Ended up going to the hospital last night. Total trip was 7 hours(they do say that these are the longest wait times ever here).
....and.... I broke it. They don't think I need a hard cast or surgery, but the specialist is supposed to call me within a few days.
I'm so mad at myself right now. Gave my job the bad news this morning and now I just literally sit and wait.
Still seeing someone online bring up Telltale, someone else replying how they loved TWAU, another person saying there's a sequel coming, and two other people replying they had no idea this was happening
Get well soon Johro! Hopefully they at least give you something to help that broken foot along.
Our system might be better on costs, but way higher on wait, but I'm glad they got to you before anything was too severe!
Ended up going to the hospital last night. Total trip was 7 hours(they do say that these are the longest wait times ever here).
....and...… more. I broke it. They don't think I need a hard cast or surgery, but the specialist is supposed to call me within a few days.
I'm so mad at myself right now. Gave my job the bad news this morning and now I just literally sit and wait.
They could've given me some drugs or something. Off the shelf anti-inflammatories aren't quite cutting it.
Replayed a bit of The Cave last night. Such a good game. Thinking of either replaying the first couple Monkey Island games(guess I might be on a Ron Gilbert kick) or Kathy Rain(game I bought and never got around to) next.
Nintendo E-shop for WiiU and 3DS closes on March 27th.
Pokemon Bank lets you export your pokemon to modern titles.
Pokemon Bank also has a 2nd app only available to download within the app to export from specific DS games. (Poké Transporter)
Bank functions on a subscription service (a cheap 5$USD/8$CAD for a year).
You cannot use the app/get to the menu without first subscribing.
So, I did that. I subscribed just so I could be able to download that extra app just in case I ever decided to export my DS mons.
However, Nintendo gotta have backwards decisions:
You can't even get to the main menu without owning a 3DS Pokemon title in your system. If you don't have one, it complains you have nothing to transfer! and kicks you out to the Start menu.
Wow. I paid for the app, but because the way the boot-up is structured, you need an entirely different, more expensive game to be able to see the main menu...
That's so frustrating and baffling. We'll see how desperate I get by the weekend. I could live without it, but I also could spare the money to get access...
Telltale did an Expanse presentation for the Future Games Spring Showcase! There's more gameplay, choices and dialogue we haven't seen yet, and episode 1 is confirmed for a summer release date.
Ty Frick and Daniel Abrahams, the original writers for the Expanse novels had a lot of involvement with the writing and helped guide Telltale on keeping in with the canon of the series and expanding on certain things which is cool to hear.
Also confirmed by the ending card that the PC version of the game will be an Epic exclusive. Epic probably offered them a nice deal so good for them. Still an instant purchase for me if reviews go well (please be good lmao).
Fallout, KOTOR II, and Pillars of Eternity writer Chris Avellone was accused of sexual abuse and harassment back in 2020 by two women. They said he was “an abusive, abrasive, conniving sexual predator,” that he attempted to sexually assault one of them after getting her drunk, and that he "assaulted me, 100 percent, but I stopped him.” Pretty damning statements, they seem pretty certain about the validity of them and leave little room for misinterpretation.
They have now fully retracted everything they said, saying previous statements were "misinterpreted to suggest specific allegations of misconduct that were neither expressed nor intended." That they were "passionate about the safety, security and agency of women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ persons, and every other community that has seen persecution in the video game industry."
So not only are they using groups they are supposed allies for as shields to protect themselves, not only did they ruin this man's career through false accusations (he was fired from numerous projects, including Dying Light 2 and was deemed guilty in the court of public opinion as soon as they came forward), but they have also now made it harder for actual abuse, harassment, and assault victims to come forward because of their lies and actions. That while we want to "believe women" and these false cases could be the minority, the ones that are false only damage the cause and make it more challenging to root out the bad actors.
Meanwhile, none of the "journalists" and Twitter keyboard warriors will ever face any damage or issue apologies for their part, that would require introspection and a willingness to be better. None of the companies who folded to the pressure will come forward and give him a job because they're cowards.
Simply put, these two are lying sacks of shit who now owe Avellone a seven figure settlement.
EDIT: I just remembered, wasn't Justin Roiland also cleared of his domestic abuse allegation, the one that got him fired from Rick and Morty. You think Adult Swim and Hulu are going to hire him back? I doubt it.
I just remembered, wasn't Justin Roiland also cleared of his domestic abuse allegation, the one that got him fired from Rick and Morty. You think Adult Swim and Hulu are going to hire him back? I doubt it.
They dismissed the case as they didn't have enough evidence to charge him, but he wasn't exonerated. However, the creepy messages and the podcast recording of him talking about being attracted to underage girls are pretty real from what can be seen.
