Can someone do something about the spoilers?

This is getting ridiculous. There are dozens of topics with huge spoilers for titles, and with Season 2 on the horizon, it makes me hesitant to stick around here. For people who end up unable to play the game right away, this could be a virtual minefield. I mean, even when you point out to someone their topic title is a spoiler, they don't bother to change it, in most cases.
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Scanning the last 30 thread topics, I don't really see it. Spoilers will certainly pick up once episode 1 will be available - so will the moderators!
From the first page alone:
"Kenny alive or not"
"A few theories about Kenny's role in S2"
"Omid and Christa had the Baby?"
"Season 2 pic explained (its not Kenny)"
"Ben should live longer ?"
And there have been many more, too.
Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot we can do about this. Either we let people name their threads like they are - which, as you say, can be considered spoilers - or we censor the thread titles, which makes it hard to understand what each topic is about.
The only other option is to put the word SPOILER at the beginning of each thread, but that would mean some 90% of the threads would have that and it'd lose all meaning.
I'm sorry you have such a problem with this, but considering the game is almost a year old by this point, these sorts of things are sadly inevitable.
Disclaimer: Moderators on this forum are volunteers from the community and are not employees of the company. Our posts merely express our personal opinion and should not be mistaken for official company statements.
There is no such thing as Season 1 spoilers anymore.
Yes, there are. Not everyone who comes to this forum will have beaten the first season. Heck, the Vita version only came out a month ago, and I believe there are still some platforms it is not out for yet. Even if you were to avoid this specific section, you can still see the topics from the main page of the forums.
the hell happend to the spoiler section of this forum anyway? there's multiple tabs that make me think there should be an option for it, but it all links back to the main discussion forum.
Regardless. Speculation isnt spoiler.
We're not talking about speculation, here. We're talking about spoilers.
I get what are saying Duck. I think one of the problems is that for people like me who use a PS3 to surf and post the forums, the spoiler protection feature simply doesn't work for the title or the body of threads. (for PS3 users at least) I try not to post any spoilers in titles myself, but I have seen what you mean (a lot of Kenny's fate threads for one example)
I'm on the PC, but nothing is hidden. It's largely the posters that are at fault, for putting blatant spoilers in their topic titles.
I 100% agree. The general forums do have spoilers from time to time in the titles. I was just saying if it worked that maybe people would be more inclined to use it. I know when the game comes out, I wont be on the forums until i play the game for the same reason you mentioned. I do have to say though that it's probably not the best idea for someone who hasn't played through the game to be in the story forums in the first place.
If what worked? Not putting spoilers in topic titles or unmarked spoilers in topics is just common courtesy. Also, I am talking about the General forums. I'm sure it happens in the Story section too, but I'm usually here, so that's where I see it. Also, as I pointed out, you can see these spoilers from the main Telltale forum page. Maybe someone comes to check out the forum for another game, the spoilers are still right there in plain sight.
Well it's your problem. You should have played season 1 already.
If the spoiler blocker worked, people would have to click on it to see the thread title. And i said I agree with you. Your preaching to the choir lol. No need to convince me, i'm with you on this.
the majority of people here have played the games. How long should everyone wait? Why don't you leave the forum until you complete the game?
Excuse me? First off, there are spoiler rules for a reason. We are talking about a series that was released one episode at a time, and that is still not out for a few platforms, while not being out for even Vita that long. It's rude to demand people who don't want to be spoiled stay away, just because some people can't be bothered to be considerate and follow the rules. Also, as I've also pointed out, these spoilers are visible from the main page as well. So if someone comes here to post on the TWAU forum, they are going to see an eyeful of spoilers from the Walking Dead.
It's rude, and inconsiderate, to demand that the majority of people jump through hoops, or refrain from speculating about the next season to please you.
The majority of stuff is in spoiler anyway. Which is annoying to keep uncovering just to know what people are saying.
No, it isn't. Because it is hardly "jumping through hoops" to word your topic titles in a way that is not a spoiler. It's called "being considerate". These forums are not just for people who have completed everything, but for people who are just looking for info and people who are partway through, as well. These forums are also for several other games. People should be able to come here without fear of being spoiled.
and it's hardly hard to just not visit the forum until you have completed it is it. (or until season 2 is out, of course everyone is using information from season 1 to speculate about season 2 at the moment)
Whats more considerate? "I have not finished this game, so I shall not visit until I have, as I know there are a lot of people speculating about season 2 at the moment"..Or "I have not finished this game, So I'm going to demand that the majority of people watch what they say, until i have completed it. "
Are you even listening to what is being said?
