The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • He was 66 years old. He would have been 67 by the end of the month.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I just learned: Conroy died just 20 days before his 67th birthday. Just shit.

  • Shit, I meant to say 67. I guess I was too depressed to notice the mistake

    lupinb0y posted: »

    He was 66 years old. He would have been 67 by the end of the month.

  • edited November 2022

    That's genuinely heartbreaking. He's such an awesome VA and absolutely ICONIC as Batman. 66 isn't even that old either! Screw Cancer.

    @lupinb0y that was an awesome little comic book, thanks for sharing that. I had no idea Conroy was gay either. Cool that he managed to get that perfect parallel and experience to bring his version of Batman to life.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Guys, very sad news. Prepare your tissues because it is actually very sad (Spoiler)

  • This quote from Jim Gordon in Arkham Knight will never be the same:

    This is how it happened. This is how the Batman died.

  • TWD gets a bad comic continuation

    TFTBL gets a bad "spiritual successor"

    twau getting a proper sequel with original creative leads:

    (Let's just hope this doesnt age like milk)

  • edited November 2022

    Let's just hope. Wasn't Pierre and some of the other AdHoc guys a part of the original team who's story had to be completely rewritten though? Like Pierre did the first episode, then was moved off the team onto TWD S2, and the story was rewritten/changed after Episode 1.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    TWD gets a bad comic continuation TFTBL gets a bad "spiritual successor" twau getting a proper sequel with original creative leads: (Let's just hope this doesnt age like milk)

  • IIRC, the only big change was Brannigan's involvement being excised, I don't think we know entirely the reasons for why, but all it really did was cause the reasons for why episodes 2 and 4 of the first season were oddly short.

    Let's just hope. Wasn't Pierre and some of the other AdHoc guys a part of the original team who's story had to be completely rewritten thoug

  • He is also the reason why Wolf even is a noir detective game. I cant remember what interview it was in, but I do very clearly remember reading that when Wolf was in its phase that was considering terrible, he was the one who suggested making it into what it was now. The main change was the mundy stuff and it seems Season 2 is sort of taking aspects of that original idea. He was mainly taken off because Telltale's bad management and the part with the Mundys was removed because Bill Willingham complained because it technically broke canon to Fables because one storyline involves a Mundy discovering Fabletown and Bigby says a Mundy has found out about Fables for like 100 years or something. Honestly kind of glad knowing there is no more Willingham breathing down everyone's necks about stuff like this. I'm sure Wolf 2 is still being written as canon, but they dont have to write around something Willingham wrote as a throwaway line (which he will then break later in his own series anyway)

    Let's just hope. Wasn't Pierre and some of the other AdHoc guys a part of the original team who's story had to be completely rewritten thoug

  • So I was just wondering if anyone else has played the new God of War game yet? I just recently finished and I have to say I found it pretty disappointing. Disappointing doesn't mean bad, but I feel the first game was simply better. Main complaint has to be the story though, it felt very underwhelming and lacking. It has its moments for sure, but I overall it really felt like it could have had a lot more to offer narratively. Scale and scope feel super small for a game like this as well, especially compared to the first. idk, just felt kind of like the story wasn't at a final draft point yet but went ahead anyway.

  • You're the first one I have ever heard say the sequel was disappointing.

    I myself wasn't very attached to GOW 2018, not even the first GOW games. I finished the game, platinumed it and just moved on. I wasn't a fan of its boss fights, it felt a little bit repetitive and the story didn't just didn't have much going for for me. I don't want to buy Ragnarok at full price because I can't tell if I'm gonna love the game or just like it but will never play it again.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I was just wondering if anyone else has played the new God of War game yet? I just recently finished and I have to say I found it pretty

  • Woooooo!

    One of my favourite games of 2017, West of Loathing, stealth released a sequel called Shadows Over Loathing!

  • I've only really been able to find one discussion thread of people talking about the game, and there was actually a pretty sizable amount of people saying something similar. I think it doesnt help games like this will always have the first week of just "10/10 best game I EVER played!" - Guy who didnt play the game, kind of discussion.

    Don't really want to harp on it too much but yeah, story was not as good as it could have been and it has been a bit funny seeing people desperately trying to force moments to be the way they want it so it doesn't come off as unfinished.

