Why the FUCK did anyone ever tell me about this game?
I love the Netflix Kingdom show and I still haven't heard any news for Season 3. Is this game meant to keep us waiting or what?
Yooo they're turning it into some action combat game? Pretty cool!
Maybe. Part of that kinda looks fake, pre-animated stuff.
Might just be a pre-rendered teaser for what it might be... but the fact they're making one is cool!
Why the FUCK did anyone ever tell me about this game?
I love the Netflix Kingdom show and I still haven't heard any news for Season 3. Is this game meant to keep us waiting or what?
Tango Gameworks, the developers of Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo, surprise revealed and launched their latest game, Hi-Fi Rush!
It looks pretty slick and the art's really nice. It reminds me some mid-2000's cartoons like Ben 10 and Kappa Mikey. Very interested in this, but since it was a big surprise for everyone no reviews are out so I'll give it a couple days before I decide on getting it or not.
Tango Gameworks, the developers of Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo, surprise revealed and launched their latest game, Hi-Fi Rush!
… more It looks pretty slick and the art's really nice. It reminds me some mid-2000's cartoons like Ben 10 and Kappa Mikey. Very interested in this, but since it was a big surprise for everyone no reviews are out so I'll give it a couple days before I decide on getting it or not.
Tango Gameworks, the developers of Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo, surprise revealed and launched their latest game, Hi-Fi Rush!
… more It looks pretty slick and the art's really nice. It reminds me some mid-2000's cartoons like Ben 10 and Kappa Mikey. Very interested in this, but since it was a big surprise for everyone no reviews are out so I'll give it a couple days before I decide on getting it or not.
Dead Space Remake ended up being good, according to the reviewers (The ones that I trust the most). It is officially my very first next gen game that I spent 70$.
I don’t think Mac was going to ever have any involvement in the next ME due to working on DA.
And in all fairness, he wrote the two best … morecharacters in ME1, what some consider ME’s best romance, and was co-lead with Drew on ME2, what many consider the best in the series. I’m tired of people throwing shit and calling him a hack because of one thing that doesn’t even invalidate the immense good he did before, nor do I agree with putting Drew (an incredible writer no doubt) on some infallible pedestal.
I think the worst you can say is that he is a fantastic character writer, but maybe not the best lead writer or creative head. Because I think what he really had a great strength in was giving personalities and arcs to the characters, and giving them moments where you really could just bond with them. ME3 is probably the best in the series in this regard with its banter on and off the Normandy and some of its cinematic scenes. As contrary as … [view original content]
Road 96 is getting a prequel game, and it's half a rhythm game which is certainly an interesting direction. The original was a janky but incredibly charming game that ended up being one of my favourites of 2021, so I'm looking forward to this.
Hi-Fi Rush is an Xbox exclusive?? Noooooooo
All the clips people have been posting online look great -- their cutscene animation team/engine is fantastic!
I have been having a ton of fun with Dead Space Remake so far. Even though this is a remake, it doesn't feel like I am playing the same game because this remake is less linear and you can actually explore the ENTIRE space station freely. No more going to a certain place, be done with it, go back to the tram, next chapter, repeat and repeat. It is fucking amazing.
I finished Dead Space Remake. This is honestly one of the best remakes ever I have ever played. I wasn't that attached to Dead Space 1, I always preffered Dead Space 2, but the remake improved upon the original in almost every way. This is probably the only DS entry that made me fearly jump and even though it's a remake, I felt I was playing a different game.
The original is more linear, Isaac doesn't talk and the characters are just plain one-dimensional. The remake actually lets you explore the entirity of USG Ishimura freely, you get some side missions that serve the purpose of building the lore and Isaac in this game is exactly like the Isaac that I know from Dead Space 2. It also helps that they brought back Gunner Wright reprise his role. He owns that role, hands down.
I dunno if I prefer it over Dead Space 2 but I sure as hell think that with this remake, I don't feel like going back to the original like ever again. It's also ironic how this game, the one published by EA, ended up much better than Callisto Protocol, the one made by the Dead Space creator himself.
My god... Some sad youtube creator news here...
