The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Just came out of the theater after seeing Halloween Ends. Weirdly enough, there weren't a lot of people in our room. Only like 9 people approximately. I watched it with my ex-roommate who I haven't seen in months and we had fun.

    As for the movie, yeah..........people are gonna be super pissed about it. I think this movie has some ideas that I thought were really good but unfortunately, the execution could have been done a lot better. Unlike Halloween Kills, this movie tries to go back to the roots of Halloween 2018, where there is a lot of slow pacing and it tries to make you grow with characters way too hard than needed. Without spoiling anything, Michael Myers is not the biggest focus of this entire finale of a trilogy. What's really interesting is that, from what I've heard, John Carpenter erased the other Halloween sequels from the canon because he hated all of them, including the original H2. Yet this trilogy use some elements and references from those films.

    With all this being said, I thought this movie was just fine. It's not necessarily a movie that I would rewatch again, except for the third act which was the best part, but I am glad I saw this on the big screen because otherwise, I would've been bored watching it through streaming. Halloween Kills still remains my favorite of the trilogy, it's not even as bad as people say it is. I think this trilogy suffers the same syndrome from the Star Wars Sequels. It seems like they didn't have a complete roadmap to finish the whole franchise on a good note and used random moments for the story to move forward. Going into this with low expectations was the right choice and I hope they actually leave this franchise alone once and for all. Because there is nothing more they could do.

  • Dude, NO!!! Don't give me hope. It's just the Silent Hill town fucking with our minds. PLEASE DON'T!!!!

  • Wat

  • The Silent Hill news were so high that I managed to summon a fellow member back to this forum. Welcome back.

    CathalOHara posted: »


  • Probably is unethical to personally mention a gearbox employee, but this game will be proof that hiring someone with a PhD in Narrative Design does not guarantee a good story.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I wonder if the creative team behind New Tales thinks its better or at least on par to the original even though there is such a night and da

  • "Okay so we bought back Batman, but now we have to choose... Tales from the Borderlands... or that one old Wallace and Gromit game pretty much no one remembers and doesn't even have Peter Sallis in it."

    Poogers555 posted: »

    "Okay, so we are gonna buy back Wolf... But now we have to choose... Batman... or Tales from the Borderlands?"

  • "Okay, New Tales wasn't very popular. Maybe Gearbox will let Telltale and original devs make a proper sequel?"

    the irreversible damage to the name "Tales from the Borderlands"

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    "Okay so we bought back Batman, but now we have to choose... Tales from the Borderlands... or that one old Wallace and Gromit game pretty much no one remembers and doesn't even have Peter Sallis in it."

  • edited October 2022

    I think in general this game will be very good example of why who your development team really matters. Once again, I think the shittiest thing about New Tales is Gearbox pretending original developers are working on this and its pretty unfortunate seeing how many people seem to be unaware that its a pretty bold lie. I also think that generally education levels for creative art really doesn't mean much and probably shouldn't be used as a selling point, pretty much any famous writer you can think of either has a simple bachelor's degree or didn't even go to higher education at all. Basically I would argue that most creative arts and people's skill in them are not dictated by education level in said arts.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    Probably is unethical to personally mention a gearbox employee, but this game will be proof that hiring someone with a PhD in Narrative Design does not guarantee a good story.

  • edited October 2022

    A number of voice actors have started sharing their own personal VA horror stories, beginning with the voice of Bayonetta herself Hellena Taylor, who recently came out about how she was only offered $4000 to be in Bayo 3 despite having been the voice of the titular character from its inception. Man, sucks how badly so many of them are treated considering how important voice acting is in media.

  • For some reason, voice actors are just seen as inherently more replaceable.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    A number of voice actors have started sharing their own personal VA horror stories, beginning with the voice of Bayonetta herself Hellena Ta

  • Unless you're Troy Baker, then you're just the one replacing them.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    For some reason, voice actors are just seen as inherently more replaceable.

  • I mean... Troy Baker was replaced when it came to Rhys.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Unless you're Troy Baker, then you're just the one replacing them.

