What would the characters bet?

What possesions would the diffrent players bet?

Sasha (confirmed)

The Presidency of the USA
Sam's box of neat junk

Strong Bad
The Cheat
Strong Sad

Fruit F***er
that watch that he and Gabe keep murdering each other over


  • edited September 2010
    is no longer US president, is he?
  • edited September 2010
    Varrok wrote: »
    is no longer US president, is he?

    was just acting temporary president. Seeing as Max isn't dead (or so Superball would believe), he is still the president
  • edited September 2010
    Max can bet his coin-sock.
  • edited September 2010
    Toy Mafia Tokens! Just a random idea!:D
  • edited September 2010
    Heavy could also bet his contact with RED. Imagine Max serving in RED. Or Heavy writing a webcomic.
  • edited September 2010
    was just acting temporary president. Seeing as Max isn't dead (or so Superball would believe), he is still the president

    technically the only Max that is left (from 102) was never elected president (didn't make it to 104) so you could argue that the presidency is still Superball's.
    (edit: just got what you meant though. touche)

    Also, for Max: various bits of Sam's childhood.

    Edit: And isn't the Lappy kinda, y'know, exploded.
  • edited September 2010
    Avel wrote: »
    Edit: And isn't the Lappy kinda, y'know, exploded.

    Yeah, but now he's moved on to the Compe'.
  • edited September 2010
    Why the hell would he give away compe'?
  • edited September 2010
    Why the hell would he give away compe'?

    For the same reason all the bumbling sitcom dads gamble away thier wedding ring and then have to come up with zany schemes to get them back. Out of cash and thinks he has a winning hand.
  • edited September 2010
    I guess the same could be said for the Heavy giving away Sasha but gambling makes people do crazy things!
  • edited September 2010
    Strong Bad would bet a Sblounched bar.
  • edited September 2010
    Max would bet his partnership with Sam and panic like hell when he loses.

    Ending screenshot is THE ADVENTURES OF SAM AND (Winning Poker Player) FREELANCE POLICE with Sam looking weirdly besides him.
  • edited September 2010
    What possesions would the diffrent players bet?


    The Presidential Luger

    Strong Bad
    The Cheat

    Fruit F***er 2000
    My bets.
  • edited September 2010
    Strong Bad:

    Strong Sad's Blue Underwear (bug in mouth disease)

    Homestar's cow lamp

    Homestar's gross old wig

    Tony Stony

    Ab-Abber 2000

    I could go all day with the possibilities for him.


    Boxing Glove

    Bosco's Tear Gas Grenade Launcher

    Embarrassing Idol Contract

    I'd have more for him, but it depends if this is normal Max or pre-305 Max.


    Golden Wrench

    Officer's Ushanka

    Football Helmet

    Tough Guy's Toque

    Hound Dog

    Heavy Duty Rag



    Again, unlimited possibilities.


    I don't know Penny Arcade comics pretty well, so you got me there.
  • edited September 2010


    I don't know Penny Arcade comics pretty well, so you got me there.

    The Fruit F***er 2000

    The Watch that he and Gabe are always fighting over


    A GameBoy

    A Bound and Gagged Gabe
  • edited September 2010
    The U.S.A (He sold it in 106 so he can bet it)
    His coin sock
    The Desoto
    His Luger

    Strong Bad:
    The Funmachine
    The Muscle Car
    The Compe
    The Cheat
    Strong Sad
    Some of Strong Sad's stuff that he stole
    The pair of Aviators used in the Dangeresque movies

    The Sandvich recipe
    The Golden Wrench
    A Towering Pillar of Hats

    His really powerful computer
    That watch
    Tied up Gabe
  • edited November 2010
    Now turns out that Tycho's prize is the Pac-Man watch. congrates to everyone who saw that coming. (including me:D)
  • edited November 2010
    It can't actually be a Pac-Man watch unless they have a Pac-Man license. Though of course they can *imply* it...
  • edited November 2010
    wait Gabe has the watch since the last time the watch was actually taken ( i saw some comics where the wearer dies but the watch isn't taken) was the Pikmin one, i think. But anyway Gabe definitely has the watch so hopefully before it comes out the watch will appear in a new comic.
  • edited November 2010
    What possesions would the diffrent players bet?
    Strong Bad
    The Cheat
    Strong Sad
  • edited November 2010
    ...which is the only reason he'd be okay with giving it up. :P
  • edited November 2010
    koiboi59 wrote: »
    wait Gabe has the watch since the last time the watch was actually taken ( i saw some comics where the wearer dies but the watch isn't taken) was the Pikmin one, i think. But anyway Gabe definitely has the watch so hopefully before it comes out the watch will appear in a new comic.

    I don't think continuity is a big thing about Penny Arcade, seeings as how Tycho was also horribly, horribly mauled to death in that strip by tiny barbs.

    Glad to see the watch, but I also wanna see a D20. It's just so... Right.
  • edited November 2010
    Atcote88 wrote: »
    I don't think continuity is a big thing about Penny Arcade, seeings as how Tycho was also horribly, horribly mauled to death in that strip by tiny barbs.

    Glad to see the watch, but I also wanna see a D20. It's just so... Right.

    well the running gag is that the watch is gained when one of them murders the other and Gabe is in current possession of the watch so I would think that at some point soon they will show Tycho killing Gabe.
  • edited November 2010
    koiboi59 wrote: »
    well the running gag is that the watch is gained when one of them murders the other and Gabe is in current possession of the watch so I would think that at some point soon they will show Tycho killing Gabe.

    Or maybe they'll just make reference through one of Tycho's obvious lies.

    Max: Where did you get that neat watch? ...and why is it covered with blood?
    Tycho: Gabe, uh, cut his finger, while he was, uh, giving it to me. I didn't kill him or anything.
  • edited November 2010
    koiboi59 wrote: »
    well the running gag is that the watch is gained when one of them murders the other and Gabe is in current possession of the watch so I would think that at some point soon they will show Tycho killing Gabe.

    Ooh, I hope so.

    Panel 1:
    Tycho: Poker Night's coming up, and I need something to bet.
    Gabe: How about Div? We haven't used him in a while.
    Tycho: It needs to be something of worth.
    Gabe: Well, there's the...AAAAAAHHHH!!!!

    Panel 2:
    [Tycho (of the red-eyed variety, naturally) swings blunt/sharp object of some kind at Gabe's head, thus killing him]

    Panel 3:
    [Super intense shot from below of a bloody Tycho, holding the watch]
    Tycho: That hurt me a lot more than it hurt you...

    Or something to that effect.
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