The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Does this take place after Arkham Knight or what? Cause Batgirl is flipping around and stuff.

    AronDracula posted: »

    New DC game by WB Games Montreal. Seems to be a direct sequel to Arkham Knight.

  • It's not a direct sequel, just shares a few details with AK. (I think? It's never said that it's directly related to AK -- I just don't see how Batgirl can be up on two feet all of a sudden)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Does this take place after Arkham Knight or what? Cause Batgirl is flipping around and stuff.

  • You're right. I forgot that Barbara was Oracle throughout the main storyline of these games.

    AChicken posted: »

    It's not a direct sequel, just shares a few details with AK. (I think? It's never said that it's directly related to AK -- I just don't see how Batgirl can be up on two feet all of a sudden)

  • That's exactly what I was thinking of, alongside Robin being more of a teen.
    Is the big Deadpool guy Red Hood?

    AChicken posted: »

    It's not a direct sequel, just shares a few details with AK. (I think? It's never said that it's directly related to AK -- I just don't see how Batgirl can be up on two feet all of a sudden)

  • Definitely not a direct sequel, maybe more of a spiritual successor due to changes (Barbara being able to walk, new Batman voice, etc.).

    I'm interested, but a bit wary. Watching the gameplay, it's similar to the Arkham games, but something is just rubbing me a bit the wrong way outside of it. Maybe it's the voice acting or something, I don't know, but it's got me feeling the same way as I do about the upcoming Avengers game. In that I'm asking myself "This should be cooler than what it is, and yet somehow it's not."

    AronDracula posted: »

    New DC game by WB Games Montreal. Seems to be a direct sequel to Arkham Knight.

  • Yeah, this game kinda confuses me and makes me wanna go back and play Arkham Knight again.

    I'm worried about these team superhero games. Gotham Knights looks cool but it feels like it's gonna have RPG elements and a multiplayer mode and Avengers didn't really win my attention, especially when Square Enix announced microtransactions.

    Miles Morales is the only one that I'm excited, not just because I love Spider-Man but because I think solo superhero games are better IMO. Rocksteady's Suicide Squad is about to be showcased as well so I hope it doesn't give me concerns as well.

    Definitely not a direct sequel, maybe more of a spiritual successor due to changes (Barbara being able to walk, new Batman voice, etc.).

  • Yeah, I was just thinking about the upcoming Rocksteady announcement. Won't lie and say I'm curious since this will be their first game since Arkham Knight, so it'll be interesting to see something for this and get a gauge on it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah, this game kinda confuses me and makes me wanna go back and play Arkham Knight again. I'm worried about these team superhero games.

  • Look at all these huge losers I've never heard of in their campy ass costumes, I love it!

  • All I know is that a batman themed game without batman in it is a flop for me lol

  • We've all been bummed out with the ATLA creators leaving the Live Action Netflix project recently, so I'm here to cheer you up with some good news regarding the creators.

    In late May, Bryan Konietzko and Michael Dante DiMartino began a charity auction to raise money for COVID relief for the Navajo Nation (and later in June they added charities related to the Black Lives Matter movement). Anyway, they (and a few other key members of the original ATLA team) have been drawing up some Avatar-related images every week or so and auctioning them off on Ebay. And they're gorgeous works of art.
    Ebay Page Link {|||||} Bryan's Instagram Page if you want to see all the drawings to date
    (NOTE: If you want one of these drawings, make sure you've got a lotta money. These things are selling for over 500$ US -- sometimes even 1000$ US! Great for charity though!)
    kinda had to screenshot some of these directly from instagram.

    Aang -- Bryan Konietzko

    Bumi -- Bryan Konietzko

    Jet -- Lauren Montgomery

    Lion Turtle -- Bryan Konietzko

    CABBAGE -- Bryan Konietzko

    Katara -- Joaquim Dos Santos

    Toph -- Lauren Montgomery

    Sokka -- Bryan Konietzko

    Mai and Ty Lee -- Lauren Montgomery

    Zuko -- Joaquim Dos Santos

    Azula -- Lauren Montgomery

  • I know not everyone is into golf as much as I am, but in the last month, I've had the pleasure of playing two beautiful and amazing courses. The first was Harbour Town Golf Links down on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. I was visiting my parents to celebrate my birthday, and they were able to book a tee time. Harbour Town is home to the RBC Heritage Tournament on the PGA Tour every year, and is consistently in the Top 20 Best Public Courses in the country.

