No man, it's thoughtful and practical.
Not only is it nice and caring, but helpful as well. Clem wouldn't need to find and kill a walker to cover herself with its guts, all she would have to do is pull out the mask and everything would be fine.
That's what I'm saying, try googling the link now
Edit: Damn it, doesn't work.. here's a pic of the wiki then
we had a fat ass thread in the tftb section where we whined about wanting rhys x fiona because it's the objectively better ship (don't @ me)
telltale probably got sick of seeing that thread gaining a hundred comments every hour or something so they gave us an extremely obscure way to acknowledge our favourite pairing in game. sorta like throwing a starving dog a bone and we all barked "thank you master" and were satisfied.
then, here, let me educate everyone:
we had a fat ass thread in the tftb section where we whined about wanting rhys x fiona because it's … morethe objectively better ship (don't @ me)
telltale probably got sick of seeing that thread gaining a hundred comments every hour or something so they gave us an extremely obscure way to acknowledge our favourite pairing in game. sorta like throwing a starving dog a bone and we all barked "thank you master" and were satisfied.
miracles don't repeat themselves, though. sorry bloop.
then, here, let me educate everyone:
we had a fat ass thread in the tftb section where we whined about wanting rhys x fiona because it's … morethe objectively better ship (don't @ me)
telltale probably got sick of seeing that thread gaining a hundred comments every hour or something so they gave us an extremely obscure way to acknowledge our favourite pairing in game. sorta like throwing a starving dog a bone and we all barked "thank you master" and were satisfied.
miracles don't repeat themselves, though. sorry bloop.
then, here, let me educate everyone:
we had a fat ass thread in the tftb section where we whined about wanting rhys x fiona because it's … morethe objectively better ship (don't @ me)
telltale probably got sick of seeing that thread gaining a hundred comments every hour or something so they gave us an extremely obscure way to acknowledge our favourite pairing in game. sorta like throwing a starving dog a bone and we all barked "thank you master" and were satisfied.
miracles don't repeat themselves, though. sorry bloop.
But Connor is somehow more human-like than Cole in spite of being an android! I mean, look at this guy!
He's like some prototype robot that ran outta juice there.
But Connor is somehow more human-like than Cole in spite of being an android! I mean, look at this guy!
He's like some prototype robot that ran outta juice there.
That's because Cole is such a great detective.
He works so hard on solving the cases that he ran outta juice because he just solved a case in his head right there.
I approve of this ship.
That's not how it works mate. You still need to smell like walkers all over.
Yh because new Telltale lacks detail. First the 3 word rule and now they forgot about a minor character. Tch.
No. His name hasn’t been confirmed yet, people assume he’s James from The Michonne Miniseries but that’s not true. Telltale confirmed this in a tweet.
Bloop went from "omg Marlon!" To "Omg Louis!" and now he's at "Omg James!" :pepe:
That's what I'm saying, try googling the link now
Edit: Damn it, doesn't work.. here's a pic of the wiki then
INB4 the guy turns out to be a rapist that flays the skin of his victims.
Not if I can prevent it.
It’s in the files as james tho
you're literally asking to get bullied
Have you looked at the pages? I already have my man.
and here you thought you could pull a rhyiona ?
Dude there's not many here that know about that anymore lol.
then, here, let me educate everyone:
we had a fat ass thread in the tftb section where we whined about wanting rhys x fiona because it's the objectively better ship (don't @ me)
telltale probably got sick of seeing that thread gaining a hundred comments every hour or something so they gave us an extremely obscure way to acknowledge our favourite pairing in game. sorta like throwing a starving dog a bone and we all barked "thank you master" and were satisfied.
miracles don't repeat themselves, though. sorry bloop.
I'm with you, but are we really trying to start another Rhyiona? Because no one walked away from that one clean.
Well shit, everyday's a school day.
Fate will decide I guess.
Jamestine shippers rn:
Hop on board, friend.
Those were good times
At least the two people on here who legitimately ship Jamestine look pretty happy! ?
Mhmm, this right here

Soon everyone will ship Jamestine.
Ah well, perhaps your dream will come true... In an alternate universe :^)
If you're gonna use doubt, at least use the Cole Phelps one
But Connor is somehow more human-like than Cole in spite of being an android! I mean, look at this guy!

He's like some prototype robot that ran outta juice there.
That's because Cole is such a great detective.
He works so hard on solving the cases that he ran outta juice because he just solved a case in his head right there.
No, I didn't x)
Well damn, how did I never see it that way before?? Hopefully he won't try solving a case in his head while driving or during a chase though...

He's just doing his job the best he can, can't fault him if he does it during another part of it.
[PTSD Triggered]
[nukes lake]
Funnily enough, I was thinking of putting together a joke/moment involving him at the risk of getting your attention.
Give me five days, and maybe this ship will seem reasonable.
Get a reservation now before it's booked my friend.