TWD: The 'Telltale' Definitive Series {Fall 2022 Ship Date - Level52 Statue}

edited October 2021 in General Chat

Out September 10, 'The Telltale Definitive Series' is Skybound Games' ultimate (or should I say Definitive?) collection of every single one of Telltale Games' (the old one, not the new one) The Walking Dead seasons and miniseries. Lookin' at you, Michonnne...

It features new Graphic Black textures as a render option, and a whole lot of bonus features for fans of the franchise. a Music Player, a Model Viewer (with iconic playable character lines), a Docu-Short surrounding the completion of The Final Season, and Developer Commentary for select episodes in each season.
[The Walking Dead's section has been shut down since Telltale doesn't own the rights to make a dedicated forum about it, so it's come to us the fans to make our own fan-made, fan-supported, completely unrelated ;) threads!]



  • I wonder if they have to change the name now, since "Telltale", as in the brand, is very much not dead after all.

  • edited August 2019

    Just got a e-mail from Skybound, there is going to be a delay with the physical items as it didn't meet their standards. Time frame is around November. But the game alone, will still ship on Sept 10th, and they will be adding a extra pin to the collection once the collectables ships.
    About the PC version,

    We will be shipping the physical boxed copy of the game (or PC code for anyone who ordered a PC option, with physical PC discs coming later to those who ordered it) directly to you, arriving by the release date of September 10.

  • edited August 2019

    Hmmm... that's unfortunate, and November would then be 2 months after the release. At least we get the game on release, but... hhhmmmm. 'Doesn't fit their standards'? Maybe some items were of poorer quality than advertised? Hopefully we still get everything once it ships.

    Can't say I'm not surprised and disappointed by this. I haven't got this email yet, and was even expecting a shipping notice by now.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    Just got a e-mail from Skybound, there is going to be a delay with the physical items as it didn't meet their standards. Time frame is aroun

  • edited August 2019

    Am I reading this right? If you ordered the PC version of the game you'll get a PC code on the day of release as well as the physical disc later on.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    Just got a e-mail from Skybound, there is going to be a delay with the physical items as it didn't meet their standards. Time frame is aroun

  • edited August 2019


    Hmmm... that's unfortunate, and November would then be 2 months after the release. At least we get the game on release, but... hhhmmmm. 'Doesn't fit their standards'? Maybe some items were of poorer quality than advertised? Hopefully we still get everything once it ships.
    Can't say I'm not surprised and disappointed by this. I haven't got this email yet.

    It's unfortunate at least we know Skybound is there for their customers so if a product does not meet to their standards it wound meets ours too. Not sure if anyone else noticed it, but the hat on Clem in the diorama the letter D on Clem's hat isn't even painted in. So that could be one of the problems.


    Am I reading this right? If you ordered the PC version of the game you'll get a PC code on the day of release as well as the physical disc later on.

    That's how I read it too. I got the physical disc version so I'll post any info here as the day nears. For the PC code, there is a great chance it's redeem from the Epic Game Store, and I don't want it from EGS. Hopefully with the physical disc, it lets me play offline.

  • edited August 2019

    Well here's something old that I never noticed. On the old page for the Definitive Collector's Editions, there's a small product update that happened in May

    UPDATE MAY 21, 2019
    The Definitive Series Collector Packs just got a little bit more special with the addition of the awesome Rosie the dog pin – included in EVERY pre-order (even if you’ve already ordered!) If you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

    So, now we're getting an extra pin on top of that! Okay. (Since Lee, Clem, and now Rosie are pins, I'm expecting this bonus one to be AJ.)

    Also, the page now says the item will ship "After November".

  • There was already a AJ pin for those who bought TFS collectors edition that also came with the AJ statue.
    I was hoping them


    friendship or lovers pin between Clem and Vi.

    AChicken posted: »

    Well here's something old that I never noticed. On the old page for the Definitive Collector's Editions, there's a small product update that

  • On the one hand, I'm a bit upset because I was hoping to get everything all at once.

    But mostly, I'm glad for the communication and that Skybound wasn't just going to give us some half-assed, lower quality product to the customers who dished out the extra money for them (cough Bethesda cough).

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    Just got a e-mail from Skybound, there is going to be a delay with the physical items as it didn't meet their standards. Time frame is aroun

  • I wouldnt hold my breath, theres still a high chance it turns out to be a crappy product. Dont forget the Lee action figure.