    Couple of weeks later, I tried my luck at a course called Bethpage Black out on Long Island, New York. Bethpage is also listed as one of the best public courses, but also one of the most challenging. And after playing it, I can see why. But still, both of them were probably some of the best experiences I've ever had out on the golf course.

  • Holy shit, they're bringing in Polka Dot Man!
    Seriously though, I only heard of King Shark and Ratcatcher.

    What, are there 14 of these fuckers?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Look at all these huge losers I've never heard of in their campy ass costumes, I love it!

  • edited August 2020

    James Gunn dug deep to pull out some of these Z-List characters. I've never heard of most of these guys either and I love it for that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Holy shit, they're bringing in Polka Dot Man! Seriously though, I only heard of King Shark and Ratcatcher. What, are there 14 of these fuckers?

  • Yeah no kidding. I'd have to see/learn more though, especially with how many of them there are in a movie.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    James Gunn dug deep to pull out some of these Z-List characters. I've never heard of most of these guys either and I love it for that.

  • It's not in the same universe, at least it doesn't seem that way. Rocksteady's Suicide Squad game is though, funnily enough.

    AronDracula posted: »

    New DC game by WB Games Montreal. Seems to be a direct sequel to Arkham Knight.

  • Yeah, it really feels like it should be the other way around.

    Ghetsis posted: »

    It's not in the same universe, at least it doesn't seem that way. Rocksteady's Suicide Squad game is though, funnily enough.

  • While I'm still riding high off the topic of Scott Pilgrim, it's sad to see the video game based on the film is still an extremely rare piece of media. It released in 2010 alongside the film, then after 4 years exactly it was delisted, probably due to licenses. I must have discovered the film or the game (or both)'s existence just a bit too late, since whenever I've found videos of it, it looked like a small, enjoyable experience.

    Good news is that Bryan Lee O'Malley, Edgar Wright and Anamaguchi all seem to be trying to convince Ubisoft and Universal to put this back on digital stores. And it might happen soon? (They seem to be trying to ride the hype of the 10th anniversary).

  • BOAT

    Ghetsis posted: » lmao ANF Kenny

  • Im hoping and guessing RE8 will be there as August is almost over and they still didnt give a dev update like they said they would.

    Would be super awesome if somehow something Telltale related showed up as after the Game Awards in 2019 I was kinda expecting this to be the next time we'd hear from them, but now Im really not think we will hear anything Wolf 2 until 2021.

    AChicken posted: »

    Gamescom games news

  • I don't think we're seeing anything TWAU until 2021, especially after seeing the job listings earlier this Summer. My prediction would be a June 2021 reveal.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Im hoping and guessing RE8 will be there as August is almost over and they still didnt give a dev update like they said they would. Would

  • I'm surprised that there still isn't a price or even a pre-order option for Control on Steam despite it coming out in a few days.

  • To anyone who's played Horizon Zero Dawn. How on Earth do I quickly take down a Frostclaw? I'm trying to complete that Frozen Wilds Hunting Lodge challenge where you fight a gauntlet of enemies but once I hit the two Frostclaws, it takes me way too long just to take one of them down.

  • At first, it involved a lot of dodging. But most of the time, I use ranged weapons that have status effects that slow down and damage all their week points, particularly the stomach, where there ranged attacks come from. When you scan one, you can also check for their weaknesses in the guide and what each part of the body does. So that can make it easy.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    To anyone who's played Horizon Zero Dawn. How on Earth do I quickly take down a Frostclaw? I'm trying to complete that Frozen Wilds Hunting

  • Get some resistance/immunity potions and get some arrows that do a lot of tear damage to open up more weak areas.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    To anyone who's played Horizon Zero Dawn. How on Earth do I quickly take down a Frostclaw? I'm trying to complete that Frozen Wilds Hunting

  • @Zombiekiller3121 and @MetallicaRules

    Of course as soon as I ask for help I finally manage to take them down lol. I used the wooden log traps in the arena to help taken their healths down a good chunk before going to town on them. Thanks for the advice anyway :grimace:

  • Guys I finished the whole season of Fall guys and now I realized that a character's stability depends on how fast you move your character. If you always move at full speed it causes your character to get knocked over by pretty much anything. If you go at a slow walk you can sometimes take a ball rolling into your face and have it bounce off harmlessly. And Medium speed is the best of both worlds. It helps with your movement on slippery surfaces and slowing down after a jump makes your recovery time significantly faster. Also, you can pull off some amazing moves in fall ball if you control your speed.

