The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • well a certain few who are running the country currently think it's a hoax and nothing to be afraid of so now everyone else in the US has to take special measures to make sure a small virus outbreak with a small toll doesn't break out into a worldwide pandemic that nobody can stop due to healthcare being worthless and too expensive and nobody in charge actually doing anything to help

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the hell is going on with this corona virus? It's taking over the world in 2020, causing schools to close, movies getting delayed, E3 getting cancelled etc.

  • Is this the fabled tyranny of the Sun?

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the hell is going on with this corona virus? It's taking over the world in 2020, causing schools to close, movies getting delayed, E3 getting cancelled etc.

  • All I know is that toilet paper is about to become the new global currency.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the hell is going on with this corona virus? It's taking over the world in 2020, causing schools to close, movies getting delayed, E3 getting cancelled etc.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    E3 themselves have officially tweeted about the it now.

  • Yup the publishers are going to experiment with Direct-style reveals and will realise it's much better so E3 will die out.

    AChicken posted: » Goodbye, sti

  • You should, the game is fantastic.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Eyy Horizon Zero Dawn is coming to Steam! I'll probably try it out since I've heard lots of good things about it.

  • edited March 2020

    No, the actual virus was never referred to as a hoax, but how certain politicians are claiming nothing is being done as the hoax.

    well a certain few who are running the country currently think it's a hoax and nothing to be afraid of so now everyone else in the US has to

  • Let's avoid politics, please. Thanks.

  • I have no doubt in my mind that this is forwarding someone's political agenda. But yeah, save this for discord or reddit.

    No, the actual virus was never referred to as a hoax, but how certain politicians are claiming nothing is being done as the hoax.

  • You should've seen my manager today. He was standing a the front of our store with a shopping cart with our last singles rationing them out to our customers 2 rolls at a time. :D I should've taken a picture. It's priceless

    AChicken posted: »

    All I know is that toilet paper is about to become the new global currency.

  • I have 400 rolls of toilet paper and I am ready to exhibit philanthropy by funding Tales From The Borderlands 2 with my wealth

    You should've seen my manager today. He was standing a the front of our store with a shopping cart with our last singles rationing them out to our customers 2 rolls at a time. I should've taken a picture. It's priceless

  • When you thought bottle caps were going to be the post-apocalypse currency but it turns out to be toilet paper.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I have 400 rolls of toilet paper and I am ready to exhibit philanthropy by funding Tales From The Borderlands 2 with my wealth

  • Welp. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the Corona virus while filming for an upcoming movie in Gold Coast, Australia.

  • edited March 2020

    Goddamn it. Hanks is one of my idols, man.

    At least the mortality rate for the Coronavirus is actually pretty low.
    Seriously, I don't get why I'm not hearing more about how the virus -- while is can be deadly -- isn't a death sentence if you have it. People have recovered, people can recover, and very few people who get it are dying.

    After my very quick google search of a few different links, the mortality rate is sitting at around 2%. (It's as low as 1% according to the WHO,; or as high as 3.4% if we factor in unconfirmed/undiagnosed mild cases of COVID-19)
    It's only a real death risk to the elderly and those with poor health conditions.

    Though I know Hanks is old, so... hope he recovers well

    On the bright side, he just got his Lifetime Achievement award at the Oscars, so that's a pretty cool thing to go out on. Though again, he's not retired from acting yet...

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the Corona virus while filming for an upcoming movie in Gold Coast, Australia.

  • Frick, now who's gonna play Woody in Toy Story 5?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the Corona virus while filming for an upcoming movie in Gold Coast, Australia.

  • His brother, Jim Hanks, as always. But there should NEVER be a Toy Story 5. Toy Story 4 was great but it was still an unnecessary movie.

    Frick, now who's gonna play Woody in Toy Story 5?

  • I hope he's okay. One of my favorite actors as Im sure he is for many others. He does appear to be overall very healthy though so I think he will probably be alright despite his age.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the Corona virus while filming for an upcoming movie in Gold Coast, Australia.

  • Fuckin' hell!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. Tom Hanks and his wife Rita Wilson have tested positive for the Corona virus while filming for an upcoming movie in Gold Coast, Australia.


    You should've seen my manager today. He was standing a the front of our store with a shopping cart with our last singles rationing them out to our customers 2 rolls at a time. I should've taken a picture. It's priceless

  • Before, I had a mild interest in this film. But for some reason I'm REALLY intrigued by this one after the recent trailer.

  • edited March 2020

    Holy moly that looks insane! I love everything about the animation and the visuals (especially the monochrome bits)! It looks like they took what they experimented with on Inside Out, with the different islands and all that, and dialed it up to 11.

    I absolutely cannot wait for this!

