I see there are telltale peoples that are in this thread, so I'll post it here... just downloaded the game through steam yesterday 12/7 so it should be rocking the new patch and I can't get the game to run. I've seen in other places that I may be out of luck considering my video card, but I noticed that the patch was supposed to allow the older computers/cards the ability to play. I'm getting the black screen issue where I can hear whats happening but not see. I get the telltale logo when I start up, and I see the menu options (with darkness behind them) and then I get nothing but sound when I try to play.
I'm using a late 2006 macbook, everything updated that I know about
Macbook C2D 2.0GHz, 1GB Ram, GMA 950 Video, Mac OS 10.6.5
3 times now after i folded a hand they all just sit there staring at me idly. The game is stuck like this and wont progress until I start a new tournament.
Suggestion for Homestar Runner deck. Put the card number/value at the top left corner as well. I cant tell what the crap is going on when the cards are half shown like this...
2nd card in is a 2 even tho it looks like a 7, and dont even ask me what the river card is on this screen
Thanks for the update! The tables are a nice touch, especially the security table. I'm glad I am not the only one who gets a little sad when I see a game updated and it only fixed a few bugs.
The game has been running fine for me. The only thing I've noticed is pressing Esc during a one on one match causes the camera to go back to it's default position. I also agree that there should be a small change to the Strong Bad deck to make it easier to read. Otherwise I haven't been confused by side pots as much this time.
anyone else haveing huge lag as soon as you get to the table? I've added a lot of spare memory and set the graphics to the lowest quality to no effect. in fact this seemed to start happening just this week.
Since the new update, I have a strange NEW problem. After the telltale intro, the game freezes for around 15 seconds on a black screen. Didn't happen before, happens now.
Can you please clarify as to what exactly happened? You unlocked things on steam then installed the patch and now they are no longer unlocked?
Strange. Mine went away too.
In my case it was before upgrading, though. Yesterday I opened the game and hit "Play". It asked if I wanted to continue to continue the previous tournament, and I said "no" (like I've done many times before). On the second game, Tycho threw in his watch, which is when I noticed that everything (score, etc) had been reset. In fact, the resolution had been reset, now that I think about it.
Later I upgraded, and it started the tutorial again, though it remembered my previous score. Maybe that's even normal?
I haven't really done anything that would have caused the settings loss. Weird that it remembered that I was in the middle of a game, though.
Since the new update, I have a strange NEW problem. After the telltale intro, the game freezes for around 15 seconds on a black screen. Didn't happen before, happens now.
It's not a problem, they're now pre-loading the entire game before it begins (instead of when you press NEW GAME).
I'm a wee bit miffed that I've just lost EIGHT HOURS of progress. *sob* EVERYTHING (score, unlocks, character items) have been reset.
Here's exactly what I did:
I originally installed TTG's version (not Steam version) because Jake assured us that it would have the Steam achievements. I played it briefly, realised it didn't have them, and downloaded the Steam version.
The Steam version continued my previous game no problem... I kept my score and unlocks, and got achievements. Woo!
I then continued to play the Steam version for eight hours in total (not in one sitting, lol). I got the patch when it came, etc. All good.
Then today, I accidentally loaded the TTG version from the icon on my desktop (I forgot to uninstall it). The TTG Loader appeared, and I immediately realised what I had done and shut it down. (I did not click "Launch Game"!)
I then went into Steam and booted the game through that. It remembered my resolution settings (playing in a window) and I clicked on "Play Game". It asked if I wanted to continue my previous tournament... I said "yes". I noticed the cards and table had reverted back to the original two... I pressed ESC to look at my stats and they'd all been erased. As had my character items. I clicked the UNLOCKS tab and for a few seconds it showed all the tables I had previously unlocked, and then removed them and gave me just the two you start with.
I looked into my C:\Users\Johnny\Documents\Telltale Games\Poker Night at the Inventory folder and found the two save files.
My pnati_save.save had NOT been modified since my last play (ie it had been modified several days ago).
My prefs.prop HAD been modified when I had booted the game (ie. 20 mins ago).
