They LOVE to tease. The game is coming SOON. With us waiting past every walking dead. You would think it was coming out this month via all the hype. Nope it will come in mid to late November the first episode. That's if it doesn't come in dec. Remember it says it will come out fall, and its fall but it doesn't say if entire episodes will be released or just one before end of the month.
I personally think it's a shame they release two good series so close to each other, unless they can equally build up hype for both shows. The walking dead, doesn't really need hype. I'm interested when they take ore orders, so I really doubt its this month.
Thats how I think it will work too, thats why Im excited. Its good to be a fan of both series lol. They said they will give WD news at the end of this month. The game is sure to follow right after.
We got The Wolf Among Us now, so I expect 10 months of fun.
This month the first episode of TWAU has been released, so next month the first of TWD 2, then again the next episode of TWAU, then the next of TWD 2, etc. That's how I think it will work
heres some logic for some of ya. the longer it takes them to make the game better the game will be. look at bioshock infinite and well polished it was. it was worth all the delays. good games take a while, major market games only come out every year because they know people will buy just for its name( COD games....) so those tend to be filled with a lot of bugs that generates a lot of hate from people playing it. personally i hate bug ridden games and would implore people to take their time making the game before releasing it.
The fact we haven't seen so much as a screenshot from S2 is a little weird. I'm inclined to think it has something to do with Telltale not wanting to give away the identity of the new PC.
The fact we haven't seen so much as a screenshot from S2 is a little weird. I'm inclined to think it has something to do with Telltale not wanting to give away the identity of the new PC.
They said big news will come later this month. Only about 10 days left on this month so it should happen pretty soon. Probably at the end of this week or at the start of next week.
Who has said anything about one game "deserving to come out" before another? No one title "deserves" a place over the other. The people who are saying we will get Season 2 info in November aren't saying so out of any petty jealousy or insecurity about Wolf Among Us in comparison to Walking Dead Season 2, most are just making reasonable guesses about how Telltale usually waits later instead of earlier to share news. I like both titles and I don't really see what the point in arguing about release dates is. Heck, I'll be ecstatic if we get Season 2 in the next few weeks rather than later.
If Walking Dead Season 2 comes out before Wolf Among Us episode 2, I'm not going to lose any sleep and I don't see why anyone else should either. What's wrong with wanting both games? Can't we all just appreciate Telltale's games and stop arguing over who the better/"more deserving" fan base is? This seems like nothing more than manufactured drama from both sides.
Probably angry The Wolf Among Us players and haters who think that TWAU should come before TWD S2.
You can downvote this comment how much y… moreou want, but please get over it. TWD S2 is coming before the second episode of TWAU. I don't go on your TWAU forum and vote down each and every comment about episode two of TWAU.
Amen. I don't see why there is even drama in the first place, and nobody needs to lose sleep over one game coming out before/after another. I'm excited as the next guy for Season 2 but portraying people who predict Season 2 news coming sooner than later as petty, jealous, and insecure "Crap Among Us Fanboiiiz" isn't going to get us anywhere. Both games are fantastic and anyone on either side losing sleep about one game "deserving" better treatment than the other needs to take a break and relax.
are some people serious in this thread? TWAU and TWD fans having arguements and wars? we're playing games by the same company. we should get a… morelong. most episodes release 2 months at a time anyway since telltale aren't superman so all of you calm your shit.
Olga is unreasonable so everyone just ignore her and she'll go away.
but seriously? some of the responses here just make me sick.
people cant help being a fan of something. Btw Olga. looking back, TWD didnt have THAT much of great writing anyway. so there's that.
I get thumbs down for saying I like both games and asking people to appreciate both games for what they are, yet the same people claim that they are being persecuted by "jealous Crap Among Us fanbois." Would somebody care to explain that logic? Was it because I made the blasphemous mistake of saying both games are good on the Walking Dead forums?
Seriously, I'm a Walking Dead fan too but any instance of saying a shred of something positive about Wolf Among Us floods me with down votes by people who claim they are the ones being downvoted by "insecure" people. Hershel above said the same thing and everyone appreciates it coming from him? Why is it bad when I say the same thing? At least be consistent with your logic.
