Weapon ideas in TWD
What weapons do you want to see more of in TWD and how would they be used?
It can be weapons that are very rare in the the game, show or comics ex Tanks. Or som that are never used like a guillotine. Or maybe some real stupid shit like a big lollipop or something.
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I personally would like to see Clem rock an RPG at some point, but i don't think that is gonna happen.
I always thought that this would be a cool weapon idea, inspired by Javier’s bat: a baseball, with circular swords attached to the end on a motor, with a button on the hilt that spins them around. That would be so badass if that was in any way possible to make ? I hope it’s possible to make ?
I'm sick and tired of people in the franchise not giving these walkers the fair one. Always weapons. I want to see someone just go up to one of them undead pieces of shit fists balled and just throw the fair one and shoot the fade with one of them on some hood shit. Hook to the mouth. That's hella gangsta. Hella gangsta indeed.
As for weapons. I wouldn't mind seeing Clem using a ninja sword. That'd be umm.....
There aren't enough AR15s in the games.
Yes officer, this post right here.
Clem's actually a few months older than I am in S4.
Personally I would go more classical era. Make some spears, some wooden shields, make a phalanx and go 300 on the walkers. Even a herd wouldn't be that much threat to a good phalanx. Only downside is that it would only be ideal vs walkers. Go up against people with guns and... well, we've seen the meme of not upgrading your infantry in Civilization games.
I want to see Tanks,Humves and APC if the Delta has any.
Likely story.
A sword and shield
Can we get a scene where we drive a car full-speed into a herd of walkers? If AJ dies I so want to do that. I'm sorry James, but I got emotions to vent ?
A polearm would be the most versatile weapon ever in the apocalypse
Personally I just always wanted to see someone just punch a walker in the face like the last of us status
What about when a walker sneaks up on you? it's not very good in close quarters which is where walkers are most dangerous
I would like to see a big man swinging a giant two handed sword and cutting walkers in half. Someone like Tripp or Larry.
Something like that
Would be so satisfying to see walkers heads and limbs flying away.
I also think Gabe would have been good with one of those booms you tape on yourself.
It would have made a better scene in TNF EP 4, Gabe goes on stage say goodbye to David. Then blow himself up with him goes David, Kate, Joan, Clint, Tripp, Ava and Eleanor. Leaving Javi and Clem to find AJ and forget that season 3 happened.
Salt lick. To smash Lilly's face.
If Clementine can’t hold AJ long enough, then she can’t hold an RPG.
there is concept art of minnie holding a crossbow with a sawed off butt stock
A typical Israeli RPG weighs about 7kg or 15 pounds. The average weight of a 5-6 year old boy is about 45 pounds. And AJ is a little stocky and has a belly on him. Not fat or even chubby but I can't find the right word. But he is beefy. So I'd pin him at around 50 pounds without a strap like some RPGs are fitted with to carry on your back easier and she carried him on no sleep through the woods with his whole weight sagging on her arms. He's also way wider than a RPG and more awkward to carry meaning she can't just throw him on her shoulder. That was full out bicep work. The fact a 16-18 year old girl carried him that long makes me realize Clem is a fucking beast even more.
Damn, I got into way too much detail about this minor statement lol.
Israeli RPG? Isn’t the RPG we typically think of is the Soviet design?
I want them to rip out a walker's spine, cut off the ribs, and use it as a baton.
Suppressed automatic weapon
Alll she needs is the Aperature Science handheld portal device. aka The Portal Gun. With that she can easily escape from walkers or kill them easily by sending them off a steep cliff.
You mean the pepper spray?
I'd love to see some of that put to use.
seriously.. why isn't there fucking SILENCED PISTOLS?
A some kind of character with a weapon of choice being a silenced Beretta 92FS would have been cool
In a universe where you can use a pillow to fire silently, you could probably put something together with tin cans and some insulation! It's seems so simple, it's like these people want to draw walkers towards them.
Predator missile
Portal Gun?
I was thinking something more like this...

Not really a weapon put se Clem go into the avatar state would me cool.

This would be this world's equivalent.

Chocolate Milk