Got this game over the holidays and finished it all including the DLC a few days ago. The main story was fantastic, it was just such a good Spider-Man story, the web slinging gameplay was so good, it was just fun to swing around the city as quickly as I could. Getting all of the different suits was great because they were all so good, my personal favorites being Negative, Vintage Comic and the Clan suits. Side activities were fun, side missions could have been better, but they're already way better than a lot of other big open world side quests, so that was fine. Probably the best side activity for me was the final DLC with getting all of the recordings, always love solving mysteries. Pretty neat that it was all to set up Yuri as having gone down the wrong path fully, but I kind of wish we got to see that instead of it being relegated to an optional side mission. Speaking of the DLC, its story was definitely a lot more shaky than the main one. I didn't mind the cliffhangers since I got to go through them all, but the actual ending for Hammerhead's storyline was very anticlimactic, "And we got him, done!", feels like it could have easily been moved into the second DLC. Black Cat also just kind of disappeared after her reintroduction in the third DLC, kind of wish there was a bit more wrap up to the story over all. Either way, I'm pretty excited for any eventual sequel, though fuck the big dudes with the miniguns, they were a pain in the keister.
It's not mission or world changes like some thought... But this is what I expected so I'm happy.
(Plus, for this F4 Gaming event, a few other mobile Marvel games just got some missions or reskin of characters to look like the F4, which ultimately didn't take too much work. This is essentially the AAA console equivalent to that, which is fine.)
It's not mission or world changes like some thought.… more.. But this is what I expected so I'm happy.
(Plus, for this F4 Gaming event, a few other mobile Marvel games just got some missions or reskin of characters to look like the F4, which ultimately didn't take too much work. This is essentially the AAA console equivalent to that, which is fine.)
It's not mission or world changes like some thought.… more.. But this is what I expected so I'm happy.
(Plus, for this F4 Gaming event, a few other mobile Marvel games just got some missions or reskin of characters to look like the F4, which ultimately didn't take too much work. This is essentially the AAA console equivalent to that, which is fine.)
It's not mission or world changes like some thought.… more.. But this is what I expected so I'm happy.
(Plus, for this F4 Gaming event, a few other mobile Marvel games just got some missions or reskin of characters to look like the F4, which ultimately didn't take too much work. This is essentially the AAA console equivalent to that, which is fine.)
So i finished the last dlc 2 days ago and i gotta say it was better than Turf War and The Heist but the main game is still way better.
The Open world is super annoying,after a while it just gets really repetitive in every dlcs there's 3 or 4 hideouts with some bad guys that you have to clear out or whatever you can tell they ran out of ideas there.
But i liked the side activities where you had to find recordings or stuff like that those were interesting.
Overall it was fun maybe i'll buy the sequel if it doesn't take them 7 years to release it.
Miles Morales is still related to Spider-Man PS4, right? Right!
I'll just post this stuff here then.
Gameinformer's current cover story is the upcoming Miles Morales game, and there's some cool new footage out, including a look at the opening of the game, and a new suit that uses special cat-based takedown animations, I think!
Checking in on Miles and Peter
A glimpse at the game's first boss
Exclusive look at "Spider-Cat"
The Web-swinging animations are just different enough to be unique! They're so cool, yet not as graceful as Peter, obviously.
First look at JJJ's return in Miles Morales. Also pretty cool-looking chase setpiece.
I did not know how much I wanted to see Jonah dressed as Santa Claus ranting about Spider-Man until now. (Also hey it's the first time they gave him an in-game model!)
The final two bonus suits from Spider-Man Remastered have been revealed, and they are the Arachnid Rider and Armored Advanced suits, both looking pretty cool.
Also awesome news for PS4 players it has been confirmed that the 3 new suits in the remaster will also be coming to PS4 for free at a later date! Now that's a good move by Insomniac!
Also also, click on this next tweet for a full twitter thread of all accessibility settings in SM: Miles Morales. It's not as large or intuitive it seems as The Last of Us 2's list, but it's still a great big list that should be of help to someone.
Pre-ordered the game today i'm hyped i really enjoyed the last one i know the campaign of this one is a little bit shorter but i'm sure it'll still be great.
Godddd I wish I had Miles Morales. That game looks sooo damn fun. Im happy to see my fave spidey get the spotlight in recent years. Also, there's this:
No i just finished the game today it took me like 12-13 hours or something and i think i liked it better than the first game too,once i got to the bridge scene i couldn't put the game down honestly i played the whole night and finished it,definitely worth it.
No i just finished the game today it took me like 12-13 hours or something and i think i liked it better than the first game too,once i got … moreto the bridge scene i couldn't put the game down honestly i played the whole night and finished it,definitely worth it.
Yeah, the face definitely is an outlier of the remaster, but everything else looks fine to me! Sometimes even better than the original! The Ray Tracing looks really great, and they've even re-tooled some models like the opening Damaged Suit.
