggested that he stop making excuses to not spend it, that's all but did … moreI tell him he was required to? No. It's his choice how he spends that little $20, lol.
I wipe my booty with $20 and smoke 24K gold rolling papers that cost that daily. Grow up & get you some money.
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
Not every game. If u ask me about something more cartoony like Cuphead, 60fps is completely fine IMO. If u ask me about something anime based like Dragonball Xenoverse 2, 60fps is fine as well. It all depends on the game really. If it's designed to look realistic 30fps, is completely fine. If it's designed to look cartoony or anime based, 60fps will do. This is just my opinion okay?
how the hell does 60fps ruin your immersion?
"OH NO! The pictures are moving too fluidly. It's so unrealistic. It's nothing like real lif… moree where people only move at 24 frames per second. My immersion!!!"
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
You don't have to worry about explaining yourself bro. There's always a preference and 30fps happens to be your preference, as I usually like it myself. 60fps, in a setting like this as you said, can be a bit disorienting for me, like I have to look away for a second to focus again, I understand what you meant. I literally cannot see the issue in anything you've said to this point. I think people are just a bit fed up by the constant unfair negativity TFS has been receiving the past few months and misinterpreted that opinion as an illogical attack on the game.
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
Not every game. If u ask me about something more cartoony like Cuphead, 60fps i… mores completely fine IMO. If u ask me about something anime based like Dragonball Xenoverse 2, 60fps is fine as well. It all depends on the game really. If it's designed to look realistic 30fps, is completely fine. If it's designed to look cartoony or anime based, 60fps will do. This is just my opinion okay?
It's all on Twitch (Skip to 2 hours and 9 minutes for TWD)
Well no...grenades kill by the shrapnel they let loose...the explosion might have disoriented them and hurt their ears...but if it had not rolled then more than likelyshe would have been fine because the floor would have eaten the shrapnel.
I don't find the dialogue to be annoying. I think it works well with what is going on during those scenes. Teaching AJ what to do first when approaching an unknown area is key to his survival and his future. You always need to have a backup plan if things go South especially in the world of The Walking Dead. As for the car scene I feel that it really gives a glimpse of the type of relationship that Clementine and AJ have. They can have fun and still act like kids despite the world being the way it is. It also shows that Clementine is truly focused on keeping AJ safe.
Judging by the buttons for the QTE's I assume that they may have shown gameplay from the Xbox One X version. I heard (although I could be wrong) that it allows users to prioritise either performance or 4K graphics (by which you are required to download a large update to apply and make use of the 4K graphics) So I can imagine the frame rate will be capped at 30FPS on previous models of the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 so to relieve stress on the hardware. While the upgraded latter versions like the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro will probably run on 60FPS but that is just a guess of mine. Anyways That is enough random, complicated tech stuff from me
Firstworld problems.
I can't see the telltale tool using enhancements from pro or X, and while Season 4 looks wonderful there's no way in hell that It couldn't run at 60 on another engine. Seems more like faults with the tool doing things it hasn't done before rather than constraints on console hardware.
The Microsoft Store lists The Final Season as being an Xbox One X Enhanced title. But it may only enhance the graphics and may not actually improve performance
Well they did actually say that the Upgraded Console versions would have graphical improvements to them.
Ah okay! That's pretty surprising actually. Maybe they do run at a base 60 fps. That'd sure be nice, but resolution enhancements are nice as is.
Over all I am very pleased by what was shown. As S1 was a harbinger of how Telltale games would be...it seems S4 is now letting us know that Telltale can learn new tricks and as a last hurrah for the old engine...it looks to be going out in style.
This of course has got me excited all over again for TWAU2...taking these lessons they have learned and pairing it to the Unity Engine...I cannot wait to see what they come up with!
''That's right''.
Clem nods
It did look good and showed some good signs. Unfortunately it's not enough for me to get the game at launch day as I want to see if TT carried over the good stuff to the rest of the episode/game. ANF had for me a pretty good 15 or so minute intro as well and look how that turned out.
I like to remain hopeful and if TT deliver they get my money
You know, I've heard something to that effect before and while it does sound like it makes sense, I can't help but associated explosions with relatively sure chances for death or at least hospitalization.