  • Still can't fix me spawning in the back row on fall mountain

    Guys I finished the whole season of Fall guys and now I realized that a character's stability depends on how fast you move your character.

  • This site should be dead.

  • edited August 2020

    no <3<3

    This site should be dead.

  • edited August 2020

    that basically sums up my reaction whenever this site had technical problems and then turns out ok.

    This site should be dead.

  • edited August 2020

    My Fall Ball win rate is literally 2 out of I dont even know how many times I've played Fall Ball now.

    Maybe I dont wanna be a Fall Guy anymore...

    Edit: Sorry for accidentally replying to you chicken lol

    AChicken posted: »

    that basically sums up my reaction whenever this site had technical problems and then turns out ok.

  • edited August 2020

    Fall ball and Hoarders (the one with the three quadrants and soccer balls) can literally go die in a bouncy hole.

    They got some real inconsistent physics.
    (And is it just me or is every Fall Ball game very one-sided. I'm either dunking on the other team or I'm being dunked on.)

    Poogers555 posted: »

    My Fall Ball win rate is literally 2 out of I dont even know how many times I've played Fall Ball now. Maybe I dont wanna be a Fall Guy anymore... Edit: Sorry for accidentally replying to you chicken lol

  • Hoarders is incredibly boring but Fall Ball is hell for me. Im not kidding when I say Ive only won 2 Fall Ball games. I might as well just start tabbing out at this point. Theres nothing more disappointing than getting Fall Ball. Hell I basically make it to the final round every game I play except for when Fall Ball shows up, its the one thing that always stops me.

    I really hope Fall Guys Season 2 replaces these games for better ones. Just in general swap out the really boring and long mini games or change them to pick the pace up. Roll Out either needs a timer or it needs to be a lot more hectic right away. Hoarders is just boring so I'd hope theyd replace it with a game mode thats simply more fun and doesnt take up like 2 minutes. And Fall Ball just needs to go because I hate Fall Ball therefore it must die.

    AChicken posted: »

    Fall ball and Hoarders (the one with the three quadrants and soccer balls) can literally go die in a bouncy hole. They got some real inco

  • For season 2 I really want more final modes.

    I've gotten fall mountain the past 7 or 8 times not even kidding. It sucks because if you spawn in the back you already lost. I've only played Hex A Gon like once or twice and I've never even had the other final game with the 2 spinners.

    I also want them to revamp the shop so that more skins are available at a time

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Hoarders is incredibly boring but Fall Ball is hell for me. Im not kidding when I say Ive only won 2 Fall Ball games. I might as well just s

  • I very rarely get Fall Mountain. I think I've only played it 4 or 5 times overall since I started a few weeks ago. (though that might be because I don't usually get to the final round)

    Weird. Haven't gotten the new spinner thing game mode yet either.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    For season 2 I really want more final modes. I've gotten fall mountain the past 7 or 8 times not even kidding. It sucks because if you sp

  • edited August 2020

    First of all, lol this forum is quickly becoming a Fall Guys forum.

    Second of all... Omg why the heck does the golden egg appear in Fall Ball?? I thought it only appeared when one team was more than 5 points ahead -- because the golden egg is worth 5 points (that happened on my very first fall ball game) but no! It's only been like 30-40 seconds in, 2:3 points, and boom comes the egg. Leading to a 2:8 point lead and an easy lose.


  • Wtf? I’ve seen the football but I’ve never even seen a golden egg, the odds of that happening must be so low.

    AChicken posted: »

    First of all, lol this forum is quickly becoming a Fall Guys forum. Second of all... Omg why the heck does the golden egg appear in Fall

  • edited August 2020

    Launch trailer for the indie game, No Straight Roads, which comes out tomorrow!

    It's a Malaysian made game so I'm looking forward to it. I saw an early demo of it a couple(?) years ago in a convention back home and was pretty interested in it even then. It looks pretty fun and the music sounds great so hopefully it turns out to be good!

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