The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • FNAF on a ps5? Fuck yes!

  • Yeah, I was surprised to see that.

    FNAF on a ps5? Fuck yes!

  • Yes, it's back!

    However, the Tales of Monkey Island forum remains locked.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    Oooo. Am I late, or has telltale just recently gotten the license for tales of monkey island back? Just saw it in the games category.

  • Deathloop looks amazing, Spider Man Miles Morales looks amazing, Demons Souls looks amazing, I'm pumped for Horizon, God of War, and even Ratchet and Clank. I need the damn PS5 right now. I'm hearing pre-orders start tomorrow, but no source I've seen has been able to give an exact time, is anyone aware of one?

  • The fact that Demon's Souls is a launch title for PS5 is such an day one buy for me. But what makes me avoid buying it that day is the price increase of AAA games.

    Is it possible for a price drop in Black Friday?

  • edited September 2020

    The more I see Deathloop, the more I want it in my hands right this second. It looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun! Gonna turn off the online mechanic as soon as I get it though because I'd rather deal with an AI than an actual player :P

    That Hogwarts game is lookin' pretty neat too! I can't believe the trailer for that leaked like 2 years ago. Unfortunately the timing for it is pretty bad considering the recent events surrounding she who shall not be named.

    Spider-Man: Miles Morales looks really good. I wonder how Peter will factor into this since it's a little weird they live so close to each other but Petey is no where in sight. Maybe he's out of the country visiting MJ?

    Resident Evil 8 lookin' about the same as we last saw it. Nice to see that they're bringing back a merchant though! Also that storybook animation looked really good.

    Bluepoint once again proving that if you want your game remade you go to them because that Demon Souls gameplay is clean as fuck.

    Also not gonna lie, looking forward to that FNAF game lol. I actually like the series so it'll be neat to see a big budget mainline title, not including the VR game.

  • Very small drop, maybe.

    You could buy it used like a week after launch. That at least provides like a 10% discount on a copy.

    AronDracula posted: »

    The fact that Demon's Souls is a launch title for PS5 is such an day one buy for me. But what makes me avoid buying it that day is the price increase of AAA games. Is it possible for a price drop in Black Friday?

  • Deathloop looks super cool and Im a bit bummed that it doesnt feel its getting the attention it deserves. Arkane makes some real banger games but this one is really coming off like its going to be an open world Dishonored rouge-like game. (At least Im assuming the gameplay is, loop resets everytime you die or fail, spawn on the beach, plan how youll kill everyone in time based on what you learned last loop, with hopefully all real time traversal.) Also I love the 70s style.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The more I see Deathloop, the more I want it in my hands right this second. It looks like it's gonna be a lot of fun! Gonna turn off the onl

  • edited September 2020

    Arkane makes some real banger games but this one is really coming off like its going to be an open world Dishonored rouge-like game. (At least Im assuming the gameplay is, loop resets everytime you die or fail, spawn on the beach, plan how youll kill everyone in time based on what you learned last loop, with hopefully all real time traversal.)

    Yeah I'm pretty sure they're going for a rogue-like style of gameplay but in an open world. It seems like the Mooncrash DLC from Prey was them experimenting with the concept before making it into a full blown game.

    Also I love the 70s style.

    The game oozes style. It's all very 60's/70's. It's also got a little blaxploitation action movie feel to it.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Deathloop looks super cool and Im a bit bummed that it doesnt feel its getting the attention it deserves. Arkane makes some real banger game

  • I think the trailers just felt too long for both events it was showed. I was watching with about 10 other people for both events and both times the trailer just felt excessively long for all of us except the 2 people who like Arkane.

    I probably would have been interested had the trailers been closer to 2 minutes. But both trailers felt like they're just never gonna end, despite only being around 4-ish minutes. At least to me and the other people I watched with.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Deathloop looks super cool and Im a bit bummed that it doesnt feel its getting the attention it deserves. Arkane makes some real banger game

  • Would you look at that. I even liked that post months ago. :D Guess I just forgot.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    Yes, it's back! However, the Tales of Monkey Island forum remains locked.

  • Same, I'm excited nonetheless.

    I do wonder if they're gonna be able to pull it off though, part of me thinks the series is getting stale... I guess we'll have to see.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, I was surprised to see that.