Who has said anything about one game "deserving to come out" before another? No one title "deserves" a place over the other. The people who ar… moree saying we will get Season 2 info in November aren't saying so out of any petty jealousy or insecurity about Wolf Among Us in comparison to Walking Dead Season 2, most are just making reasonable guesses about how Telltale usually waits later instead of earlier to share news. I like both titles and I don't really see what the point in arguing about release dates is. Heck, I'll be ecstatic if we get Season 2 in the next few weeks rather than later.
If Walking Dead Season 2 comes out before Wolf Among Us episode 2, I'm not going to lose any sleep and I don't see why anyone else should either. What's wrong with wanting both games? Can't we all just appreciate Telltale's games and stop arguing over who the better/"more deserving" fan base is? This seems like nothing more than manufactured drama from both sides.
"Around the same time as" could mean at any point during the Season for Telltale's standards. However, since they've said Fall 2013 and it would otherwise be pointless to say "around the same time as" if they meant during the end, I'm thinking the launch taking place around episode 2 or 3 of The Wolf Among Us would be a safe bet.
{Bracing for down votes because making a rational guess of a release date based on previous trends of how Telltale works makes me an "insecure Crap Among Us fanboiii," irregardless if said "fanboi" is a Walking Dead fan as well and honestly doesn't care which of the two comes first}
Late December is DEFINITELY not around the same time as TWAU. That's probably when TWAU episode 2 will be released. I'm guessing S2 debut episode is early November.
Sniper, stop worrying about the thumbs down. Forgetting about it unfortunately is the only way to find some kind of peace of mind on this forum. And just lashing out against the anonymous crowd that uses this button usually hits and offends the wrong people.
Some (i.e. just a few) Walking Dead fans have somehow settled on the idea that The Wolf among Us would 'delay' the second Season of The Walking Dead. As as of yet nothing is announced but the general aim to release TWDS2 episode 1 in fall 2013 (which has not yet been revoked from Telltale's side!), the idea that anything is delayed or promised at all is not a rethoric with which I can identify.
As to the battle TWaU vs. TWD, maybe there just isn't a forum to discuss it. You can't really go into a thread in TWD forums and say "TWaU is better", and you can't do the same thing vice versa. More objective opinions will certainly gradually become more evident once TWDS2 and TWaU have seen their final episode.
I get thumbs down for saying I like both games and asking people to appreciate both games for what they are, yet the same people claim that th… moreey are being persecuted by "jealous Crap Among Us fanbois." Would somebody care to explain that logic? Was it because I made the blasphemous mistake of saying both games are good on the Walking Dead forums?
Seriously, I'm a Walking Dead fan too but any instance of saying a shred of something positive about Wolf Among Us floods me with down votes by people who claim they are the ones being downvoted by "insecure" people. Hershel above said the same thing and everyone appreciates it coming from him? Why is it bad when I say the same thing? At least be consistent with your logic.
I wonder what would happen if October ends and there is no update. Hopefully the trailer gets released in this big update.
On another theory I think that drunk flying monkey and stoned mirror TWAU are in cahoots to hide the teaser image for TWD S2 from SDCC. There is just no other reason why it was not released yet.........
Why oh why have you forsaken me flying monkey........
Another day gone............
I wonder what would happen if October ends and there is no update. Hopefully the trailer gets released in this… more big update.
On another theory I think that drunk flying monkey and stoned mirror TWAU are in cahoots to hide the teaser image for TWD S2 from SDCC. There is just no other reason why it was not released yet.........
Why oh why have you forsaken me flying monkey........
As much as it pains me to say this, I think Telltale should change their mind and release episode 1 next year to have another shot at game of the year.
They LOVE to tease. The game is coming SOON. With us waiting past every walking dead. You would think it was coming out this month via all the… more hype. Nope it will come in mid to late November the first episode. That's if it doesn't come in dec. Remember it says it will come out fall, and its fall but it doesn't say if entire episodes will be released or just one before end of the month.
