I gotcha. You're secretly a supporter of violetine but don't want to admit it. It's okay. Maybe one day you'll be able to come out of the closet and when you do you will be officially welcomed aboard a ship that has no equal nor superior. Until then it's okay to say what you don't mean and keep what you really mean and want to say to yourself.
Don't say "gotcha". Everytime I see this I have a Gabentine picture in front of me. I understand that you guys like Violet. You have full right to... but Louis is the best character in the history of The Walking Dead game and it basically took him 2 episodes to get to that point. You can't fight with us. Clouis is the best ship out there, but fortunatelly this forum allow you to have your little topic there;D
I gotcha. You're secretly a supporter of violetine but don't want to admit it. It's okay. Maybe one day you'll be able to come out of the cl… moreoset and when you do you will be officially welcomed aboard a ship that has no equal nor superior. Until then it's okay to say what you don't mean and keep what you really mean and want to say to yourself.
Don't say "gotcha". Everytime I see this I have a Gabentine picture in front of me. I understand that you guys like Violet. You have full ri… moreght to... but Louis is the best character in the history of The Walking Dead game and it basically took him 2 episodes to get to that point. You can't fight with us. Clouis is the best ship out there, but fortunatelly this forum allow you to have your little topic there;D
* Clouis
* Jamestine
* Violouis
* Violetine
Oh? are you not already aboard the violetine ship by being in this thread? at the moment you're a guest but that can all change by you saying I support this ship. And with those words you will officially be a member which is something I know you want. You have made contributions to this thread by posting. You so want to be an official member.
Oh? are you not already aboard the violetine ship by being in this thread? at the moment you're a guest but that can all change by you sayin… moreg I support this ship. And with those words you will officially be a member which is something I know you want. You have made contributions to this thread by posting. You so want to be an official member.
I'm a Clem x Louis shipper, but why am I seeing that stuff in the Violetine thread. Keep that stuff in their respectful threads please and keep things civil. I've seen how this forum can get when it comes to shipping, let's not do that here.
I'm a Clem x Louis shipper, but why am I seeing that stuff in the Violetine thread. Keep that stuff in their respectful threads please and keep things civil. I've seen how this forum can get when it comes to shipping, let's not do that here.
Violet is amazing and pretty much everything I want in a partner for Clementine. She's fierce, loyal, smart, and tough. She is also very thoughtful and has the mysterious vibe to her. When the characters were first announced I thought she would be Jane 2.0 and that I would absolutely hate her. But I've grown to love her and I see nearly nothing of Jane in her, she's more like Kenny and Lee.
Yeah. here's what you do:
1. go to google and search the gif you want to post
2. right click the gif and select "copy link address"
3. paste the GIFs link adress in the little image Icon and press enter
I'm a Clem x Louis shipper, but why am I seeing that stuff in the Violetine thread. Keep that stuff in their respectful threads please and keep things civil. I've seen how this forum can get when it comes to shipping, let's not do that here.
Yeah. here's what you do:
1. go to google and search the gif you want to post
2. right click the gif and select "copy link address"
3. paste the GIFs link adress in the little image Icon and press enter
If anyone could choose one line for vi that they liked what would it be? mines would be they stopped giving out participation trophies when walkers started eating people.
I like this one
"I've watched people leave before,family, friends.
They never come back but you did and now I can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't here".
If anyone could choose one line for vi that they liked what would it be? mines would be they stopped giving out participation trophies when walkers started eating people.
If anyone could choose one line for vi that they liked what would it be? mines would be they stopped giving out participation trophies when walkers started eating people.
It's impossible to choose just one. But it would be between "Whatever, let's just make up our own." and "Weren't you listening? I said 'good with other people.'" Simple lines, but I absolutely loved the delivery. Just about all of Violet's lines were delivered impeccably. Big props to Gideon Adlon for the incredible performance thus far.
If anyone could choose one line for vi that they liked what would it be? mines would be they stopped giving out participation trophies when walkers started eating people.
I like this one
"I've watched people leave before,family, friends.
They never come back but you did and now I can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't here".
I agree. It's difficult to just choose one line because vi has a lot of good ones. I really like the line vi says if clem curses her out. Every time someone curses I can't help but laugh.
It's impossible to choose just one. But it would be between "Whatever, let's just make up our own." and "Weren't you listening? I said 'good… more with other people.'" Simple lines, but I absolutely loved the delivery. Just about all of Violet's lines were delivered impeccably. Big props to Gideon Adlon for the incredible performance thus far.
Every time vi thanked clem and showed gratitude towards her it made me happy. When vi said "when I saw they had you pinned, and I...shit, I got so crazy" "when I heard you call for help I didn't even think" and "I really thought you were dead clem" it was a lovely display of how vi feels and what vi felt. I think it's a thing of beauty when vi displays her emotions and feelings towards clem or just in general. Whether in her words and or actions they're real and genuine and you can see + feel that.
Every time vi thanked clem and showed gratitude towards her it made me happy. When vi said "when I saw they had you pinned, and I...shit, I … moregot so crazy" "when I heard you call for help I didn't even think" and "I really thought you were dead clem" it was a lovely display of how vi feels and what vi felt. I think it's a thing of beauty when vi displays her emotions and feelings towards clem or just in general. Whether in her words and or actions they're real and genuine and you can see + feel that.
Me too. Vi and tenn's relationship reminds me of clem and aj's. Clem and vi are both guardians that care about their charge. I love the similarities between clem and vi. And despite the similarities there's also difference. Both clem and vi are alike but also different. They're opposites but of the same feather and they can flock together despite there being differences between them.
I'm a supporter of the best ship there is which of course unargueably is Clouis.
Oh no! Don't go there. Don't stir up a hornet's nest. Clem isn't bi.
I gotcha. You're secretly a supporter of violetine but don't want to admit it. It's okay. Maybe one day you'll be able to come out of the closet and when you do you will be officially welcomed aboard a ship that has no equal nor superior. Until then it's okay to say what you don't mean and keep what you really mean and want to say to yourself.
Don't say "gotcha". Everytime I see this I have a Gabentine picture in front of me. I understand that you guys like Violet. You have full right to... but Louis is the best character in the history of The Walking Dead game and it basically took him 2 episodes to get to that point. You can't fight with us. Clouis is the best ship out there, but fortunatelly this forum allow you to have your little topic there;D
Dude it's okay. You don't have to be in denial anymore. You're amongst your violetine peers.
Uhmmmm well. That's not gonna work man ;D
Oh? are you not already aboard the violetine ship by being in this thread? at the moment you're a guest but that can all change by you saying I support this ship. And with those words you will officially be a member which is something I know you want. You have made contributions to this thread by posting. You so want to be an official member.
My dear friend what S.S Louine and this thread would be if we didn't tease each other a bit from time to time

