Clementine is BACK!!!



  • edited April 2021

    Skybound have revealed the schedule for the Skybound Xpo 64. Why I mention it is there is a dedicated panel for the SKYBOUND X Comic, so it's a safe bet that there'll be discussions about Clementine considering she's part of the Series and is in Issue #1. The dedicated panel will take place at 12:35pm Pacific Standard Time.

  • It's not a guarantee, but with Skybound celebrating a big anniversary and them finally recognizing Clementine in the comics, I hope we get an update about the new Telltale Collector's statue around then. Level52 said there should be an update soon in early 2021 but still nothing yet.

    Skybound have revealed the schedule for the Skybound Xpo 64. Why I mention it is there is a dedicated panel for the SKYBOUND X Comic, so it'

  • edited April 2021

    @AChicken That's the perfect place to reveal it, last I heard, in February they were working on Clementine's bow, and they were halting production because of the Lunar New Year.

    Earlier this month though, I heard they've got news coming very soon and just require a little more waiting.

    If it doesn't get revealed I'll be disappointed for the people that are due to receive it, but it'll come and will look awesome.

  • The link to the Skybound Xpo 64 is now available, the Xpo schedule can be found in the Description for the Livestream:

  • Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be written by Tillie Walden, the Writer for Clementine's Story in SKYBOUND X Issue #1

    Here's a synopsis:

    It’s a new beginning for Clementine, the star of the bestselling video game franchise TELLTALE’S THE WALKING DEAD, in CLEMENTINE BOOK ONE, as she’s back on the road, looking to put her traumatic past behind her and forge a new path all her own. But when she comes across an Amish teenager named Amos with his head in the clouds, the unlikely pair journeys North to an abandoned ski resort in Vermont, where they meet up with a small group of teenagers attempting to build a new, walker-free settlement. As friendship, rivalry, and romance begin to blossom amongst the group, the harsh winter soon reveals that the biggest threat to their survival…might be each other.

    Tillie Walden's thoughts on the Clementine book:

    “Starting out with a character like Clementine is both a huge responsibility and joy. Clementine is a person who brings adventure with her everywhere she goes, and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to take her beyond the world of the games, to somewhere new and thrilling (like the top of a mountain!),” said Walden. “She is a force and drawing and writing her story has been one of the best experiences in my cartooning life.”

    Here's the link to the Skybound Press Release if anyone would like to read it:

    Finally, here's the cover for Clementine Book One

  • Where is AJ? Did Clem leave him in Texas Two? Why did she left in first place? Is this a direct sequel to TFS or an alternate universe? I'm confused.

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • AJ will probably be left at Ericson's, as for why she left, I haven't a notion, SKYBOUND X Issue #1 may build up to the events leading to the Book, I'd imagine it is all in the same universe and most likely canon.

    Where is AJ? Did Clem leave him in Texas Two? Why did she left in first place? Is this a direct sequel to TFS or an alternate universe? I'm confused.

  • What the hell is Tillie Walden doing? Look's like she's just ruining my favorite game series and my favorite video game character for money. This comic series looks like it's just going to throw out S4 happy endings out of the god damnw window. No AJ, No boarding school kids, no Ericson's Boarding School joining the commonwealth, let's just bring in some random ass Amish kid, a ski resort in Vermont, and start over with a completely new story! Wtf? I have no idea why they would do this besides money. This is 1000x worse than the way ANF treated the S2 endings. This is just a massive middle finger to TWD fans.

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • In my head this is just going to be a magical facade in fantasy land. A dream in Clementine's head. Please...please...If only...

  • My thoughts exactly.

    Kolton587 posted: »

    What the hell is Tillie Walden doing? Look's like she's just ruining my favorite game series and my favorite video game character for money.

  • I'd imagine it is all in the same universe and most likely canon.

    Well. That sucks,

    AJ will probably be left at Ericson's, as for why she left, I haven't a notion, SKYBOUND X Issue #1 may build up to the events leading to the Book, I'd imagine it is all in the same universe and most likely canon.

  • The Final Season: has a great ending to an absolute masterpiece of a video game series in the final episode


  • Now that's random... I honestly wasn't expecting a full-on new journey and continuation to her story, especially with how the game ended by quite literally handing AJ over to the player to control.

    I could be really mad about this being a complete disregard to S4 or whatever but honestly this isn't any different that what every single TWDG season did: disregard everything that was built up in the previous one and move on to something completely random and disconnected. It's part of the reason why the whole "circular ending" TFS tried to pull off didn't work: Clem's story never had an overarching plot, and if it ever seemed like it did it was all discarded by the following season.

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • edited June 2021

    I'm feeling the same. I'm not mad, just disappointed.

    Season 4 had a great ending, it played it safe and ended it in a place that might have been a bit underwhelming and contrived (with the question of how Clem's whole leg was amputated safely), but it was fine.

