Yeah, How About We Talk About Today’s Episode...[Spoilers]

I’m so lost for words right now, but I’ll say this just to start it off: I swear to god Violet and Minnie are fucking dead when I get my hands on those bitches. I saved Louis instead of Violet since I romanced her, and she got mad at me for it, and tried to stop me when I tried opening the cell door, so now im in a “fuck that bitch” kind of mood. I know I was Lily’s #1 advocate, but I had AJ drop her fucking ass. I tried to give her the benefit of the doubt, but she tried to dominate me, like hello, did you forget who tf I was???? Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit, man. I honestly wanted to hop in the game and fuck all three of those bitches up at the cell block....but yeah, tell me what you guys thought about today’s episode
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A lot more emotional than I thought. Very touching moments throughout the first and mid parts of the episode. And is it me, or were a lot of the scenes parallel to S2? Rubbing blood on themeselves (In Harm’s away), The walker grabbing Clementine under water (Luke’s death), and Clementine debating on leaving Violet (even the way Violet was sitting reminded me of Sarah).
Yeah I noticed there were several nods to season 2 in this episode. The biggest one was the barn and AJ licking the salt lick.
Haha did you let him lick it? He needs to go through the hard experiences I did so I had no choice but to let him.
The walkers James had in the barn reminded me of Season 2 of the show when Hershel kept them in a barn also
Also, someone needs to slap some sense into James. He’s all like ‘They’re basically like normal people’. I was over thinking to myself like ummmmm noooooo they are not. Without his walker hide, they’d rip him a brand new asshole. I didn’t kill his walkers because we could’ve used them to our advantage, but I disagreed with him completely after walking through the barn. Also, how tf does he wear that mask without his face being all slimey??
Mercy killing Abel and having AJ blow a hole in Lilly’s head is not how I envisioned this episode going for me lol.
So.....Haha....I um I still have to do my "Save Violet" playthrough cause I had Louis with me in this one. But Jesus H Christ.
So, it's no secret I'm a fan of Lilly. Not so much so because she could be redeemed or anything, though I hoped for that, but more so for the idea that she was a pretty interesting character, good or bad. In this episode, that feeling didn't really change at all. I still think she was pretty interesting. Almost terrifying in a way. (I foolishly tried to spare her btw...…..FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!). I was also surprised she actually cared for Abel's well being. I told Abel she abandoned him, but it seemed like that wasn't the case. Emotionally anyway. So that was interesting to me. I sort of expected her to be like "No matter. He served his purpose" on some Orochimaru shit.
I don't know how the others will feel, but I think this was a great episode. An exhausting one. An emotional one. A tension filled one. And all of those feelings were set to maximum. I'm kind of having trouble coming up with words to describe it really. All I can really say it was basically everything I wanted. This episode really tries your options.
It did so much to force your hand on so many decisions. If you're someone who took the "humane" approach and tried to spare people or find the peace in others, congratulations, You Played Yourself. Correction. I. ME. I played myself.
Maybe Minnie will still come to her senses, I don't know, but boy oh boy am I a gullible fuck or what? First things first, I would've died in that mission irl cause I died a good 10 times trying to get inside the boat alone. I think Minnie just needs to see Tenn. I have a feeling only Tenn can calm her down. If not, she ain't getting a third chance, I'll kill her without hesitation.
Violet....sigh Vi, Vi, Vi, you poor, precious fool. I love you girl, but why the fuck is she mad? Like Clem wasn't risking her ass and everyone else's ass just to rescue them. If Clem really didn't care, she'd take the rest of the kids and dip. Clem got herself in that mess to get her back. She shouldn't be petty over this. And she's blinded by her past love for Minnie as well. Honestly didn't expect her to attack me.
So much more I can talk about. The party they held made me tear up badly. Let me just get this out of the way, if anyone who doesn't like Louis uses that poor excuse of "He jokes too much", then they don't have an opinion anymore. You don't have to like him, but don't tell me he doesn't know how to be serious after this episode. He's come a long way since episode 1 and I'm pleasantly satisfied by his maturity. His mouth got him in trouble by the end and he's sort of traumatized, but he'll be fine. Hopefully. His first kill was an accident, but I don't want that to affect him too badly. She tried to cut his fingers off, so hopefully he'll snap out of bit.
That Lee flashback made me cry. I was holding them shits back until Clem grew up right before his eyes then just said "Fuck it". But this comment will be a page long so let me just end off by saying I loved this episode. I don't know what they have planned for the finale at this point.