  • Yeah it was scary. I also had to uninstall Fall Guys. That game was not great on my psyche

    AChicken posted: »

    Glad to hear you're getting the help you need. Happy for ya, that was a worrying time on the forum.

  • That face when your dad lies about being able to see him, and now you have to pack at the last minute and juggle homework.

  • Uh, do you watch Game theory?

    Same, I'm excited nonetheless. I do wonder if they're gonna be able to pull it off though, part of me thinks the series is getting stale... I guess we'll have to see.

  • I used to. Not anymore.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Uh, do you watch Game theory?

  • Hey, dude! Glad to see you're doing better.

    BichPlease posted: »

    Well, I got help. But first spent 5 days in a psychiatric hospital. Now I have a new prescription and a new look on life. So, what's up?

  • aye glad to see you back man

    BichPlease posted: »

    Yeah it was scary. I also had to uninstall Fall Guys. That game was not great on my psyche

  • And what was the last thing you paid attention to?

    I used to. Not anymore.

  • I recently wrote a critical analysis on the Snicker's marketing campaign "You're not you when you're hungry" for uni and I've been craving a Snicker's ever since. I bought two to placate my cravings.

    Damn you Snicker's and your viral marketing.

  • F in the chat for TikTok and WeChat.

  • What, they got taken down?

    Also, what's Wechat?

    F in the chat for TikTok and WeChat.

  • Something about The Silver Eyes. After that, I just stopped watching because I didn't know it had spoilers in the video. lol

    DabigRG posted: »

    And what was the last thing you paid attention to?

  • Yeah, just got announced that they're getting taken down on Sunday.

    Wechat looks like some chat app, kind of like Discord or WhatsApp.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What, they got taken down? Also, what's Wechat?

  • edited September 2020

    It's a messaging app from China. It's pretty much asian Whatsapp, but instead of the American government collecting your data it's the Chinese government.

    DabigRG posted: »

    What, they got taken down? Also, what's Wechat?

  • Ughh, I'm having a hard time deciding which PS5 game I should buy first. It's between SM: Miles Morales and Demon's Souls remake. It's obvious that I'm not gonna buy both when I'll get the PS5 because it's just too much. I'm a huge fan of the Souls franchise, bigger than a fan of something else but don't wanna spend weeks avoiding spoilers for Miles Morales game.

  • edited September 2020

    I only seem to pop up here when I have bad news, go figure.

    I just read this morning that, now that they’ve banned TikTok and WeChat, the US government is starting to look at Epic Games. Tencent, a Chinese mega corporation, has a large stake in Epic. No idea what it would mean for the exclusives and games that get most of their income through Epic like Fortnite if it gets banned, but I could see it causing a lot of problems for a lot of people in the industry.

  • Well simply put, both the graphic novels(Silver Eyes, Twisted Ones, Fourth Closet) and the Fazbear Frights book series take place in alternate continuities that heavily reference and in some places explain/expand on things that happen in the games(Purpleman, The Nightmares, GoldenFreddy), whether directly or in parallels.

    The main games themselves continued for another two games, Sister Location Pizzeria Simulator and Ultimate Custom Night, that introduced a select few new characters(Circus Baby, the Fun times/Ennard, Michael, CasetteMan/Henry) while more thoroughly wrapping up the story (again) in a more fun/varied way.

    The newer set of VR AR and now PS5 games are basically another universe that reference things in the main series while starting up a new story featuring a new villainess.

    Something about The Silver Eyes. After that, I just stopped watching because I didn't know it had spoilers in the video. lol

  • I recall that the initial announcement specifically stated that Tencent's video game dealings were okay. I don't know if that's still applicable, and I don't want to get too political, but I think Epic (ugh Epic) is safe.

    booper posted: »

    I only seem to pop up here when I have bad news, go figure. I just read this morning that, now that they’ve banned TikTok and WeChat, the

  • I approve of this immensely. It was only inevitable that one of the biggest Rhyiona shippers finally converted to the holy Rhysha.

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • edited September 2020


    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Hmm...

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Incorrect... I simply walk a path of generosity even for those who are misguided...

    I approve of this immensely. It was only inevitable that one of the biggest Rhyiona shippers finally converted to the holy Rhysha.

  • Hmmm...


  • I need to get to playing these at some point

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • Wth is this?

  • The dark side of the funk is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be... groovy.

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