The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Thank you, I'm feeling a bit worse than I was when I typed that comment earlier, but I believe I'll be fine. Thanks again for the well wishes

    AChicken posted: »

    That really sucks. I hope those vaccines kill all those side effects, and you recover quickly.

  • Only bringing it up for the sake of informing people, but there's been more pages released from the upcoming Book on Clementine, here's the link if anyone fancies a read:

  • Oof. Hopefully you get better soon!

    So after about two years of avoiding it and getting incredibly lucky in close call scenarios, I've tested positive for COVID. I felt a co

  • When a third Sonic movie is eventually made, they should have Eggman attempt to create a clone of Sonic and it ends up being the original Sonic design from the first movie.

  • edited March 2022

    So Day 2 of COVID was rough, I did sleep like a rock, but I woke up to intense headaches and coughing fits, I'm aching all over and my head feels like it's going to explode, I expected COVID to be unpleasant but this is rough. With all that in mind, I am grateful that I've only got what I got, I could've had a far worse reaction but thankfully I haven't, in saying that, I'm still getting owned.

    Just to put it out there, at this moment in time I feel a lot better than I was earlier today, still got that pesky cough but the headaches are a lot milder, I took medicine, which was a battle trying to keep down as I hate the taste of medicine, and it helped, but don't listen to those who say COVID is a piece of piss (a walk in the park), because it's not, far from it.

    UPDATE: So to clear up what I meant in my last paragraph, what I truly thought didn't translate to how I phrased my comment, I get that people can have very mild symptoms and be relatively fine when having COVID, in my head when I was typing though, I was more so referring to the dismissive attitude that is held towards COVID, that it's not a big deal or can't cause a lot of harm, or flat-out denying it being a thing. I didn't explain that in my comment, I phrased it poorly, so I'm sorry for overlooking the fact that there are people out there that do handle it much better than others.

  • edited March 2022

    I wish I could offer you advice since I also had Covid (back in December 2020, before I was even vaccinated), but unfortunately, Covid was a walk in the park for me. I was incredibly thankful that I was largely asymptomatic for 99% of it, worst I had was some sinus congestion for about 12 hours. That being said, obviously some people are different for a variety of reasons, and unfortunately, it sounds like you’re getting hit hard. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, hopefully it will be all cleared away over the next few days, here’s hoping. Keep getting rest, drink plenty of water, don’t resume normal physical activities until you feel 100% (can’t tell you how many times I was sick and it came right back because I went back to doing my normal routine too soon), and even if you have to force it down, keep taking that medicine. Though since you mentioned you’re from Ireland, I’m assuming your medicine is just a six pack of Guinness.

    As for the Clem pages, how many is this now? Has to be at least 30 by my count. Supposedly the book is 250+ pages, and that’s just Book One. If my probably inaccurate estimate is correct, we’ve seen about 1/8th of the book, and nothing so far has put my soul at ease. Not even going to count the stuff shown from the disaster of a trailer Skybound made a few weeks back.

    So Day 2 of COVID was rough, I did sleep like a rock, but I woke up to intense headaches and coughing fits, I'm aching all over and my head

  • I wish I could offer you advice since I also had Covid (back in December 2020, before I was even vaccinated), but unfortunately, Covid was a walk in the park for me.

    That's good and I'm glad you had mild symptoms, I'd like to say that my choice of wording was poor, and as soon as I'm done this comment I'll correct my previous one, but by "walk in the park", in my head I was referring to the dismissive attitude towards it, like it's not a big deal. That's totally on me for not being more descriptive.

    That being said, obviously some people are different for a variety of reasons, and unfortunately, it sounds like you’re getting hit hard. I am glad to hear that you are feeling better, hopefully it will be all cleared away over the next few days, here’s hoping.

    Thank you so much man I appreciate it.

    Keep getting rest, drink plenty of water, don’t resume normal physical activities until you feel 100% (can’t tell you how many times I was sick and it came right back because I went back to doing my normal routine too soon), and even if you have to force it down, keep taking that medicine. Though since you mentioned you’re from Ireland, I’m assuming your medicine is just a six pack of Guinness.