    On the one hand, I'm a bit upset because I was hoping to get everything all at once. But mostly, I'm glad for the communication and that

  • You mean the $25 one from Skybound shop or some collectable I don't know about.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wouldnt hold my breath, theres still a high chance it turns out to be a crappy product. Dont forget the Lee action figure.

  • If I had to guess the delay was a weighted decision influenced largely by the utter shitshow surrounding Bethesda and that crappy nylon bag. Not a good move per say but a smart move on Skybound's part.

    AChicken posted: »

    Hmmm... that's unfortunate, and November would then be 2 months after the release. At least we get the game on release, but... hhhmmmm. 'Doe

  • Vinyl Records for TWD S1-S4.

    I wish they would stop with this limited time pre-order nonsense. I would like to get one as a collection, but I need time to save up!

  • I'm so hyped I thought the walking dead definitive collection would be my last telltale game that got me a platinum trophy on the sad note it will be my last walking dead platinum trophy

  • edited September 2019

    So... About this Definitive Edition S1 leak thread

    Yeah, on the one hand, part of me is worried that it won't turn out to be the best final product it's advertised as.
    The previews aren't optimised with Graphic Black, some characters and environments look really odd (though the brightness was apparently set super high), some scenes aren't optimised very properly while others look great.
    At this point I'm not expecting a patch, since Telltale never really seemed to do any (probably since doing that for the Telltale Tool would be hell)

    However, from most of the stuff seen I still have hopes that it will be worth it... somewhat. The menus look good, there's some nice bonus features this time around, I've read in that Reddit thread that when turning Graphic Black off, it looks like an even better version of The Collection.
    So long as there aren't any (or as many) bugs as The Collection infamously had: what with choices not saving properly, texture bugs, other issues.. it should be good.

    And to the people saying that Skybound are being lazy in rereleasing the games with a simple filter... why you say dis? I don't think the Graphic Black stuff is just a filter, at least not a basic overlay on the screen. They had to properly get characters outlines, change some of the textures' lighting for that Black effect, and touch up some models. It's a bit more than "Hey Jerry, make the game look darker!!".
    It's supposed to evoke the look of the comics even more than the original games. So far, I think it looks fine. It's got potential.
    Regardless of whether it's a simple filter or not, it's not like this tarnishes the original products. You want a non-filtered version? A version without potential bugs? Open up the individual season.

  • edited September 2019

    On a separate note, I'm worried that my copy of the Definitive Series isn't being shipped, or that the order hasn't even processed yet.

    I checked my Skybound Store account, and while the Collector's Edition is in my purchase history, and says it's Paid I haven't gotten the update email from Skybound yet saying they've delayed the product. And I haven't even gotten a shipping notice yet about the PS4 game coming on its own for Tuesday. Anyone else experience these issues?
    If not... Great, I'll see if Customer Service knows what's up.

  • Oh, you can bet that there will be a day 1 patch. Telltale did it on rare occasions, but most often not because they had the episodic structure working against them in that regard. They'd instead fix some issues with the next episode. Patches and updates cost money, too, so they saved some doing it that way.

    The definitive edition is a different thing and I expect at least a day 1 patch for the following reasons:

    • it's in the name. It's supposed to be the definitive way to play the game. You don't want to fuck thus up. It may not sound that convinving, but it goes hand in hand with my next point.
    • it's really the first TWD game where Skybound gets all the money. It is in their best interest to put out a product that works as good as it can, especially since the groundwork has already been laid down.
    • the definitive edition includes five games running on three different itterations of the same engine. That's a technicle clusterfuck to work with and makes a patch pretty much essential to get it out in time.

    And to the people saying that Skybound are being lazy in rereleasing the games with a simple filter... why you say dis? I don't think the Graphic Black stuff is just a filter, at least not a basic overlay on the screen. They had to properly get characters outlines, change some of the textures' lighting for that Black effect, and touch up some models. It's a bit more than "Hey Jerry, make the game look darker!!".

    Pretty much. It is not a completely new renderer like it is in S4, but it's definetly not a filter. It's insane that people claim it to be. It's an added effect to the old renderer, which is why the quality of the result varies depending on the scene. It works differently here, than it did in S4, too. In S4, it adjusted the effect depending on the position of your character. In the DE, it adjusts depending on your camera since the camera and the character move and work seperate from each other due to the point & click nature of the earlier games. So they had to recreate the effect on an older version of the engine in games, that weren't developed with this style in mind.

    Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and how they work.

    AChicken posted: »

    So... About this Definitive Edition S1 leak thread Yeah, on the one hand, part of me is worried that it won't turn out to be the best fin

  • Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and how they work.

    Welcome to the forum.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Oh, you can bet that there will be a day 1 patch. Telltale did it on rare occasions, but most often not because they had the episodic struct

  • edited September 2019


    Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and how they work.

    oh yeah man people just dont know shit about video games,look at all this hard work man

    oh yeah yeah

    this is somehow worse than the original collection imagine paying for this holy shit.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Oh, you can bet that there will be a day 1 patch. Telltale did it on rare occasions, but most often not because they had the episodic struct

  • edited September 2019

    It's just so weird to me. But it's one of the bigger problems of the gaming community in general. Not a lot of people know how games are actually made and I honestly can't blame them for that since the industry itself is so obsessed with secrecy to the point where publishers treat the games with more care than they treat the people creating it.

    But some comments in any discussion about any game are just ... baffling. It often feels like the industry is in a permanent state of we against them where gamers lash out at devs for the most absurd reasons - which they more often than not don't fully understand.

    You can criticize everything, but if you want to be taken seriously you need to understand how and why something works or doesn't just as much as if.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and how they work. Welcome to the forum.

  • edited September 2019

    See, this is the fundamental misunderstanding of video game developement that plagues pretty much the majority of discussions.

    Just because it isn't good doesn't mean that people didn't work hard on it.

    iFoRias posted: »

    LMFAO THIS LOOKS SO FUCKING BAD Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and h

  • Boy, Season 1 hasn't aged well.

    I thought that was in the game for a second. :lol:

    iFoRias posted: »

    LMFAO THIS LOOKS SO FUCKING BAD Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and h

  • edited September 2019

    Its pretty obvious they took a feature from a game made in 2018 and applied it to a game from 2012, got it working in the older build of the engine, and it didnt mesh well because Walking Dead Season 1 was never made with these type of visuals in mind. It is lazy and you dont need to be an expert in games to figure it out. Theres a reason why I said it will end up looking bad at launch months back now as it was clear they would just throw the graphic black filter on top and leave it at that.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    It's just so weird to me. But it's one of the bigger problems of the gaming community in general. Not a lot of people know how games are act

  • Yes, people worked hard on it. Yes, it is actually more work than just putting on a filter.
    But it still looks shit and is overall an absolute dissapointment that few saw coming.
    It will likely be patched though. If it isn't, we can complain and laugh about it. That's not toxicity.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    See, this is the fundamental misunderstanding of video game developement that plagues pretty much the majority of discussions. Just because it isn't good doesn't mean that people didn't work hard on it.

  • I'm not arguing over wether it looks good or not. It doesn't. But I take more issue in the way the disappointment is communicated.

    It's one thing to say something doesn't work.
    It's another calling the devs lazy.

    Complaining isn't toxicity. Pointing out flaws isn't toxicity. Calling devs lazy is and so is any form of verbal attack.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    Yes, people worked hard on it. Yes, it is actually more work than just putting on a filter. But it still looks shit and is overall an abso

  • Alright.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I'm not arguing over wether it looks good or not. It doesn't. But I take more issue in the way the disappointment is communicated. It's o

  • Its pretty obvious they took a feature from a game made in 2018 and applied it to a game from 2012, got it working in the older build of the engine, and it didnt mesh well because Walking Dead Season 1 was never made with these type of visuals in mind.

    You are absolutely correct.

    It is lazy and you dont need to be an expert in games to figure it out

    But it seems like you need to be one to know that it isn't. Again: poorly executed =/= implemented lazy

    Theres a reason why I said it will end up looking bad at launch months back now as it was clear they would just throw the graphic black filter on top and leave it at that.

    The thing is, though, that games look like a mess for 90% of their whole developement. Only at the very end does a game look like the way it is being sold. A game looking bad in a pre release state is no indicator that it will look bad upon release, just like how a game looking good in trailers is no indicator that it will look as good when it releases (cough Watch Dogs, The Witcher 3 cough).