The original suit only had like 3 scratches, and Peter makes a big deal as if he needs a whole new suit because of it, whereas in the remaster they've completely redone it! Bigger tears in the chest, and new ones in the arms and legs.
AAgghhhh, I dunno if I should just buy Miles Morales on PS4 or wait for the PS5. I don't want to play it on a weaker performance but I can't afford a PS5 right now.
I say get it. Cross-gen games like this are weird with most of the advertising being for the next-gen version as "THE one to buy", but don't let that get to you. I'm sure the PS4 version is going to play and look as fantastic as the original game..
If or when you get a PS5, you'll then be able to experience this game with a bunch of new bells and whistles that'll improve its look tenfold.
AAgghhhh, I dunno if I should just buy Miles Morales on PS4 or wait for the PS5. I don't want to play it on a weaker performance but I can't afford a PS5 right now.
I say get it. Cross-gen games like this are weird with most of the advertising being for the next-gen version as "THE one to buy", but don't… more let that get to you. I'm sure the PS4 version is going to play and look as fantastic as the original game..
If or when you get a PS5, you'll then be able to experience this game with a bunch of new bells and whistles that'll improve its look tenfold.
I might just be weird, but, the videos I've been seeing have horrible lighting in their gameplay footage. It might just be a filter on their videos, but it looked funny.
Finally finished Miles Morales on PS4. The game was great, I loved the new swinging animations, new combat skills, new gadgets and new side missions.
Gameplay wise, it is definitely not a carbon copy of the original Spider-Man PS4, even if the controls are almost the same. The developers did put a lot of effort to this. I think it almost beats the one from the original but I have to complete the whole game in order get my thoughts up about it.
However, my only complaint for this game is that the story wasn't that special, to me at least. I was actually expecting it to be its own thing for the sake of Miles' character but it just happens to just be the same as the one from the original game due to the main villains.
Phin, AKA the Tinkerer has the same motivation as Doc Ock and Simon Krieger is basically just as much of a dick as Norman Osborn. Miles also happens to just lose Phin at the end just like how Peter lost Aunt May at the end of his story. I think it's pretty hard to enjoy the storyline due to how similar it is to Peter's story. It's not necessarily bad but I expected better than that.
Other than that, the game was awesome and I am glad to have at least ONE game that I enjoyed in 2020 (AKA Worst Year of Century. FIGHT ME). It is definitely a worthy successor to the original Spider-Man. The game is only 10 hours long and if you think it ain't worth the price because of that, then just wait for sale. I don't think I'll be able to get my hands on Demon's Souls, which I anticipated more than Spider-Man, anytime sooner. I don't think I will spend time hunting trophies from this game because I wanna wait for my PS5 to play this game on a much better performance. I did encounter some small bugs and frame drops on PS4 which wasn't that surprising but it still hurt.
I also recorded for my final parts if you are wondering. Stay tuned for that.
I also forgot to mention that I am still not a fan of Peter's new face. The face in general isn't bad but it doesn't fit for this Spider-Man because Peter is supposed to be a 23 year old Wall Crawler and his new face makes him look like he didn't graduate from High School yet.
That is literally the only thing I can't defend Insomniac from.
PS5 Remaster Announcement!
You can now buy the game standalone for £49.99/$49.99USD. OR get a 10$USD Upgrade from your PS4 Copy!
It is no longer tied to owning Miles Morales and the "upgrade" for people who already own the previous game is significantly smaller than what MM was offering. (It was 25$ for CAD before, for this it's just 15$)
I liked Peter’s original face as well. He doesn’t look like a Peter Parker, he looks more like a model compared to the original. That is the one thing that turned me away from the Remastered version. However I still love the games.
I also forgot to mention that I am still not a fan of Peter's new face. The face in general isn't bad but it doesn't fit for this Spider-Man… more because Peter is supposed to be a 23 year old Wall Crawler and his new face makes him look like he didn't graduate from High School yet.
That is literally the only thing I can't defend Insomniac from.
Heck yes! About time they show us gameplay and man was it amazing! I was so hyped watching this. Also I am loving the Venom Suit combos like a quadruple takedown are kidding me lol! I also love how Miles now has blue electricity, which if I am right it is much stronger then yellow, but his kamehameha move is epic! Also the fact that Kraven is in the game and Peter dons the symbiote suit reminds of that comic where Peter wears a version of the symbiote suit that Black Cat made him and fights against Kraven. (Sorry I don’t recall the storyline name, it might be called “Back in Black”)
This has to be the best Spider-Man game so far. Even though I love the first one, it's not actually perfect. This one has the potential to be close to perfection.
This has to be the best Spider-Man game so far. Even though I love the first one, it's not actually perfect. This one has the potential to be close to perfection.