    I've been bed-ridden for the past two days so rest is checked off for me, I could probably drink more water as I haven't had too much of it. I'm back in work next week, and my job can be fairly physical, especially at the pace I try to go at, so I am sure that it'll be a rough work week or two. As for Guinness... no thanks, I'd take a crate of Coors though. Sounds ridiculous, considering I'm Irish, but I haven't had Guinness, I prefer to stick to drinks I know I enjoy, though next time I'm in the pub I'll have a crack at it.

    As for the Clem pages, how many is this now? Has to be at least 30 by my count. Supposedly the book is 250+ pages, and that’s just Book One. If my probably inaccurate estimate is correct, we’ve seen about 1/8th of the book, and nothing so far has put my soul at ease. Not even going to count the stuff shown from the disaster of a trailer Skybound made a few weeks back.

    I thought about that earlier, we've got quite the preview, and like you, nothing I've seen has convinced me that it's a justifiable continuation, I suppose nothing would convince me of that as I just wanted Clementine's Story to be left alone, but, y'know, we couldn't get that.

    I think we'll probably get another preview in May, Skybound is hosting another Xpo that's solely dedicated to the 10th Anniversary of The Walking Dead: The Telltale Series on May 20th, so logically, that'll be the place where they'll talk quite a bit about the Book, and ignore questions as to why the Books exist and valid criticism of said Book.

    A question, do you think there's absolutely any chance whatsoever they walk back on these Books being canon? Or even cancel the Books? Personally, I'm all for artistic expression, but I think the waters become muddied when taking a character shaped by player choice, with multiple branchings of the character, and streamlining them so that thousands of choices are rendered non-canon. I get the idea that they had to do that in order to make the Books work, but surely they had to know there'd be the backlash that ended up happening? They'd have advisors and such, monitoring their social media channels, so they definitely saw an audience looking for more Clementine, but do you think they underestimated the response that they got? I'm curious to know what you think.

    I wish I could offer you advice since I also had Covid (back in December 2020, before I was even vaccinated), but unfortunately, Covid was a

  • Yooooo Disney has playlists for the main group in Turning Red! Some nice choices (+canadians) of the era too!

    NSYNC, Avril Lavigne, Celine Dion, Nelly Furtado... oooh yeah

  • Oh they 100% knew there was going to be backlash, Tillie and Skybound would have had to have had their heads so far up their own asses that they would get lodged in their large intestines to not know this. Maybe it’s a bit more than what they were expecting, but I honestly can’t tell you that, it’s all just speculation. I think what they’re hoping for is that the endgame will justify their decisions. That they have a “I know you’re mad, but please be patient and see what we do, we think you’ll like it” mentality. But frankly, I’m not sure how that truly can be rectified. Two ways this ends, either Clem stays with this new group, completely abandoning AJ and never seeing him again, or learning some valuable lesson that she probably had already learned before they obliterated her character and have her return to the school, making the entire thing utterly pointless. It’s binary, two ways, nothing else (I mean, she can also die, but they won’t do that). So them hoping for fans to all of a sudden to become okay with this is truly unlikely in my eyes.

    I think I said it to you before, I’ll be looking at these pages and lines like a hawk, scanning for any reference or allusion to a choice that I never made so I can at least say it’s not canon to my game, but they have been very careful so far to avoid that. I doubt they can keep it up for 800+ pages (3 books, each likely to be 250+ pages), but it looks to be the one thing they’ve put serious thought into.

    If they do talk about the criticism of the comics at the panel, what I bet will happen is they’ll lightly touch on some legit criticism, say it’s fair and whatnot, but ultimately, take the few examples of people overreacting and spouting some sexist bullshit directly at Tillie (which has happened and is not okay, critique her on her writing, not on the lack of dangling bits between her legs) and paint it largely as just that. They’ll downplay the actual problems we have with it, and mainly talk about the few bad apples in the entire bunch and make it seem like that’s the majority.

