mario and sonic? :confused:
PS: sorry i have to shout with caps
PS: sorry i have to shout with caps

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But, if you want the full explanation, Mario and Sonic would make an AWFUL adventure game, for too many reasons to count. Here's some:
Mario doesn't talk.
Nintendo would never license their characters out to a company like Telltale(no offence, TTG).
The game would alienate all of M&S's younger players/preteen Sonic players.
Telltale couldn't release this game to anything but Wii/DS.
A Sonic adventure game(not the Sonic Adventure game) would be just plain awful, mostly because of the current Sonic's voice and "tude".
TTG would be forced to add platforming elements into the game.
Both series do not have good enough plots for adventure games.
Also, shouldn't this be moved into General Chat?
I don't think the question was about a Mario or Sonic adventure game, but rather about Mario or Sonic appearing in Poker Night, amidst the other crossover characters.
That said, I actually think a Mario adventure COULD work...after all, there have been several pretty successful Mario RPGs...
But, Mario has never talked in the games.
In short, I think a Mario-based point-and-click game could work, in theory, but I also think that this is the worst thread ever
I meant apart from a small sound clip now and then.
I dissagree on the plot point. ESPECIALLY StH if you follow the older Cannon (SatAM/pre-50 Archie Commics) plenty of plot that could be explored and no need for platformer elements. Tho I think the main char would have to be Sally or Tails... I do agree Sonic's attatude doesnt really fit the role of main char in this kinda game.
Likewise I think a Mario PnC adventure woudl be possible from a plot perspective, after all, look at the Mario RPG and Paper Mario series'
Moot point tho, your right on all the other points.
Other than Licensing issues and such, I really don't see why it would be a problem from the plot perspective...
but why stop there, lets throw in Dante (Devil may Cry) and Samus (Metroid) and Link (legend of Zelda) hell while we're at it, lets put Ratchet and Clank in there along with Chrono (ChronoTrigger) and maybe even Master Chef (Halo) and Spyro the dragon! (anyone else see how this is geting sillier and sillier?)
I see this as a point FOR having him in a poker game, makes him all the better player
I think that Master Chief could be a very good poker player. For one thing, he has an excellent poker face. At least, as long as he keeps his helmet on...
I'd play a game with that character.
[Tumbleweed slowly passes]
So, that's a "no", then?
Er.. yeah.. um...
Haven't you all heard about the new game from Bungie "Halo's Kitchen"? (ROTFLOL!)
I'm not sure why, but I thought this was in general chat.
Nah. Mario and Sonic aren't suited to Poker. Strong Bad likes to be badass, Max is psychotic, and I don't know much about Tycho and the Heavy, but from what I seen and heard they wouldn't look out of place at a poker table.
Mario and Sonic, however, I just don't see. I could just about imagine it better if Wario and Dr.Eggman had been suggested, but even then I would say no, quite simply because I'm not fans of them.:p
It's not unprecedented, though. Remember how Conker started out as one of the cute innocent characters in "Diddy Kong Racing"?
Conker tho was owned by Rare/rareware, who do put out more mature games, they just used Nintendo's hardware, which has had many M-rated games (notably MortalKombat or the less-known but far worse Shadowman)
Gimme Conker instead. He could keep up with the rest of these Poker Night bad boys.
He would make an amusing addition to the game... especially if they gave him booze
1. Is a lie he talk yes on today games.
2. Is mild offence in my opinion becouse it may could be possible.
3. Are you sure?
4. So why they realese SBCG4AP for Wii Ware and Sam and Max for Wii?
5. ???
6. Mario and Sonic don't have any platforming elements into thier Sports Games!
7. Is a lie.
See Guy in a Box could understanrd this!
1. aside from "letsa go!" and "WAAAAAA" when he dies, he doesn't talk. or at least say anything important to the plot.
2. no, they are to big of franchises, nintendo wouldn't sell the copyright to small comapnies.
3. telltale makes more comedic games with more jokes and words not nescesarily for kiddies.
4. can u not read? he said wii in that sentence too.
5. sonic doesn't have much dialog and his persanality is sort of, unentertaining.
6. but telltale doesn't make sporty games either. its point and click adventure, and the ocasional card game, mario and sonic won't fit into either of those.
7. no its not, mario and sonic have loose plots that are very boring, predictable, and not very funny.
in all, telltale couldn't make it because mario and sonic are just not the kind of characters for comedy games.
My replies:
1. (edit by Falanca)
2. No, they would not. Especially for a Telltale game.
3. Yes.
4. What I meant was that TTG currently can release their games for every current platform, but if they make a game with Nintendo, they could only make a game for Wii and 3/DS/i.
5.Are you seriously trying to defend the current Sonic's personality?
6.Sports elements would be less likely to be added in to an adventure game then platforming elements.
7. Is not a lie. Mario's plots are always "Save the princess!" while Sonic's are always "Defeat Eggman!".
Guy in a Box does not post here anymore.
EDIT: Sorry Koiboi, didn't see your post.
Heavy is owned by Valve... clearly TTG is on good terms with them... might we see other Valve characters... Gordon Freeman?
(or more jokingly, a headcrab?)
6. The Mario RPGs had very few, if any, platform elements. This isn't necessarily a legitimate concern.
7. Homestar Runner has NO plot, and yet Telltale was able to make some pretty good games out of that license.
Mario or Sonic adventures are quite unlikely, but far from impossible.
Of course, all this is moot in a thread about whether or not they'd make good poker players. :P
Acctually there were a LOT of platform *elements* in MarioRPG, involving jumping mainly... the only way to get to certain areas was to jump-jump-jump and there were item-blocks and beanstalks, and other elements too, they just were more watered-down than in the classic games
But if Telltale were ever to develop one based on the license, I could totally see them making an adventure game with Luigi as the main character going on his own adventure and having full voice. He would be a foil, similar to Guybrush, always being in Mario's shadow. I could see him talking to panicky Toads and doing his own thang. That actually sounds pretty cool to me. But who would the audience for such a game be? It'd have to be on Wii or DS/3DS. I don't know, but Telltale, you better get with the negotiations.
We no want Mario and Sonic.