A little bit disappointed
I was all geeked out past 2 days because I just finished the game Sat or Sunday night.... I heard they were going to make the annoucement about S2 this week. So I was like glued to the TT blog waiting anxiously for their announcement. Yeah - we got the announcement... but what about the DATE!? I mean sure, I'm excited about all the changes we're going to see in S2... but i feel like it's such a cock tease move by coming out with today's announcement... but not giving us a firm date! Argh.
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I think it was fine what we did, found out a characters name, found out we play as clem, saw trailer, found out episode name AND found out it comes out sometime before Christmas then found out it comes in sometime in November. If one thing makes you disappointed then telltale must piss you off all the time. Just saying.
Like I said in the other thread:
Am I the only one a little disappointed?
First, they give us a date and a link...then proceed not to post any of this one said link, but on this blog. I was refreshing that other page over and over, while the forums were lagging too much to learn about this.
Second, we got an extremely short trailer that showed us...pretty much nothing. Most of it was just locations of places from the previous season, followed by Clem running off. We already knew she was in it, and naturally there would be running involved, so this in no way hypes me for Season 2.
Third, there are several screenshots, but again, nothing really all that interesting.
Fourth, STILL no release date, nor even a confirmation for what consoles it will be released on.
Fifth, we're playing as Clem? Protecting her was always a good angle. I'm fine with having a weaker character, but I'd prefer a girl around Ben's age to a little girl. That seems a little too limiting, as I can't see too many effective choices coming from this.
You just finished Season 1 and you're disappointed Season 2 isn't ready?!
I'm absolutely thrilled that Season 2 is being released a year after Season 1!
The whole first season is leading up to this, and they said they'd give some information, not every freaking thing in all the first episode leaving you information is a good thing. Anyways lee teaches her how to shoot, keep her hair short, and other survivor skills. It's not like the whole point is Clem will be running around alone. We already know there will be two other confirmed characters.
The point is, they didn't really give us much of anything.
Yeah... par norm. It's coming. A trailer and pre-order is a definite step forward.
The Duck - must be that you & I are the only two people who were disappointed by today's announcement. Apparently the other 2 people who've replied to this thread can't read very well either.
Where do you get that from? Did I ever say I was disappointed it wasn't out already??
The whole point I was trying to make is that there was no real substance behind the revealers today. The only "big" news if you want to call it that is that we get to play as Clem. Other than that - the video teaser was worthless. Showing us places from season 1...WOW yeah sure - impressive. And they made it sound as if they were going to give us a firm release date. NONE. ZIP. ZERO. All it was just hype. I don't need any more hype.. I'm already a fan. The true fans of the game/comic book were expecting to see an annoucement with a DATE. Today was just a big cock tease.
"* If one thing makes you disappointed then telltale must piss you off all the time. Just saying*"
You have an active imagination - you say that I must be "pissed off all the time"... and yet I clearly remember saying I"m a little bit disappointed. Last time I checked in the american dictionary, those two words have completely different meaning.
So Carley123 - what do you think of someone saying that you shouldn't be so pissed off about someone cutting you off while driving? You might say "well I'm not really "pissed" but more irritated or irked that he/she did that".... get the hint now?
And by the way, I'm not a rabid fan of the TTG games. I don't "play" or own any of their games other than TWD. So no... I don't care to be "pissed off" by them. Actually I posted on Sat/ Sun night to say we should give them a round of applause on what a fantastic job they did with TWD.
"That seems a little too limiting."
This is the correct set of words to describe, a 9 yo girl protagonist.
"but i feel like it's such a cock tease move by coming out with today's announcement... but not giving us a firm date! Argh."
implies disappointment. So you didn't get a date... There's a trailer and the game is available for pre-order, which is a huge advancement over yesterday.
I agree. What we got was too little too late. They basically just pissed on us and called it rain for the information drought we've been dealing with. Not to say I still wont buy it anyway as i'm sure it will still be a masterpiece.
Just because on steam it says it will release in Nov. doesn't necessarily make it true. It could be true, but don't count on it. sorry to burst everyones bubble. Wait till Telltale gives a date before you make plans for it.
To the thumbs down... back at you buddy.
Too little too late? Wow, are you high maintenance. They put out a second season within a year. I don't feel pissed on, that's all you.
Thumbs down is satan.
Eh, I'm somewhat skeptical with the idea of Clem being the protagonist. I don't know, I'll give the first episode a shot, at least.
You realize they haven't even submitted the episode for 3rd parties yet, right? One of the responses on reddit said they are going to submit it soon. So do you understand they don't HAVE a release date to give us? Also, you thought the teaser trailer was worthless? My heart started beating like crazy when it suddenly cut to a future Clem, and there is a LOT we can gather from that and the screenshots released.
Honestly the rollout was good but they could have given a release month.
Do you want them to spoil the first 10 minutes of the game? Jeez man be patient, your acting as if TellTale never makes good games. Also Clem is gonna be so Rad as a protagonist. Imagine the awesome scenarios in which you are not the leader, but is following someone? Awesome.