    Currently I think my fav is people saying Kratos blowing Heimdall's horn was the horn blowing heard in the first game to summon the serpent. This is very clearly not the case though and this story does make it clear this isn't the case, it just isnt well developed. In reality the whole time travel and world serpent stuff (which they made up for the game as set up, it is not present in the mythology) is just incredibly under baked and the horn was forgotten about completely.

    AronDracula posted: »

    You're the first one I have ever heard say the sequel was disappointing. I myself wasn't very attached to GOW 2018, not even the first GO

  • edited November 2022

    At start of the day: I don't know what you mean

    Gets to a certain part: I now know what you mean.

    I'm only at the Ironwood segment, but holy fuck does this thing DRAG! It could be good, emphasis on could, and it does have its moments, but it just doesn't want to fucking end!


    IT’S STILL FUCKING GOING! I don’t think it would piss me off as much if there weren’t a bunch of times where it easily could have ended.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    So I was just wondering if anyone else has played the new God of War game yet? I just recently finished and I have to say I found it pretty

  • DC is one of the most scum-filled, greedy, corrupt hellholes on this fucking planet. And no, I'm not just referring to the incompetent/senile bozo's in federal power, but locally.

    Just got a ticket for $100 for running a stop sign that I didn't even fucking run, I guarantee you on that. My fucking break lights are on in the goddamn picture they took, and I'm at a complete stop. And the worst part, I would challenge, but I'm not wasting a day to drive back down to DC, pay the tolls and gas, to challenge it and probably get told "Screw you, we're the government and we can do what we want." I'd just end up paying the same amount in driving down as I would to pay the ticket, and then still wind up paying the ticket.

    As is typical, government forces you to pull your pants down and take it in the ass.

  • My dumbass thought you were referring to DC comics at first and I got really confused.

    DC is one of the most scum-filled, greedy, corrupt hellholes on this fucking planet. And no, I'm not just referring to the incompetent/senil

  • A Plague Tale Requiem receiving a lot of nominations is already a win for me. I don't expect it to win a lot because of Elden Ring and God of War Ragnarok but I really hope Charlotte Mcburney wins the Best Performance. She was fucking magnificent.

  • I'm surprised GOW is getting more nominations than Elden Ring. The game just came out, and while it's pretty good, Elden Ring was all anyone was talking about for weeks on end.

    Happy for Forbidden West though. Really wish the Horizon series would get more recognition as its a great series, but constantly gets overshadowed by an even bigger release around the same time (they released FW pretty much alongside Elden Ring for crying out loud)

  • what the hell why wasnt New Tales nominated for best narrative???

  • Happy for Forbidden West though. Really wish the Horizon series would get more recognition as its a great series, but constantly gets overshadowed by an even bigger release around the same time (they released FW pretty much alongside Elden Ring for crying out loud)

    Inb4 Horizon 3 comes out on the same day as a new Legend of Zelda, Mario Odyssey 2, Ghosts of Tsushima 2: Samurai Boogaloo, and Dark Souls 4.

    I'm surprised GOW is getting more nominations than Elden Ring. The game just came out, and while it's pretty good, Elden Ring was all anyone

  • And just to add more chaos, Bethesda also surprise releases Elder Scrolls 6

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Happy for Forbidden West though. Really wish the Horizon series would get more recognition as its a great series, but constantly gets oversh

  • Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies...

    And just to add more chaos, Bethesda also surprise releases Elder Scrolls 6

  • They're saving it for the game of the year award.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    what the hell why wasnt New Tales nominated for best narrative???

  • edited November 2022

    I'm more concerned that The Stanley Parable once again gets sadly overlooked at the Game Awards...
    (Though maybe it'll get a second chance at a BAFTA!)

    Also Kirby & the Forgotten Land deserves better than just a nom for "Family Game".

    Ehhhh it's not like these awards matter anyway. It'll still be a 3 hour preview of game reveals again. Still, it's nice to feel validated, which I'm not feeling very much about this year's.

  • edited November 2022

    I got exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid on set for my Junior thesis film and of course, it's when we only have two scenes left to shoot. I tested three times and was negative every time, but wanted to stay home and monitor my symptoms for a couple days just to be on the safe side. Then on the day I planned on returning to campus, I woke up with a scratchy throat and a cough so I had to get an actual laboratory test, so now I'm stuck inside for a couple more days.

    Fun stuff, but at least my film is 95% shot.