Got this game over the holidays and finished it all including the DLC a few days ago. The main story was fantastic, it was just such a good Spider-Man story, the web slinging gameplay was so good, it was just fun to swing around the city as quickly as I could. Getting all of the different suits was great because they were all so good, my personal favorites being Negative, Vintage Comic and the Clan suits. Side activities were fun, side missions could have been better, but they're already way better than a lot of other big open world side quests, so that was fine. Probably the best side activity for me was the final DLC with getting all of the recordings, always love solving mysteries. Pretty neat that it was all to set up Yuri as having gone down the wrong path fully, but I kind of wish we got to see that instead of it being relegated to an optional side mission. Speaking of the DLC, its story was definitely a lot more shaky than the main one. I didn't mind the cliffhangers since I got to go through them all, but the actual ending for Hammerhead's storyline was very anticlimactic, "And we got him, done!", feels like it could have easily been moved into the second DLC. Black Cat also just kind of disappeared after her reintroduction in the third DLC, kind of wish there was a bit more wrap up to the story over all. Either way, I'm pretty excited for any eventual sequel, though fuck the big dudes with the miniguns, they were a pain in the keister.
It's not mission or world changes like some thought... But this is what I expected so I'm happy.
(Plus, for this F4 Gaming event, a few other mobile Marvel games just got some missions or reskin of characters to look like the F4, which ultimately didn't take too much work. This is essentially the AAA console equivalent to that, which is fine.)
WTF?? Double post? It was a long time since this happened to me.
Knew it would be suits, I ain't mad don't get me wrong but a looooooot of people wanted another dlc which I saw as unrealistic of insomniac to do.
So i finished the last dlc 2 days ago and i gotta say it was better than Turf War and The Heist but the main game is still way better.
The Open world is super annoying,after a while it just gets really repetitive in every dlcs there's 3 or 4 hideouts with some bad guys that you have to clear out or whatever you can tell they ran out of ideas there.
But i liked the side activities where you had to find recordings or stuff like that those were interesting.
Overall it was fun maybe i'll buy the sequel if it doesn't take them 7 years to release it.
One last thing : I hate Screwball.
Miles Morales is still related to Spider-Man PS4, right? Right!
I'll just post this stuff here then.
Gameinformer's current cover story is the upcoming Miles Morales game, and there's some cool new footage out, including a look at the opening of the game, and a new suit that uses special cat-based takedown animations, I think!
Checking in on Miles and Peter

A glimpse at the game's first boss

Exclusive look at "Spider-Cat"

The Web-swinging animations are just different enough to be unique! They're so cool, yet not as graceful as Peter, obviously.
There is soo much content revealed for Miles Morales and I refuse to watch them because I want a full blind experience.
First look at JJJ's return in Miles Morales. Also pretty cool-looking chase setpiece.
I did not know how much I wanted to see Jonah dressed as Santa Claus ranting about Spider-Man until now. (Also hey it's the first time they gave him an in-game model!)
To no one's surprise, the Into The Spider-Verse Suit will be in the game, and it's one of the early-unlock pre-order suits for the game!
And they managed to get it to look low-frame-rate?! I LOVE IT
OMG so the low frame-rate is actually a suit mod, and it can even be equipped to other suits!!
With the addition of the Spider-Verse animated film suit, you know what would also be neat?
Cell-Shading settings...
The final two bonus suits from Spider-Man Remastered have been revealed, and they are the Arachnid Rider and Armored Advanced suits, both looking pretty cool.

Also awesome news for PS4 players it has been confirmed that the 3 new suits in the remaster will also be coming to PS4 for free at a later date! Now that's a good move by Insomniac!
Also also, click on this next tweet for a full twitter thread of all accessibility settings in SM: Miles Morales. It's not as large or intuitive it seems as The Last of Us 2's list, but it's still a great big list that should be of help to someone.
Miles Morales got a 85% on metacritic. I cannot wait to get into this game and say "Whassup Danger??"
Ok, you know what?? I am going to buy this game day one because of this spectacular moment

Hey kid... You wanna see some Ray Tracing?
This game is looking like a real fun Spidey adventure! Definitely gonna have to pick it up for PS4 this holiday.

Also yeah, Troy Baker confirmed.
Pre-ordered the game today i'm hyped i really enjoyed the last one i know the campaign of this one is a little bit shorter but i'm sure it'll still be great.
Is it controversial to say that I like the campaign for Miles Morales slightly better than the first game's?
Godddd I wish I had Miles Morales. That game looks sooo damn fun. Im happy to see my fave spidey get the spotlight in recent years. Also, there's this:
No i just finished the game today it took me like 12-13 hours or something and i think i liked it better than the first game too,once i got to the bridge scene i couldn't put the game down honestly i played the whole night and finished it,definitely worth it.
