The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I'll do you one better, it's been like this ever since ANF came out.

    AChicken posted: »

    Right now? Please, it's been like this for the past 6 months.

  • Man, I am so dumb.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    You could read to find out what happened while you were gone.

  • The only place that was really booming at the time was the MEME thread.

    I'll do you one better, it's been like this ever since ANF came out.

  • It's because, that game is a fucking meme!

    The only place that was really booming at the time was the MEME thread.

  • Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it. It just had a fairly toxic group of "fans" ripping into it consistently that gave the game such a stigma. I get that people wanted the product in a particular way that's different to how the game actually turned out, but it's made out to be so bad, when in reality it isn't as bad as people make out, just a number of loud mouths on here who like chatting shit about games saw an opportunity to rip into it

    It's because, that game is a fucking meme!

  • It's good to see you are still around, I hope you have been doing good since we last spoke :smile:

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Just dropping by to say I still love you guys. Take care y'all

  • I agree, I just feel like it didn't live up to previous seasons. Still respect the game though.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • edited October 2019

    I am inclined to agree, it doesn't match up to its predecessors, but I feel it is good in its own right, I still love it all the same :smile:

    I agree, I just feel like it didn't live up to previous seasons. Still respect the game though.

  • Overall I actually did enjoy the game and I agree that the hate was and still is overblown, but I do understand why people don't like it especially with the Clem related stuff and how certain "choices" were handled. But man, the absolute vitriol this place had at the time (and still does to a point) had me almost quit the forum for good because of how bad it got. You should've seen the thread I made where I called the game not that bad and suggested that maybe people should stop harassing staff members over it. Got ripped apart lol.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • I'm glad you like it and do not let anyone change your mind but I'll never forgive this game for what it was because it did the same mistakes as the movie, Alien 3 which I consider the worst movie I have ever seen in my life.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • This was an amazing conversation, everything is good in its own right.

    I am inclined to agree, it doesn't match up to its predecessors, but I feel it is good in its own right, I still love it all the same

  • Fair enough, I totally get that there are games out there that don't suit everyone, because there is nothing than can truly cater to everyone in life. Honestly, so long as I like it, that's all I care about, but it does bother me to see people talk negatively about stuff I like, but, there isn't much I can say or do about that. I appreciate the chivalry, as I do know that you were very vocal in your disliking towards A New Frontier, but it does mean a lot you've been chill to me in this conversation :smile:

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm glad you like it and do not let anyone change your mind but I'll never forgive this game for what it was because it did the same mistakes as the movie, Alien 3 which I consider the worst movie I have ever seen in my life.

  • I agree, it was definitely not a perfect product, but not the worst product to have ever been created.
    And I am not surprised at all in hearing that, I have had been ripped into a number of times for my developer friendly and appreciative attitude towards devs and games, as apparently my mentality is wrong :joy: I personally feel that an overwhelming amount of gamers act like entitled children, no thought is given to how a game is made or who makes the game, they expect a product to come into existence and if it doesn't meet their standards, then its the dev team that receives death threats and waves of abuse on social media.
    The criticism that I absolutely despise is that "Devs are lazy", when in actual fact they are overworked to death and sacrifice time with families to build a game for ungrateful strangers around the globe. To come out and say that Devs are lazy is fairly indicative of the effort put into making such a statement, which isn't much, and quite lazy in itself :joy:

    Anyway, good on you for standing your ground and saying what is right, I fully back you mate, you are far more mature than others on here, that is for certain :smile:

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Overall I actually did enjoy the game and I agree that the hate was and still is overblown, but I do understand why people don't like it esp

  • Exactly man, and yes, it has :smile: Enjoy the things you love, and appreciate them, don't let anyone on here or anywhere else tell you not to like it. I've lost count as to how many times I have been told that A New Frontier isn't good, but I still go in and play it with a smile on my face, because it means something to me. Sorry for rambling, I appreciate the conversation :smile:

    This was an amazing conversation, everything is good in its own right.

  • I remember in those days there was an artist on here that drew for a living (pretty good lookin art too) and they talked about getting hate in the past regarding their art. Then they went around and started telling people to go harass the Telltale staff because of how ANF turned out. Felt like a big yikes moment for me.

    The criticism that I absolutely despise is that "Devs are lazy", when in actual fact they are overworked to death and sacrifice time with families to build a game for ungrateful strangers around the globe. To come out and say that Devs are lazy is fairly indicative of the effort put into making such a statement, which isn't much, and quite lazy in itself :joy:

    Yeah it was especially disheartening when Telltale went under and a bunch of people on here (even some regulars) said that the employees who just lost their jobs should be forced to finish the Final Season without pay, because somehow them spending a few bucks on a, at the time, unfinished game is worse than over a hundred people losing their jobs without severance.