  • You're not a real sequel. I'm what? You're not a real sequel! New Tales from the Borderlands for Christ's sake? Benefiting from the old name? What a joke. I worked my ass off to get where I am! And you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer? You do what I do because you try to be funny but still can't make people laugh? I committed my life to this! You don't... slide into it like a cheap pair of slippers and then reap all the rewards! I thought you were proud of me... I was! When you were straightened out and made Borderlands 2 I was very proud. So that's it then, right? Keep old Gearbox down with Borderlands 2 'cause he's not good enough to be a Tales from the Borderlands? I know you. I know what you were, what you are—people don't change, you're Gearbox Software! And Gearbox Software I can handle just fine but Gearbox Software with the Tales from the Borderlands IP is like a chimp with a machine gun! The IP is sacred! If you abuse that power people get hurt! This is not a Telltale Game! You have to know — on some level I know you know I'm right! You know I'm right!

  • ...

    Poogers555 posted: »

    You're not a real sequel. I'm what? You're not a real sequel! New Tales from the Borderlands for Christ's sake? Benefiting from the old name

  • I love this

    Pipas posted: »


  • edited November 2022

    In a few weeks, we will lose yet another Telltale legacy product. (Does anyone care about this other than me and the MCSM fanatics in that one thread? 😂)

    EDIT: Ugh, mobile pictures always end up massive on this site. Whoops.)

    Anyway RIP. I should probably finish off the last two episodes just to do it (and see how they end it without having access to the rest of the Adventure! Arc)

  • I bought a new laptop on Black Friday sale after using the old one that is more than 5 years old and I am writing this comment within it. Let me tell you something: this new computer has the biggest speed I have ever seen. It's as smooth and fast as the fucking Flash.

  • Damn! Guess it was a 4 year contract.

    Sad to see that Netflix/Telltale spent 7 figures in labor porting this game to Netflix only for it to disappear. What a shame

    AChicken posted: »

    In a few weeks, we will lose yet another Telltale legacy product. (Does anyone care about this other than me and the MCSM fanatics in that o

  • Me when I see Mr Toad on Dec 9th

  • Been having some weird issues while replaying the original Tales from the Borderlands.

    1. The episode doesn’t save to a save file while/after I play it.

    2. Dialogue choices showing up twice during the same choice with one of them being greyed out.

    3. My wallet saying $0 even after I’ve gathered money

    4. My money reappearing after I buy something as if I was given money instead of spending it.

  • Look who's back. How are you doing, mate? It's been three years.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    Been having some weird issues while replaying the original Tales from the Borderlands. * The episode doesn’t save to a save file while/

  • edited November 2022

    The entirety of my home country is anxiously waiting for the results of our election. Depending on how it all turns out, things could either get really really bad, or actually have the potential to get better. And when I say bad I mean race war bad, I mean there are certain political figures looking at countries like Iran or Saudi Arabia going, "I want that" kind of bad.

    What a grand ole time.

  • edited November 2022

    Double Post

    AronDracula posted: »

    Look who's back. How are you doing, mate? It's been three years.

  • I’m fine and I’ve been around. Just nothing to say really.

    I actually started posting again once I saw how much New Tales was getting ripped apart by everyone in it’s thread. I actually liked it and didn’t think it was that bad.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Look who's back. How are you doing, mate? It's been three years.

  • Good that you enjoyed it. I have no interest in it because I pretty much moved on from Telltale stuff. The Wolf Among Us 2 is the only one I'm curious to see how it would turn out unless they end up making the whole wait and delay worthless.

    AnimalBoy posted: »

    I’m fine and I’ve been around. Just nothing to say really. I actually started posting again once I saw how much New Tales was getting ripped apart by everyone in it’s thread. I actually liked it and didn’t think it was that bad.

  • Last night, I went to a hockey game.
    Last night, I went to a New Jersey Devils hockey game.
    Last night, I went to a New Jersey Devils hockey game where they had THREE OVERTURNED GOALS against them!

    I'm pretty sure that's never been done before in the history of the NHL. How does that even happen?

  • I will say this. Stray is a great game but it is NOT a Game of the Year contender. Just because it's the first indie game where you play as a REAL cat, doesn't make it anywhere close to being as good as Elden Ring, God of War Ragnarok and A Plague Tale: Requiem. It's not even the most replayable game ever. Everyone just pretty much moved on from it after completing and (probably) platinuming it.

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