    AChicken posted: »

    Before, I had a mild interest in this film. But for some reason I'm REALLY intrigued by this one after the recent trailer.

  • I have to admit, I took a look at this trailer earlier without sound in a crowded room.

    Just watched it With sound in all its glory, and WOW. I agree, this looks insane and very reminiscent of Inside Out!

    While I think that it revealed a bit too much with showing Joe being 'alive' in a coma, at least that's the end goal.

    Hopefully we get more shots of the Modern Real World, since it looks very pleasent. Plus, I don't think I want to sign up to watch a movie of someone with big dreams of stardom making it big with a Jazz gig, then immediately dying and spending the rest of his afterlife in an abstract void.

    "Is all this living really worth dying for?"
    OK, OK.... This movie is really going to rip not only our emotions, but our souls apart, too.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Holy moly that looks insane! I love everything about the animation and the visuals (especially the monochrome bits)! It looks like they took

  • Wonder if the high schools I went too are closed down even though Florida had 3 cases and as for my cousin in New Jersey who's a senior in college needs to take classes/exams online.

    Since New Jersy is in an state of emergency.

    AronDracula posted: »

    What the hell is going on with this corona virus? It's taking over the world in 2020, causing schools to close, movies getting delayed, E3 getting cancelled etc.

  • Today- The World will change. The Telltale Community will never be the same.

    I have won.

    I. AM. A. WINNER.

  • Rhys socks???

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Today- The World will change. The Telltale Community will never be the same. I have won. I. AM. A. WINNER.

  • My watch told me to "Take a break". From what, drinking? Fine, I'll go kill some walkers in VR instead.

  • Internship at Telltale???

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Today- The World will change. The Telltale Community will never be the same. I have won. I. AM. A. WINNER.

  • That is step 2 so imma still need you guys to form a coup saying why its obviously for the best for that to happen. This is step 1.

    AChicken posted: »

    Internship at Telltale???

  • Alright, what do we do to combine our efforts to win them over to your side?

    Imagine this with a bunch more people behind it. I'm too lazy to photoshop.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    That is step 2 so imma still need you guys to form a coup saying why its obviously for the best for that to happen. This is step 1.

  • At every possible opportunity all who want in on the coup must say "Poogers is 100% needed for New Telltale. Best investment in a person you can make." and that will 100% work if done seriously for sure.

    Alright, what do we do to combine our efforts to win them over to your side? Imagine this with a bunch more people behind it. I'm too lazy to photoshop.

  • Okay, that took too long to comprehend. It's a done deal! Booking a flight to California right now.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    At every possible opportunity all who want in on the coup must say "Poogers is 100% needed for New Telltale. Best investment in a person you can make." and that will 100% work if done seriously for sure.

  • edited March 2020

    EdIT: Nevermind, I see there's already a post about it!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Today- The World will change. The Telltale Community will never be the same. I have won. I. AM. A. WINNER.

  • Welp. People here have now begun hoarding pasta along with toilet paper and hand sanitiser.

  • The fuck?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. People here have now begun hoarding pasta along with toilet paper and hand sanitiser.

  • Nightdive and Alcon are remastering the Blade Runner adventure game! Just in time for the future to be the past.

  • Only now? Us Aussies have been fighting each other over toilet paper for weeks now.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Welp. People here have now begun hoarding pasta along with toilet paper and hand sanitiser.

  • edited March 2020

    Telltale's twitter account just had a strange drop in followers in like 2 days, does Twitter ever remove or make inactive accounts unfollow verified twitters?

  • i still cant get behind it. i'm so much more interested in the story of a struggling jazz musician than "ooh haha funnee little marketable blue character!! heeheehoho!". it feels like a flawless pixar film trapped in an alright dreamworks film. and since it's disney i have no doubt in my mind that he's a little blue spirit guy to appeal to foreign film markets who have the usual "no blacks, gays or ghosts" rule. it's a very frustrating movie to me, but it'll probably still be good given it's pixar

    AChicken posted: »

    Before, I had a mild interest in this film. But for some reason I'm REALLY intrigued by this one after the recent trailer.

  • The Year: 2020 has been quite the dark season so far. Global Warming, Wildfires, Political Tensions (WW3)... it's just been one terrible arc after the next. And now we're full swing into the Coronavirus!

    I wonder what the next villain of the week is going to be.

  • Season 1 had WW3 (Jan)
    Season 2 had Wuhan’s lockdown (Feb)
    Season 3 has the US’s lockdown (March)

    Fuck it. Kevin Bruner returns in season 4 as the surprise antagonist

    AChicken posted: »

    The Year: 2020 has been quite the dark season so far. Global Warming, Wildfires, Political Tensions (WW3)... it's just been one terrible arc

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