    I agree, it was definitely not a perfect product, but not the worst product to have ever been created. And I am not surprised at all in he

  • I remember in those days there was an artist on here that drew for a living (pretty good lookin art too) and they talked about getting hate in the past regarding their art. Then they went around and started telling people to go harass the Telltale staff because of how ANF turned out.

    I have a feeling that I know who you are referring to, they weren't too kind or respectful towards Staff at all, I recall them making a snarky comment towards Devs during an AMA for A New Frontier Episode 5, just one of many occasions where they unfairly went off on devs.

    Yeah it was especially disheartening when Telltale went under and a bunch of people on here (even some regulars) said that the employees who just lost their jobs should be forced to finish the Final Season without pay, because somehow them spending a few bucks on a, at the time, unfinished game is worse than over a hundred people losing their jobs without severance.

    Those were dark times, and it is truly saddening to see this is the state of the video game industry, or basically the entertainment industry, where people feel they can walk over Devs.

    Hopefully you are able to see this tweet, but it goes to show just a glimpse of how utterly disgusting and entitled "fans" can be

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I remember in those days there was an artist on here that drew for a living (pretty good lookin art too) and they talked about getting hate

  • dude if you haven't noticed that's how it is 90% of the time. a new thing happens, we all talk about it and then the only activity in between that new thing and the next new thing is a lot of silence and people flailing their arms like retards and yelling at each other about pogs or some shit.

    AronDracula posted: »

    This whole forum right now.

  • well we sacrificed blind to the ancient gods in an attempt to get a new monkey island game, turns out they weren't happy with that and now blind is back and he's a ghost. also there was like a 4 year long debate with a bunch of spoiler tags that i can only assume is a heated discussion about the geneva conventions and whether or not child slavery should count as turning you into an enemy of the state. so same old same old really.

    Wuzzup guys? I've taken a hiatus from certain discussions and I've returned to this one! What happened when I was gone?

  • gotemmm

    The only place that was really booming at the time was the MEME thread.

  • and whether or not child slavery should count as turning you into an enemy of the state. So same old same old really.

    okay, i'm sorta..... disturbed about the slavery thing.

    well we sacrificed blind to the ancient gods in an attempt to get a new monkey island game, turns out they weren't happy with that and now b

  • So, someone over night got my playstation account. According to my emails, they made two child accounts, withdrew $500 dollars from my main account, went on a spending spree, and got my main account Banned.

    This is great. Just great.

  • That hurts soo much.

    So, someone over night got my playstation account. According to my emails, they made two child accounts, withdrew $500 dollars from my main account, went on a spending spree, and got my main account Banned. This is great. Just great.

  • Report it to the police!

    So, someone over night got my playstation account. According to my emails, they made two child accounts, withdrew $500 dollars from my main account, went on a spending spree, and got my main account Banned. This is great. Just great.

  • Yeah. I'm still in the phase where I know I have been shot but none of the feelings of pain and blood loss have set in yet.

    Right now I'm putting my faith in Sony that when I can get to contact with playstation support in 2 hours all of this will be straightened out.

    AronDracula posted: »

    That hurts soo much.

  • That's a hell of a thing to wake up too. Real sorry to hear about that, something like that where they get hands on your money can be scary. Something similar happened to me a couple of years ago, not with my Playstation account, but someone somewhere got their hands on my card information and started making a lot of purchases with it. Your best bet right now is to immediately call your bank, get that card deactivated, and hopefully be able to get your money back as those purchases were made fraudulently.

    So, someone over night got my playstation account. According to my emails, they made two child accounts, withdrew $500 dollars from my main account, went on a spending spree, and got my main account Banned. This is great. Just great.

  • I really hope they can help you out. Scammers can go fuck themselves and rot in hell.

    Yeah. I'm still in the phase where I know I have been shot but none of the feelings of pain and blood loss have set in yet. Right now I'

  • edited October 2019

    Luckily my bank called me about it and had the card shut down. The bank weren't too clear on how to get the money back but hopefully Sony will be more helpful on that part.

    That's a hell of a thing to wake up too. Real sorry to hear about that, something like that where they get hands on your money can be scary.

  • Definitely don't see it like that. I'm not part of the 'this game has no Clem so it sucks' group, but ANF has far too many flaws for me to be fairly content with it. I want to enjoy it, but I just can't.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • I agree, still respect the game though.
    It's because, that game is a fucking meme

    Pick one

    I agree, I just feel like it didn't live up to previous seasons. Still respect the game though.