At that distance though the floor boards would likely be blown apart and turned into wooden shrapnel. It's only a couple feet from ground to floorboards and at that distance the pressure wave from the grenade will very likely turn those floorboards into splinters because the wood won't be able to withstand the sudden pressure change whereas the hard ground underneath will reflect nearly all of the blast force back up, into the floorboards so the floorboards will be taking nearly double the amount of shock force they normally would take.
TWAU2 is going to be a beast when it drops!
Are you kidding me? I've been on the fence up until now, the teaser and 15 minutes of game play was the final straw to settle whether to pre-order or not, and I did! You should quit creating elaborate justifications for stalling and do the same. The first 15 minutes of ANF can't even compare to TFS and that wasn't even literally the first 15 minutes, there's the 10 minute intro prior to the timeskip that we weren't shown.
Does this also apply for when the wood has shown signs of dilapidation and doesn't the TYPE of wood also present a factor worthy of our consideration?
Either way, Clem did right by immediately closing the door and jumping away from the explosion with AJ, Hollywood style.
This first segment looks nice. Unfortunately though, it doesn't give assurance that such quality will be followed through in latter segments or episodes.
One of my main concerns is, for example, if this is at all sustainable for TT. These hubs and fight sequences seem to take 10 times more work that what was given to us before, and didn't a staff member even mention that it took the team a good amount of dedication to get the POV work in the car done? Of course it all looks nice and polished for episode 1, where they've had a good amount of time to work on it all. But can we expect Telltale to pull off this kind of work on a 1 month schedule between the episodes? ANF too had some decent hubs in episode 1. Look at the rest of the season and you see where that all goes.
Another concern could be the lack of information about the main plot. There has been little to nothing. Do these 15 minutes assure a good story? It all becomes even less trustworthy when you consider TT is handling a teenage cast...
Again, not saying that you or other are right or wrong for having faith on TT. Or that you are wrong for being/not being sold based on these 15 minutes alone. I'm saying that different people have different degrees of care when it comes to spending their money, different degrees of skepticism when it comes to what their shown about a product, and different opinions on the overall trustworthiness on the company we're talking about here, TT Games...
I would agree for the most part...but meh movie physics plus the pressure would only be a real threat if A. the chamber was enclosed that the explosion had only 1 way to go...and B. we are seeing a floor crawl space that is probably the size of the entire station.
idk. I've tinkered with bombs and stuff in my younger days, blowing up tree stumps and stuff, but I don't have enough experience with them to definitively say one way or the other. That said, watching the footage again you can see 2 walls inside the floor space when the camera cuts to inside the space and we see Clem and AJ looking down into it. You can see a wall about directly under where they're standing, like right under them, and another to the camera left a couple of feet away from the hatch. That space may not be very big, forcing most of the explosive force upward, or the other directions could extend very far, we just don't know. We know it extends at least several feet in the direction opposite Clem and AJ, since that's where the camera moves to when it drops down below, but I do know that even if the explosion had two more axes it could move alone, that doesn't mean it wouldn't put force on the floorboards as well. They may or may not hold up, depending on how strong they were. In fact, thinking about it, I think the floor actually was shredded. Watch the video again, after the explosion there's a bunch of wood debris that comes flying through the ticket window. The floor had to have breached.
As much as I enjoy ANF (yes I said it) it's clear that it, along with S2 to a lesser extent, were rushed products. Fingers crossed that Telltale has taken a clue and slowed down their production process.
This 15 minute glimpse is a solid sign they have
15 minutes of the game doesn't speak for its entirety. And you really have no right to be telling people how to spend their own money.
I'm not sure who, but I know a Telltale employee confirmed at some point that Sarah is suffering from PSTD.
It was the interview with Gameinformer.
You raise some valid concerns that I also share, especially about ANF, but, it's just $20. I mean, c'mon. I'd understand if they were charging us $60, but it's hard for me to feel like a fool parting with $20, though. This is a low risk pre-order, IMO.
Yes, the quality could drop after Ep1 but even if it does, how likely is it that you'll decide to skip experiencing it for yourself?