    But to the meat of your comment, will they declare it non-canon? I can only see that happening if they decide to cancel it, which could happen due to low sales numbers and poor reviews. Currently, on Amazon, Skybound X #1 sits at about 3.5 stars, and almost all of the most helpful reviews are 1 star and talking about Clementine. On YouTube, the comic is getting a ton of dislikes (I have a function on Google Chrome that enables me to still see the dislikes) and no positive reception in the comments. Reddit, the users have already said these books are not canon en masse. But the most important factor is sales. Not everyone who plays the game knows about this comic and book. No one who hasn’t played the game will read this. And those fans who have played the game are largely ignoring it or hate it, refusing to buy or support it (they’ll more than likely pirate it or watch it on YouTube). So right now, the fan base for this book is minuscule. With all this going on, it could happen, but I’d be very surprised if they cancel it. If a lot of work has already been done on the remaining two books, Skybound will probably just release it to cover as much of their losses as they can, mitigate the damage. If not a lot of work or progress has been made, chances are a bit higher that it’s just not worth the effort to keep it going and will cancel it to avoid pouring more money and resources into a lost cause. I would imagine that what also plays a role is the contract and agreement made between Tillie and Skybound. Depending on the clauses and the terms of their agreement, if Skybound were to prematurely terminate, they could potentially face legal repercussions from Tillie if she pursues further legal action, or be forced to pay what is owed to her even if they don’t continue with it. Those are the types of decisions that will be made at the executive level to determine if the project is worthy enough to be continued. They’ll have to weigh all the potential risks and choose the best course of action for the business. That’s the thing about the business world, every decision, every action, is going to have risks and consequences, people are inevitably going to be impacted by whatever decision is made, even the “good” decisions end up hurting someone somewhere in someway (same is true about politics in general). It’s about which decision has their hands come out slightly more clean than the others. But essentially, if it’s released in full, it will stay canon, if cancelled, it will be non canon. I’d say it’s likely they will finish it out, but only if considerable progress has already been made on the remaining books and if it’s not easy for Skybound to get out of their contract. Frankly, they’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

    I wish I could offer you advice since I also had Covid (back in December 2020, before I was even vaccinated), but unfortunately, Covid was a

  • For those that haven’t heard, Amazon just announced a 20 for 1 stock split that will be taking place sometime in June. For those that don’t know what that is, a stock split is when a company will lower the value of their stock price, it’s done for a variety of reasons such as encouraging more investment from small investors (people are more likely to buy 10 shares at $10 than buy 1 share at $100). Current stockholders will see their number of shares multiply by 20, and the value of Amazon’s stock will go from (if it were happening today) $2900 to about $145 per share.

    So if you were interested in buying some Amazon stock, I would recommend it (totally not saying this because I work for them and any increase in stock value has a positive impact on me financially).

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    More house Bruner

    AChicken posted: »

    Did ya hear they're going to release Elden Ring 2? More details on Wednesday Beware. Bruner House is here. Voice acting for Spock is on-point though.

  • I hate to say it to the Star Trek fans but this game will never win me over. Kevin Bruner doesn't deserve to get away from what he has done.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    More house Bruner

  • Despite being the kind of show I felt Netflix would want to give a second season or two, sounds like they won't give City Of Ghosts another one... that's a real bummer, I thought it was a great, calming kids' show.

    A frequent complaint we’ve heard from numerous creators (who often don’t wish to be named) is the lack of contact they get from Netflix particularly when a show does not perform. In numerous Tweets, [Elizabeth] Ito expressed similar sentiments saying:

    “The hardest thing about the disconnect between accolades City of Ghosts wins, and the lack of any pride from Netflix? I don’t have any answers to give for the question of “doesn’t it matter?” for the crew & cast who made magic happen and were hoping to continue making it.”

    “Even just a “congratulations” to my show’s team from Netflix, in any form- social media, email, whatever- would’ve been nice. But clearly, they don’t care? It’s really not computing for me…”

    “It makes me really happy the way it seems like City of Ghosts keeps getting discovered by new people every couple months. It’s also a really big sign that Netflix Animation’s creative development system is extremely flawed- they leave no time for ideas to grow their audience.
    It takes a while (as in, more than the first month it’s out) for people to find it and warm up to it (or not). Especially when you’re hitting them with too many new shows all at once. They should be giving projects a lot longer than that to prove themselves.

    I hope things will change there, so that more people get to try making more weird, personal things. It’s pretty fun and delivers really dope results”

  • I would love to see a SAW game made from telltale, it would fit there aesthetic soooo well and could rival IWAU and TWD in terms of compelling story telling. Also could probably make the saw franchise better as a whole

  • Hey I just want to say I hope your health gets better soon

    So Day 2 of COVID was rough, I did sleep like a rock, but I woke up to intense headaches and coughing fits, I'm aching all over and my head

  • Thanks so much, today's gone much better, I think I'm near the end of it now, tomorrow will, fingers crossed, be a much better day

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Hey I just want to say I hope your health gets better soon

  • edited March 2022

    Tom Brady: I am retiring from the NFL

    Tom Brady, 5 minutes later: LOL, it's just a prank bro.