Not putting spoilers in topic titles and marking for spoilers is COMMON COURTESY. Whether you like it or not, this forum is not just for people who have completed the game. And for the billionth time ANYONE who visits the Telltale forums can see the topics from this board, even without visiting it directly. So, what, people who want information on the series or want to talk about a specific episode they've just beaten should have to stay away, just because people like you can't be bothered to keep spoilers out of your topic titles? And the same goes for people who maybe want to check out the forums for other games made by this company? All fans of Telltale Games have to inconvenience themselves, because you just have to spoil other people?
I apologise, I do not mean to come across as rude - I do see what you are saying about the list of topics under community - but unless it is programmed differently (the list can be collapsed, or topics listed as spoiler are not included in the list) - it is also unfair to ask people to somehow code their topic titles - you will still see the whole topic title even if it has [SPOILER] next to it does seem you are asking people to code their topic titles somehow (what I meant by 'jump through hoops'), or title the topic so it does not correspond to it's contents.Also, everything can be considered a spoiler to someone.
It's not unfair. No one is asking for topic titles to be coded, just worded differently. Example:
"*** should have lived longer" or "Will *** be in Season Two?".
We could also petition the people in charge to create a separate section, solely for spoiler discussions.
They already had one. I guess it was lost with the forum makeover - however it still had the same problem, topic titles were still visible.
It shouldn't be a problem if it's a different section. Still, it's not much to ask to not put spoilers in topic titles in the first place.
You're a mod, right? Can't you do something about this?
-Post Redacted by Mod-
Post flagged. People like you are the worst.
There's totally a Spoilers section for the Walking Dead. Here.
You can navigate to it by clicking on the Walking Dead section, then clicking on the "Story Discussion" tab on the right. It's placement isn't exactly obvious, though, so I can't fault people for not being able to find it. That falls squarely on the set-up of the new site.
But will the topics show up on the main page, like the ones from the General section? And unfortunately, that doesn't change the issue, since like I mentioned, it's the General section where these spoilers are.
im sorry i thought everyone knew by now.
No, the topics posted in the spoiler section never shown up on the main page. That's part of the reason why hardly anyone ever seems to go there, which is unfortunate because it was the most bustling forum before the site change.
And yeah, I doubt it's going to get any better in terms of people posting spoiler topics in the General section. Once Season 2 fully kicks in, the mods will step up their game (they'll have to) but this place is still going to be a landmine for people who don't want to be spoiled.
You were trolling, plain and simple.
I think the mods need to step up their game now. I already had 400 Days spoiled for me.
Season 1 of WD doesn't take long to complete and was released on multiple systems more than a year ago. Is it really any surprise people are careless with their thread titles when getting caught up is so easy?
While not to the same extreme, It's somewhat like talking about Vader being Luke's father on a Star Wars message board. For everyone who gets pissed at you for the unmarked spoiler, you've got a few hundred who just want to chat freely on a (by that point) well known subject without having to worry about what by this point seems an unnecessary precaution.
This forum would be better served with a more clearly accessible spoiler forum. But since we don't have one, the wisest course is probably to steer clear until you've played a few more hours of the game and know how it ends.
i prefer spoilertags, imho everyone has the right to experience a game for themselfes without gettings stuff spoilered by browsing the forums, maybe while looking for info on something completely different. and it doesnt matter how old the game is, for TWAU for example its not just the game actually, BUT ALSO the comics and they started in 2002. so what, everyone should have read them by now? thats bullshit. same goes for the walking dead comics. or the tv-show. everyone should have seen it by now, no?
but what i DONT like is the spoiler-system being used in this new.... err.... forum. couldnt be much worse. you cant just put the stuff you want in spoilertags, NO, you have to hide the complete post. who's responsible for this sh*t....
This is not about the comics or the show, but the game. It has its own storyline, completely separate from the show.
There a RULES, and even a spoiler section, which people choose to disregard.
There is a very accessible spoiler forum. Also, that's not a good comparison, given how huge Star Wars was and still is, and the fact that it's been decades since it came out. Like I've pointed out over and over, sometimes you just want to talk about the episode you just beat, report a glitch, request help, or ask for information. There's also the fact that the spoiler topic titles are all visible from the main page, where even people who come here for some other game can see them. And not everyone beats the whole game in one sitting. And most importantly, it is not asking a lot to follow the rules and word your topic title so that it's not a spoiler or to mark for spoilers.
Try reading through this topic, because I've addressed this over and over. No one here has any right to ruin the game for others and disregard the site rules because they can't be bothered to not use spoiler topic titles or the tags or the spoiler section. It's not right to demand everyone else in the world keep away because you don't feel like using the methods given to not spoil others.
duh, i know that, but still you find posts about the comics here that might be spoilers for someone who hasnt read them yet.
and i changed my introductory movement, wrote the opposite of what i wanted to write actually, stupid me.
what i wanted to say, i DONT LIKE SPOILERS