I never gave you thumbs down cyreen, but maybe your talking to someone else about that. And I ment too little too late because they didn't give us much of anything, they could've gave us this a while ago. And no, i'm not high maintenance by any means. I wouldn't mind waiting another year if that's what it takes to be as good as the first season. Looking back it was definitely a bad way to say it, but I said the "pissed on" comment because (and im not the only one who feels this way) I feel mislead into thinking we would get more than the 3 seconds (if even that) of Clem running. Most of the trailer was just places from season 1. To me (and many others,) that isn't "BIG news." Yes we now the playable protaganist is Clem and got a few screenshots, but the way TT hyped the news up, I and a lot of others expected more.
You and some others in thread have an overactive imagination --- reading into things that i never said. Your assumptions are just that. ASSumptions. You act as if I've uttered blasphemy against TellTale Games. No, I never said that never made any good games. In fact, when I finished the game over this past weekned, I posted here saying what an awesome job they did with season 1. How many times do I need to repeat this? Now... please do go bugger off you overbearing "gamer".
Yes Cyreen, of course I am disappointed that they didn't give us a firm date. That is what I have been saying from the GET GO. Your point of contention with me was that I was disappointed that it (season 2) was not out already. Which is ridiculous. I never complained about S2 not being OUT ALREADY - OK? What I said was the announcement made on Tuesday didn't have a whole lot of substance - which you extrapolated and interpreted to mean - oh geeze this guy is disappointed S2 is not out already. What a bunch of BS... please do learn to read what people post rather than listening to the dialog in your head. thank you very much.
My heart started beating like crazy when it suddenly cut to a future Clem, and there is a LOT we can gather from that and the screenshots released.
Like what? pray tell. That Clem is being chased by zombies? wow,....what a shocker. That she might be in danger? Yeah another big revealing scene. Oh puhleeease. Showing us a recap of the places we've been to in S1 is pure BS with no substance. Showing Clem as an older girl running from danger - yeah OK - i can see how you can let your imagination run wild with that and get excited about S2. Me? no way. Not with some 2 or 3 second clip. Maybe if the clip was longer or if it included something interesting... hey how about like a short dialog with her and another character in the game - then yes I can see how that is more substantive and would build up the suspense (or hype). Atleast for me it would have.
In the days past since the initial announcement - I have done some more reading - not here. But the Reddit article. And I am a little bit more excited now knowing a few more tidbits about S2. But yeah Dildor - I have to say you are more appeasable than others. If they didn't have much to give us on Tuesday afternoon - they should have delayed the so called "big announcement" until they had a little more to give us.
Do you got source that the character name is Winston?
Stop saying shit please...
it's nice to know im not the only one... be careful what you say though, since i posted in this thread, ive been getting thumbs down on almost every post, regardless of the topic. it's like i pissed off some TT superfans, you might be next because you logically stated your opinion. They don't like when people don't always agree with them, especially if you don't suck up to TT.
I would say we got more from the pics, than from the trailer. It should be the other way around. TT can take as long as they need to finish the game IMO and i wouldn't care. I'd rather them take their time than try to rush the game out. But what upset alot of people was that they hyped up the "BIG news," when it didn't live up to the hype to a lot of people. We got (when you come down to it) a 3 second trailer of a known character running from walkers (gee shocker!) 4 pretty good pics, and found out we will be playing as Clem. Not all that much compared to the hype it recieved.
i agree
should come out, end of november
So you want it to come out around thanksgiving and Black Friday.
I do a lot of contract IT work for various It companies. One common fact between all them is next to NOTHING happens between Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I think our best bet is that the game is submitted for certification 2 weeks before December 3. I think if the game gets submitted after Black Friday then we will not see it in the PSN or XBOX marketplace until jan 2014.
Something to consider all the big gaming websites review the game about 2 weeks before it's public release. Don't hold your breath until you see a early review from ING.
I agree that we got to little to late but the little teaser got my hyped and I'm excited regardless. I also like that we are playing as Clementine, just think about all the crazy situations a 11 girl can get into in a zombie apocalypse.
In the image url of the male character fighting a walker you could see the image name, which was "winstonfight", unfortunately TT changed it immediately the moment our community noticed this, NO SHIT
Obviously, you don't know the difference between a teaser trailer and a launch trailer. You'll get your trailer filled with tons of spoilery information 'SOON'
winston can be a place too...
Like maybe it's the name of the community and it is getting invaded by zombie ?...
I had the same thought, on the other hand: why would TT change the name immediately right after somebody in this community said this was his name?
I have to agree with him. Not that I'm disappointed but in the first place, they told us that it's gonna be release Q3 of this year yet in the trailer they should have stated NOVEMBER 2013 or DECEMBER 2013. Anyway, I'm excited and purchased the season pass.
PS3 Is going to be getting the game - check the EU blog.
Look I'm not here to get in a fight about why you shouldn't be disappointed. I mean you are entitled to your own opinion, if it does help I think that they'll release it on most platforms around ps4 and Xbox one launches I think ps4 is launched on nov 15th? And not sure about Xbox one so I guess it will be around nov 15th - nov 27th just a guess
If the lack of a concrete release date disappoints you, you will positively ALWAYS be disappointed by Telltale games, and that's that.
They can settle on a release date only DAYS before release. It's a crux episodic gaming has to bear.
i hope winston is nothing like Lee, we need new people with new ideas
November or December is great, january is to long.
Why should one be disappointed? For what? For the announcement? Well, at least it was a kind of announcement. The game/episode 1 will be released within next two months. You should be excited for the release and not be disappointed by a trivial thing such as an announcment trailer.