Summer Game Fest/E3 Season 2022
Come one, come all for the 2022 season of game reveals
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Come one, come all for the 2022 season of game reveals
@AronDracula @Poogers555 @dojo32161 @lupinb0y
Come here boys, let's contain the hype to this thread...
I just think it would be weird to clutter the Whatever thread with a bunch of SGF hype reveals, that are incoming
Essentially here's also the current schedule of reveals we have coming soon
Nothing from Nintendo yet, but they usually reveal their Directs like 2-3 days before it happens.
Keeping my expectations low is the best way of being hype. Sounds weird, I know
So here we go
I was getting hyped for a second because I thought they were gonna show A Plague Tale Requiem due to Focus Entertainment. Big fail.
EDIT: even a bigger fail because it's another generic game based on Aliens movie.
Are you fucking kidding me? Everyone has ALREADY seen this trailer, you morons.
EDIT: nevermind, they showed new footage just a few minutes later.
From the last 20 seconds, looks like it's an Isometric Top-down shooter. I think that's new for the Aliens games.
I nearly thought it was a new Aliens shooter title, given the cinematic trailer. We just got one recently with Aliens Fireteam, I think it's called?
No, no, no, my friend. In this one, you get to see a man's head get bitten in half!
Okay, what a weird way to demonstrate new details for Callisto Protocol. It does look very Dead Space-y though.
Joel and Arthur Morgan both on the same stage. That's nice
Dead Space meets what? Gee, I'm glad Dead Space is influencing the industry again but guys, take it down a notch, will ya?
He said "Jones' Moon", so I think he means "Duncan Jones' Moon"?
Duncan Jones a director and Moon being a thriller movie set on the Moon from 2009
I haven't seen it, but the cinematic influence sounds cool
Did everyone collectively decided on space horror or something? lol
Gee, how many sci-fi horror games are being made right now?
cut to The Rock shirtless in his gym
Cheapest presentation ever. Rock is cool but come on.
The freaking drink plug
Also Black Adam plug?
Dude this is a games livestream. Not movies.
Routine kind of looked cool. Stood out the most to me, anyway, out of the space games.
Black Adam is NOT a video game. What is it doing here?
I'm guessing Keighley got a good cheque from Warner Bros. for featuring this one.
Imagine demonstrating a movie in a VIDEO GAME conference!!!!
I really wish cgi trailers for new IPs would die out. They are never helpful for getting a picture of what the game actually is, and because it comes from an unknown IP there is no way to even try and understand what it is going to be like.
Especially when honestly thst trailer looked real off. Got some serious mobile game vibes from it.
Overanimated, poor sound mixing, confusing camera work... ehhh bad first impression. No idea what genre this is
Edit: Oh an RTS. Ok well glad they mentioned it at least
Good for Geoff for addressing a Ukraine Dev and apologizing for not having an update on their game yet due to the current situation.
Dead Island 2????
Really? Goat Simulator stealing the trailer style from Dead Island 2.
EDIT: Goat Simulator 3?? There is already a second one????
Holy cow yes.
Now this is how you promote a silly game like Goat Simulator 2. (Edit: THREE?? When was there a second game?)
Parody a game that somehow still isn't out by recreating their original trailer
I half expected it was actually Dead Island 2, but somehow with worse graphics.
I feel like that was kind of the funniest thing ever but also the worst thing ever lol
Did I just hear a Doom music????
You just heard music from Metallica (shown at the start of the trailer)
Summoning @MetallicaRules
New rockin' Midnight Suns trailer
Oooh yes Midnight Fight Express looks real fun! Glad to finally get a full trailer for it.
Demo On Steam! WOOOO
Please just... show Tales 2 already. I want to get it over with. Please.
I feel like I am wasting my time with this conference.
Well, another thing for MetallicaRules:
Metal Hellsinger with a demo out now! Doom-ish FPS rhythm game! Wow
Read One Piece, incredible manga.
Supermassive Games hasn't proved themselves ever since Until Dawn.
Indie Cyberpunk 2077?
Layers of Fears? Yeah, easy pass because I hated the first one. Thank God that the Silent Hill 2 Remake rumors seem to be false.
Finally some details on Last of Us Multiplayer Part 2.... but it's just one concept art piece and we get more details next year
Wow, demonstrating an upcoming multiplayer game with concept art. Very original, Druckmann
Feels like we're reaching the end of the event, so probably no Tales 2, meaning we will continue this hellish limbo