I personally think it's a shame they release two good series so close to each other, unless they can equally build up hype for both shows. The walking dead, doesn't really need hype. I'm interested when they take ore orders, so I really doubt its this month.
there going to make some big news that may change the diction of the story and 400 days made me thing there going to that settlement in the tv show or they are going to be in the same deal
Well it's obviously supposed to be the new child character that was in the "teaser pic" that never got released. I actually posted the source pic I used to make the pic, last night, but a certain user reported it for whatever reason and it got removed. Oh well, I think it's better off left to the imagination anyways.
For the record, I (a) really liked how you posted the original picture and (b) I'm not entirely sure why the picture was removed. It certainly wasn't because it was flagged 'by a certain user'. Let me get back to you on that.
Well it's obviously supposed to be the new child character that was in the "teaser pic" that never got released. I actually posted the source… more pic I used to make the pic, last night, but a certain user reported it for whatever reason and it got removed. Oh well, I think it's better off left to the imagination anyways.
I've just finished looking over Telltales Facebook.. In fact none of us wanna hear that but if you take a look on the timespan between the first vines/teaser Trailer of TWAU and the actually release there are exactly 2 months between them (vines/teaser Date Aug 13-15th, release Oct 11th). If there's gonna be a teaser on Halloween the actual release in November is highly unlikely but december, probably The Problem is: I CAN'T wait any longer, we want more and not soon but now
We must be patient. Season 2 could start as late as Dec. 20th. TT has been aiming for a fall release, so that's where i came up with that date. I personally don't want or think it will take quite that long, but if it does that's fine by me. It would just mean that they are taking their time to make sure the game is of the quality that we expect it to be. My advice to people who don't know TT very well, is to not get your hopes up for an October release. It is highly unlikely considering we don't have a trailer yet, and when we do have a trailer, we will still most likely have another month or more to wait. Don't get me wrong though, it would be awesome if it was released much sooner than i expect it will be, but at the earliest, i would make a guess of mid to late November. A more likely guess, is that we will get to play it sometime in December.
If my memory serves me correctly, TT cant actually confirm a release date until about a week before it is released (for consoles anyway, not sure how it works for PC,) because they have to make sure the console companies approve of the game before it can be released on PSN and XBL. I may have some facts mixed up a little bit here, but that is how it works to the best of my memory. Perhaps somebody who knows more can clarify if i have explained this correctly or not.
Thanks, Vain. It's really not a big deal, I'm gonna let it go. If it helps I got the notification for this thread at October 24, 2013 07:01 AM, saying the comment was flagged for trolling. I'll wait before jumping to any conclusion, but I'm pretty sure it got removed because somebody went on a flagging spree on my profile. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. I love this community despite it's current state, and I realized "dildor" seems like a troll name, I wouldn't dream of trolling this community. I respect the mods, developers, and their games far too much. That's a fact.
For the record, I (a) really liked how you posted the original picture and (b) I'm not entirely sure why the picture was removed. It certainly wasn't because it was flagged 'by a certain user'. Let me get back to you on that.
My guess would be December. And those that can't wait... Dudes.. I'm one of the fools still waiting for a Tales of Monkey Island Season 2. So chill, relax cause your wait is nothing. :P
Who cares? Wolf Among Us! WOOO!
I feel sorry for anyone who finds that game entertaining. I watched a playthrough of the 1st episode (… morelike I'm going to pay money for a game that slowed down the release of TWD) and it was so bad... Boring, slow and laughable.
Luckily for me, Beyond Two Souls is finally out...
They LOVE to tease. The game is coming SOON. With us waiting past every walking dead. You would think it was coming out this month via all the hype. Nope it will come in mid to late November the first episode. That's if it doesn't come in dec. Remember it says it will come out fall, and its fall but it doesn't say if entire episodes will be released or just one before end of the month.
I personally think it's a shame they release two good series so close to each other, unless they can equally build up hype for both shows. The walking dead, doesn't really need hype. I'm interested when they take ore orders, so I really doubt its this month.