  • I'll be honest, it'll sound very harsh, but I'd be lying if I said otherwise, but I hope the Books are rendered non-canon, I've nothing against Tillie, put any other writer in that same position and the main problem remains, the concept itself is flawed and was only going to fall apart.

    Regarding how they'll address criticism, I do agree with you in that they'll be saying "there's valid criticism to be had" and all that, and they will address the sexist comments that Tillie has received and the harassment, but I do not believe for a second they'll use it to tar all criticism with the same brush, I think calling out the comments that did go too far is reasonable, I'd love for them to address the valid criticism, because they've been silent on it, but taking the time to address the unacceptable comments, I don't think is an attempt to portray all comments as such, but highlighting how those comments specifically are problematic, and shouldn't really be said. I understand that when there's more of a focus on the toxic rather than the constructive criticism, it can seem that it's intentionally misrepresenting the latter by lumping it in with the other, but it's not the case. The problem is rather than constructive criticism, some resort to sexist comments, harassment and the like, that's where the problem lies. That being said, Skybound have to address the valid concerns we have, they can condemn the comments and harassment, as they should, and should use an appropriate amount of time to do that, but there's so much hostility against these Books, they can't afford to continue ignoring it.

    I'm honestly debating whether or not to start up a petition in protest of the Books, maybe it'll do something, maybe it won't, but I think the longer they drag this thing on, knowing the public reception to the Books, only further harms their image, and shuns a fairly sizable community, I don't get why they wouldn't just make merchandise, because that way it does keep their image intact, and going off how merch based on the Series does in sales, they'd struggle to keep up with demand. Sure you'll get people turning around and saying "stop milking the Series and make a new game" but fuck I'd prefer that than obliging and having the same people turn around and complaining it isn't exactly what they wanted when the idea of a continuation is flawed to begin with.

    One problem I think the Community has, which I think most of the time, is beautiful because of how positive it is and reflects the importance of her, is the obsession with Clementine, but the problem is anything without her is dismissed. The Walking Dead is a vast universe, make more stories, keep it separate to The Telltale Series and its cast but try to appeal more to the Community without meddling with the complexities of the Series.

    Oh they 100% knew there was going to be backlash, Tillie and Skybound would have had to have had their heads so far up their own asses that

  • Personally I think a SAW Series would be odd, SAW has a very convoluted timeline and way of storytelling, sure Telltale could tell a good story with it, but I think SAW isn't really a franchise with fantastic storytelling when its bread and butter is over the top, gruesome traps that absolutely annihilates its victims.

    If SAW tried to reinvent itself as being more than what every film after the first SAW were, which are essentially glorified torture, then maybe it'd be worthwhile for Telltale to pursue. Maybe if Telltale made a game that could be the catalyst of reinventing the franchise, but I think that's more the responsibility of LionsGate to make SAW more than what it has evolved into. That's just me though.

    I would love to see a SAW game made from telltale, it would fit there aesthetic soooo well and could rival IWAU and TWD in terms of compelling story telling. Also could probably make the saw franchise better as a whole

  • So obviously from the fan perspective, yes, I agree, I wish it would be rendered non-canon. However, thinking about it more, and it ties into some of the points of my original comment, I think that Skybound has a lot more to lose by cancelling it, than they do by keeping it going.

    What happens if they keep releasing it? Well, the fans become very upset, some refuse to buy it, and they get outraged and bitch online and to their friends that this isn't a good comic. Perhaps it won't be as profitable as Skybound wanted it to be, and, as mentioned, it turns into something where they just try to mitigate their losses by collecting whatever money they can from it, just to recuperate some of their losses. Example, I was on the PS Store a few weeks ago, saw some games on sale, one of which was Anthem. We all know Anthem's release was disastrous, and that it's not really a great game. Maybe not awful, but below average. The game is going for about $5-10. At this point, you think BioWare or EA really cares about what it's going for? No, but they're ready to take whatever they can get from the game just to recover a fraction of what was put in. 1-2 people buying it at $5, it's better than no one buying it at $30. I think what you'll have is something similar with this. That they recognize the comic is disastrous, but they've already poured so much into it, they'll finish and release it, and just hope to get back some of what was put in. Sure, some fans will be pissed for a while, but that may be better than the alternative, which is my next point.

