Do you think Minerva will turn on Lily?



  • Pretty much. I'll take it right down to its core, I'm as simple as spic you can come across. I did not enjoy Jeff as Javier. Or anything about it, really. But me and you made the choices we did. It's ours, we made them, and whatever happens affects what we did.

    They people who actually played the game have a better grasp on it. Cause if we fuck up with choices, we have to live it. People on YouTube, " I'll just look up someone else who made a different choice lol."

  • "Once Minerva discovers Lilly almost shot Tenn. She'll change her mind" She doesn't care about her family though, she would happily shoot her twin sister for lilly so she wouldn't give tenn, her adopted brother, a different treatment

    Once Minerva discovers Lilly almost shot Tenn. She'll change her mind. She still loves him. She is conflicted. You see it in her face. Minerva will save you from Lilly at the last second. Lilly = Sidious Clem = Luke Minerva = Vader

  • Unless your guy makes a choice you don't agree with. Then I feel it people won't like the game and refuse to watch the rest of the episode play out.

    DabigRG posted: »

    With that said, the first playthrough(s) you watch can probably color your overall view on the game.

  • Which affects how we see the game differently from people who just watch it on YouTube.

    Pretty much. I'll take it right down to its core, I'm as simple as spic you can come across. I did not enjoy Jeff as Javier. Or anything abo

  • Every scene Minerva is in she's asking about Tenn and his safety. She wouldn't even mention him if she didn't care

    MaxTheFax posted: »

    "Once Minerva discovers Lilly almost shot Tenn. She'll change her mind" She doesn't care about her family though, she would happily shoot her twin sister for lilly so she wouldn't give tenn, her adopted brother, a different treatment

  • You don’t think she cared about Sophie before killing her? Her asking about him doesn’t mean anything. If Lily tells Minerva to kill Tenn, how you do you wanna bet that she’d do it?

    Every scene Minerva is in she's asking about Tenn and his safety. She wouldn't even mention him if she didn't care

  • What’s with all the hostility in this thread?

  • Yep. An extra handicap against Broken Toys, some may argue.

    Then I feel it people won't like the game and refuse to watch the rest of the episode play out.

    Eeeh, maybe, maybe not?

    Unless your guy makes a choice you don't agree with. Then I feel it people won't like the game and refuse to watch the rest of the episode play out.

  • More of the occasional usual.
    Which is a surprise, considering it involves what all but one or so would consider the worst character.

    What’s with all the hostility in this thread?

  • All this talk about Minnie possibly turning on Lily has me playing ep.3 again to see what'll happen in the future. I just hope the option to kill Minnie would still be available even after she betrays Lily. I'm not about to let go of her hitting me in my head and stabbing me in the chest :D

  • edited January 2019

    I see what you’re doing I forgive you then all of a sudden stabbed in the chest.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    All this talk about Minnie possibly turning on Lily has me playing ep.3 again to see what'll happen in the future. I just hope the option to

  • Exactly. No idea why people watch someone make decisions, or why hating Jews and blacks is cool cause pieguy said so. Fuck that worthless pile of trash, I'm more interested in the people who have played it. From the beginning. Not people fishing for likes or views or white supremacists. I literally can't say fuck you to pewdiewhocares hard enough, racist piece of shit.

    Which affects how we see the game differently from people who just watch it on YouTube.

  • Amen brother

    Exactly. No idea why people watch someone make decisions, or why hating Jews and blacks is cool cause pieguy said so. Fuck that worthless pi

  • What can I say haters going to hate.

    Amen brother

  • What can I say? It's one of the fine corners of this site

    What can I say haters going to hate.

  • What is happening lately?

    What can I say haters going to hate.

  • I agree. I've made lots of decisions I regret but they were mine. My main save file is always the one I carry on. It's the one that counts for me because all my choices were made on the fly with no time to think. I do have other save files where I play for fun and make different choices but my main is what I reserve for my first play through.

    Avoid it as much as you will, don't watch someone play it and pretend you know. No one influenced the choices I made, they were mine. I made

  • Lily died in my playthrough and Minnie got shot through the shoulder. Pretty sure her arc is done with.

  • You could use a comma. But yea, haters going to hate on white supremacists. T3 wasn't the first terminator movie lol

    What can I say haters going to hate.

  • This^^^^

    Where ever we end up, the journey that tool us here means as much, if not more, than any other.

    Pyreflie posted: »

    I agree. I've made lots of decisions I regret but they were mine. My main save file is always the one I carry on. It's the one that counts f

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