The youtube animation reviewer Schaffrilias has allegedly been involved in a fatal car crash in Lehigh County, where he's been taken in critical condition. His friend Chris Schaffer and his brother Patrick Phyrillas have died. (now that username makes so much sense, yikes)
I wish I had a more trustworthy-looking original source for this news than "YoutubePoopMoments" but he is an editor that's worked for Schaff, so... it's legit.
Best of luck to James for getting through that, and the many months after, god knows that's a horrifying way to lose some of your favourite people in your life...
Still have one more game, and the Chiefs will have Mahomes and not a 4th string journeymen at QB, and aren’t the Giants.
I don’t know if I could deal with the Eagles winning the SB. I live outside of Philly now and I remember how the fans reacted when they won a few years ago. I was willing to root for the Phillies in the WS because fuck the Astros, but I can’t deal with this, especially not as a Giants fan.
It was one of the best days of my life. And well, if the Niners want to complain that the 'Eagles are frauds' blah blah blah because of Johnson (who was, expectedly, terrible), they should remember that they failed let Purdy get wrecked. I want to rub it in the face of Giants fans (my mother and best friend), Commies crap fans (my location), and, most of all, these freakin' Cowboys fans. Also, lol @Empire State Building for their legendary middle finger, in the form of a green-white skyscraper, to the City of New York.
How many times have we bumped into each other in YouTube comment sections? Is this the third time?
Still have one more game, and the Chiefs will have Mahomes and not a 4th string journeymen at QB, and aren’t the Giants.
I don’t know if … moreI could deal with the Eagles winning the SB. I live outside of Philly now and I remember how the fans reacted when they won a few years ago. I was willing to root for the Phillies in the WS because fuck the Astros, but I can’t deal with this, especially not as a Giants fan.
It was one of the best days of my life. And well, if the Niners want to complain that the 'Eagles are frauds' blah blah blah because of John… moreson (who was, expectedly, terrible), they should remember that they failed let Purdy get wrecked. I want to rub it in the face of Giants fans (my mother and best friend), Commies crap fans (my location), and, most of all, these freakin' Cowboys fans. Also, lol @Empire State Building for their legendary middle finger, in the form of a green-white skyscraper, to the City of New York.
How many times have we bumped into each other in YouTube comment sections? Is this the third time?
Rumbleverse (a wrestling-based Battle Royale from Iron Galaxy/Epic Games) is going offline on February 28...
The game launched August 11, 2022!!
It just barely lasted over 6 months holy moly wow
I tried it long ago, didn't click with it, but at least it had Dave Fennoy as your Battle Royale announcer hehe
My god... Some sad youtube creator news here...
The youtube animation reviewer Schaffrilias has allegedly been involved in a fatal car cras… moreh in Lehigh County, where he's been taken in critical condition. His friend Chris Schaffer and his brother Patrick Phyrillas have died. (now that username makes so much sense, yikes)
I wish I had a more trustworthy-looking original source for this news than "YoutubePoopMoments" but he is an editor that's worked for Schaff, so... it's legit.
Best of luck to James for getting through that, and the many months after, god knows that's a horrifying way to lose some of your favourite people in your life...
Terrible. Truly terrible. Not just because they are YouTubers on a channel I enjoy, but man - look at their ages. A dead 25 and 22 year old. Just heartbreaking.
My god... Some sad youtube creator news here...
The youtube animation reviewer Schaffrilias has allegedly been involved in a fatal car cras… moreh in Lehigh County, where he's been taken in critical condition. His friend Chris Schaffer and his brother Patrick Phyrillas have died. (now that username makes so much sense, yikes)
I wish I had a more trustworthy-looking original source for this news than "YoutubePoopMoments" but he is an editor that's worked for Schaff, so... it's legit.
Best of luck to James for getting through that, and the many months after, god knows that's a horrifying way to lose some of your favourite people in your life...
August 17th, 2022. That was the last time I was able to play a round of golf before my shoulder surgery.
It has been a very long 6 months. But finally, I get to do one of the things that I love. Just booked my first tee time post surgery. Turned what was turning into a shitty day at work into a much better day.