Someone else would have to address if they're planning to keep the 1 month release schedule & staff POV comments as I'm not familiar with that. All I know is they did great work pulling off the fight scenes on Batman The Enemy Within & even though I haven't been looking for them, I haven't seen many people quick to trash it when it is mentioned. I know that isn't POV but considering they were able to please people with Batman 2 after the first season flopped, they have my faith.
I'd like to think they'd give themselves more room for development since they will have DontNod's Life is Strange 2 to compete with for episodic releases this year. I wouldn't expect episode 2 until after TWD returns on 10/7/18 since LIS2 will drop in September.
Edit: Considering all the stuff that is going to happen in TWD for S9, it would be smart to time EP2's release shortly around Episode 4-5 for the buildup for what is to become of Rick. [Glenn's dumpster, revisited] This would put EP2 around the week of Halloween, 10/28.
Nowhere in my reply did I demand that anyone spend their money, I suggested that he stop making excuses to not spend it, that's all but did I tell him he was required to? No. It's his choice how he spends that little $20, lol.
I wipe my booty with $20 and smoke 24K gold rolling papers that cost that daily. Grow up & get you some money.
Complaining about 60 fps are you kidding me. Some people cant afford pc with 60fps game and they would be very happy to have it. If you wanna 30fps go buy yourself crappy pc and it will run just bad enough for 30fps.
If the game is too fast for you then its not fps fault, fps just makes sure your game runs perfectly without issues. The developers are the one who makes the fast and slow gameplay. I think its just awesome what they did, nice actions.
Sorry i get triggered when people complain about 60fps
Yes.
Well, again as I said before, my issue with 60fps has nothing to do with Performance, it has to do with Immersion. If you like 60fps, that's fine. You're opinion is completely valid. All I'm doing is giving you my opinion, unpopular as it may be.
how the hell does 60fps ruin your immersion?
"OH NO! The pictures are moving too fluidly. It's so unrealistic. It's nothing like real life where people only move at 24 frames per second. My immersion!!!"
Do you complain about other games running at 60 fps?
Not trying to argue with you or anything my friend but having 60FPS makes it seem like it is happening in real time so it can help with immersing players and puts them under pressure which is good for gameplay. But I think it is probably because we are all used to Telltale's games being capped at 30FPS that makes the 60FPS seem way too quick to yours and other peoples liking.
It may be unusual for some people as Telltale's past games were capped at 30FPS. Seeing a Telltale Title run at 60FPS can look pretty odd for the first time. But I am a big fan of 60FPS . It really immerses you into the world of the game
Were the console versions capped at 30 or something? On PC it was definitely 60.
Yeah I forgot to mention that part. Sorry about that. Yeah they were capped at 30FPS on consoles
The thing is, he wasn't making excuses. He made valid points. If you can't tell the difference, that's your issue, but expecting someone to throw money at Telltale, a company who made a shit of the last game, because of a measly 15 minutes, is pretty dumb.
None of us know how the rest of the game will turn out and his decision to save his "little" 20 bucks is smarter than paying for a game which could, for all we know, turn out to be crap. I mean, maybe he'd rather spend that money on a game that's already been released and judged, and is actually good? Right now, 15 minutes isn't enough to judge a whole game.
Not every game. If u ask me about something more cartoony like Cuphead, 60fps is completely fine IMO. If u ask me about something anime based like Dragonball Xenoverse 2, 60fps is fine as well. It all depends on the game really. If it's designed to look realistic 30fps, is completely fine. If it's designed to look cartoony or anime based, 60fps will do. This is just my opinion okay?
You don't have to worry about explaining yourself bro. There's always a preference and 30fps happens to be your preference, as I usually like it myself. 60fps, in a setting like this as you said, can be a bit disorienting for me, like I have to look away for a second to focus again, I understand what you meant. I literally cannot see the issue in anything you've said to this point. I think people are just a bit fed up by the constant unfair negativity TFS has been receiving the past few months and misinterpreted that opinion as an illogical attack on the game.
AFAIK, Console versions were always at 60fps.
EDIT: My bad, didn't realize it was about older titles. I should read the whole post next time.
I'm torn, but I think I prefer 30fps except in fighting games. Which I would like to see Clem a part of.
I wonder who this character is and what role she will play?