We now know our returning character
So I think we can all agree that Lily's focus in the new Final Season story builder is suspiciously disproportionate, especially in comparison to arguably more important characters that don't get mentioned at all such as Luke, Christa and Javier.
Pretty safe to say that the only logical reason for this is that she'll be coming back in the Final Season, especially as they confirmed we'd be seeing a familiar face from season 1 (and the absence of the only other candidates, Molly and Christa, makes it seem like they're out of the running).
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Could be a slight misdirection, as they'd know how to play the community based on previously established thinking patterns.
With that said, nice to hear Lily's the strong contender.
Mfw no Luke in the story builder

But yes, Lilly has to return at this point. Since Telltale said we're seeing "some returning characters" I'm going to assume that the 2 returning characters are LIlly (in episode 1) and Christa (later in the season.)
Hey another thing she's in every poster from what I have noticed.

As far as I know are two returning characters, I'm hoping to see Christa too.
This. And I play along, so it amuses me when the community both here and on tumblr jump to vary narrow conclusions, and I'm like "we phrased things the way we did for a reason ;P"
In this picture, She has a gun, so she survived with the Carley's gun
I think Telltale knows that misleading their fans is not a very smart idea...
This time, they aren't misleading, they're just letting the players fill in the gaps.
tfw your included in the story generator but not your previous protagonist brother
I REALLY hope so! I would love to see Lilly and I wonder if she’ll be an enemy or a potential ally.
Like how the ANF endings don't matter at all because all in the end we come to richmond to see the gate destroyed and Javi just sitting there dead, and that's all we get?!

...is that a gun in her hand?
I only hope christa and lilly returns I dont need to see no one more to be honest but Im worried about christa Is obviously that Lilly is going to return but Christa... I don't know
What do you think guys?
why did looovee put a gun in her hand
Lilly might be returning, but I think that it would be unrealistic.
Like I said in the other thread, I guess Lilly helped Christa after the bandit's attack in S2 EP 1.
No, I think it`s okay. A lot of years passed, it is actually more realistic than conveniently meeting Kenny after 1 episode of absence or David(a relative) in ANF. She also had a lot of development (more than Christa in my opinion).
I know this isn't a great argument, but the entire concept of a zombie apocalypse is unrealistic. I can suspend my disbelief about Lily's return if it makes for a better story (which I think it will).
It was always a coin toss between Christa and Lilly as the returning character to begin with for me.
But I'm a tad surprised that it's looking to be Lilly, since I figured her story was pretty much over after s1. I felt like Christa had better grounds to be the returning character because of the massive loose end she has. Maybe it's both.
Apocalipse Zombie is unrealistic.
Couldn't "returning characters" also reference flashbacks? I mean, it's not exactly 'wrong'.
Lily could still show up, but it could also be referencing Lee, ect.
I think Telltale are wary enough of backlash not to mince words like that, especially since there's significant demand for it
its different if you let her stay, she is like tied up i think
Eh, it's really not. Not compared to some other things.
Especially once you realize Clementine and AJ has been hovering around the same 3 or 4 states for several years now.
Did Christa have much development to begin with?
Eh, they both kinda did, to be honest. Even if Lily's case has more to do with the intended destination being denied and thus she kinda fell into an awkward limbo.
She went through a small basic arc from distrusting the group to liking and opening up to them. It's not much but at least it's there and it's consistent, unlike many other characters in this series (i.e. Tripp's 'arc' of becoming Javi's best bud for no apparent reason just one scene after hating his guts).
They could've done more with her in season 2 but, with the way it went, I don't think there'd be much to gain in bringing her back now beyond the novelty of a returning character.
Hence the "much," babe.
Glad to see someone took note, though.
Dam strait.
Eh, I slightly go back n' fow honestly.
Why couldn't she just die on the side of the road where I left her? So stubborn.
Yeah, seems pretty obvious but I'm not complaining. This has been a long time coming
I would've preferred Christa because she has so much more history with Clem than Lilly
If Lilly or Christa returns to become the next villains, I'm going to be so annoyed.
And/or not surprised.
I want Lilly to be the villain
You Wrong, Who was with Carley's gun was Lee and later he lost the gun in the EP4 If you let Ben die
...Did he?
Man I'm just wondering what her in-game model will look like. She was quite scary in season 1, but then again a lot of the season 1 characters were cartoony too reflect on the comic style, think Larry's chin.
That said, the graphics are pretty sweet for TFS so I can't wait to find out what she looks like.
Inb4 Brutal Clem says 'I wished you were dead' in the episode 2 trailer.
It seems really likely at this point and I'm all for it. I don't want to get my hopes up and be let down but I love the possibility of Lilly returning. Seriously love her character and relationship with Lee. After being gone for so long as well a lot of people are bound to have pretty good reactions. But one thing I'd like to point out, the argument is that there were choices that involved and affected Lilly in some way. But whether Lee chose to try and save Larry or not isn't there. I think you can argue that choice would have an impact on Lilly's perspective of Lee. Just best not to label it as 100% certain is all I'm saying.