This is honestly the best episode since Starved for Help imo
Beth Greene (TV show)'s singing or Vi's singing which do you prefer? Also what happened to Vi if you save Louis in Ep 2
Violet saved my life when minerva tried to kill me like kenny killed jane lol; she shot her with her own crossbow, Violet is a keeper. Louis got his tongue cut out, because he wouldn't shut up lol. And AJ put multiple rounds through Lilly's dome. This was a great episode.
violet was already on my "I am perfectly fine if you die list" but now I think Ill be happy to watch it happen.
Can we talk about how adorable AJ's protectivness of Tenn towards Willy was?
I'm still playing, but I need to know. Just saw what happened to Louis if you didn't save him last episode. What happens in Violet's case?
Hearing her little story of how Larry was a tough father growing up, cutting off their electricity, taking her ice cream sandwiches away and shit was interesting. Wish we could’ve gotten more out of her
T-THAT’S WHAT I’M SAYING!!!! She literally had 0 reason to be mad at Clem, Like bitch, I could’ve curved you for Louis. That means I care. I wanted to slap her when she was in the corner all curled up.
Hearing Ruby mention how 34 kids had died did darken the mood. When she told me about throwing a party, I was expecting them to dance. That “party” was pretty lame lol.
I thought that was one of the coolest and most interesting scenes in the game. It reminds me how Aang used to go into the avatar state and talk to Roku for guidance. What I loved about that scene the most is how she envisioned her talking to Lee as a child, as that’s how she was when she last spoke with him. I also loved how Lee was self aware of him being a figment of her unconcious mind, yet still told her to come visit him again. That was sweet.
Louis: Gets tongue cut out
Violet: Gets butthurt you let her be kidnapped and joins the raiders
I should have saved Louis. ;-;
Really? I thought something would happen to her? That’s messed up
I swear to god she’s going on ice ??
So are we going to have to face Minerva & Violet now? Who’s the antagonist? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING TO HAPPEN?!
Inb4 “everyones dead lol.”
“Violet and Minnie are the new antagonists lol also clems bit XD”
So what happens if you don't choose anything during the final choice? Is it just a game over?
Does Violet turn on you if it was her that you saved?
This thread spoiled me on James dying if you didn't kill Lily, but I feel like I would have chosen that regardless, because of what she did to Louis. She was beyond saving.
What pisses me off is that she doesn't seem to see Clem. Right. In. Front. Of. Her. Would she have really gotten herself in that mess if she didn't care to save her? I still need to play the one where I saved her, but I truly hope she comes out of this attitude.
Saaaaame I was expecting them to dance. I was expecting Louis to walk up to Clem and be like "May I have this dance, Milady" or some corny shit. Tbh, they missed an opportunity there. I love what we got anyway, but that could've came after some dancing.
For real, for real???
I really want to know. Like, does it have AJ makes the choice on his own, based on what you taught him?
I really hope it's like that. Although I have a feeling Lily will just grab the gun, because AJ is conflicted and distracted and kill you.
I should probably get away from here until I watch "my" version of the episode, but I will say this--they sho sinkin this ship.
I really liked it. The parts with James felt kinda slow and unecessary like in the last episode but that's the only complaint I have.
I got everything that I wanted out of this episode. I got to torture Able, tell James that he's fucking insane, dance with Violet and watch AJ fill Lilly's body with lead!
H e l l
Y e a h
Best part was when I found out that Louis had his tongue cut out. I fucking laughed my ass off dude. Finally that punk bitch will shut the fuck up. Forever.
Oh, and the Lee scene was alright I guess, could have been left out tho. It felt a little fan-servicey.
A really awesome episode overall, one of the greats.
I walked in on my sister’s playthrough and saw Louis with his tongue cut out. I’m so glad I let Violet go instead of him. I hope everyone who let Louis get captured because he jokes too much feels bad
Our boy @CarverDidNothingWrong above you would like to have a word Lol. I don't know what Louis did to him.
Ngl I almost cried when I saw Louis breakdown. That boy is officially broken. And also, I didn’t know Louis could be manipulative as hell.
I don’t want Louis to die, but he shouldn’t have to live like that for more than a second. And how is he manipulative?
You little shit!!!!! What did Louis ever do but try to cheer everyone up??! mark my words, I’ll make sure AJ dies in everyone’s playthrough
He single-handedly ruined his parents’ marriage. And then pretend cry to try to make the situation real. Lmao, that boy was a savage.
I just watched that scene since I'm an impatient. And I'm honestly crying right now. I kind of regret looking at the scene now. It was so hard to watch and what's worse, is he still tried to smile for Clem. Sigh, I need to go to bed now. That scene is gonna be on my mind the rest of the day. On the flip side, Violet's route is just her being petty. I much rather that route. I can handle pettiness.
When did he say this?
All according to plan...