  • Which is funny because Rhys was originally going to be voiced by Sam Witwer

    okay in fairness I did have to look up who Troy replaced, but I knew he replaced someone so point still stands

    dojo32161 posted: »

    I mean... Troy Baker was replaced when it came to Rhys.

  • I am not sure if it counts but Troy Baker replaced Guy Cihi to play James Sunderland in that terrible HD remaster of Silent Hill 2.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Which is funny because Rhys was originally going to be voiced by Sam Witwer (Spoiler)

  • That's a different case, where they tested a voice prior to release and found it didn't work. The cases I'm referring to are about a game already released with that VA, and then a sequel or some other thing with that character, having that previous VA replaced with someone else, either through not being informed, being lowballed or just being replaced for a more household name.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    Which is funny because Rhys was originally going to be voiced by Sam Witwer (Spoiler)


  • Missed you guys! Had some misadventures the past few years hope all's good!

    AronDracula posted: »

    The Silent Hill news were so high that I managed to summon a fellow member back to this forum. Welcome back.

  • Yeah and it's a shame too because it happens far more often than I'd like. Taylor is definitely one of the more recent examples, but Dead Rising fans were none too happy when Frank West's voice actor TJ Rotolo got replaced, even though Dead Rising 4's entire premise was the return of the said character. That game had a lot of issues though let alone the voice actor issue.

    dojo32161 posted: »

    That's a different case, where they tested a voice prior to release and found it didn't work. The cases I'm referring to are about a game al

  • edited October 2022

    Just realized New Tales comes out the day after Tales ended 7 years ago. Actually tragic.

  • lupinb0y posted: »

    A number of voice actors have started sharing their own personal VA horror stories, beginning with the voice of Bayonetta herself Hellena Ta

  • edited October 2022

    Yep, literally just read about that. This all led to a great discussion about how VA's are treated in the industry, which absolutely is an issue regardless of how this story turned out, but if this is true and she lied in her original statement and actually asked for a six figure salary alongside residuals, it makes her out to be a bit of a loon. Not to mention that she also started going after Jennifer Hale.

    Considering Jason Schreier's track record, this is probably true and in that case Hideki Kamiya really chose the worst way possible to handle the situation when this all began. If he had just came out with the receipts instead of tweeting out a weirdly veiled threat, his reputation would be fine.

    About that...

  • I get the feeling that at this point, Kamiya just loves taking the utter piss out of people and doesn't really care about his reputation. His reputation is already being "That guy" on Twitter but at the same time yeah, he could've been a bit more forward about it. Him protecting his Tweets was a bit odd though.

    I hope Bayo 3 is good as character action games are my thing, but Bayo 3 does still have me worried regardless of the voice actor controversy. It seems to be struggling performance wise, and Platinum's last Switch exclusive, Astral Chain was also quite a let-down in my opinion. Will just have to wait and see.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yep, literally just read about that. This all led to a great discussion about how VA's are treated in the industry, which absolutely is an i

  • Him protecting his Tweets was a bit odd though.

    From what I heard his account got protected because he started mass blocking people and Twitter thought he was a bot or something which is pretty funny.

    CathalOHara posted: »

    I get the feeling that at this point, Kamiya just loves taking the utter piss out of people and doesn't really care about his reputation. Hi

  • Once again, my Yankees have a date with their eternal boogeyman. An ALCS matchup with the Houston Astros. One team separates us from the World Series.


  • Recently, I started navigating through Reddit because this forum is very inactive (For good reasons) and I just want to talk to someone about certain games that aren't Telltale. I'm not going away though. Just won't be as active here.

  • When references and call backs to previous moments in a series (especially ones from decades ago) are the best part of the movie(s) you are making, then there’s no point in making it. Might as well just re release the first one in IMAX. That would probably make more money anyway. As for Star Wars sequel trilogy, this one followed the same pattern. Good first movie riddled with rehashing and call backs, overall pretty satisfying but some OG fans hated it. Second one, very divisive, made poor choices for certain characters, and felt like a step backwards, but some enjoyed it. Third one, killed any and all hopes of tying things together and was a very dissappointing send off that wasted and failed to capitalize on 40 years of nostaglia (somehow).

