No Love Triangle (SPOILERS)
This is what makes Take Us Back better than From The Gallows. While Clem and Minerva do wind up fighting one another in this Episode, the fight itself has nothing to do with Clem's relationship with Violet, or at the very least isn't the initial cause of it. So the cringe factor that was there during Javier's fight with David was absent during Clem's first and second fight with Minerva.
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Not that hard to be better than From The Gallows in all honesty lol, though I enjoyed it a lot. But I agree.
I thought they’d make it a love triangle situation between them, but was very pleased to know they didn’t go that route. It’s hard for me to take conflict seriously when it’s over a romantic relationship (if its not a romance story first and foremost I should specify)
At the most, Violet allows herself to be swept away by the presence of Minerva for a time, which I understand. I would have liked some acknowledgement from Minerva though. Don’t double down on it, but just to see her acknowledge that Vi and Clem are a thing.
They were gonna go through with it at some point but in the end decided not to because the script could've made Violet seem very unlikable.
And I'm glad they decided to scrap it, she was hurting for over a year about her and over someone she doesn't know anymore and faced reality that she needs to stop crying over her, which was a big character development for her.
I thought that would've been a factor after seeing the trailer. But already been done. Plus, Vi would have Clem's back 100%
The trailer did actually have me worried there would be some love triangle bullshit thrown in here, and I'm very thankful there wasn't. Granted this wouldn't have impacted my game since I was with Louis, but still, I don't want players who went with the Violetine route to have to suffer through it.
I don't know why writers constantly try to thrown in these cheap sources of conflict known as a love triangle. I have yet to see one work of fiction where a love triangle has been done right or generally gets me invested in the story/characters, I do not get the appeal, and that's one of the biggest problems I had with ANF was that it's central conflict was built on this. Everything else, even the main plot, felt secondary.
I like the Javier/David confrontation better. At least there I could rub it in David’s face.
I decided long ago that the only romance my Clementine would experience was with Gabe so any confrontation in season 4 was devoid of romance as a factor.

Stop what? Don’t mistake me for some troll. I’m being 100% legitimate.
That's even worse.
Because I have an unpopular opinion that differs from yours?
I like the Javier and Kate relationship and Clem with Gabe. The horror!
I’m 36 years old. Of course I’d be more invested in a love triangle involving adults.
Nah. I'm just speaking on behalf of the majority here. Most fans hate Gabentine. Plus Kate is a thot so...
So...because my opinion is a minority one that makes me being serious about it worse? Yeah, that’s not how opinions work.
Don’t even know what the hell thot means. (I hate slangs.) Looking it up and yeah, no. Kate isn’t a ho. For falling for Javier? Give me a break.
From the Gallows was a cringefest. That's worse.
Kate throws Javier under the bus if you don't romance her, so yea she is a thot.
Again, opinion. (In regards to the quality of the episode.) I’m not even defending the episode. Just because most hate it doesn’t mean it’s worse as a fact.
Same goes for Kate. You think of her that way so it’s definite that she is? Seems to me like you’re set on speaking as if your word is fact.
None of your points are how facts and opinions work. A majority doesn’t automatically make it so and others are allowed to have an opinion on something without being criticized for them.
Well, if it was bad enough for fans to stop playing and cause Telltale to shut down then that's really bad.
Yeah, A New Frontier caused TellTale to shut down. That’s why they produced and completed several more series after it ended and didn’t go bankrupt until well after the fourth season had started.
You actually think people not playing A New Frontier caused TellTale to lose enough money to shutdown? I don’t even know what to say to that. Sorry to break it to you, but it was years of poor managerial decisions (That were happening before ANF even existed.) that killed TellTale.
We’re done here, yeah?
Not really, but it is a minor factor.
Hm...Violet and character development.
I thought the central conflict was "Why can't you be a real man--like ME?!"
Not really.
She was just more than frustrated with how both of them conduct[ed] themselves at that point and didn't take just how petty David is into account.
That's more overestimating carelessness than anything.
I'm not taking sides on this matter, but it's also worth noting that ANF had more sales on certain consoles than TFS(which was very visible for a number of reasons) last time the numbers were reported.
Plus, ANF itself is apparently a product of that as well.
The Walking Dead Season 1 was Telltale's best selling product. Each subsequent season has made less money than the last to the point where, as you just mentioned, TFS made less money than ANF. Even though TFS was far better than ANF overall, it still didn't make as much bc consumer confidence was low bc of ANF. When a company's best selling product isn't making money anymore that does not look good to investors. That's why Lionsgate, AMC, and others pulled out.
Relevance: Besides genuinely liking the pairing of Javier and Kate I liked that you could confirm it right in front of David because I found David to be an asshole who treated people like shit and felt he deserved to be taken down a bit.
I was using it as another reason why I liked the romance/scene in ANF since apprently it’s wrong to like ANF.
Don't worry, I like Anf too
You really need to stop blaming TellTale’s ultimate failure on A New Frontier.
Not liking something doesn’t mean you can make up falsities about it. TellTale was in a lot of trouble to begin with and would have met the same fate even if A New Frontier never existed.
Oh, that's fair enough in itself.
It just kinda seemed a little random is all.
Look at this Chart. Remember this?
You keep telling yourself that it was ALL A New Frontier’s fault. I on the other hand will continue to live in reality.
Its a bit disappointing there wasnt to be honest. Adds more to the choices if you romance Violet you get a new subplot, and if you dont, you dont get it.
I mean ANF's love triangle was so shit because you fight over a girl you can go "I dont have feelings for you" but for some reason yall still fighting over it anyway. If they made a determinant love triangle Id be all for it as it would make sense if you actually chose that route instead of ANF's "Too bad buddy" attitude.
Wouldnt even need to be a big thing, but having it said in passing would have been a nice touch.
Thank you and @AnimalBoy and @Thebatman377 because I also received criticism for suggesting that I preferred 'A New Frontier' over the final season.