And people wanted Lilly back and not Kenny lol
Lilly returns she a villain who is ruthless and kills people while I reckon if Kenny reunited with clem (Wellington ending) he wouldn’t be as bad like I know Kenny was deranged and short tempered but at least he doesn’t have a grey and white morality and also in Kenny’s return he killed none of the good guys he killed a bad guy while Lilly returns she kills a ally.
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Lilly has always been evil. Its funny how most of this forum was talking about befriending her. Wonder how everyone feels now. I am really invested in this story; I hope they finish!
She’s not evil but when she is gonna be killed when given the option the percentage is gonna be higher than Kenny’s cause at least with Kenny he always looked out for the greater good and the right thing but was just sometimes too stubborn but Lilly’s idea is not the greater good cause she’s basically turning kids into slaves and using them as cannon fodder.
I wanted Lilly back and I knew she would be a villain or at least have evil impulses. I think she has great potential not explored in the first season, not to mention she already has the hatred of big part of the players. Hell, I think I hate her even more now.
And who knows. Since I picked the Wellington ending, Kenny can be alive for me, and maybe Clem can be reunited with him at the very end of ep 4. I mean.. If the ep ever comes out and they fix the problem with the scar.
They’ve fixed the scar problem you just need to restart and import local save again.
To be fair, Kenny could never come back in such a pivotal role. He's dead for about 80% of the player base. Kenny is only potentially alive for the 20ish percent of people who took the Wellington ending in season 2. Lilly was potentially alive for everyone. All that said, I want to reiterate that I never wanted Lilly back, either. I didn't want anyone back except Javi and Kate (the only two to survive my ANF playthrough).
Actually, she didnt want to kill Mitch, she was shocked. Then she was scared about how everything went wrong. Like Bonnie.
I remember Kenny beating Avro to death, killing Jane in his anger, hits Clementine while beating Arvo, fighting with Mike, arguing with everyone about everything xD
Lilly is making some bad decisions due her situation... But wtf, dont say that Kenny is better than her in any way xD
I’m not saying he’s coming back I’m just saying I would have been hoping him to return more than her just think if it was Kenny instead of her Mitch wouldn’t be dead and children wouldn’t be in slavery , just imagine what suffering would have been prevented if lee just shot Lilly after she killed Doug or carley.
After what abel and her did to Aj. Yeah, she's evil.
He didn’t make slaves of children and also Lilly’s first instinct was to stab Mitch (she regretted it) but then said kill anyone you have to (they’re kids)!!!!! Kenny was unstable as well but at least he thought of the greater good and the right thing make sure aj and clem are safe aka kids but he was flawed in doing so but Lilly she can shoot clem and give a game over and Kenny’s problems were accidental except for arvo who he did beat but not to death and he did deserve it cause even if your nice he will try to steal your stuff just cause he could and fighting with mike is nothing compared to shoot at clem and a child in the woods.
oh shut it kenny fan, kenny is an hypocritical, angry, not bright, wouldnt follow you if you didnt have his back for the smallest thing, was an alcoholic, hardly ever listens to any kind of reasoning wounded warrior that loves to argue.
lily is not absolved of what she has done and what she does now.
Lilly shoots a teenager (game over death) , takes kids as slaves and then uses them as canon fodder for the wars which they shouldn’t even be brought into.
If they are/were going for a redemption arc for Lilly this season I'm not sure I can come up with any reason why Clem would even bother to try and redeem her at this point. And that's coming from someone who liked Lilly in season 1.
That being said, if she had returned in season 2 I doubt she'd be as far gone as she seems to be now. And things would have probably gone better for season two's group than they did under Kenny's "guidance".
That's why I don't expect to see him until the very end of the game. Like if Clem survives, maybe she can find him in a safe community? For like one scene only. Why not?
But of course, I'm not really holding to that a lot.
Conrad survived, 5% of players didn't shoot him.
And you're point? The raider field team leader is a pivotal role. It couldn't go to someone who was definitely dead for the vast majority of players. Having Kenny be a random raider thug, that'd be doable, but not the leader. If he's the leader for the people who chose Wellington, who is for everyone else? Some random person? And if Kenny was the leader for the Wellington ending players, there's no way he'd allow any harm to come to AJ or Clem, unless he completely snapped and was batshit insane, in which case he wouldn't be the leader.
