Let's try asking Skybound to let a different developer finish TFS?

We're better off asking Skybound to let an already existing developing company( like DONTNOD) finish TFS. I know I've been pushing it with DONTNOD, but let's be real people, they're the next best thing to Telltale we've got, and they already have the resources needed to do so. If Skybound sees enough fans of the walking dead asking that they let DONTNOD or a different developer finish the game, they might let them. I think it's worth a try.
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And by “enough fans” you think a few dozen of us will count?
Of course not. But if you, along with everyone else who are upset, actually care that TFS won't be finished, then all of our voices together might change something.
That's why it's important that the core of this message reaches almost everyone
Pete better release a statement on Monday cause I can't wait for any longer. After episode 2 releases then I guess I am done and getting refunded. I am TRYING to be hopeful right now.
Come Monday when or if TT makes more official statements, then I’ll be on board, but not necessarily for DontNod.
If you put a little action behind your hope, maybe we ,might have episodes 3&4 made.
I hope so.
I still have hope in episodes 3 & 4 being released just not by Telltale. The Walking Dead rights are now up in the air and it'd be stupid for another company to not pick this game up and finish it
Imagine the acclaim the "savior company" would get for saving this game
As long as it's not the group that makes David Cage games, I'm pretty much for it.
Indigo Prophecy was good. All his other stuff? not so much.
Let Skybound know
"good" and "indigo prophecy" shouldn't be put in the same sentence
Like the idea of DONTNOD making WD games, as long as they only if they finish TFS and start a new story, it's just not right for me, to watch DONTNOD continue a game, that at first didn't belonged to them. If they do want, just finish TFS, then make WD games with new story. I think they will take the franchise, because they have no projects now. Captain Spirit was released June, and Life is Strange 2 will be released like week later.
Can Skybound employ the former TT employees to finish TFS?
The employees were fired, not transfered.
I know they were fired. I'm talking about Skybound hiring them to finish TFS.
Yeah they could but not all of them. Telltale would need to transfer all their assets to make Ep3 and 4 even remotely similar.
What if they work for TT but they just get payed by Skybound? So no transfering needed?
I’m not sure if that is even legal
Well desperate times call for desperate measures
Skybound is just as shocked as us to find out what happened to Telltale, though they don’t have an answer as of now.
I couldn't flag the inbox message I got for the mods, if they're still here, but anyone else get death threats from this user?