The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I already expressed my distate for the comic in a previous thread but, other than stuff I complained about the comic, here is my main issue/critique about it's plot: it's unoriginal and nonsensical.

    It basically follows the same formula the Walking Dead games had that got tiresome quickly since the end of season 1, with Clementine ending up on her own after her entire group gets killed till she stumbles accidently upon a new group but at the end of it all of them die or disappear and Clementine ends up in the same place as before, alone. The whole point of season 4 was to finally end that trend by having Clementine and AJ finally find themselves a permanent home with friends they can trust and care about and stop worrying about dying from hunger or walkers or having the entire community fall apart because of the dead, humans or internal group conflict, she was able to catch a break and rest, it was called the final season for a reason because her quest was complete and ended with a smile on her face that clearly din't express any hints that she was unhappy as the comic suggests.

    In the comic, Clementine for no logical reason decides to go back on the road filled with danger AND on a single leg and abandons all her loved ones because she woke up on the wrong side of the bed one day and goes against any decisions we made for her in the games and for what? To have the same plot of her ending up in another unstable community, a plot that's been repeated a lot in this series and find herself a new love interest when she had like 3 of them by now? They are not doing anything new with Clem, they're doing the same thing over and over again, there is nothing else to do with her, her story is finished, it doesn't need a season 5 or any seasons at all, 4 seasons is enough for Clem but apparently Tillie Walden and whoever else from Skybound din't get that memo.

    A short epilogue focusing on her, AJ and the kids from Ericson's like a few years later at the end of the Walking Dead comic book series could of sufficed, or sort of a 'missing persons' chronicle series focusing on characters who's stories were left unfinished and in the dark so we can have some answers about what happened to them or hell, if they really wanted a story about Clem so badly, write a prequel about her journey to the ranch to find AJ or their years of them travelling together before coming into contact with Ericson's, not...whatever this story is supposed to be. Rant over.

  • So if you have a Xbox one(or Series X or T Series)you can only jump on Right Bumper and press A to heal...

    When I first got Dying Light, the control scheme threw me off, like jump being tied to RB, I thought it was an odd choice but when I got into the game I think the placement makes sense and is comfortable but very odd when you're used to A being the default button to jump in so many games.

    Healing was down on the D-Pad if I remember correctly, which seems weird but it's beside the rest of your toolset like your equipment and weapons.

    Dying Light's skill tree was easy to grasp for me, I can't say too much on Dying Light 2 because I've been in the dark with it and would rather jump in blind, though talking about gameplay, the combat seems alright, enemy AI is....yeah, anyways, the parkour from what I've seen looks like so much fun, but the physics are weird, as AChicken said, it comes across as a bit floaty, while the original game had fairly realistic physics with the exception of the grappling hook, which seems to work much better in the second game.

    As for Story, I've heard mixed things on it, there's not a lot of affection for Aiden the protagonist, it's always the main character that seems to let Techland down, Kyle Crane from the first game had his fans, myself being one of them, but he wasn't the most expressive bloke, he had some funny dialogue moments, and had a fair amount of growth in the first game and The Following, but he wasn't unforgettable.

    Finally, the game seems to be plagued with bugs, I watched IGN's review just because it appeared in my feed, and the game suffers from holes in the ground, corrupted save files, infinite loading screens, apparently there's a patch incoming with thousands of fixes small and major but I'd wait until they release another patch or two then jump in.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Still have yet to see but I am disappointed with the combat in Dying Light 2. Not only that. I just saw some Giant Bomb gameplay or

  • Alright this is now my most anticipated game this year.

  • Finally, an adaptation of that one Marvel What If..? Zombies episode!


    AChicken posted: »

    Finally, an adaptation of that one Marvel What If..? Zombies episode!

  • You should see the state of the grappling hook in the first game, it's fun to traverse through the map with it, but it doesn't behave realistically like a grappling hook should, Dying Light 2 seems to have solved that though.

    lupinb0y posted: »


  • Lol I actually did play the first game but I completely forgot it had a grappling hook. This one looks way better since it actually lets you swing around instead of just pulling you to a building.

    You should see the state of the grappling hook in the first game, it's fun to traverse through the map with it, but it doesn't behave realistically like a grappling hook should, Dying Light 2 seems to have solved that though.

  • but it doesn't behave realistically like a grappling hook should

    That’s why it was so fun, the grappling hook was easily the best gameplay element of the first game. It didn’t respect any of the laws of physics, and I loved every second of it.