Fallout, KOTOR II, and Pillars of Eternity writer Chris Avellone was accused of sexual abuse and harassment back in 2020 by two women. They … moresaid he was “an abusive, abrasive, conniving sexual predator,” that he attempted to sexually assault one of them after getting her drunk, and that he "assaulted me, 100 percent, but I stopped him.” Pretty damning statements, they seem pretty certain about the validity of them and leave little room for misinterpretation.
They have now fully retracted everything they said, saying previous statements were "misinterpreted to suggest specific allegations of misconduct that were neither expressed nor intended." That they were "passionate about the safety, security and agency of women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ persons, and every other community that has seen persecution in the video game industry."
So not only are they using groups they are supposed … [view original content]
Well, here's hoping it's at least better than Season 4.
Honestly surprised they're bringing Nyx back. Would have thought they'd bring in a random and forgettable ocean elf character for a handful of episodes that we'd most likely never see again after the season. You know, like they've done in almost every season before.
Leon stepping into a bear trap, just to step directly into another, acting like a fucking bear trap wouldnt screw your leg up horribly bad, just to walk into another bear trap
So... In RE4. There is a way to actually get stuck as Ashley and unless you saved, you're screwed.
I have to restart the whole thing.
It really sucks, but I don't blame the game. I "skipped" a puzzle since I died and was re-playing this part and missed picking something up. So... Create a separate save at the beginning of chapter 9.
Not sure what you mean by this. Did she glitch out or something? When I was playing she entered a t pose when I think the game wanted her to jump down, but an enemy picking her up fixed that. (Also, I am unsure if higher difficulty doesn't checkpoint, but reloading should in theory work as the game does auto save at points. Unless higher difficulty doesnt.)
So... In RE4. There is a way to actually get stuck as Ashley and unless you saved, you're screwed.
I have to restart the whole thing.
… more It really sucks, but I don't blame the game. I "skipped" a puzzle since I died and was re-playing this part and missed picking something up. So... Create a separate save at the beginning of chapter 9.
I edited my post, but to clarify further...
I entered the clock time since I just did it. So, I didn't get the keys and there's a point of no return before you use them.
My bad.
Edit: So, not the end of the world. I had a chapter 8 save.
Not sure what you mean by this. Did she glitch out or something? When I was playing she entered a t pose when I think the game wanted her to… more jump down, but an enemy picking her up fixed that. (Also, I am unsure if higher difficulty doesn't checkpoint, but reloading should in theory work as the game does auto save at points. Unless higher difficulty doesnt.)
Huh, I think there would need to be some way to back on that, otherwise that seems like a really big oversight from the devs. Glad you had an extra save!
I edited my post, but to clarify further...
I entered the clock time since I just did it. So, I didn't get the keys and there's a point of no return before you use them.
My bad.
Edit: So, not the end of the world. I had a chapter 8 save.
Whoever placed all those bear traps is an evil mastermind. Especially since there are breaks where you won't see a bear trap for like a good hour or two, then once you let your guard down another one pops up to gnaw on Leon's ankles.
Leon stepping into a bear trap, just to step directly into another, acting like a fucking bear trap wouldnt screw your leg up horribly bad, just to walk into another bear trap
Glad you guys are enjoying RE4Remake, I love all the praise it's been getting it really sounds like Capcom did absolutely everything perfect this time, whereas apparently RE2R had a much cut-down 2nd Run, and RE3R was a linear game with only one playthrough.
I bought RE3R recently for dirt cheap, and kinda felt in the mood to get into RE again, so I booted up RE2R to try my 2nd Run as Claire...
Very VERY quickly noped out of there. Wow, the beginning is MUCH quicker to throw you into the fray, there's zombies everywhere, I'm getting plenty of ammo for guns I don't recognize, and also Mr. X's helicopter crashes in the first 3 minutes. STRESS A F, not really in the mood for that right now, did not expect it to be so challenging so quick, I just thought it would give me the other story path I didn't choose first, with an extended ending...
Whoever placed all those bear traps is an evil mastermind. Especially since there are breaks where you won't see a bear trap for like a good hour or two, then once you let your guard down another one pops up to gnaw on Leon's ankles.
Yeah, I'd imagine 3-4 days. Neither Metallica or Maiden would play second fiddle to the other, they're both well established headline acts. And so long as Sharron isn't organizing it, we hopefully won't have another Ozzfest incident.
For a game that's been almost removed from canon, Capcom devs sure like referencing the dialogue lines of RE1 a lot.
There's another one in RE4.
(In regard of my Ashley incident; After beating that part, I think it would be technically possible to get the keys I was missing. Where I was, though, it would involve retracing the whole Ashley part again, winding down the stair access crank, without the lantern I left behind, though all the knights... back and forth. Not impossible, but it would probably take a while to do.)
