Fans theory: TTG's the walking dead will end and when the characters find a cure.
Another theory: Clementine will die and wake up in a mental Hospital The zombies illness was all a coma dream had and Clementine goes back to living with her parents.
Fans theory:** Clementine Dies and TWD will end with her meting everyone who died in the afterlife: Kenny (if he died), Carly, Doug, Ben, Christa, Omid, Luke, Nick, Pete, rest of cabin crew, Everyone who ever been nice to her plus maybe 400 DAYS cast and Lee, and if gets to see everyone again
**The Truth: **Tell-Tale sudios will shut down because of low income, their games didnt make enough sales. Not only that the final series of TWD gets cancelled half way through the final series of TWD. AJ and Clementine's story falls away into dust and their fate is UNKNOWN. Plus all the other series that TELL-TALE was working on are cancelled. Tell-tale's workers were over-worked meeting the demand
**Fans: **Our theories of how Clementine's story ending are a better ending and the only ending we will get (unless someone buys the rights) TT_TT
(sorry i'm still bitter so throught i will post this i have no idea how long the forulms will last.)
in my head Clementine's story end with everyone and her die and she see everyone again in heaven (thats the ending that i think she deserves a happy end, after all the nightmare-ish things that she went through. Thanks for everyone's theory and silly ideas its been a blast to read them you guys are amazing meeting you guys were amazing, and we all had wonderful times he on the forlms. while its sad that this place is shutting down i hope everyone find the happiness they craved if that with getting jobs, finishing school/studies, picking up a new hobbie or enjoying a new friendship or maybe a romance. Maybe its saving money to do traveling that you longed for but never got. There are lots of things to enjoy in the world make sure you experience the things that you want in life.
-- Kind regards all the Modd, the fans of tell-tale and the stuff of Tell-tale: Thank you for giving up the stories and and the amazing characters that you create and write for. Clementine will live long in the fan's heart. One more thing: to all the VA who voice the characters in TELL-TALE's TWD series you were BLOODY AMAZING thank you brought all the joy and happiness to the fans.
Sadly all good things end, so please PLEASE remember that: enjoy the good times in your life while you can because you have no idea how long it will last TWD series has told us that.
Fans theory: TTG's the walking dead will end and when the characters find a cure.
Another theory: Clementine will die and wake up in a me… morental Hospital The zombies illness was all a coma dream had and Clementine goes back to living with her parents.
Fans theory:** Clementine Dies and TWD will end with her meting everyone who died in the afterlife: Kenny (if he died), Carly, Doug, Ben, Christa, Omid, Luke, Nick, Pete, rest of cabin crew, Everyone who ever been nice to her plus maybe 400 DAYS cast and Lee, and if gets to see everyone again
**The Truth: **Tell-Tale sudios will shut down because of low income, their games didnt make enough sales. Not only that the final series of TWD gets cancelled half way through the final series of TWD. AJ and Clementine's story falls away into dust and their fate is UNKNOWN. Plus all the other series that TELL-TALE was working on are cancelled. Tell-tale's workers were over-worked meeting the dema… [view original content] of the child soldiers is Arvo. On the way out, Clem gets the option of killing him...and takes it, after learning Mike and Bonnie didn't mesh with Lilly's gang. On the way out, they are helped by the other side...where Christa is revealed to be alive and well. They are reunited. Lilly isn't killed. She is left broken but alive. Someone gave her a third chance. She leaves, aiming to do right this time.
Clem and Violet get hitched when they come of age, living with Christa's group.
Another theory: Clementine will die and wake up in a mental Hospital The zombies illness was all a coma dream had and Clementine goes back to living with her parents.
That would work for me,i don't even think it's a stupid idea
Loser had to fuck the winner
. But that'd beg the question of who won?
[Insert Jane Godfather Meme here]
Sorry I had to

Mitch is Javier's illegitimate son from his Buddhi cummote.
That ''James'' guy from the trailer is Minnie.
Telltale will magically fall apart, nearly everyone will get fired, they won't make another game again, and TFS won't be finished.
Holy shit are you from the past?!
Fans theory: TTG's the walking dead will end and when the characters find a cure.
Another theory: Clementine will die and wake up in a mental Hospital The zombies illness was all a coma dream had and Clementine goes back to living with her parents.