    Right now for Skybound, there are two perspectives for this. You have the consumer perspective, which we have already covered so far. But then there's the other one, and this one won't be talked about a lot because it doesn't concern us, that's the industry perspective. Remember that I said that if Skybound cancels and Tillie, depending on the contractual agreements made between the two parties, decides to consider her legal options. Well that can result in a legal battle that, while it may not get a lot of attention, could cause a black eye for them as a business and be costly in either legal fees, out of court settlement, or just public perception. You also have the damage that will be done to Skybound's reputation and image from within the industry if they make this move. You don't think Tillie won't then go to her friends or other people within the industry and recommend not working for a company like Skybound because of what they did? Making a move like this could seriously damage Skybound and prevent them from being able to attract new talent, retain their current talent, and loose a lot of face within the industry. Why would you want to work for a company that won't have your back and support your vision because they gave into the peer pressure? This image is a lot harder to repair than the one you have with consumers. Consumers can easily be swayed, make a few overtures and some nice statements or release a couple new projects, and you're back in their good graces. Ruin your perception in the industry, and that could be a lot harder to come back from. Sure, some companies, especially the big ones, can survive like Blizzard and EA, but as we know from companies like Telltale, having the perception of being a bad place to work for doesn't bring in the strong talent you're hoping for.

    I'm reluctant to really get involved with protests or petitions, mainly because I just don't think they ultimately accomplish much. Some times they do, but other times, it doesn't matter, and people have such short attention spans that they're outraged for a moment, and then they move onto the next thing, forgetting what just happened and rendering the protest pointless. There's a great movie with Don Cheadle, called Hotel Rwanda, it's based on a true story of the Rwandan Genocide in the 90's. Cheadle's character owns this luxury hotel in Rwanda, where the Hutu's are slaughtering the minority Tutsi ethnic group. His hotel ends up becoming a safe haven for Tutsi refugees, and there is a news crew and UN peacekeepers documenting the events that are happening. One day, Cheadle's character is having a conversation with the head UN peacekeeper (it's been a few years since I've seen the movie, so forgive me for not getting the names), but basically, Cheadle's character is hoping that the images and videos of what's happening will inspire the world to take action. The UN peacekeeper says it won't matter, that viewers will see the atrocities on their TV's, think that it's horrible, and then go right back to eating their dinner. Ultimately, that's what you'll have here, people will rage, but that's the most damage that can be done, people have already made up their minds to support or not support it, there aren't many people on the fence. That's the only way a protect or petition can work, is if there's a large group of people hanging on the fence that need to be swayed. Right now, each group is comfortably settled in their respective bubbles, and they aren't budging. Skybound is aware of this, they aren't going to sway or change any minds right now, so what harm can come from this if they release it. The people that hate it will still hate it, and the ones that are willing to give it a chance will buy it and make up their minds from there, but by then, they have their money. And the consumers that get pissed can be either won over or replaced, but hindering their ability to acquire or maintain talent and damaging their company image within the industry, that's far harder to recapture than the image with the fanbase.

    As a fan, I want this to be destroyed and done away with. But if I'm honest, if I was an executive at Skybound, and I was responsible for some of these decisions, I'd say we have to follow through with this. We've already dug this hole, we can't get out of it now. Fans, they'll learn to adapt or just move on because, in the end, it's just not important enough. But if we screw over our own people and throw them under the bus, we loose that trust and we'll never be able to get it back.