Absolutely gut wrenching. Losing your brother and friend and ending up in coma, what a terrible way for him to start this year. I don't even know their channel but experincing this type of event, me being 24 myself, makes me fear fate cause it can happen at any time.
My god... Some sad youtube creator news here...
The youtube animation reviewer Schaffrilias has allegedly been involved in a fatal car cras… moreh in Lehigh County, where he's been taken in critical condition. His friend Chris Schaffer and his brother Patrick Phyrillas have died. (now that username makes so much sense, yikes)
I wish I had a more trustworthy-looking original source for this news than "YoutubePoopMoments" but he is an editor that's worked for Schaff, so... it's legit.
Best of luck to James for getting through that, and the many months after, god knows that's a horrifying way to lose some of your favourite people in your life...
Well, looks like I need to double my efforts to get the fuck out the shithole that is New Jersey.
Just got a letter from my landlord today about renewing my lease. The new price to renew a 6 month lease…almost $1.9k a month. When I first moved in 3 years ago, it was less than $1.2k a month. Ever since the new management company bought it, the rent has gone up and up to absolutely insane levels. And it’s not even like they’re doing anything, they’re not renovating or adding new amenities. They’re pricing people out. NJ is already one of the most expensive places to live in the country, and with a shit economy, inflation still at levels not seen in decades, gas still almost $4 a gallon in some areas, and ever increasing property taxes because apparently the government doesn’t take enough money, this state is completely unlivable anymore. I have two months to find a new job or transfer out, because I can’t afford to have almost half my monthly salary go just to covering rent. Easier said than done when no one is hiring and companies, including Amazon, are actually laying people off.
Can’t even go live at home for a while until I find a new job because my dad just got laid off from his job. So yeah, feeling kind of fucked at the moment.
I feel like a huge mess right now. I got so demotivated to study for my deadlines and I think I am going to do deal with so many resits in the upcoming. I really want to just drop out of college so I can focus on studying video editing, which is something I really like doing but I am scared of the consequences.
Do what makes you happy, college is not for everyone, and maybe at the moment you aren't fit for college, that happens.
Try to see yourself through to the rest of the academic year, that way you have the qualifications under your belt if you ever decide to go back.
If you are interested in doing video editing, then do it, do what you feel joy in doing, a lot of people work in jobs they aren't happy with, if you have a passion for it, then it's not even work, it's a hobby you happen to get paid to do.
I feel like a huge mess right now. I got so demotivated to study for my deadlines and I think I am going to do deal with so many resits in t… morehe upcoming. I really want to just drop out of college so I can focus on studying video editing, which is something I really like doing but I am scared of the consequences.
If you've already paid for your term, you might as well do your best to finish it with the best grades you can manage, so you didn't waste the money. Do they have video editing classes at your college? If you're not motivated by the courses you're taking, maybe you're studying the wrong area.
I feel like a huge mess right now. I got so demotivated to study for my deadlines and I think I am going to do deal with so many resits in t… morehe upcoming. I really want to just drop out of college so I can focus on studying video editing, which is something I really like doing but I am scared of the consequences.
So my dad is in the hospital for the forseeable week or two.
He went for a stress test for his heart a few days ago, but I guess he “failed” the test and they had to keep him there for some more x-rays and tests to see what was going wrong.
Well, he’s got some blocked arteries to his heart, and is going to need a bypass surgery to fix it (which should give him 20 more years apparently which is good)
No date for that yet, they’re still figuring that out with the surgeon.
Luckily he’s at the hospital my mom literally works at so she can visit anytime she’s there, easy. I visited too couple times this past weekend.
Anyway, it’s a bit scary, but he’s doing totally fine, feeling normal.
POV: youre playing wolf 2 and talking at the bar with a character you really like but then as a throwback the glass him option comes up
Why the FUCK did anyone ever tell me about this game?

I love the Netflix Kingdom show and I still haven't heard any news for Season 3. Is this game meant to keep us waiting or what?
Yooo they're turning it into some action combat game? Pretty cool!
Maybe. Part of that kinda looks fake, pre-animated stuff.
