The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Anyone else witnessed the problem with the login in this forum?

  • edited March 2020

    Yup- seems like it finally is back up...

    I wonder if this means an update is coming as 2 days ago it was having some issues then yesterday no logins at all. Truth be told I was kinda expecting an update to happen whenever it came back but it may still mean a site update will happen soon-ish like last time.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Anyone else witnessed the problem with the login in this forum?

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Damn, it was nice having an entire, quiet day.

  • Yeah, for a sec I thought that they shut the website down.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Anyone else witnessed the problem with the login in this forum?

  • Oof

    lupinb0y posted: »

    RIP. Melbourne will be on lock down in two days for an undetermined amount of time.

  • Yeah everything's fine for me now though.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Anyone else witnessed the problem with the login in this forum?

  • Finally, it's back up! (Though I had to "log out" on the Telltale Account homepage to be able to log back into the Community)

    I agree with Poogs, I expected some sort of update to the site since that's what happened last time there was a big outage. Ah well, probably just server problems then.

  • edited March 2020

    Is the forum redesign still coming?

    AChicken posted: »

    Finally, it's back up! (Though I had to "log out" on the Telltale Account homepage to be able to log back into the Community) I agree wit

  • Finally getting some kind of an update to forums would surely be nice. It's been months...

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    @Nikolah Is the forum redesign still coming?

  • *Years

    Pipas posted: »

    Finally getting some kind of an update to forums would surely be nice. It's been months...

  • edited March 2020

    New animated movie coming to Netflix next month.
    I don't know why, but this actually looks really, really good. I love the style of animation. I feel like they must have gotten exclusive rights from another studio, because this actually looks like a quality big-screen film.

  • GOG put up a bunch of older games (plus a preview or two) for free as part of their Spring sale. Nothing from Telltale, of course. If you're interested, check it out here:

  • Ah I heard about this recently and it looks pretty good! I really like the look of the characters, especially the yarn looking hair, and the stylised environments (reminds me a lot of Foster's Home). I'm a little iffy on the choice of a lower frame rate, it doesn't seem like a movie that really needs it, but I'm not too chuffed about it.

    It seems to be the studios first animated movie too, so hopefully this ends up being good.

    AChicken posted: »

    @lupinb0y New animated movie coming to Netflix next month. I don't know why, but this actually looks really, really good. I love the sty

  • I managed to get an 8 pack of 3-ply toilet paper.

    I'm fuckin' RICH!

  • edited March 2020

    My mom is planning on going to Wal-Mart tomorrow and not trying to sound like a pessimist but won't to be surprised if all that will be out of stock again.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I managed to get an 8 pack of 3-ply toilet paper. I'm fuckin' RICH!

  • edited March 2020

    10 minutes into Animal Crossing and I'm already in debt by 49,000 Bells. Tom Nook you son of a bitch.

  • Just you wait, I'm sure next we're getting Animal Crossing: Starry Futures where you build a Space Village on the moon, then your Moon House mortgage is gonna end up costing 150,000 Bells.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    10 minutes into Animal Crossing and I'm already in debt by 49,000 Bells. Tom Nook you son of a bitch.

  • I watch people make big mistakes all the time.

  • Do you watch or heard of the YouTube channel Public FreakOuts ?

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    I watch people make big mistakes all the time.

  • edited March 2020

    been a solid week since i posted on the forums. how's everyone doing.

    edit: why is that the smallest gif in history what the fuck

  • Hey there.

    iFoRias posted: »

    Yeah everything's fine for me now though.

  • That's the gif's default resolution.

    If you want to stretch it out bigger than you need to use this.
    <img src= **url here** width= **pixel width here** height= **pixel height here**>

    550 x 300 get's it about 3.5 times bigger.

    been a solid week since i posted on the forums. how's everyone doing. edit: why is that the smallest gif in history what the fuck

  • so that new Smash Bros fighter

    I guess Nintendo wants to try and save ARMS for whatever reason 2 years after release.

  • googles

    Huh. Maybe they're a good fighter though.
    Also what there was a mini Nintendo Direct today??!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    so that new Smash Bros fighter (Spoiler)

  • Yeah randomly dropped as a video, no live stream or nothing.

    Nothing really that interesting- at least as in new or unknown game wise. Only real new thing was the Smash "reveal" that was just what series the next character is from. Was really underwhelming considering its been so long since Nintendo gave any news and their 2020 release year is still looking super super bare bones.

    AChicken posted: »

    googles Huh. Maybe they're a good fighter though. Also what there was a mini Nintendo Direct today??!

  • edited March 2020

    I'm surprised they didn't add any of the characters into the game from the start, which I thought was a shame since I really like the character designs.

    Glad they're finally adding them in honestly.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    so that new Smash Bros fighter (Spoiler)

  • I don’t care about smash at all anymore but like...