  • I meant I agreed with what @dylanwoods777 said about changing minds, I can still call a game a meme after saying i respect it.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    I agree, still respect the game though. It's because, that game is a fucking meme Pick one

  • I get that people wanted the product in a particular way that's different to how the game actually turned out, but it's made out to be so bad when in reality it isn't as bad as people make out, just a number of loud mouths on here who like chatting shit about games saw an opportunity to rip into it

    No,it is,no matter what some people believe 3 years after this game destroyed Telltale's reputation so bad every game they made after that sold like shit.

    It's not even a good game on its own,even with Clem in the game that's how fucking bad it is lmao.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • edited October 2019

    I have a feeling that I know who you are referring to, they weren't too kind or respectful towards Staff at all, I recall them making a snarky comment towards Devs during an AMA for A New Frontier Episode 5, just one of many occasions where they unfairly went off on devs.

    And the AMA's were a disaster but let's not blame everything on the fans either,because i still remember that AMA for ANF with Job J Stauffer's.

    I remember in those days there was an artist on here that drew for a living (pretty good lookin art too) and they talked about getting hate

  • Job making the AMA and then leaving for a week and a half

    iFoRias posted: »

    I have a feeling that I know who you are referring to, they weren't too kind or respectful towards Staff at all, I recall them making a snar

  • Well lookie here--you actually kinda called something.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • I liked A New Frontier, imo it's better then Season 2. Why? Because they didn't kill off or abandon characters of the whole cast. Also the choices mattered much more then season 1 or season 2. For example if you choose the save someone, they actually get saved and not killed off. Also people complain about Kenny and Jane dying yet even if they did survive, I doubt that they would have a purpose or even be in Season 4 since it was centered around the kids and teens (especially if you got the Wellington ending and expected Kenny to return to S4). I do agree though that the way they died was plain stupid. Now as for characters yeah they are no match for S1 characters. I didn't like Gabe and Kate. Javier and David were the only ones who really caught my attention ( Also because I am a fan of David's voice actor). Characters like Tripp, Conrad (off topic but I actually just found out a few days ago that Conrad's voice actor was in the 1st Avengers movie), and Eleanor were alright but it would have been nice to know more about who they are, what their past was like. Yeah its a shame we didnt get to explore much of Richmond though.

    Unpopular opinion, but I actually really liked A New Frontier, I don't revere it as highly as other Seasons, but I am fairly content with it

  • Because they didn't kill off characters of the whole cast.

    Yet was I supposed to be happy for them to survive? I've been rooting for these characters to die since Episode 1, except for Javier, Clem and Mariana, because they were nothing but troublemakers.

    or abandon characters

    COUGH COUGH Max, Loonie and Joan/Clint COUGH COUGH

    the choices mattered much more then season 1 or season 2. For example if you choose the save someone, they actually get saved and not killed off.

    You have no idea how much I'm laughing right now.

    Also people complain about Kenny and Jane dying yet even if they did survive, I doubt that they would have a purpose or even be in Season 4 since it was centered around the kids and teens (especially if you got the Wellington ending and expected Kenny to return to S4).

    I don't remember Telltale saying they were already planning Season 4 and making a script for it while making A New Frontier. Cause last time I checked, A New Frontier had a lot of rewrites. There is no way they made TFS story right before releasing the full season of A New Frontier.

    Javier and David were the only ones who really caught my attention ( Also because I am a fan of David's voice actor).

    If only they didn't shit on his character in the final episode.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I liked A New Frontier, imo it's better then Season 2. Why? Because they didn't kill off or abandon characters of the whole cast. Also the c

  • Why? Because they didn't kill off or abandon characters of the whole cast. Also the choices mattered much more then season 1 or season 2. For example if you choose the save someone, they actually get saved and not killed off

    lol the fucking irony of this,Kenny and Jane who were major characters got immediately killed off in the first episode and you're bragging about choices fucking mattering in S3 bruh.

    And there's no way they knew they were going to make a S4 centered around kids at the time so they could've kept both of them alive in many different ways there was no excuses for what they did to them, not when they managed to keep Conrad alive for the whole game.

    And pretty much all the characters were shit,so what made ANF so much better than Season 2 in the end ? lol.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I liked A New Frontier, imo it's better then Season 2. Why? Because they didn't kill off or abandon characters of the whole cast. Also the c

  • Since you're in Georgia now, are you gonna meet Melissa and Dave?

    Of course the Washington Nationals are going to the World Series mere months after I graduated from college and no longer live in Washington

  • You know, I know it's Aron and all, but doggonit I still wish I had replied to this earlier.

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    I liked A New Frontier, imo it's better then Season 2. Why? Because they didn't kill off or abandon characters of the whole cast. Also the c

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