Thats how I think it will work too, thats why Im excited. Its good to be a fan of both series lol. They said they will give WD news at the end of this month. The game is sure to follow right after.
heres some logic for some of ya. the longer it takes them to make the game better the game will be. look at bioshock infinite and well polished it was. it was worth all the delays. good games take a while, major market games only come out every year because they know people will buy just for its name( COD games....) so those tend to be filled with a lot of bugs that generates a lot of hate from people playing it. personally i hate bug ridden games and would implore people to take their time making the game before releasing it.
The fact we haven't seen so much as a screenshot from S2 is a little weird. I'm inclined to think it has something to do with Telltale not wanting to give away the identity of the new PC.
I agree with you tenfold about why we have no images. That's the only thing that makes sense to me.
October is ending soon.. They're planning on announcing the release this month, right? The fact that there's no update is driving me a bit crazy.
They said big news will come later this month. Only about 10 days left on this month so it should happen pretty soon. Probably at the end of this week or at the start of next week.
Is it soon, yet?
Who has said anything about one game "deserving to come out" before another? No one title "deserves" a place over the other. The people who are saying we will get Season 2 info in November aren't saying so out of any petty jealousy or insecurity about Wolf Among Us in comparison to Walking Dead Season 2, most are just making reasonable guesses about how Telltale usually waits later instead of earlier to share news. I like both titles and I don't really see what the point in arguing about release dates is. Heck, I'll be ecstatic if we get Season 2 in the next few weeks rather than later.
If Walking Dead Season 2 comes out before Wolf Among Us episode 2, I'm not going to lose any sleep and I don't see why anyone else should either. What's wrong with wanting both games? Can't we all just appreciate Telltale's games and stop arguing over who the better/"more deserving" fan base is? This seems like nothing more than manufactured drama from both sides.
Amen. I don't see why there is even drama in the first place, and nobody needs to lose sleep over one game coming out before/after another. I'm excited as the next guy for Season 2 but portraying people who predict Season 2 news coming sooner than later as petty, jealous, and insecure "Crap Among Us Fanboiiiz" isn't going to get us anywhere. Both games are fantastic and anyone on either side losing sleep about one game "deserving" better treatment than the other needs to take a break and relax.
I get thumbs down for saying I like both games and asking people to appreciate both games for what they are, yet the same people claim that they are being persecuted by "jealous Crap Among Us fanbois." Would somebody care to explain that logic? Was it because I made the blasphemous mistake of saying both games are good on the Walking Dead forums?
Seriously, I'm a Walking Dead fan too but any instance of saying a shred of something positive about Wolf Among Us floods me with down votes by people who claim they are the ones being downvoted by "insecure" people. Hershel above said the same thing and everyone appreciates it coming from him? Why is it bad when I say the same thing? At least be consistent with your logic.
"Around the same time as" could mean at any point during the Season for Telltale's standards. However, since they've said Fall 2013 and it would otherwise be pointless to say "around the same time as" if they meant during the end, I'm thinking the launch taking place around episode 2 or 3 of The Wolf Among Us would be a safe bet.
{Bracing for down votes because making a rational guess of a release date based on previous trends of how Telltale works makes me an "insecure Crap Among Us fanboiii," irregardless if said "fanboi" is a Walking Dead fan as well and honestly doesn't care which of the two comes first}
no matter when it comes out it will be worth the wait.
Amen to that.
Sniper, stop worrying about the thumbs down. Forgetting about it unfortunately is the only way to find some kind of peace of mind on this forum. And just lashing out against the anonymous crowd that uses this button usually hits and offends the wrong people.
Some (i.e. just a few) Walking Dead fans have somehow settled on the idea that The Wolf among Us would 'delay' the second Season of The Walking Dead. As as of yet nothing is announced but the general aim to release TWDS2 episode 1 in fall 2013 (which has not yet been revoked from Telltale's side!), the idea that anything is delayed or promised at all is not a rethoric with which I can identify.
