Batman Meme And Fun Thread




    Poogers555 posted: »

    this man has no hair im sorry sir but this meme has been reported for false advertising, youve been BANNED :kennysad:

  • Oswald appreciation meme.

  • Should be Master Bruce not Mr.Bruce. How dare you assume his title without checking the facts mister?! REPORTED.

    Kaelthas posted: »


  • Don't forget about us Telltale... <3

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  • edited September 2018

    Time to... say goodbye...

  • Looks like @strwar3 isn't getting that Avesta romance after all.

  • Haha I have thought about the same for some reason :D

    Putinovich posted: »

    Looks like @strwar3 isn't getting that Avesta romance after all.

  • Well, Avesta was never an option from the beginning... people tried to create a forced possible relationship with her because they wanted something else then Selina... but they have pretty much nothing to back it up with.

    I am quite satisfied with how Selina and Bruce's relationship played out in season one and especially in season two... would have loved to see more of it but you can't get everything in life...

  • Oh yeah of course Bruce and Avesta/Batman and Avesta was a forced possible relationship when you compare it to the 'slow burn' relationship between Bruce and Selina/Batman and Catwoman.

    I mean how long did Bruce and Selina known one and other?

    Well let's see.

    They meet on top of the Mayor's office
    They meet again the next day at a Café with Harvey
    They meet a few days later at a bar
    They meet that night at the debate
    (if you save her) They go to see Harvey in hospital together
    (if you don't save her) You see her at the train station with Lady Arkham and The Children Of Arkham
    She takes him back to her apartment where he either sleeps on the sofa or they sleep together
    (depending on if you invite her to Wayne Manor) They then see one and other again when he get's out of Arkham
    (if you don't invite her to Wayne Manor) the next time they see one and other is when he confronts her over having stole from him while she tries to leave town

    All in all how long would you say this chain of events lasts?

    A couple of weeks?
    A month if that?

    An then Selina high tailed it out of Gotham and wasn't seen for a year.

    So you expect us to accept that after a month at best of knowing one and other and having spent time around one and other and after (possibly) one night together Bruce and Selina are what

    soul mates?
    one and other's true love?

    An yet the possibility of Bruce and Avesta who meet and get to know one and other and spend arguably about the same amount of time as Bruce and Selina in season 1

    Having something happen between them in the future you consider that to be a 'forced possible relationship'

    Personally I think you might need to re-evaluate the way you look at relationships as well as the way you look at potential future relationships in terms of them being 'forced'

    19Street95 posted: »

    Well, Avesta was never an option from the beginning... people tried to create a forced possible relationship with her because they wanted so

  • edited September 2018

    Personally I think you might need to re-evaluate the way you look at relationships as well as the way you look at potential future relationships in terms of them being 'forced'

    Jesus man...

    BMH210683 posted: »

    Oh yeah of course Bruce and Avesta/Batman and Avesta was a forced possible relationship when you compare it to the 'slow burn' relationship

  • Okay...


    BMH210683 posted: »

    Oh yeah of course Bruce and Avesta/Batman and Avesta was a forced possible relationship when you compare it to the 'slow burn' relationship

  • Dude, do you realise this is a memes thread, right? You are not supposed to take that seriously, lol

    BMH210683 posted: »

    Oh yeah of course Bruce and Avesta/Batman and Avesta was a forced possible relationship when you compare it to the 'slow burn' relationship

  • Well I did.

    DOBLEDEDO posted: »

    Dude, do you realise this is a memes thread, right? You are not supposed to take that seriously, lol

  • Doesn’t really matter if enough time is positioned between Enemy Within and a third season since unlike Selina Avesta is likely still in Bruce’s life (since I assume most people hired her) so there’s the chance for a relationship there... least until she stabs you because of course she’s secretly Talia, man.

  • Oh no! Bruvesta shippers are leaking!

  • No offence intended to the Avesta character.

    However IF there is ever a season 3 and IF they decide to have Talia make her debut which I doubt/find hard to believe they would have happen.

    Because it would make more sense for Bruce/Batman to encounter Ra's and The League before he meets Talia.

    However IF they were to have Bruce meet Talia first I think they would have her entrance into his life and into this version of the Batman universe be a lot better than her supposedly being a 'sleeper' agent I guess you could say.

    If anything I think it would be/happen more like the way Batman and Catwoman first meet.

    He uses a goon to bust down the doors to the Mayor's office and while he is in the middle of beating the crap out of the guy something grabs his attention and causes him to look up and there is Catwoman breaking into the Mayor's safe and she asks him 'didn't your mother ever teach you to knock'

    An you could argue that for Batman is either shocked or captivated etc by Catwoman.

    Whatever word you choose or wish to use it's safe to say that seeing her takes him off his game because it is on when she warns him 'behind you big boy' that he refocus and turns just in time to see that goon with the electric saw or whatever coming for him.

    So I personally think Talia's entrance would be/should be something along those lines where Batman or Bruce Wayne is doing something and she momentarily distracts him.

    Doesn’t really matter if enough time is positioned between Enemy Within and a third season since unlike Selina Avesta is likely still in Bru

  • Guuuuys this is meme and FUN thread! I get it that we are slowly slipping into anarchy here, but come on!

  • I can already picture his voice telling the children of Arkham member to get Batman.

    Euron posted: »

    Anyon thought about this while playing? Cause I did.

  • Merry Christmas!

    To everyone who is still around there on these dead parts of the forum, I hope you will have a nice holiday and a good new year!

  • Hello everyone I came back from the dead.
    You may have wondered why I disappeared.
    Mainly, I was busy incarcerating criminals.
    I also didn't want to come because I hadn't played episode 5 and I didn't want spoilers which are inevitable in memes and I wouldn't have been able to help myself.

    On a side side note- I missed you too my sugarmuffin uwu
    On a side side side note- I'm actually a waman. Boom.

  • Yeaa this place is dead now buddy

    Hello everyone I came back from the dead. You may have wondered why I disappeared. Mainly, I was busy incarcerating criminals. I also

  • Oh yeah I could tell ever since telltale anounced their unalive

    Yeaa this place is dead now buddy

  • When you do a quick fact check and find out who killed the Riddler

  • When the Wolf Among Us is getting another season and the rest aren't

  • Since is dead, my memes disappeared
    So instead of letting them be forgotten I spent 1 hour loading them on Imgur and reposting them here to keep the legacy alive

  • Sometimes I forget how funny John Doe can be. Even if accidentally

  • Disgusted Penguin!

  • Bumping this to spread the glorious days

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