Lol true.
I wish I knew how to put up gifs. I found a couple I thought were nice but idk how to post them.
I'm a Clem x Louis shipper, but why am I seeing that stuff in the Violetine thread. Keep that stuff in their respectful threads please and keep things civil. I've seen how this forum can get when it comes to shipping, let's not do that here.
Thank you, hero

I thought it was pretty cool how vi lost her footing but kept her composure. Vi didn't even freak out a little and vi has hops.
You've got a little something there on your chin....
Can you explain what you mean?
Nvm, it was a joke
Do you know how to post gifs?
Violet is amazing and pretty much everything I want in a partner for Clementine. She's fierce, loyal, smart, and tough. She is also very thoughtful and has the mysterious vibe to her. When the characters were first announced I thought she would be Jane 2.0 and that I would absolutely hate her. But I've grown to love her and I see nearly nothing of Jane in her, she's more like Kenny and Lee.
Yeah. here's what you do:
1. go to google and search the gif you want to post
2. right click the gif and select "copy link address"
3. paste the GIFs link adress in the little image Icon and press enter
It's almost like they tryna reenact rhysha vs rhyiona

Thank you.
I thought I figured it out. I see copy link but not copy link address.
BDC= Big D1ck Club, my creation, i`m very proud of it
If anyone could choose one line for vi that they liked what would it be? mines would be they stopped giving out participation trophies when walkers started eating people.
I like this one
"I've watched people leave before,family, friends.
They never come back but you did and now I can't imagine what it would be like if you weren't here".
the 2nd "Holy shit"
It's impossible to choose just one. But it would be between "Whatever, let's just make up our own." and "Weren't you listening? I said 'good with other people.'" Simple lines, but I absolutely loved the delivery. Just about all of Violet's lines were delivered impeccably. Big props to Gideon Adlon for the incredible performance thus far.
That was a good line and it led up to a good moment to tell vi if you have feelings for her.
I like both holy shits equally. It was funny both times too.
I agree. It's difficult to just choose one line because vi has a lot of good ones. I really like the line vi says if clem curses her out. Every time someone curses I can't help but laugh.
Every time vi thanked clem and showed gratitude towards her it made me happy. When vi said "when I saw they had you pinned, and I...shit, I got so crazy" "when I heard you call for help I didn't even think" and "I really thought you were dead clem" it was a lovely display of how vi feels and what vi felt. I think it's a thing of beauty when vi displays her emotions and feelings towards clem or just in general. Whether in her words and or actions they're real and genuine and you can see + feel that.
i love how she changes her tone when she speaks with Ten, the easiest to notice is at the funeral when she sends him after Luis
Me too. Vi and tenn's relationship reminds me of clem and aj's. Clem and vi are both guardians that care about their charge. I love the similarities between clem and vi. And despite the similarities there's also difference. Both clem and vi are alike but also different. They're opposites but of the same feather and they can flock together despite there being differences between them.
Violetine is tight amirite? ??
So we just lost our kingdom and we're currently homeless, could you guys let me and @Dex-Starr @Melton23 take over this thread as our new kingdom
I do not know this person, nor am I associated with them. I heard that @MrGraffio was involved in a plot though...not me.

When @Melton23 betrays you.