    You should see the state of the grappling hook in the first game, it's fun to traverse through the map with it, but it doesn't behave realistically like a grappling hook should, Dying Light 2 seems to have solved that though.

  • Oh yeah it was brilliantly ridiculous, it gave the law of physics the middle finger, and then grappled away like it did, it's just the difference between the two is night and day in how they behave within their respective games. Do you plan on getting Dying Light 2?

    but it doesn't behave realistically like a grappling hook should That’s why it was so fun, the grappling hook was easily the best ga

  • It also looks like it plays like the grappling hook from Uncharted 4.

    AChicken posted: »

    Finally, an adaptation of that one Marvel What If..? Zombies episode!

  • Eventually, but not at release. With Horizon coming out this month and Wonderlands next month, and a 10 day trip to South Carolina coming up soon where I won’t have access to any games, I’m going to hold off on DL2. Sounds like there are some bugs so far, so it will give Techland some time to patch them up.

    Oh yeah it was brilliantly ridiculous, it gave the law of physics the middle finger, and then grappled away like it did, it's just the diffe

  • Moral of the story, grappling hooks make every game better. Take notes Telltale, give Bigby a grappling hook or I will be somewhat mildly disappointed.

  • Took you fucking long enough, you mute idiots.

  • yo its really been the same amount of time between waiting for gta 6 and wolf 2 wtf

  • And both the previous entries came out in 2013. Coincidence?

    Poogers555 posted: »

    yo its really been the same amount of time between waiting for gta 6 and wolf 2 wtf

  • edited February 2022

    Dunno why they're announcing development now.
    It'll be done in 4-5 years if they at least try to not crunch their team into oblivion.

  • Yeah in terms of games the next month or two is stacked, enjoy that trip to South Carolina too

    Eventually, but not at release. With Horizon coming out this month and Wonderlands next month, and a 10 day trip to South Carolina coming up

  • My gosh Greg Miller's existence hasn't popped into my mind in years. He looks way older too.

  • edited February 2022

    Been catching up a bit on some Dying Light 2 impressions and reviews
    I'd say the game looks to improve on some aspects from the first game (parkour moves & human vs human combat a big one), while a few others are a bit lacking, but could be improved in updates (bugs being one of those).
    Also review copies weren't all the same version, some people got more updated versions than others. Could be why not all mention major bugs as issues.


    Overall it looks like it'll still be fun if you enjoyed the first, it just takes some getting used to with some of the ways Techland messed with the systems of the game, and a few features missing.
    (One detail is the lack of ragdoll or impact physics with zombies. Techland have clarified it's currently broken in release builds, and they're trying to fix it.)

  • I absolutely love Greg Miller, he's done superb with Kinda Funny.



    AChicken posted: »

    Found a good twitter account

  • It dropped to 67 today.

    No longer nice. :cry:

    69 followers Nice

  • This comment is sweet. Brought a smile to my face.

    AChicken posted: »

    Found a good twitter account

  • edited February 2022

    Today, I learned that on the Mass Effect website, you can create your own Legendary Edition cover art poster and customize the background, characters, and setting to your choosing. And it's fucking sick!

    The only downside is I can't make a poster of nothing but Tali's. Damn it BioWare, give me my Tali poster!

    EDIT: Hours after I post this, you announce a limited edition Tali statue, I accept this as a reasonable compromise.

  • That's pretty neat! I'll have to try it out, get some Mordin and Grunt in prominent spots. Love those two.

    Today, I learned that on the Mass Effect website, you can create your own Legendary Edition cover art poster and customize the background, c

  • It's a F7 miracle! F17 has come early this year!

    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555


    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555

  • What if The Wolf Among Us 2 is an impostor? know.

    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555


    Dunno why it's being hosted by Geoff Keighley, but if it gets eyes to screens.... :open_mouth:

    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555

  • Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hell yeah!

    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555

  • As do I. It’s just that I like Tali, Garrus, and Wrex more. Can’t go wrong with those 3.

    That's pretty neat! I'll have to try it out, get some Mordin and Grunt in prominent spots. Love those two.


    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555

  • trying to zoom in to see what is on the post card I see uh I see a pizzaria and looks like a chruch and uh and uh- and uh where is TOAD I- I- I want to SEE TOAD ON THE STREETS!!!

  • Damn
    I was gonna use this reaction when the trailer came out

    Poogers555 posted: »


  • ...

    captainivy1 posted: » GUYS @Poogers555

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