What do you Add to WAU 1?
The last time the staff was asking around for WAU2 material, and to avoid legal issues, they asked What would you "Add" to WAU "1".
So I made this thread for those that want to throw around ideas of what they wish to see/ wish they had seen in the game.
Winter theme, Cinderella, etc.
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Not sure if I'm the only one slightly put off by "WAU" instead of "TWAU"
Anyway, if there was one thing I'd add to the first season, it would be an off-canon kiss between Bigby and Snow at the beginning of Episode 4.
What I wrote on the last thread, and I'll emphasize it here, is not to cut off exploration once Bigby finds the thing the story wants him to find. I'd rather have an option to Keep Exploring or Continue to the next scene.
Exactly!! I wanted this since Bigby said to Snow: I lost you once and don't wanna lose you again. I was about to die when the story finished without any romantic scene or kissing!! I want this more than anything else in season 2.
Having a sense of smell type of mechanic that works similar to how Rhys' echo eye worked in Tales from the Borderlands, however I feel this is probably going to happen in the sequel regardless of us mentioning (its even been confirmed that in the alpha pre-walking dead design Bigby was going to have some kind of smell feature, so It seems like an obvious choice to build upon)
A clean break from canon to establish this as an AU so they can do their own thing without worrying about breaking continuity. But since that's probably not possible:
If I have any more I'll list them later.
I'd personally like it for Brannigan to return. I know the main reason it was cut was it was too similar to a comic arch and technically broke canon, but they can still do it, however the catch is Branagin has to die at the end for it maintain that canon so. I always thought a way they could do this is that Brannagin finds the VHS tape that was recording Bigby's interview (see how its possible it was still in there, no one checked as they forgot they were even filming at the time) How it would fit into a overall story? No idea, but thats how I'd introduce it if it was part of the plot.
Also if we are leaving Fable Town in Season 2 it would be cool if we have a scene where Bigby is just traveling in the country as a giant Wolf.
The Brannigan stuff could work if she died, yeah, but I don't think her living would break continuity. Keep in mind that Bigby has revealed his identity to mundy characters depending on the circumstances (his platoon in WWII for example) so it wouldn't break canon if she were to find out and then be out in a position where she has to keep the secret, unlike Tommy Sharpe who was going to spill the beans no matter what.
A good way to work it into the plot is turn it into a major choice: you can either let Brannigan live and trust her to keep your secret (the good option) or kill her (the evil one). Either way, the truth won't get out.
I cant remember the exact context but the only way Branagin would work is if only Bigby knew as Bigby states in the comics its been a super long time since someone caught wind of Fabletown and its nature, meaning others believe this to be true as well which would mean there would be a a huge limit of what Branagin can actually do in a story like this as she would most likely only be known by Bigby and have to die by the end, so there isnt much wiggle room.
Semi off-topic, but I'm asking you because you've been around longer and you clearly know what you're talking about: Is there any truth to the rumors that Willingham had an active role in the season 1 rewrites because he was very controlling with the IP and didn't give Telltale any flexibility to do their own thing? I've heard rumors, and I swear I've seen an article out there that said some pretty unflattering things about his involvement with the game, but I don't have anything concrete to refer back to that says so pointblank so I don't know what to believe.
If I remember correctly Bill Willingham only really cared about it keeping canon, not so much what they did. I cant remember if he was the one who said to ditch Detective Branagin though because it was too similar to a comic storyline, but Im pretty sure he suggested it. That being said I dont think Wolf's plot was changed as much as people think it was, in some alpha info revealed by a former Telltale member, Crooked Man was always planned to be the main bad guy. All in all it was probably best to have Branagin cut.
Just thought of another thing I really want: more creative game over screens and death scenes. Batman went all out on those, especially in season 2 where anything could kill you. I want to see the same thing here; show Bigby getting his head cut off, or taking a bolt of magic head-on, or getting impaled, or something more interesting and in greater quantities than what we got in season 1.
I saw this sitting here for a while and I think I have a few ideas to add:
Well that's because Bigby isn't allowed to visit it and as far as i know (someone correct me if i'm wrong) he never did in the comics either.