Allright Telltale, what the fuck? I suffered from this bug again, I've lost my stats / unlockables again. When I've lost the tournament and I've chosen to watch the rest of the game. Then I've quited. But the next time I've launched the game it deleted all my progress, my settings and asked if I want to start new tournament or to continue the old one. I've tried to continue but my saves were already lost.
This is the second time this shit happens to me, first time was before patch.
None of the bugs (first one about how stats are collected) that I've pointed out on this forums were fixed. I'm loosing motivation to continue to play and unlock all tables and card decks again.
oh even better now the game lags so much that it was almost impossible for me to move the mouse and keep track of it, this is stupid. the unlocks menu has my stuff on there for a minute but it disapears for no reason. WHY DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?
Im actually feeling sorry with telltale.
This is their buggiest game to date, and this is also the game they choose to add tf2 items in adding the noobs at the tf2 forums.
okay I have to admit the game itself isn't bad, it's just gotten incredibly buggy lately and has seemed to wipe all of my stuff except my current tournament.*SOB* those items were harder to get than i thought they would be! (curls up into fetal position)
You guys are so unlucky. I installed v2 today and DID NOT lose my previous stats/tables. Everything worked fine.
My suggestion: backup your save/prefs folder every time you play the game now... that way it'll always be possible to restore it to the last time you played.
You guys are so unlucky. I installed v2 today and DID NOT lose my previous stats/tables. Everything worked fine.
My suggestion: backup your save/prefs folder every time you play the game now... that way it'll always be possible to restore it to the last time you played.
Yeah I haven't experienced a single glitch. Im just lucky like that:p
what's odd is the game seems to remember me haveing them on the unlocks page, as in when i go to the unlocks page it has them on the screens for a split second, but after that they just revert back to the originals. so I'm pretty sure the game hasn't wiped its memory completely. This has happend everytime I go to the unlocks page by the way.
Yeah I haven't experienced a single glitch. Im just lucky like that:p
Wanna try to experience them? I can give you instructions. But please, be sure not to backup any files with your progress. Or you'll not have full experience.
Okay, this is the SECOND time the game has erased all my data.
The first time it was annoying, but not a big deal since I only had one table and the Heavy's TF2 unlock.
But this time I had all tables up to the Red Team table, both the TF2 and the Homestar Runner decks, and all the TF2 unlocks (though that wasn't a particularly big deal since I don't play TF2).
I've never been one to complain about the bugs in Telltale's games before, but this is just getting annoying and ridiculous.
do the tables and decks appear on the screen for a split second when you get to the unlocks screen? because then I'm pretty sure you haven't lost your data then, it just isn't doing something right. that's what's happening to me.
do the tables and decks appear on the screen for a split second when you get to the unlocks screen? because then I'm pretty sure you haven't lost your data then, it just isn't doing something right. that's what's happening to me.
The first time I go there after losing my data they do, but after that nothing...
I've been getting quite a bit of errors where flushes aren't recogized. Is there a certain rule to poker explaining this, or is it a bug?
At least you all get to play the game while my game can't get past the frickin' intro! I'm not saying your problem isn't important. My bitterness is out of pure jealousy for peole who can actualy play te game. I hope Telltale will get around to making another patch. Or at least trying to make games compatibale for allot of computer.
i double checked, my unlocks menu keeps putting everything back for a split second every time i load up the game, so it must remember something. also I think i should mention that I haven't unlocked anything after I lost everything. so that might mean somthing.
okay i never noticed it until now but strangely enough, my steam library forgot all of its favorites. I have no idea if this is of any realtion to the problem at hand.
This is a good update. And the Inventory Security table: Totally Sick!!! And this does add to my game, + the Team Fortress 2 deck. PLEASE DO SEQUEL. I don't care if it doesn't have poker, just something that gets those franchises together again.
This is a good update. And the Inventory Security table: Totally Sick!!! And this does add to my game, + the Team Fortress 2 deck. PLEASE DO SEQUEL. I don't care if it doesn't have poker, just something that gets those franchises together again.
You are most likely in luck, telltale put this game under their "pilot program" where any popular buys get a sequal. I say this game minus the glitches was a success.
You are most likely in luck, telltale put this game under their "pilot program" where any popular buys get a sequal. I say this game minus the glitches was a success.