    I'll be honest, it'll sound very harsh, but I'd be lying if I said otherwise, but I hope the Books are rendered non-canon, I've nothing agai

  • What happens if they keep releasing it? Well, the fans become very upset, some refuse to buy it, and they get outraged and bitch online and to their friends that this isn't a good comic. Perhaps it won't be as profitable as Skybound wanted it to be, and, as mentioned, it turns into something where they just try to mitigate their losses by collecting whatever money they can from it, just to recuperate some of their losses. Example, I was on the PS Store a few weeks ago, saw some games on sale, one of which was Anthem. We all know Anthem's release was disastrous, and that it's not really a great game. Maybe not awful, but below average. The game is going for about $5-10. At this point, you think BioWare or EA really cares about what it's going for? No, but they're ready to take whatever they can get from the game just to recover a fraction of what was put in. 1-2 people buying it at $5, it's better than no one buying it at $30. I think what you'll have is something similar with this. That they recognize the comic is disastrous, but they've already poured so much into it, they'll finish and release it, and just hope to get back some of what was put in. Sure, some fans will be pissed for a while, but that may be better than the alternative, which is my next point.

    True, and good example with Anthem, EA could have very easily delisted it and have that be that, but there's money to be made so why not keep it up so people can buy it despite the game no longer being supported. That's a good point you made.

    Right now for Skybound, there are two perspectives for this. You have the consumer perspective, which we have already covered so far. But then there's the other one, and this one won't be talked about a lot because it doesn't concern us, that's the industry perspective. Remember that I said that if Skybound cancels and Tillie, depending on the contractual agreements made between the two parties, decides to consider her legal options. Well that can result in a legal battle that, while it may not get a lot of attention, could cause a black eye for them as a business and be costly in either legal fees, out of court settlement, or just public perception. You also have the damage that will be done to Skybound's reputation and image from within the industry if they make this move. You don't think Tillie won't then go to her friends or other people within the industry and recommend not working for a company like Skybound because of what they did? Making a move like this could seriously damage Skybound and prevent them from being able to attract new talent, retain their current talent, and loose a lot of face within the industry. Why would you want to work for a company that won't have your back and support your vision because they gave into the peer pressure?

    Good point again, on what I've read up on Skybound from over the years, one thing I've always came across from their writers is how they're given a lot of backing and creative freedom to tell the stories they want to tell, it would be appear to be a massive backtrack on Skybound's part if they stepped in and dropped the Books altogether, that'd be a stain on them and goes against their culture and permissiveness of creative freedom. As you explained, that'd push away new talent, and would also create a messy legal battle should either party decide they want to go that route.

    Consumers can easily be swayed, make a few overtures and some nice statements or release a couple new projects, and you're back in their good graces. Ruin your perception in the industry, and that could be a lot harder to come back from. Sure, some companies, especially the big ones, can survive like Blizzard and EA, but as we know from companies like Telltale, having the perception of being a bad place to work for doesn't bring in the strong talent you're hoping for.

    Nail on the head, I don't have anything to add here, you're spot on.

    I'm reluctant to really get involved with protests or petitions, mainly because I just don't think they ultimately accomplish much. Some times they do, but other times, it doesn't matter, and people have such short attention spans that they're outraged for a moment, and then they move onto the next thing, forgetting what just happened and rendering the protest pointless.

    I think they can, that's probably the optimist in me, I agree that people do have short attention spans, but like, take a petition for example, you sign the petition, maybe write why you support it, and that be that, it may not turn the tide but it allows room to be more expressive on why there's a stance taken on a topic, in this case, the Books, it stands out, though I will admit, a petition may not be all that necessary when you check their social media channels and anything to do with the audience that is closely related to the source material of Clementine.

    There's a great movie with Don Cheadle, called Hotel Rwanda, it's based on a true story of the Rwandan Genocide in the 90's. Cheadle's character owns this luxury hotel in Rwanda, where the Hutu's are slaughtering the minority Tutsi ethnic group. His hotel ends up becoming a safe haven for Tutsi refugees, and there is a news crew and UN peacekeepers documenting the events that are happening. One day, Cheadle's character is having a conversation with the head UN peacekeeper (it's been a few years since I've seen the movie, so forgive me for not getting the names), but basically, Cheadle's character is hoping that the images and videos of what's happening will inspire the world to take action. The UN peacekeeper says it won't matter, that viewers will see the atrocities on their TV's, think that it's horrible, and then go right back to eating their dinner.

    I need to watch Hotel Rwanda, we actually watched a bit of it in school a couple of years back, we didn't get to finish it sadly, or could be I just wasn't in on the day we finished it, but from what I remember, it was good.

    For the remainder of your comment, I haven't much to add you phrased it quite well and I'm in agreement, it just sucks that it is the way it is.