As to the battle TWaU vs. TWD, maybe there just isn't a forum to discuss it. You can't really go into a thread in TWD forums and say "TWaU is better", and you can't do the same thing vice versa. More objective opinions will certainly gradually become more evident once TWDS2 and TWaU have seen their final episode.
Another day gone............
I wonder what would happen if October ends and there is no update. Hopefully the trailer gets released in this big update.
On another theory I think that drunk flying monkey and stoned mirror TWAU are in cahoots to hide the teaser image for TWD S2 from SDCC. There is just no other reason why it was not released yet.........
Why oh why have you forsaken me flying monkey........
This picture?
I guess the news will be released after my ACT exam.
Hopefully soon.
TTG came out and said that was a fake. The real one was at SDCC and no one has a snapshot of it.
that does not matter its when the full game is release and they my see it as part of last years game so it my be dead already twau as a better shot
well there giving twau first because its new and that they know this will makes us want twd more but i really like a trailer or something fo s2
but they do not cost allot $5 an episode $15 dollar pass it will be less then a retail game
there some big thing going down maybe its true about the tv tie in that what it is
Proven fake by Telltale Staff here on the forums a couple of weeks ago.
Hopefully tomorrow on Friday.
there going to make some big news that may change the diction of the story and 400 days made me thing there going to that settlement in the tv show or they are going to be in the same deal
Proven fake because I admit I made it. :P
Cool. Who's that with Clem you're teasing?
Well it's obviously supposed to be the new child character that was in the "teaser pic" that never got released. I actually posted the source pic I used to make the pic, last night, but a certain user reported it for whatever reason and it got removed. Oh well, I think it's better off left to the imagination anyways.
For the record, I (a) really liked how you posted the original picture and (b) I'm not entirely sure why the picture was removed. It certainly wasn't because it was flagged 'by a certain user'. Let me get back to you on that.
Season Two yesterday, Season Two tomorrow but never Season Two today.
(I would put money on them announcing it on Halloween).
I agree. Or maybe next week?
I've just finished looking over Telltales Facebook.. In fact none of us wanna hear that but if you take a look on the timespan between the first vines/teaser Trailer of TWAU and the actually release there are exactly 2 months between them (vines/teaser Date Aug 13-15th, release Oct 11th). If there's gonna be a teaser on Halloween the actual release in November is highly unlikely but december, probably
The Problem is: I CAN'T wait any longer, we want more and not soon but now
We must be patient. Season 2 could start as late as Dec. 20th. TT has been aiming for a fall release, so that's where i came up with that date. I personally don't want or think it will take quite that long, but if it does that's fine by me. It would just mean that they are taking their time to make sure the game is of the quality that we expect it to be. My advice to people who don't know TT very well, is to not get your hopes up for an October release. It is highly unlikely considering we don't have a trailer yet, and when we do have a trailer, we will still most likely have another month or more to wait. Don't get me wrong though, it would be awesome if it was released much sooner than i expect it will be, but at the earliest, i would make a guess of mid to late November. A more likely guess, is that we will get to play it sometime in December.
If my memory serves me correctly, TT cant actually confirm a release date until about a week before it is released (for consoles anyway, not sure how it works for PC,) because they have to make sure the console companies approve of the game before it can be released on PSN and XBL. I may have some facts mixed up a little bit here, but that is how it works to the best of my memory. Perhaps somebody who knows more can clarify if i have explained this correctly or not.
Thanks, Vain. It's really not a big deal, I'm gonna let it go. If it helps I got the notification for this thread at October 24, 2013 07:01 AM, saying the comment was flagged for trolling. I'll wait before jumping to any conclusion, but I'm pretty sure it got removed because somebody went on a flagging spree on my profile. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. I love this community despite it's current state, and I realized "dildor" seems like a troll name, I wouldn't dream of trolling this community. I respect the mods, developers, and their games far too much. That's a fact.
Oh, nice work.
My guess would be December. And those that can't wait... Dudes.. I'm one of the fools still waiting for a Tales of Monkey Island Season 2. So chill, relax cause your wait is nothing. :P
Olga, you make me miss Ehkay. He was nice, despite being against logic and reason.