    AronDracula posted: »

    Just came out of the theater after seeing Halloween Ends. Weirdly enough, there weren't a lot of people in our room. Only like 9 people appr

  • I have absolutely no skin in the game, and frankly, I don't even know how much a voice actor gets paid, but damn, 20G's for 5 sessions (few hours each)? That's n i c e. A six-figure salary though does seem a lot for that much recording though.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yep, literally just read about that. This all led to a great discussion about how VA's are treated in the industry, which absolutely is an i

  • Can somebody tell me what's this tales thing ? Haven't been up to date in years is it a sequel to the first season of tales that tt made? Or something else?

  • There is no New Tales from the Borderlands in Ba Sing Se

    Can somebody tell me what's this tales thing ? Haven't been up to date in years is it a sequel to the first season of tales that tt made? Or something else?

  • Not a direct sequel, more of a "successor" . Gearbox is making it in-house, claims original devs are part of the game but in reality its Kevin Bruner and no original writers or directors. There's been a few trailers and 18 minutes of gameplay shown and the quality drop in narrative is extremely sharp. Focuses on new original characters, although Rhys will appear be a minor character unfortunately. Gearbox was already heavily criticized for how they wrote Rhys and especially Vaughn in BL3, and Rhys is still not Troy Baker. (Lastly, Atlas now has a moto about how important money is, even though the last thing Rhys talks about in Tales 1 is how he won't let money drive him anymore.)

    Can somebody tell me what's this tales thing ? Haven't been up to date in years is it a sequel to the first season of tales that tt made? Or something else?

  • Also reviews for New Tales apparently come out the 20th. Make your bets.

  • edited October 2022

    No press copies for small-mid size creators being offered on Keymailer. Stupidly late review embargo 24 hours before release. Very little marketing from Gearbox.

    I'm under the impression that the publisher has VERY little confidence in this game but Gearbox was in too deep by the time they realized they should have canceled it. Very few games have embargoes with so little time.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Also reviews for New Tales apparently come out the 20th. Make your bets.

  • also lol at how the game is only localized in French because Quebec gives a huge tax write off to games localized in French made in the city.

    4k60fpsHDR posted: »

    No press copies for small-mid size creators being offered on Keymailer. Stupidly late review embargo 24 hours before release. Very little ma

  • edited October 2022

    A six-figure salary though does seem a lot for that much recording though.

    I don't think even big dogs like Troy Baker and Laura Bailey make that much from a single game. It doesn't help that Platinum games are notorious for not selling well, so I have no idea what gave her the idea she could demand that much.

    I have absolutely no skin in the game, and frankly, I don't even know how much a voice actor gets paid, but damn, 20G's for 5 sessions (few hours each)? That's n i c e. A six-figure salary though does seem a lot for that much recording though.

  • Today is the day where we finally get true information about the future of Silent Hill. This is Konami's last chance to redeem themselves, at least with this IP. Go big or go home.

  • Me on Oct 21st watching Rhys sacrifice himself before he blows up into a million pieces, speaking his last haunting words: "Tell Fran to bring back Dill Pickled Frogurt. For me."

  • non-canon

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Me on Oct 21st watching Rhys sacrifice himself before he blows up into a million pieces, speaking his last haunting words: "Tell Fran to bring back Dill Pickled Frogurt. For me."

  • Wait it's actually that close?! I thought it was a November title??!

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Me on Oct 21st watching Rhys sacrifice himself before he blows up into a million pieces, speaking his last haunting words: "Tell Fran to bring back Dill Pickled Frogurt. For me."

  • Yes. Reviews come out tomorrow and you can probably start to find people posting videos tomorrow as well. Then game comes out the 21st.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wait it's actually that close?! I thought it was a November title??!

  • Yep, this is in fact true. Silent Hill 2 is being remade and set to release in 2023. Same year with Resident Evil 4 Remake.

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