    It’s better than Hero and the green haired Fire Emblem guy, right?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    so that new Smash Bros fighter (Spoiler)

  • Both are pretty poor additions imo. Would really prefer some other first party Nintendo characters than the 2 games where one a lot of people wanted the exact opposite and now the other from a franchise that never took off. Whoever this new character ends up being it seems like its just obvious promotion for the sequel that will be announced in June. I just hope we get more first party reps from series that would benefit from them instead of those being the only 2. I mean Zelda is still horribly under represented. We got 3 Links 2 Zeldas and Ganondorf. Could really use at least one Zelda rep who isnt one of those characters.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    I don’t care about smash at all anymore but like... It’s better than Hero and the green haired Fire Emblem guy, right?

  • Looking at reactions to certain character reveals in Smash and I feel like people need to remember that Smash is a Japanese game made by Japanese people in Japan. Just because certain characters may not be as popular in the west does not mean that it isn't popular anywhere else. Not every character they add is going to be a Banjo Kazooie.

    Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest are absurdly popular franchises in Japan and their latest games both sold incredibly well in the west, and Arms at the time of it's release was number one in terms of all format sales in Japan, and sold 2.1 million copies worldwide (which is pretty damn good for being a new IP). You may not be into any of these games but Japan sure are so it's not too surprising that they'll add characters from games that were popular in Japan.

  • I dont really think ARMS applies in this situation. Those sales numbers arnt bad but in Japan it sold a grand total of around only 470k and the game's fanbase and player base pretty much doesnt exist. ARMS sold best in North America by about double so this isnt due to Japan appeasing Japanese fans. Hell it sold better in Europe as well (not by a ton but it still sold more copies there.) Its a weird choice overall and its kinda obvious its to promote a sequel. Fire Emblem is different as their is an actual fan base but for Smash fans it can be disappointing as theres some very clear over representation of the franchise that even Sakurai admitted to. But even then its a bit disappointing as Byleth was added to promote Three Houses DLC seeing how a trailer played right after as well.

    I should rephrase what I said before. They arnt "poor additions" but they are pretty disappointing. Theres still a good roster of first party Nintendo characters not yet added that everyone would get behind but sadly Nintendo only seems to want to add them if its to promote a new game.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Looking at reactions to certain character reveals in Smash and I feel like people need to remember that Smash is a Japanese game made by Jap

  • edited March 2020

    Why was Idris Elba eating in a dark warehouse?

    Yeah randomly dropped as a video, no live stream or nothing.

    Yeah, I saw that pop up on my home earlier and was like, wut

    now the other from a franchise that never took off.

    To be fair, that's kinda what .
    After all, it's the reason Fire Emblem and I think Mother came over here in the first place.

    I mean Zelda is still horribly under represented. We got 3 Links 2 Zeldas and Ganondorf. Could really use at least one Zelda rep who isnt one of those characters.

    Who would be a good addition though? Zelda's gone through so many interations, redesigns, and timelines at this point that finding one that's not only popular, but well-rounded and consistent seems like quite a task.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    so that new Smash Bros fighter (Spoiler)


  • Skull Kid would be my personal pick as a new Zelda rep. Funny thing is I wont be surprised if we get a Zelda rep in pass but it will probably be a new Breath of the Wild 2 character because for some reason Nintendo only seems to want DLC fighters to be promos for other games even if that game is Breath of the Wild 2 and doesnt need it at all.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why was Idris Elba eating in a dark warehouse? Yeah randomly dropped as a video, no live stream or nothing. Yeah, I saw that p

  • edited March 2020


    Currently trending in the UK. With thousands of videos showing their respect for our health workers. Maybe humanity isn't so bad, after all.

  • My personal pick would definitely be a Borderlands rep

    Zer0, with the stage being Helios Fallen

    I can dream.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Skull Kid would be my personal pick as a new Zelda rep. Funny thing is I wont be surprised if we get a Zelda rep in pass but it will probabl

  • edited March 2020

    A Borderlands rep would be super cool but that is def one of those characters that would be under "impossible." Just isnt a demand for it to happen. I mean honestly if somehow there was some huge influx of "lemme get uhh Borderlands rep" and it started to sweep the Smash community then I think it could. Honestly any franchise can get into Smash as long as the mainline Smash community accepts it and hypes it up at this point I believe.

    So Im really gonna need everyone to put my boy Heavy from TF2 in the spotlight... and uh Bigby while we're at it.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    My personal pick would definitely be a Borderlands rep Zer0, with the stage being Helios Fallen I can dream.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    To try and cheer everyone up and distract from the virus, here is a cute bat being petted.

  • I just want to nibble on his/her ears 😍

    OzzyUK posted: »

    To try and cheer everyone up and distract from the virus, here is a cute bat being petted.

  • Aw this is nice, that's a cu-

    Some bats may carry deadly viruses


    OzzyUK posted: »

    To try and cheer everyone up and distract from the virus, here is a cute bat being petted.

  • wholesooome

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