    Then Skybound comes along and finally gets us a Clem appearance in the comics as a one-issue (or mini-series) spinoff? Alright, fine. People have been asking for years and we're not totally sure if or how this is canon to Telltale. Should be a fun little adventure.
    But this? This just feels like milking the cow. It's a story in a totally different environment, with no mention of any previous characters appearing... basically the same problems the game series had in regards to choices and an overarching narrative. Clem's cool, but that Final Season cast was too.

    I'm glad the YA group gets to have a Clem book to read, and that cover art teases a very interesting style to the usual Walking Dead comics, but this feels unnecessary.

    edit: actually, I don't even know how I feel. More clem is cool, but this is a random announcement

    Now that's random... I honestly wasn't expecting a full-on new journey and continuation to her story, especially with how the game ended by

  • broh
    Skybound, it's time to stop

  • But when she comes across an Amish teenager named Amos

    As friendship, rivalry, and romance begin to blossom amongst the group

    Violet and Louis when Clem ends up with Amos

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • This is what's most troubling to me. She already had a (determinant) relationship! Please don't force her into a whole other one and disregard the others!

    iFoRias posted: »

    But when she comes across an Amish teenager named Amos As friendship, rivalry, and romance begin to blossom amongst the group Violet and Louis when Clem ends up with Amos

  • The CHAD Amos vs The VIRGINS Louis and Violet

    iFoRias posted: »

    But when she comes across an Amish teenager named Amos As friendship, rivalry, and romance begin to blossom amongst the group Violet and Louis when Clem ends up with Amos

  • They're gonna kill her...

  • Clementine has literally become the Commander Shepard of Telltale's Walking Dead. Louis, Violet, and what it sounds like, possibly this new Amos guy.

    "Report to Ericson's immediately, we'll bang ok."

  • I'm sure, much like the series itself, this is not being made at all for the gravy train. It actually really cares about the integrity of the story as a whole. As we can see already, the comic is already following suit by throwing away the entire previous cast.

  • Making a Clementine comic is fine and all, like probably a prequel before the final season or something and the comic has yet to come out but there is so much wrong with this sypnosis. The whole Clementine leaving Ericson's to make a new life for herself makes absolutely no sense, there is no reason for her to ditch the kids, her potential boyfriend/girlfriend and AJ after risking her neck for him so she can join another group of kids and get another love interest, unless it's gonna be revealed they all died then maybe but that right there is another problem which brings back to the problematic format the series had, with Clementine being the only character who survives each season while the entire cast get's executed or never show up again and are replaced with a new one, the same problem ANF had when it comes to it's handling of the season 2 endings. Maybe there is a reason AJ or none of the Ericson's kids aren't mentioned but throwing away the kid who gave Clem a new purpose in life ever since the end of season 2 is a middle finger not only to her character but to us aswell.

  • After taking sometime to think about it, I probably overreacted but my point still stands. This storyline is still incredibly bizzare and I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to write this, other than money in mind. Clementine leaving Ericson's and AJ on her own, with one leg, to "make a new life for herself" and "put her traumatic past behind her" is so weird, and stupid. Unless they all died, but why would you do that in the first place? It's just throwing away our Season 4 endings. Unless they either clear some things up and confirm that Clem didn't just go out for milk and leave the Ericson kids and AJ behind, or that they didn't die, this comic series is a terrible idea.

  • You are all acting very disappointed and I am here to remind you the joke that did this type of shit first


    The Last of Us Part 2

  • My thoughts on this go something like this: at some point, you just got to let it go, you know? Don't read the issues or books. Your ending is your ending; don't feel the need to consume more media, you know?

    It can be hard for completionists, but sometimes, it's the best thing to do. I've personally had my fill of Clementine for a good long while, so I'll pass, but it's as not easy for others. That's my two cents on the matter.

  • you just got to let it go, you know? Don't read the issues or books. Your ending is your ending; don't feel the need to consume more media, you know?

    I've been mulling it over, and I've also come to this conclusion.
    If the comics end up being dissapointing or "a betrayal" to the final season, I'll just disregard it, file it as 'non-canon'.
    Especially since this is a linear extension of a choice-based series, I can easily consider this one possible route of many. That's making me feel better about it.

    My thoughts on this go something like this: at some point, you just got to let it go, you know? Don't read the issues or books. Your ending

  • I'll go into this series with the mindset that this isn't canon. If the story is actually great with enough connective tissue to the game series that it feels believable (not like Anf) I may change my mind, but for now it feels like just another made up story about her other possibilities.

    My thoughts on this go something like this: at some point, you just got to let it go, you know? Don't read the issues or books. Your ending

  • Greetings, everyone. MaconMajr here. Wow, it's been some time but I wish to share some Walking Dead news. First things first, I purchased the Definitive Edition a year ago and played it, including the Michonne series, the less than stellar A New Frontier (for the path of the game regarding what I know will happen to Jane, I...I let her be killed and took the Wellington path.) And just about a week ago, I finished the game, I came to love so much.