Good. I was worried that I was gonna get dog piled for saying that. Lol.
I haven't played the remaster of the original game... But, uhhhh... It sort of looks like a de-master.
Why is that the case? The only bad thing I have seen is Peter's new face but that's it.
Yeah, the face definitely is an outlier of the remaster, but everything else looks fine to me! Sometimes even better than the original! The Ray Tracing looks really great, and they've even re-tooled some models like the opening Damaged Suit.
The original suit only had like 3 scratches, and Peter makes a big deal as if he needs a whole new suit because of it, whereas in the remaster they've completely redone it! Bigger tears in the chest, and new ones in the arms and legs.
AAgghhhh, I dunno if I should just buy Miles Morales on PS4 or wait for the PS5. I don't want to play it on a weaker performance but I can't afford a PS5 right now.
I say get it. Cross-gen games like this are weird with most of the advertising being for the next-gen version as "THE one to buy", but don't let that get to you. I'm sure the PS4 version is going to play and look as fantastic as the original game..
If or when you get a PS5, you'll then be able to experience this game with a bunch of new bells and whistles that'll improve its look tenfold.
So do I get a free upgrade to the game if I play it on PS5 backwards compatible?
I might just be weird, but, the videos I've been seeing have horrible lighting in their gameplay footage. It might just be a filter on their videos, but it looked funny.
Yes. Miles Morales is one of the games with a free PS5 upgrade, disc or digital.
There are new skins from the Spider-Man remaster available on the ps4 version. The update went out today.
Finally finished Miles Morales on PS4. The game was great, I loved the new swinging animations, new combat skills, new gadgets and new side missions.
Gameplay wise, it is definitely not a carbon copy of the original Spider-Man PS4, even if the controls are almost the same. The developers did put a lot of effort to this. I think it almost beats the one from the original but I have to complete the whole game in order get my thoughts up about it.
However, my only complaint for this game is that the story wasn't that special, to me at least. I was actually expecting it to be its own thing for the sake of Miles' character but it just happens to just be the same as the one from the original game due to the main villains.
Phin, AKA the Tinkerer has the same motivation as Doc Ock and Simon Krieger is basically just as much of a dick as Norman Osborn. Miles also happens to just lose Phin at the end just like how Peter lost Aunt May at the end of his story. I think it's pretty hard to enjoy the storyline due to how similar it is to Peter's story. It's not necessarily bad but I expected better than that.
Other than that, the game was awesome and I am glad to have at least ONE game that I enjoyed in 2020 (AKA Worst Year of Century. FIGHT ME). It is definitely a worthy successor to the original Spider-Man. The game is only 10 hours long and if you think it ain't worth the price because of that, then just wait for sale. I don't think I'll be able to get my hands on Demon's Souls, which I anticipated more than Spider-Man, anytime sooner. I don't think I will spend time hunting trophies from this game because I wanna wait for my PS5 to play this game on a much better performance. I did encounter some small bugs and frame drops on PS4 which wasn't that surprising but it still hurt.
I also recorded for my final parts if you are wondering. Stay tuned for that.
I also forgot to mention that I am still not a fan of Peter's new face. The face in general isn't bad but it doesn't fit for this Spider-Man because Peter is supposed to be a 23 year old Wall Crawler and his new face makes him look like he didn't graduate from High School yet.
That is literally the only thing I can't defend Insomniac from.
Hey this is a thread I forgot existed.
PS5 Remaster Announcement!
You can now buy the game standalone for £49.99/$49.99USD. OR get a 10$USD Upgrade from your PS4 Copy!
It is no longer tied to owning Miles Morales and the "upgrade" for people who already own the previous game is significantly smaller than what MM was offering. (It was 25$ for CAD before, for this it's just 15$)
Kraven the Hunter!
The Black Suit!
Angry Yuri Lowenthal Voice!
Two-Spidey Adventure!
12-Foot tall Lizard!
This Fall!
I liked Peter’s original face as well. He doesn’t look like a Peter Parker, he looks more like a model compared to the original. That is the one thing that turned me away from the Remastered version. However I still love the games.
Heck yes! About time they show us gameplay and man was it amazing! I was so hyped watching this. Also I am loving the Venom Suit combos like a quadruple takedown are kidding me lol! I also love how Miles now has blue electricity, which if I am right it is much stronger then yellow, but his kamehameha move is epic! Also the fact that Kraven is in the game and Peter dons the symbiote suit reminds of that comic where Peter wears a version of the symbiote suit that Black Cat made him and fights against Kraven. (Sorry I don’t recall the storyline name, it might be called “Back in Black”)
This has to be the best Spider-Man game so far. Even though I love the first one, it's not actually perfect. This one has the potential to be close to perfection.
"How do we give players More Spider-Man?"
lets you pick between 2 Spider-Men anytime you want in the open-world
The perfect outcome!