Fans theory:** Clementine Dies and TWD will end with her meting everyone who died in the afterlife: Kenny (if he died), Carly, Doug, Ben, Christa, Omid, Luke, Nick, Pete, rest of cabin crew, Everyone who ever been nice to her plus maybe 400 DAYS cast and Lee, and if gets to see everyone again
**The Truth: **Tell-Tale sudios will shut down because of low income, their games didnt make enough sales. Not only that the final series of TWD gets cancelled half way through the final series of TWD. AJ and Clementine's story falls away into dust and their fate is UNKNOWN. Plus all the other series that TELL-TALE was working on are cancelled. Tell-tale's workers were over-worked meeting the demand
**Fans: **Our theories of how Clementine's story ending are a better ending and the only ending we will get (unless someone buys the rights) TT_TT
(sorry i'm still bitter so throught i will post this i have no idea how long the forulms will last.)
in my head Clementine's story end with everyone and her die and she see everyone again in heaven (thats the ending that i think she deserves a happy end, after all the nightmare-ish things that she went through. Thanks for everyone's theory and silly ideas its been a blast to read them you guys are amazing meeting you guys were amazing, and we all had wonderful times he on the forlms. while its sad that this place is shutting down i hope everyone find the happiness they craved if that with getting jobs, finishing school/studies, picking up a new hobbie or enjoying a new friendship or maybe a romance. Maybe its saving money to do traveling that you longed for but never got. There are lots of things to enjoy in the world make sure you experience the things that you want in life.
-- Kind regards all the Modd, the fans of tell-tale and the stuff of Tell-tale: Thank you for giving up the stories and and the amazing characters that you create and write for. Clementine will live long in the fan's heart. One more thing: to all the VA who voice the characters in TELL-TALE's TWD series you were BLOODY AMAZING thank you brought all the joy and happiness to the fans.
Sadly all good things end, so please PLEASE remember that: enjoy the good times in your life while you can because you have no idea how long it will last TWD series has told us that.
I'm happy and can't wait to play ep 2.......
Telltale's bankruptcy is an elaborate hoax on the fans to scavenge for more sales on their games.
Dude imagine that! I would probably never recover. Thank god that will never happen though...
I would be so happy if that were the case.
You speak THE TRUTH - wishing you all the best, kind regards of the child soldiers is Arvo. On the way out, Clem gets the option of killing him...and takes it, after learning Mike and Bonnie didn't mesh with Lilly's gang. On the way out, they are helped by the other side...where Christa is revealed to be alive and well. They are reunited. Lilly isn't killed. She is left broken but alive. Someone gave her a third chance. She leaves, aiming to do right this time.
Clem and Violet get hitched when they come of age, living with Christa's group.
"Lee was white"
That was racist!
Dorian is Tenn's real mom.
Telltale closure was a marketing ploy...right?
James is the coordinate and has command over the zombies.
James is a spy from Delta's enemy
(Wait, this isn't stupid)
Another theory: Clementine will die and wake up in a mental Hospital The zombies illness was all a coma dream had and Clementine goes back to living with her parents.
That would work for me,i don't even think it's a stupid idea
Brody is actually Broly. How else could she have been able to push marlon on his ass like that?
Lilly is still alive.
Brody is Sarah's adoptive sister.
Sam and Rosie came from thesame dog shelter
Don't you mean Caulifa?
Before Lee had a job at the university he taught history at Ericson's, where he met Tenn's mom and impregnated her.
How about Mia Kalifa???
nah, but the name “brody” becomes “broly” if tou throw an “L” over the “B”
I strongly recommend to anyone who is reading this, who doesn’t know, to google Mia Khalifa
I know, I was just referencing the news of there being a female Broly.
Iffin you say so.
Did it, instanty turned it off
R u gey, bro? ?
Louis is the unborn child of Christa and Omid.
Heh... hmm... no.
mia khalifa is ugly. Go try Gianna Michaels, Ava addams, Angela white, and ariella ferrera. I can list more all day fam
You turn ppl gay
I... I feel like we should speak more often
I don’t know whether to be offended or complimented so I’ll take it as both
We should all watch porn more often, that’s how world peace will be achieved