Marvel's Spider-Man PS4 Discussion



  • Spoiler

    I know that's the name of the trophy. I have the game and the DLC too.

    AronDracula posted: »


  • Just completed the Heist DLC 100% but I gotta say, I'm a little bit disappointed in terms of the new costumes, not only they look less interesting compared to the suits from the main game but they also lack power abilities, I don't think everyone wanted to unlock them just for looks. I hope Insomniac learned from these mistakes with the last 2 DLCs

  • Feels like the DLC is just a set up for Black Cat's return in a Spiderman sequel. Would actually prefer to play as her and Silver Sable instead of Mary Jane, I'm really sick of her stealth missions now.

  • Wait, isn't her story going to continued in the next DLCs? Cause that's how the first one ended, with "To be continued"

    Feels like the DLC is just a set up for Black Cat's return in a Spiderman sequel. Would actually prefer to play as her and Silver Sable instead of Mary Jane, I'm really sick of her stealth missions now.

  • Pretty sure she won't be there but we'll be going after the villain Hammerhead which Spiderman thinks


    killed Black Cat.

    They mentioned Hell's Kitchen a few times so honestly Daredevil could end up showing up in the November DLC with Silver Sable showing up for the final one in December "Silver Lining". Seems to me she planned on using


    her fake death

    To get Spiderman to take down Hammerhead as an annoyance for her plus she probably loves the fact that it would demonstrate how much he cares about her. But yeah this very much felt like her temporary exit till Hammerhead is gone so I bet she won't be back till Spider-Man 2.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Wait, isn't her story going to continued in the next DLCs? Cause that's how the first one ended, with "To be continued"

  • Tell me what is your favorite suit from this game. My favorite one is Velocity Suit.

  • edited October 2018

    Big Time stealth suit. My favorite time using it was during the Halloween mission

    AronDracula posted: »

    Tell me what is your favorite suit from this game. My favorite one is Velocity Suit.

  • Hmm... The White Spider suit looks good, though I kinda like the Last Stand suit more.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Tell me what is your favorite suit from this game. My favorite one is Velocity Suit.

  • edited October 2018

    After act 2 I like to wear this suit as I try to control the chaos. It's like my riot gear


    And this is when I'm finally fed up
  • This suit reminds me of Red Hood.

    After act 2 I like to wear this suit as I try to control the chaos. It's like my riot gear (Spoiler) And this is when I'm finally fed up

  • I started NG+ a few days ago and so far, I didn't die at all, surprisingly. Maybe it's because I'm fully. However, I'm so getting annoyed taking damage from those enemies.

  • I like the game and all, but I can’t help but feel that it’s heavily overrated. I mean it has an amazing story that I absolutely loved and all...but what else is there? The same repetitive punch enemies until they are K.O’d side missions?

    If anybody can provide a list of fun things to do in free roam it would be much appreciated ?

  • Every game is overrated and repetitive. What can you do?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I like the game and all, but I can’t help but feel that it’s heavily overrated. I mean it has an amazing story that I absolutely loved and a

  • Playing on Ultimate? It can get annoying when you take damage. (The simple thug does like 60 damage!) The most frustrated I got was from when I fought Taskmaster after you complete the challenges. Wait for him to attack first. I had to learn that the hard way.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I started NG+ a few days ago and so far, I didn't die at all, surprisingly. Maybe it's because I'm fully. However, I'm so getting annoyed taking damage from those enemies.

  • Yep, played on Ultimate and yeah, Taskmaster gave me a hard time but still survived his skills.

    Also, I just finished the game and earned all the trophies. Now I'm feeling empty. Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be the next game, for Christmas.

    Playing on Ultimate? It can get annoying when you take damage. (The simple thug does like 60 damage!) The most frustrated I got was from whe

  • Welp, I preordered the Ultimate edition of RDR 2 two hours before its release. I still probably have about 6 hours left before I finish my Ultimate+ run of spiderman. Oh boy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yep, played on Ultimate and yeah, Taskmaster gave me a hard time but still survived his skills. Also, I just finished the game and earned all the trophies. Now I'm feeling empty. Red Dead Redemption 2 is going to be the next game, for Christmas.

  • Skip all them cutscenes! Skip 'em!

    Welp, I preordered the Ultimate edition of RDR 2 two hours before its release. I still probably have about 6 hours left before I finish my Ultimate+ run of spiderman. Oh boy.

  • Very disappointed with The Heist. Story-wise it was fine and I really liked the chemistry between Black Cat and Spiderman, but it just felt like the game was really lacking. Not all that much new stuff is offered, and I'm not sure if anyone else was having this problem, but the game was plagued by way too many loading screens, scenes that were playing out during the loading screen, or even in one case, the screen staying black as something was going on in the game. The game was buggy as all hell, and it really ruined the playing experience. Hopefully the other DLC's will be better, because honestly, I was not a fan.

  • Heh.
    I think this is a pretty good J.J.J. Rap.

  • OMG XD

    AChicken posted: »

    Heh. I think this is a pretty good J.J.J. Rap.

  • Sooo I really want to buy this, but I don't want to send 60 bucks on it. Should I wait for a sale or is this game so damn good that I need to buy it and play it immediately when I have the time?

  • If you feel that the price is right, buy it. I bought RDR2 for $100 and I feel that is worth it. (based on previous games)

    Sooo I really want to buy this, but I don't want to send 60 bucks on it. Should I wait for a sale or is this game so damn good that I need to buy it and play it immediately when I have the time?

  • Oh SHOOT

    Turf Wars will be released on Nov. 20th.

  • Noiiiice.

    Turf Wars will be released on Nov. 20th.

  • Turf Wars is coming next week.

  • I'm sooo gonna wear the Noir suit for this.

    Turf Wars is coming next week.

  • edited November 2018

    Ludicrously hyped for the new suits.

  • Got to protect Yuri

    Turf Wars is coming next week.

  • This story felt pretty short.

  • I just saw the cutscene between Miles and Peter at the end. All I can say is: Dude, that was wicked gnar.

  • How can people be soo stupid? I got spoiled of the ending of Turf Wars. Fucking youtube.

  • Saw a thumbnail with him on it. Had to meet ‘em myself. It was pretty cool

  • I wasn't a big fan of prerelease dlc. Sorry felas, none of this touches red dead, and I wish more studios would put this effort into a game instead of A New Frontiering us

  • edited November 2018

    Dude, who said anything about Red Dead? How is this even close to that retarded garbage that is ANF?

    I wasn't a big fan of prerelease dlc. Sorry felas, none of this touches red dead, and I wish more studios would put this effort into a game instead of A New Frontiering us

  • prerelease dlc

    uhhhh this is post-release. it's valid.

    I wasn't a big fan of prerelease dlc. Sorry felas, none of this touches red dead, and I wish more studios would put this effort into a game instead of A New Frontiering us

  • Just seems like a trend of recent super hero games all the Batman Arkham games are guilty of it too.

    AChicken posted: »

    prerelease dlc uhhhh this is post-release. it's valid.

  • I don't...really understand what you're getting at here.
    Should a big budget superhero game not be allowed to have extra content?

    Just seems like a trend of recent super hero games all the Batman Arkham games are guilty of it too.

  • Another Spider-Man DLC, another bug ridden mess.

  • What?

    Another Spider-Man DLC, another bug ridden mess.

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