Might just be a pre-rendered teaser for what it might be... but the fact they're making one is cool!
Tango Gameworks, the developers of Evil Within and Ghostwire: Tokyo, surprise revealed and launched their latest game, Hi-Fi Rush!
It looks pretty slick and the art's really nice. It reminds me some mid-2000's cartoons like Ben 10 and Kappa Mikey. Very interested in this, but since it was a big surprise for everyone no reviews are out so I'll give it a couple days before I decide on getting it or not.
The art style, animation, and the rhythm-based beat-em-up combat is very awesome! Really gives this game some style and wow factor right off the bat!
I'm also interested in this now. Thanks for the heads up!
Damnit I want another evil within game, but maybe that's just me.
Dead Space Remake ended up being good, according to the reviewers (The ones that I trust the most). It is officially my very first next gen game that I spent 70$.
You know what, excellent analysis. What else can I say?
...maybe ME4 come soon!
Road 96 is getting a prequel game, and it's half a rhythm game which is certainly an interesting direction. The original was a janky but incredibly charming game that ended up being one of my favourites of 2021, so I'm looking forward to this.
Hi-Fi Rush is an Xbox exclusive?? Noooooooo
All the clips people have been posting online look great -- their cutscene animation team/engine is fantastic!
It's on Steam as well.
I have been having a ton of fun with Dead Space Remake so far. Even though this is a remake, it doesn't feel like I am playing the same game because this remake is less linear and you can actually explore the ENTIRE space station freely. No more going to a certain place, be done with it, go back to the tram, next chapter, repeat and repeat. It is fucking amazing.
Ahh so it is! Thanks, I don't know how I missed that
Very good news, this is something that's absolutely on my radar for the future
I can hope.
🎈🎈🎉🦋Happy 8th birthday Life is Strange.🦋🎉🎈🎈
Wolf when
I finished Dead Space Remake. This is honestly one of the best remakes ever I have ever played. I wasn't that attached to Dead Space 1, I always preffered Dead Space 2, but the remake improved upon the original in almost every way. This is probably the only DS entry that made me fearly jump and even though it's a remake, I felt I was playing a different game.
The original is more linear, Isaac doesn't talk and the characters are just plain one-dimensional. The remake actually lets you explore the entirity of USG Ishimura freely, you get some side missions that serve the purpose of building the lore and Isaac in this game is exactly like the Isaac that I know from Dead Space 2. It also helps that they brought back Gunner Wright reprise his role. He owns that role, hands down.
I dunno if I prefer it over Dead Space 2 but I sure as hell think that with this remake, I don't feel like going back to the original like ever again. It's also ironic how this game, the one published by EA, ended up much better than Callisto Protocol, the one made by the Dead Space creator himself.
@MetallicaRules cringe meme incoming
My god... Some sad youtube creator news here...
The youtube animation reviewer Schaffrilias has allegedly been involved in a fatal car crash in Lehigh County, where he's been taken in critical condition. His friend Chris Schaffer and his brother Patrick Phyrillas have died. (now that username makes so much sense, yikes)
I wish I had a more trustworthy-looking original source for this news than "YoutubePoopMoments" but he is an editor that's worked for Schaff, so... it's legit.
Best of luck to James for getting through that, and the many months after, god knows that's a horrifying way to lose some of your favourite people in your life...
Still have one more game, and the Chiefs will have Mahomes and not a 4th string journeymen at QB, and aren’t the Giants.
I don’t know if I could deal with the Eagles winning the SB. I live outside of Philly now and I remember how the fans reacted when they won a few years ago. I was willing to root for the Phillies in the WS because fuck the Astros, but I can’t deal with this, especially not as a Giants fan.
It was one of the best days of my life. And well, if the Niners want to complain that the 'Eagles are frauds' blah blah blah because of Johnson (who was, expectedly, terrible), they should remember that they failed let Purdy get wrecked. I want to rub it in the face of Giants fans (my mother and best friend), Commies crap fans (my location), and, most of all, these freakin' Cowboys fans. Also, lol @Empire State Building for their legendary middle finger, in the form of a green-white skyscraper, to the City of New York.