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its pretty obvious they took a feature from a game made in 2018 and applied it to a game from 2012, got it working in the older build of the

  • Its lazy because it looks the same as when they first showed it months ago and they clearly haven't tried to make it look better. They put it on called it at that. You need to remember this is a re-release of a re-release, 90% of the work is already done.

    Also this is the final build, guy who streamed it said so.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    Its pretty obvious they took a feature from a game made in 2018 and applied it to a game from 2012, got it working in the older build of the

  • "Cmon guys, they delayed that statues because they quality wasnt good! T-t-thats why! Its going to look GREAT"

  • The amount of pessimism and the constant moaning, with some of you here is too damn high. Time to drop these negative attitudes, and start looking at the bright side of things, you'll stress less, and enjoy life a lot more.
    Don't like graphic black, turn it off. Feel like the final product isn't going to live up to your "high" expectation, then don't buy it. Those who bought it, isn't just for the game itself, it's more for the bonus contents, and some of the collectable items that comes along with it.


    And I haven't even gotten a shipping notice yet about the PS4 game coming on its own for Tuesday. Anyone else experience these issues?

    Your e-mail service might have threw it into the SPAM folder. They start shipping out on Tuesday. They're not shipping out early, so it arrives to you on Tuesday.

  • Trust me, I've checked my Spam, and I don't usually get much Spam.
    I guess I'll just have to take this up with their Customer Service.

    They start shipping out on Tuesday. They're not shipping out early, so it arrives to you on Tuesday.

    Yeah, could be. Darn, I was hoping that the game would ship in time for Sep. 10th, not on Sept. 10th.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    The amount of pessimism and the constant moaning, with some of you here is too damn high. Time to drop these negative attitudes, and start l

  • lol, imagine the definitive edition featuring the final season's visuals. and i don't mean just the black filter.

    new models, textures etc...
    godDAMN! that would be good

    Also this is the final build, guy who streamed it said so.

    release day patch incoming

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Its lazy because it looks the same as when they first showed it months ago and they clearly haven't tried to make it look better. They put i

  • edited September 2019

    This guy got the physical edition earlier and streamed it on the Xbox One.

    From the first minutes, it looks way better than that other playthrough. Even when he turned on Graphic Black, it looks noticably better, even if still rather uneven indoors.

  • Remastered my ass.

    iFoRias posted: »

    LMFAO THIS LOOKS SO FUCKING BAD Calling it lazy is a good way to out yourself as someone who doesn't know shit about video games and h

  • edited September 2019

    I've now skimped through the whole stream and there were no instances were the game looked even remotely as bad as the other playthrough.

    The only instance where it looked a bit weird were some in-door scenes and very minor glitches here and there.

    Looks absolutely fine to me.

    GSSalvador posted: »

    This guy got the physical edition earlier and streamed it on the Xbox One. From the first minutes, it looks way better

  • Problem is its too inconstant, the lighting has a lot of issues like look at this me and the boys just chillin in the void

    GSSalvador posted: »

    I've now skimped through the whole stream and there were no instances were the game looked even remotely as bad as the other playthrough.

  • Yeah, there are some minor glitches in there. But that's kinda to be expected from a game running on the Telltale Tool as ancient as that thing is.

    I wonder how the other seasons will fare.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Problem is its too inconstant, the lighting has a lot of issues like look at this me and the boys just chillin in the void

  • I thought the Definitive would change my mind, but still, the original versions of all seasons look the best.

  • edited September 2019

    Oh my Jesus Christ this looks awful

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Cmon guys, they delayed that statues because they quality wasnt good! T-t-thats why! Its going to look GREAT"

  • edited September 2019

    It should arrive by September, just not on September 10. They also said this

    We will be shipping the physical boxed copy of the game (or PC code for anyone who ordered a PC option, with physical PC discs coming later to those who ordered it)

    So those who order the physical copy of the PC version gets the game code first, with the disc arriving later on. Does not say whether they're doing that for those who bought their copy for PS4 or Xbox One

    AChicken posted: »

    Trust me, I've checked my Spam, and I don't usually get much Spam. I guess I'll just have to take this up with their Customer Service.

  • Right. I ordered the PS4 ver., so I'll be getting that disc.

    MintBlue92 posted: »

    It should arrive by September, just not on September 10. They also said this We will be shipping the physical boxed copy of the game (

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