For a game that's been almost removed from canon, Capcom devs sure like referencing the dialogue lines of RE1 a lot.
There's another one … morein RE4.
(In regard of my Ashley incident; After beating that part, I think it would be technically possible to get the keys I was missing. Where I was, though, it would involve retracing the whole Ashley part again, winding down the stair access crank, without the lantern I left behind, though all the knights... back and forth. Not impossible, but it would probably take a while to do.)
For a game that's been almost removed from canon, Capcom devs sure like referencing the dialogue lines of RE1 a lot.
Revelations 2 was full of references to the RE memes.
Ended up going to the hospital last night. Total trip was 7 hours(they do say that these are the longest wait times ever here).
....and.... I broke it. They don't think I need a hard cast or surgery, but the specialist is supposed to call me within a few days.
I'm so mad at myself right now. Gave my job the bad news this morning and now I just literally sit and wait.
Still seeing someone online bring up Telltale, someone else replying how they loved TWAU, another person saying there's a sequel coming, and two other people replying they had no idea this was happening
Nature still has a long way to go to heal.
Get well soon Johro! Hopefully they at least give you something to help that broken foot along.
Our system might be better on costs, but way higher on wait, but I'm glad they got to you before anything was too severe!
Future Games Show is happening on Thursday, 3pm PDT, more of The Expanse will be shown off
Ooh, it looks good.

They could've given me some drugs or something. Off the shelf anti-inflammatories aren't quite cutting it.
Replayed a bit of The Cave last night. Such a good game. Thinking of either replaying the first couple Monkey Island games(guess I might be on a Ron Gilbert kick) or Kathy Rain(game I bought and never got around to) next.
Nintendo E-shop for WiiU and 3DS closes on March 27th.
So, I did that. I subscribed just so I could be able to download that extra app just in case I ever decided to export my DS mons.
However, Nintendo gotta have backwards decisions:
You can't even get to the main menu without owning a 3DS Pokemon title in your system. If you don't have one, it complains you have nothing to transfer! and kicks you out to the Start menu.
Wow. I paid for the app, but because the way the boot-up is structured, you need an entirely different, more expensive game to be able to see the main menu...
That's so frustrating and baffling. We'll see how desperate I get by the weekend. I could live without it, but I also could spare the money to get access...
Video game graphics sure have come a long way.
That's the most real ass person I've ever seen in a video game.
Telltale did an Expanse presentation for the Future Games Spring Showcase! There's more gameplay, choices and dialogue we haven't seen yet, and episode 1 is confirmed for a summer release date.
Ty Frick and Daniel Abrahams, the original writers for the Expanse novels had a lot of involvement with the writing and helped guide Telltale on keeping in with the canon of the series and expanding on certain things which is cool to hear.
Also confirmed by the ending card that the PC version of the game will be an Epic exclusive. Epic probably offered them a nice deal so good for them. Still an instant purchase for me if reviews go well (please be good lmao).
Resident Evil 4 Remake is AWE-FUCKING-SOME!!!
Good to hear. Not one of my favourite entries, but damn rights I'm going to play it.
Just finished Chapter 8 and I already love it more than the original in almost every way. I have no complaints (yet).
Fallout, KOTOR II, and Pillars of Eternity writer Chris Avellone was accused of sexual abuse and harassment back in 2020 by two women. They said he was “an abusive, abrasive, conniving sexual predator,” that he attempted to sexually assault one of them after getting her drunk, and that he "assaulted me, 100 percent, but I stopped him.” Pretty damning statements, they seem pretty certain about the validity of them and leave little room for misinterpretation.
They have now fully retracted everything they said, saying previous statements were "misinterpreted to suggest specific allegations of misconduct that were neither expressed nor intended." That they were "passionate about the safety, security and agency of women, minorities, LGBTQIA+ persons, and every other community that has seen persecution in the video game industry."
So not only are they using groups they are supposed allies for as shields to protect themselves, not only did they ruin this man's career through false accusations (he was fired from numerous projects, including Dying Light 2 and was deemed guilty in the court of public opinion as soon as they came forward), but they have also now made it harder for actual abuse, harassment, and assault victims to come forward because of their lies and actions. That while we want to "believe women" and these false cases could be the minority, the ones that are false only damage the cause and make it more challenging to root out the bad actors.
Meanwhile, none of the "journalists" and Twitter keyboard warriors will ever face any damage or issue apologies for their part, that would require introspection and a willingness to be better. None of the companies who folded to the pressure will come forward and give him a job because they're cowards.