How many times have we bumped into each other in YouTube comment sections? Is this the third time?
It happens quite a lot, that’s all I can say
Who is your LifeI Is Strange spirit character ?
I got Kate Marsh.
The tornado that kills everyone
lmao perfect response from you
Rumbleverse (a wrestling-based Battle Royale from Iron Galaxy/Epic Games) is going offline on February 28...
The game launched August 11, 2022!!
It just barely lasted over 6 months holy moly wow
I tried it long ago, didn't click with it, but at least it had Dave Fennoy as your Battle Royale announcer hehe
Wow, my heart sank just reading that.
May he have a good recovery and may his friend and brother rest in peace.
I’m the butterfly that starts the tornado.
I suppose we have a lot of common interests. Sampling bias is the cause.
Terrible. Truly terrible. Not just because they are YouTubers on a channel I enjoy, but man - look at their ages. A dead 25 and 22 year old. Just heartbreaking.
August 17th, 2022. That was the last time I was able to play a round of golf before my shoulder surgery.
It has been a very long 6 months. But finally, I get to do one of the things that I love. Just booked my first tee time post surgery. Turned what was turning into a shitty day at work into a much better day.
Absolutely gut wrenching. Losing your brother and friend and ending up in coma, what a terrible way for him to start this year. I don't even know their channel but experincing this type of event, me being 24 myself, makes me fear fate cause it can happen at any time.
Well, looks like I need to double my efforts to get the fuck out the shithole that is New Jersey.
Just got a letter from my landlord today about renewing my lease. The new price to renew a 6 month lease…almost $1.9k a month. When I first moved in 3 years ago, it was less than $1.2k a month. Ever since the new management company bought it, the rent has gone up and up to absolutely insane levels. And it’s not even like they’re doing anything, they’re not renovating or adding new amenities. They’re pricing people out. NJ is already one of the most expensive places to live in the country, and with a shit economy, inflation still at levels not seen in decades, gas still almost $4 a gallon in some areas, and ever increasing property taxes because apparently the government doesn’t take enough money, this state is completely unlivable anymore. I have two months to find a new job or transfer out, because I can’t afford to have almost half my monthly salary go just to covering rent. Easier said than done when no one is hiring and companies, including Amazon, are actually laying people off.
Can’t even go live at home for a while until I find a new job because my dad just got laid off from his job. So yeah, feeling kind of fucked at the moment.
Hope everyone has been doing okay.
I feel like a huge mess right now. I got so demotivated to study for my deadlines and I think I am going to do deal with so many resits in the upcoming. I really want to just drop out of college so I can focus on studying video editing, which is something I really like doing but I am scared of the consequences.
Do what makes you happy, college is not for everyone, and maybe at the moment you aren't fit for college, that happens.
Try to see yourself through to the rest of the academic year, that way you have the qualifications under your belt if you ever decide to go back.
If you are interested in doing video editing, then do it, do what you feel joy in doing, a lot of people work in jobs they aren't happy with, if you have a passion for it, then it's not even work, it's a hobby you happen to get paid to do.
If you've already paid for your term, you might as well do your best to finish it with the best grades you can manage, so you didn't waste the money. Do they have video editing classes at your college? If you're not motivated by the courses you're taking, maybe you're studying the wrong area.
Went to Vegas. It's overrated.
It's also sad how bad the homeless situation is. I live in a big city and am used to it, but wow.
Edit: I did have fun. I mean it's a vacation. It just wasn't as different as I hoped.
So my dad is in the hospital for the forseeable week or two.
He went for a stress test for his heart a few days ago, but I guess he “failed” the test and they had to keep him there for some more x-rays and tests to see what was going wrong.
Well, he’s got some blocked arteries to his heart, and is going to need a bypass surgery to fix it (which should give him 20 more years apparently which is good)
No date for that yet, they’re still figuring that out with the surgeon.
Luckily he’s at the hospital my mom literally works at so she can visit anytime she’s there, easy. I visited too couple times this past weekend.
Anyway, it’s a bit scary, but he’s doing totally fine, feeling normal.