    So obviously from the fan perspective, yes, I agree, I wish it would be rendered non-canon. However, thinking about it more, and it ties int

  • edited March 2022

    Day 3 has been much better, though I went for a nap, and woke up with my back feeling increasingly sensitive to surfaces I rest on, when I cough, and the clothes I'm wearing. I've looked up what it is, and apparently it's cutaneous hyperesthesia.

    There's apparently a link between it and COVID, from a report on two 40 year olds who experienced it when they had COVID, and it lasted for around 10 days for them, but my God is it uncomfortable. When I cough, which is often, I can feel it through my body, as I'm typing I'm laying in my bed, and it's like a radiating feeling, that is mostly on my left side. It's a feeling I'm not used to, as why would I be, so I'm a bit worried. I'll monitor it and if it worsens or something, I'll be getting in contact with a doctor.

  • this meme is from the future when he plays boy blue in wolf 2

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    this meme is from the future when he plays boy blue in wolf 2

  • Oh no, getting conflicted feelings again...

    Hogwarts Legacy details coming thursday

  • I ordered a PS5. FINALLY!!!

  • Arcane won every award it was nominated for in the Annie Awards!

    The Mitchell's vs The Machines also won 8 awards!

  • Congratulations man I hope you have a lot of fun with it.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I ordered a PS5. FINALLY!!!

  • ...

    AronDracula posted: »

    I ordered a PS5. FINALLY!!!

  • Wait, how can they both win the FX, Direction, Character Design, etc.?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Arcane won every award it was nominated for in the Annie Awards! The Mitchell's vs The Machines also won 8 awards!

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Two different categories for series and movies.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait, how can they both win the FX, Direction, Character Design, etc.?

  • Yep, Arcane swept the awards on the tv side of things while The Mitchell's did it on the movies.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Two different categories for series and movies.

  • Ahh, right right right. 👍

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Two different categories for series and movies.

  • edited March 2022

    He was at Old Trafford the other day for Manchester United's match against Tottenham, he probably saw Cristiano Ronaldo, at age 37, score a convincing hat-trick and show that despite his age he can still play a massive role in the team and remain as one of the best in the world.

    In saying that, Manchester United have had a shit season, plagued by poor ownership that would rather turn the club into an NFL franchise making money out the ass instead of looking to improve the team, along with poor recruitment and giving average players lucrative deals that make them harder to sell on later. But Ronaldo has dragged us through this season, kept us in the Champions League solely by his own efforts, and keeping us in the running for qualifying for the competition next season. I long for the day that the Glazers decide to move on and new owners come in with intent to restore Manchester United to its former glory.

    From your past comments I think I gathered you are an NFL fan, so I wonder what is the opinion of the Glazers over there? For Manchester United fans, they're widely hated, as the club is making serious money every year from sponsorship deals, but they move so slow when it comes to recruitment, and don't listen to the fans (the constructive ones I mean), and when they do sign someone, it's a headline signing that's good for social media interactions, which has led to us coining the term "Social Media FC", and for shirt sales, instead of looking at signings that can move us up the table and get us competing for trophies. There's so much more I want to say but I'll leave it here for now, but I don't like the Glazers at all

    Tom Brady: I am retiring from the NFL Tom Brady, 5 minutes later: LOL, it's just a prank bro.

  • The trailer for the Puss in Boots sequel is out and they changed the artstyle! It's now got that painterly 2.5D and it looks pretty darn good.

  • Really? I never thought they would consider a sequel to a 10-year-old spin-off which was okay at the best.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The trailer for the Puss in Boots sequel is out and they changed the artstyle! It's now got that painterly 2.5D and it looks pretty darn good.

  • i miss these mfers like you wouldnt believe im shaking and crying rn

  • They had an entirely different sequel planned for release in 2018 but that it got rebooted into this after there was some restructuring at Dreamworks.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Really? I never thought they would consider a sequel to a 10-year-old spin-off which was okay at the best.

  • The painterly, smooth artstyle is neat. (Maybe to save time on doing the more realistic, detailed style instead?)

    Gotta admit though (cause I don't remember being too wowed by the original film)... Who asked for this?
    Has this just been stuck in development hell for years? (This is rhetorical, I'll probably google it)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    The trailer for the Puss in Boots sequel is out and they changed the artstyle! It's now got that painterly 2.5D and it looks pretty darn good.

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