I'm using a late 2006 macbook, everything updated that I know about
Macbook C2D 2.0GHz, 1GB Ram, GMA 950 Video, Mac OS 10.6.5
Found it and I love the security table.
3 times now after i folded a hand they all just sit there staring at me idly. The game is stuck like this and wont progress until I start a new tournament.
2nd card in is a 2 even tho it looks like a 7, and dont even ask me what the river card is on this screen
The game has been running fine for me. The only thing I've noticed is pressing Esc during a one on one match causes the camera to go back to it's default position. I also agree that there should be a small change to the Strong Bad deck to make it easier to read. Otherwise I haven't been confused by side pots as much this time.
Strange. Mine went away too.
In my case it was before upgrading, though. Yesterday I opened the game and hit "Play". It asked if I wanted to continue to continue the previous tournament, and I said "no" (like I've done many times before). On the second game, Tycho threw in his watch, which is when I noticed that everything (score, etc) had been reset. In fact, the resolution had been reset, now that I think about it.
Later I upgraded, and it started the tutorial again, though it remembered my previous score. Maybe that's even normal?
I haven't really done anything that would have caused the settings loss. Weird that it remembered that I was in the middle of a game, though.
It's not a problem, they're now pre-loading the entire game before it begins (instead of when you press NEW GAME).
I'm a wee bit miffed that I've just lost EIGHT HOURS of progress. *sob* EVERYTHING (score, unlocks, character items) have been reset.
Here's exactly what I did:
I originally installed TTG's version (not Steam version) because Jake assured us that it would have the Steam achievements. I played it briefly, realised it didn't have them, and downloaded the Steam version.
The Steam version continued my previous game no problem... I kept my score and unlocks, and got achievements. Woo!
I then continued to play the Steam version for eight hours in total (not in one sitting, lol). I got the patch when it came, etc. All good.
Then today, I accidentally loaded the TTG version from the icon on my desktop (I forgot to uninstall it). The TTG Loader appeared, and I immediately realised what I had done and shut it down. (I did not click "Launch Game"!)
I then went into Steam and booted the game through that. It remembered my resolution settings (playing in a window) and I clicked on "Play Game". It asked if I wanted to continue my previous tournament... I said "yes". I noticed the cards and table had reverted back to the original two... I pressed ESC to look at my stats and they'd all been erased. As had my character items. I clicked the UNLOCKS tab and for a few seconds it showed all the tables I had previously unlocked, and then removed them and gave me just the two you start with.
I looked into my C:\Users\Johnny\Documents\Telltale Games\Poker Night at the Inventory folder and found the two save files.
My pnati_save.save had NOT been modified since my last play (ie it had been modified several days ago).
My prefs.prop HAD been modified when I had booted the game (ie. 20 mins ago).
This is the second time this shit happens to me, first time was before patch.
None of the bugs (first one about how stats are collected) that I've pointed out on this forums were fixed. I'm loosing motivation to continue to play and unlock all tables and card decks again.
This is their buggiest game to date, and this is also the game they choose to add tf2 items in adding the noobs at the tf2 forums.
My suggestion: backup your save/prefs folder every time you play the game now... that way it'll always be possible to restore it to the last time you played.
Yeah I haven't experienced a single glitch. Im just lucky like that:p
No one knows. They probably will although it might cause more glitches.
What happened with this game, something had to have screwed up but where?
The first time it was annoying, but not a big deal since I only had one table and the Heavy's TF2 unlock.
But this time I had all tables up to the Red Team table, both the TF2 and the Homestar Runner decks, and all the TF2 unlocks (though that wasn't a particularly big deal since I don't play TF2).
I've never been one to complain about the bugs in Telltale's games before, but this is just getting annoying and ridiculous.
The first time I go there after losing my data they do, but after that nothing...
At least you all get to play the game while my game can't get past the frickin' intro! I'm not saying your problem isn't important. My bitterness is out of pure jealousy for peole who can actualy play te game.
You are most likely in luck, telltale put this game under their "pilot program" where any popular buys get a sequal. I say this game minus the glitches was a success.
Well now, that's something isn't it?:)