    Part of me is glad I completed it but at the same time I'm sad since Clementine's adventures were now at an end. Then one day, I saw on a site that Skybound was releasing a comic focusing on none other than Clementine herself (Skybound X) and I was ecstatic, knowing the adventure will continue. And I already placed a order at a local comic shop in advance.

    My excitement grew when I discovered the comic was a prelude to a graphic novel series "Clementine" and not just that...but a trilogy as well.

    I was super eager to see what awaited her. But soon, I discovered the backlash from a great many people and upon reading the synopsis, slowly my excitement grew sour and seeds of doubt entered my mind.

    Questions followed of, why is Clementine going with this new character? And, a very big and I might add, what of Ericsons and the people there?

    Now I am nervous. Fearing a repeat of what happened to Jane in A New Frontier, if something like that happens in this future tales...

    I...I don't know if I can take another shattering of my faith.

    All these accusations are premature. I believe we should wait and gather more data before making judgements. I'm sure the writer of this new trilogy will have a logical and reasonable explanation for what has happened.

    I hope...

  • edited June 2021

    I leave for a few days because work is kicking me in the ass with 13 hour days, 5 days this week, hoping for a nice relaxing weekend to rest up and recover, and THIS is the news I come back to?! Are you fucking kidding me with this shit?

    Kirkman, Walden, with all due respect, why can't you just leave well enough alone? Clem got a somewhat happy ending at the end of TFS, that after years of running (the first episode is literally called Done Running), settling down with AJ, a new community that looks like it can live in peace, finally being happy after years of loss, sadness, and emotional torture, you're going to completely undo all of that? A one off comic is one thing, a little check in on Clem and see how she's doing, living her life at Ericson's and raising AJ, cool. But now, having her go off on her own (again), meet a new group (Again), and either abandon or lose everyone she loves (AGAIN!) for a character that already had their journey end satisfyingly, it's not needed.

    Not only does it feel unnecessary, and you guys should know I'm the last person that would have ever said more Clem content is unnecessary, but it just feels like it completely erases everything that TFS was about. Group run by teenagers, that's Ericson's. Community with friendship, rivalry, and romance, you already had that with Louis and/or Violet, which most people, myself included, actually liked. So now, not only are you doing away with that, but you're removing what was supposed to be the emotional heart of the game with AJ, and just doing away with him. It's either AJ is dead or he's alive and at Ericson's, the latter of which seems incredibly unlikely, Clem would not abandon him or go off on her own without him, and AJ wouldn't let her either. I'll wait for it to be out for final judgment, but holy hell, red flags are going off in my head.

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • Yep, pretty much my thoughts exactly, just with a lot less anger and more rationalizing.

    Making a Clementine comic is fine and all, like probably a prequel before the final season or something and the comic has yet to come out bu

  • Clem: AJ, what's the first rule.

    AJ: Never go alone.

    years later

    Clementine goes off on her own.

    Thanks for character consistency Skybound.

  • edited June 2021

    I never should have been into The Walking Dead and The Last of Us. They both start really good, only to disappoint me continously with their new content and updates.

  • There's beating a dead horse and then there's digging up its decayed carcass and grinding its bones to dust.

  • If the Skybound X comic will set up Clementine's comic book series, hopefully there will be a decent explanation for what's going on cause there are two possible outcomes to this thing and none of them are good:

    If AJ and the Ericson's kids are alive, then why would Clem want to leave the school in the first place on her own when she has one leg left and travel all the way to Vermont and join another group of kids, I really don't get that. Unless this new group is the group that arrived with the caravan and she is going on this mission to see if the whole deal is legit then that might make sense but with the whole 'putting behind her traumatic past' and 'carving a new path for herself' doesn't align with that theory and it seems like a flimsy reason to leave behind her adoptive son, her new friends and the place she was safe at.

    If AJ and the Ericson's kids are dead, then congratulations, the final season was entirely pointless and to an extension majority of the series after season 1 because killing off AJ would make Clementine's struggles and the strong relationship she had with him meaningless, if he actually died, there is no way Clem would be able to come back from that, that would be the breaking point for her and it would just serve to make her more miserable and AJ's character arc the biggest waste of time aswell.

    No matter which option you look at, the final season and it's cast are getting screwed over in favor of continuing Clementine's already finished story when they could of focused on characters who's stories were left in the dark like say Christa, Molly, Javier, the 400 Days characters, or hell even Arvo.

  • And that's what worries me the most.

    when they could of focused on characters who's stories were left in the dark like say Christa, Molly, Javier, the 400 Days characters

    I agree on that. Especially, Christa, Molly and the 400 Days characters.

    If the Skybound X comic will set up Clementine's comic book series, hopefully there will be a decent explanation for what's going on cause t

  • That's cool I guess.

    Clementine is getting her own graphic novel titled Clementine Book One, which will see her embark on a brand new adventure. It will be writt

  • This is just lazy writing. Also what the fuck is this art.

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