Simply put, these two are lying sacks of shit who now owe Avellone a seven figure settlement.
EDIT: I just remembered, wasn't Justin Roiland also cleared of his domestic abuse allegation, the one that got him fired from Rick and Morty. You think Adult Swim and Hulu are going to hire him back? I doubt it.
They dismissed the case as they didn't have enough evidence to charge him, but he wasn't exonerated. However, the creepy messages and the podcast recording of him talking about being attracted to underage girls are pretty real from what can be seen.
Well, here's hoping it's at least better than Season 4.
Honestly surprised they're bringing Nyx back. Would have thought they'd bring in a random and forgettable ocean elf character for a handful of episodes that we'd most likely never see again after the season. You know, like they've done in almost every season before.
I think I've stepped in nearly every single bear trap in RE4
Man, it was such a pain in the ass. Makes sense but still annoying. Kinda weird how it doesn't decrease your health, like it does in the original.
Leon stepping into a bear trap, just to step directly into another, acting like a fucking bear trap wouldnt screw your leg up horribly bad, just to walk into another bear trap
So... In RE4. There is a way to actually get stuck as Ashley and unless you saved, you're screwed.
I have to restart the whole thing.
It really sucks, but I don't blame the game. I "skipped" a puzzle since I died and was re-playing this part and missed picking something up. So... Create a separate save at the beginning of chapter 9.
Not sure what you mean by this. Did she glitch out or something? When I was playing she entered a t pose when I think the game wanted her to jump down, but an enemy picking her up fixed that. (Also, I am unsure if higher difficulty doesn't checkpoint, but reloading should in theory work as the game does auto save at points. Unless higher difficulty doesnt.)
I edited my post, but to clarify further...
I entered the clock time since I just did it. So, I didn't get the keys and there's a point of no return before you use them.
My bad.
Edit: So, not the end of the world. I had a chapter 8 save.
Huh, I think there would need to be some way to back on that, otherwise that seems like a really big oversight from the devs. Glad you had an extra save!
Whoever placed all those bear traps is an evil mastermind. Especially since there are breaks where you won't see a bear trap for like a good hour or two, then once you let your guard down another one pops up to gnaw on Leon's ankles.
I've never played the original, did it have as many traps as the remake?
lupinb0y stepping in all the bear traps, 2023 colorized

Glad you guys are enjoying RE4Remake, I love all the praise it's been getting it really sounds like Capcom did absolutely everything perfect this time, whereas apparently RE2R had a much cut-down 2nd Run, and RE3R was a linear game with only one playthrough.
I bought RE3R recently for dirt cheap, and kinda felt in the mood to get into RE again, so I booted up RE2R to try my 2nd Run as Claire...
Very VERY quickly noped out of there. Wow, the beginning is MUCH quicker to throw you into the fray, there's zombies everywhere, I'm getting plenty of ammo for guns I don't recognize, and also Mr. X's helicopter crashes in the first 3 minutes. STRESS A F, not really in the mood for that right now, did not expect it to be so challenging so quick, I just thought it would give me the other story path I didn't choose first, with an extended ending...
I was a lot better during the later game, but at the start this was me 100% of the time
I love Ashley in this game. I never gave a damn about her in the original but here, she is my new crush.

If this is true, I do not care where it is or how much it costs, I am going to be there, full stop. Metallica AND Iron Maiden, perfection.
I'm assuming this will be over multiple days. I'm pretty sure Maiden said they would never play with Ozzy again.
Yeah, I'd imagine 3-4 days. Neither Metallica or Maiden would play second fiddle to the other, they're both well established headline acts. And so long as Sharron isn't organizing it, we hopefully won't have another Ozzfest incident.
I watched the RE4 demo. Looked real nice. I might give the full game a try; I bought a copy for my brother so it's a matter of will.
Borderlands 3 walking into the New Tales from the Borderlands convention
How is this not a more commonplace meme format? Dank as always Poogers.
For a game that's been almost removed from canon, Capcom devs sure like referencing the dialogue lines of RE1 a lot.
There's another one in RE4.
(In regard of my Ashley incident; After beating that part, I think it would be technically possible to get the keys I was missing. Where I was, though, it would involve retracing the whole Ashley part again, winding down the stair access crank, without the lantern I left behind, though all the knights... back and forth. Not impossible, but it would probably take a while to do.)
Revelations 2 was full of references to the RE memes.
That's what I immediately thought of and then I remembered that they do it a lot with trophies/achievements as well.
A very big surprise, nearly all the original cast of the movie are back to voice their respective characters in the animated series!
Wait there's an anime series coming?!!
I think I vaguely remember seeing that or posting that, but I'm still feeling stunned right now
And that is FANTASTIC news holy cow