How would you react if Clementine got bitten?
Let’s just put it this as a example , that doesn’t mean Clementine and in their final season it’s possible because cooking on the way she’s holding that axe and holding onto AJ could be a possibility she might get bitten by a walker that doesn’t mean she is going to die she probably be at T but she’ll live to tell the tale... just like Reggie.
I need you may never know what Telltale can bring us, I mean it’s a possibility.
What are you guys think, how would you react if Clementine got bitten?
Let me know in the comments below .
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I would be like "finally some drama" but I know everyone else is gonna be childish and be like "dont!11 hurd my clemmy!!! gonna nevarr buy ur games telltale!!11"
She'll live to telltale*
Honestly, don't know. Don't care.
EDIT: Sorry, I read the whole thing.
I'd actually kinda like that. Although, assuming you've seen TFS stuff, why would she be carrying AJ?
Clementine can't get bitten.
"Still. Not. Bitten"
It'll be Clementine biting the walkers
I've lowkey been wanting someone to eat at walker for a while now.
Legit question man, because you really seem like you have no interest in playing the games and honestly, I wonder if you have played them. What keeps someone like that even watching the games?
Correction: I have little to no interest in playing TFS. I picked up the Season 2 Collection to finally experience two years ago, only picking up the Season 1 Collection because it had 400 Days--which I also hadn't experienced. I also obviously bout ANF since the retail version was super convenient.
To answer the last part, that "might as well see this last bit through" sentiment. Also, still being here means I'm naturally exposed to shit on a daily basis and thus have to see some stuff in order to be in the general know.
You only actually went through ANF shortly before I did though, didn't you? I guess I get the might as well see it through sentiment, but that strays pretty close to the hate watching thing people seem so keen on. I can't imagine watching anything past the point where I'm not invested in, let alone a game that markets itself on choices if I'm not gonna make them, seems rather strange.
I honestly wouldn't know, but I can tell you that I put off playing From the Gallows up until a couple of months ago.
I did the first two episodes on release day, the last three I got on sale when MS had their new years deal. I actually did enjoy the first two seasons, and bought both episodes of ANF when they dropped. Only because of that summer thing where they confirmed a third season was being worked on, I bought both seasons again and completed them on my new system so I'd have my save data. I want to believe something that was this good doesn't end on a sour note, I've stuck around because I hope it doesn't repeat the newcomer friendly crap.
I would cry..... a lot
If you eat a walker, can you still get infected? I've been wondering this.
Well they are rotting so I am not sure you would want far getting infected..I do not believe the comics and the show...some cannibals ate someone who was infected ...nothing.
Huh. Neat.
Did you buy the Remastered Collection?
According to the Bossman, apparently no.
I mean, I'm sure there some decent potential for indigestion, food poisoning, and diarrhea, but otherwise, touching or even swallowing it doesn't hurt.
It truly is the bite that does it.
depends on the execution
I agree
Hah, nah bro. I may end up getting it if I reserve this game, but for this game I didn't, I bought the Shenmue 1 and 2 preorder, I know I enjoyed them back in the day lol
Heh! Huhuhuhunh...execution!
Wise move, I think.
That walker have taste!
Yeah if you want to look for some sailors!
I'm not that familiar when Shenmue myself, so that reference is lost on me if it is one.
Yeah I forget why he is looking for them...but he goes into a bar and says...I am looking for some sailors....Ok I was 6 when it came out on my Brother's Dreamcast...all I can remember was my brother and his friends laughing like loons during that part.
Well now that is just over reacting...
Really, I don’t think it goes far enough.
I think it would take a little bit to hit me, like Lee's death did
But I think eventually I would probably break down and cry, and realize that she's gone forever and that's just the end of the whole thing...
I don't think it'll hit me AS hard as Lee's death because Im kinda be expecting Clem to get bit, but with Lee I was in denial he was gonna go until he took his last breath, which made everything SO much worse
It would be pretty shocking, if she managed to stay alive by removing a limb i would be slightly relived but if she got infected and died in a similar way to Lee i would be really upset.
I highly doubt she'll die at all. Same as all the other bording school kids. Isn't the theme of this season "Home" and "Family"? Why would everyone be dead.
But if she did get bit ill be upset for a while. ;m;
I think it'll be possible for everyone to die. i hope there's an ending where everything goes awfully wrong and everyone dies and another one where the survivors live happily ever after and return to Richmond or make their community or whatever and then some intermediate endings with varying degrees of awfulness.
I'd get sad, maybe tear up a little bit because i'm gonna miss her. If she dies to ensure AJ's future it'll be easier to digest because at least she'll achieve her goal and give some closure to everything.
That'll be interesting! It would be great to have various endings but I still would want a canon ending
but eh, its a decision based game.
I'd be pissed, sad and angry all at the same time but I don't think that she is going to end up being bitten. I think that Telltale is clever and is showing us all of those similarities between Season 1 and 4 to show us that Clem has come a long way and now she is filling Lee's shoes. That also means that she might learn from him, do better and to not make the same mistakes as maybe he did.
This being the final season and all i'm expecting TT to go a bit more crazy with the consequences to our actions. I wouldn't be surprised if they do something like Until Dawn or Heavy Rain for episode 4 where you can have pretty much any combination of characters survive or die. They already did something similar although more limited for ANF afterall.
I'd be really annoyed, not because Clem got hurt but because the same thing happened to Lee. Season 4 already feels like it's borrowing heavily from season 1, doing something like that would make it feel like a direct rip.
But I kinda like the feel of a canon ending. Lets say you get attached to a character and they die depending on your choices. But you know their still alive in another playthrough. My feeling about those outcomes always leaves me blank.
If she reunited with Lee in afterlife then I wouldn't mind at all xd. But seriously even if she dies and doesn't reunite with Lee I won't be emotionally shattered. I mean I will be disappointed but I won't consider it the end of the world like many do. I also used to be like majority of others, absolutely loving her because of her adventure, and especially now that she's grown up, and although I still am like that to a degree, I got a bit too full of the overemotional connection after all these years, I mean it's a fictional character after all. So I'll definitely care, I just won't get overly mad/sad.
P.S. I can't guarantee that I won't change my mind after episodes start coming out, because it always happens to me that after a long wait for an episode I start caring less, but then after they come out and play them through I am too hyped up again lul
The fact that Season 2 was confirmed around the same time probably helped.