Hey, I don't give a fuck, my Kenny got windshield cannoned because he didn't wear his seat belt.
Really? Haven't seen any threads about this here. I'll try using an empty file later and see if it works.
Edit: Just checked. It worked!
When did they do that ?
I 100% agree.
Kenny returns, gives you shelter.
Lilly returns, she attacks your camp and kidnaps your allies. That 'seems reticent to kill you' is bullshit and means nothing. The things she says about Lee, saying she didn't grow up as Lee wanted when I am (or was) Lee.
I went in fully intending to give her the benefit of the doubt but she didn't change. And next time I'll be happy to put her down.
Next to Lee (and Clem obviously), Kenny is the best character of the series. The debate has now ended. Thank you all for participating!
Lilly is the villain, but she has humanity and she’s is definitely not evil, at least she definitely wasn’t evil in season one.
And you know she is a great character anyway lol funny how people rate how great a character is based on their goodness
I still wanna befriend her, she's not the first season one character to return and stir up shit for Clem...
Personally R.I.P too Kenny I’m just so Happy Lilly’s back...”I know WTF she’s evil dude”!
But personally at least we get to see her Evolution.
Kenny is better than her in every way. Kenny doesn’t MURDER children. He beat up a guy who endangered his group, and he was near enough to adult hood anyway. Lilly enslaved children, forces them to fight for wars, and murders them if they don’t go. Mmmm yeah... better than Kenny alright. OKeE DaY! ?
(Side note: why does everyone here try so hard to justify murderers? It’s one thing to like a character, it’s another to say that they are a better person than another despite the fact that it is as clear as a crystal that they are not. First AJ and now this? There’s a reason I liked Kenny throughout the entirety of season 1, just like there’s a reason I LOVED louis throughout what’s been done for this season, especially at the start of episode 2)
Telltale wanted us to kill Lily so bad in this episode, I left her “feeling unimpressed” even though I ‘pleased’ her lol
Know one ever does that, it's just you thinking that. Its Alright for people to not like lilly because of the way she acts and not thinks she's a good character because of it.
He gets better in season 2, and at least he never intentionally hurt Clementine.
He left Arvo alive, if I remember that correctly.
His anger was pretty justified, also Jane had a chance to leave the fight.
Again, not saying it was right but it's not like kenny intended to hurt her. That's more than what you can say for what Lilly does to Clem and Aj
To be fair, most of those times Kenny was right to argue. I mean Kenny was really set on getting to wellington and was the basis for a lot of those arguments. And guess what, Kenny was right while Mike and Bonnie wanted to go to the desert or some shit xD.
We don't really know that, It didn't seem like she was being forced to do it. While she did have some regret, her actions are still viable as her own. And as of what we know, she is willing to kill children for her agenda. So yeah, kenny is a better person than Lilly.
But Kenny argues with people so clearly he's way worse!!!
Just like she was shocked to kill Carley/Doug eh? or attempt to kill Clementine twice? she must have been shocked in those moments too?
Because Arvo & Jane are so innocent right? he hit Clementine by accident, we don't know why he was fighting with Mike but Mike turned out to be a backstabber so fuck him, because people argued with him.
Kenny would die for Clem whereas Lilly would just kill her. Actions speak louder and Kenny was much better than her.
You do know you just described Lilly right?
My point is , is that Kenny is crazy and dangerous I agree and had to be left but he was doing the right thing but Lilly needs to die cause she’s no better than carver just she has a little bit of regret unlike carver who embraced it but when she aims a gun at your head she was ready to shoot you except for we were family choice even then though she still was willing to hurt and take you .
If I'm being lilly, i will shocked and save clem lol idk why lilly trying to kill clem lol
This video wants to talk to you, Lilly fanboy.

Because Arvo tried to kill them? Why would you be nice to someone who tried to ambush you? I don't care if he tried to convince his friends to stop, he still wanted to steal their stuff.
It's Jane's fault, she had NO reason to provoke him, should have told him that AJ was alive.
How is this an excuse? You can see through his face that he didn't mean it.
Just because Kenny did some bad stuff doesn't mean Lilly is any better. Did you forget that Lilly tries to recruit kids, even Clementine, for their war?
im neither, like it or not, kenny is a very flawed man
Definitely not as flawed as Lily though.
they are both as bad as each other.