Bigby gets to visit the farm later in the comics but in the timeline where Wolf is he isnt allowed there. They can bend the rules a bit, but realistically the only way he can go to the farm is if its explicitly noted that its undercover and no one knows he did it. (there would also be a good list of characters that in no way can know he did it either, which includes pretty much all the main stay characters)
Depending on how close the story ends up tying into season 1, I kinda hope season 2 has a type of "prologue/epilogue" to season 1/2. For example we all know it takes place in winter but it would be kinda interesting to pick up directly at the end of season 1. If following Nerissa Bigby turns the corner and she is gone, and then returns to the Woodlands. If you didnt follow her it just picks up with Bigby going back to the Woodlands.
From there they could even implement original cut content from episode 5 where Bigby checks with the mirror to see where people like Dee, Jersey, Beauty and Best, and others are at the moment. From there just show off how Fabletown is operating now, Bigby setting things up in his office maybe making a file for Nerissa/Faith as he knows somethings up, talking to Fabletown residents for a bit and catching up with Snow after the first "new Fabletown government" work day is over, could even introduce Boy Blue being interviewed, and then have him go to sleep and then its 6 months later.
Obviously this idea only really makes sense to do if season 2 is much more connected to season 1. I do feel it would be really interesting to keep the sequel very closely connected to season 1 and have the main plot take off about some of the story lines that could be reopened and expanded on from the first game. But I do understand if they decide to basically make it 2 unrelated mysteries.
You know, for a noir series about Fairytale characters liking in New York, it's awfully tight on continuity.
Blame Bill Willingham. He wanted the game to be completely 100% canon to the comics.
To be fair, would you want Bigby to be fucking on some rando stripper because dick head Bruner thought it was good?
I always hear people talking badly of Bill Willingham about the comics relating to the canonity of the games. Can someone give me the context on the backlash?
@Poogers555 You're the local Wolf expert, can you explain?
Personally I dont mind Bill Willingham wanting to keep continuity with the comics. I can understand some frustrations such as knowing how a character like Jack for example will never die in the game, but I overall think its a good thing as it kinda sets up limits which can sometimes lead to a more interesting story.
Me personally what I dont really like that much about Willingham's writing is more so in the comics. I dont really enjoy the later issues of Fables because he took the story in a pretty weird direction. Dont get me wrong the series is still great but Id be lying if I said it didnt lose a lot of its charm in its later issues. Wolf Among Us is heavily influenced by the earlier issues of the comics which I wish Willingham stuck to, but he began to go way into the fantasy part of Fables more than the Fables living in a secret society.
Really just let Adhoc do their thing while remaining canon and Ill be happy. There are things people are worried about Willingham being "over protective" like Bigby saying hes only ever chased people so many times it can be counted on one hand, but I doubt Willingham is going to die over something like that as its just exaggerating. Most complaints about keeping the canon honestly seem to be how Bigby cant go to the farm yet and players cant romance Snow or any other character (which personally I would say is a good thing. Adds a lot to the game and its theme and tone with the whole Bigby wants to be with Snow but cant rather than just making them get together.)
As someone who still loves the comics, I have to say, I agree.
Looking back at all the arcs the Fables main series went through after it ended, I kinda wish Willingham went back to basics after Geppetto is captured & signs the peace contract with Fabletown
By doing that he could have kept things small within Fabletown, like the earlier arcs did without having to get bigger & bigger adversaries each time (Mr. Dark, Prince Brandish, etc etc which only served to inflate the grand scale of the situation & in turn the characters didn't feel quite as close-knit as those early issues).
However, despite all its faults, as I said before, I still love the series if I'm looking at it overall.
Regarding the issue of canon with TWAU2, like you if they kept the "major" canon breaking issues in check (such as Bigby & the Farm, Bigby not being able to romance Snow or others, or characters like Red Riding Hood or Robin Hood not being able to appear in future seasons, because RedR is still a prisoner of the Adversary until Geppetto arc in the comics, & RobinHood is well....dead due to "The Last Castle" storyline [of course, this applies to other characters who died in that storyline as well, not making it out of Homelands alive]) I would be satisfied.
Things like Bigby counting number of times he chased suspects is counted with one hand should really be shrugged off as a minor thing (which can be ignored), & trying to follow that to the letter would only overly hamstring what Adhoc can do with future seasons.
Oh, so she's not dead?
Nope. She is revealed to be alive in the comics.
You know, I also kinda thought it was a bit of a wasted opportunity to just up and have her be dead given how totally wanked that story went down and with how hard it made Bigby & The Woodsman's lives in the present.