There's totally a Spoilers section for the Walking Dead. Here.
You can navigate to it by clicking on the Walking Dead section, then clickin… moreg on the "Story Discussion" tab on the right. It's placement isn't exactly obvious, though, so I can't fault people for not being able to find it. That falls squarely on the set-up of the new site.
What are you looking for, anyway? Theories what could happen in S1 episode 3? I haven't finished "The Last Of Us" yet, that's why I'm so smart to avoid that games' forum, it's as simple as that.
Try reading through this topic, because I've addressed this over and over. No one here has any right to ruin the game for others and disregar… mored the site rules because they can't be bothered to not use spoiler topic titles or the tags or the spoiler section. It's not right to demand everyone else in the world keep away because you don't feel like using the methods given to not spoil others.
What are you looking for, anyway? Theories what could happen in S1 episode 3? I haven't finished "The Last Of Us" yet, that's why I'm so smart to avoid that games' forum, it's as simple as that.
Actually, I've read everything. However, my opinion remains the same. The problem is you won't stop argueing until EVERYBODY agrees with you but that won't happen.
Actually, I've read everything. However, my opinion remains the same. The problem is you won't stop argueing until EVERYBODY agrees with you but that won't happen.
You're a mod, right? Can't you do something about this? Even if you politely point out to someone that their topic title is a spoiler, odds are they won't change it. It's going to be much worse when Season Two comes out, if people don't start cracking down on this.
As I said in my post on the first page, it's a tricky situation to be in. Either we let people name their threads like they are - which, as you say, can be considered spoilers to those who haven't played the game yet - or we censor the thread titles, which makes it hard to understand what each topic is about at a glance and would therefore irritate the majority of people.
The only other option is to put the word SPOILER at the beginning of each thread, but that would mean some 90% of the threads would have that and it'd lose all meaning.
Sadly these sorts of spoilers are sadly inevitable, and considering the game is almost a year old by this point whatever unofficial 'grace period' there was has long since ended. It may be irritating, but the best course of action may be to just avoid TWD section completely.
I will bring the issue up with the other mods and see what they have to say, but I don't think there's going to be a perfect solution to this one I'm afraid.
You're a mod, right? Can't you do something about this? Even if you politely point out to someone that their topic title is a spoiler, odds a… morere they won't change it. It's going to be much worse when Season Two comes out, if people don't start cracking down on this.
But those are not the only options. There's a spoiler section. Now, maybe you could re-title it from "Story Discussion" to "S1 Spoiler Discussion", to make that more obvious, but it is still right there.
And I've pointed this out several times already, but the game is not a year old for everyone. I got it for Vita, and that version was released a month ago. There are still platforms it's been announced for that haven't gotten it yet, either, right? And also, you CAN'T avoid this section, if you want info, want to report something, or just want to talk about a specific episode? Have we all forgotten the way we felt upon beating certain episodes for the first time? And remember, the topics in the General Section are visible on the main page of the forums, so you can see them even without entering this specific section.
Also, a bit off-topic, but is it possible to change the format of this forum? I'm browsing through the older topics, but changing the page doesn't effect the site itself. Like, if I'm on page 30 and click on a topic and then click "Back" after reading it, the forums will be reset to the first page. This happens when you refresh in any way, and it's irritating, since it forces you to open these threads in new tabs or windows, and even then, I keep accidentally clicking the thread somehow.
We'll obviously crack down on Season 2 spoilers.
As I said in my post on the first page, it's a tricky situation to be in. Either we let pe… moreople name their threads like they are - which, as you say, can be considered spoilers to those who haven't played the game yet - or we censor the thread titles, which makes it hard to understand what each topic is about at a glance and would therefore irritate the majority of people.
The only other option is to put the word SPOILER at the beginning of each thread, but that would mean some 90% of the threads would have that and it'd lose all meaning.
Sadly these sorts of spoilers are sadly inevitable, and considering the game is almost a year old by this point whatever unofficial 'grace period' there was has long since ended. It may be irritating, but the best course of action may be to just avoid TWD section completely.
I will bring the issue up with the other mods and see what they have to say, but I don't think there's going to be a perfect solution to this one I'm afraid.
While placing threads in a sub-section would benefit those who haven't played S1, the majority of other users would have trouble finding where the threads are due to the somewhat confusing layout of the site. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
While I do sympathise with your plight, MOST people have already played the game in one way or another. I'm afraid you are going to have to accept that you are in the minority, and we can't cater to everyone, no matter how much we want to.
But those are not the only options. There's a spoiler section. Now, maybe you could re-title it from "Story Discussion" to "S1 Spoiler Discu… moression", to make that more obvious, but it is still right there.
And I've pointed this out several times already, but the game is not a year old for everyone. I got it for Vita, and that version was released a month ago. There are still platforms it's been announced for that haven't gotten it yet, either, right? And also, you CAN'T avoid this section, if you want info, want to report something, or just want to talk about a specific episode? Have we all forgotten the way we felt upon beating certain episodes for the first time? And remember, the topics in the General Section are visible on the main page of the forums, so you can see them even without entering this specific section.
Also, a bit off-topic, but is it possible to change the format of this forum? I'm browsing through the older topics, … [view original content]
It's a forum a number of people have had to be told even exists. It's a forum where you can expect your posts to languish unnoticed because the overwhelming bulk of activity is concentrated here, probably because a number of people don't even know the spoiler forum still exists. It's bad site design and I hope they rethink it so that the open spoiler forum is more clearly visible, taking this issue off the table.
Nevertheless, that's not how it is now, and it leaves the mods with two unfortunate options, as they've said in this thread:
1) Follow the rules with an iron fist and clamp down on every little trace of potential unmarked spoilers in both titles and threads alike. This would be done in the interests of what by this point would have to be an extreme minority of people: those who care enough about TWD to go out of their way to talk about it on a message board but not enough to play the quite brief story to its conclusion before they do so. In doing so, it would give the mods a much larger workload and prove a perpetual irritant to those fans who just want to discuss a game without needing to second-guess at every turn whether they're saying something in the title that would ruin it for a guy who couldn't stick it out for the 3 or 4 more hours of gameplay he would have needed to become spoiler-proof.
2) Do what they seem to be doing now and not enforce that rule very strictly, potentially spoiling some through revealing thread titles but overall probably not hurting very many people and allowing a much more relaxed atmosphere. I support them taking option 2, if they can't have the spoiler forum as clearly obvious as the general forum.
If this were a forum for...say, A Song of Ice and Fire, a fantasy series totalling five books now extending several thousand pages, then an iron-clad spoiler policy outside of very clearly marked parts of the forum would be very necessary and people who post revealing thread titles justifiably deplored. But I just find it extremely hard to muster up much anger at people who spoil a game that takes...what? Eight hours to finish? Less?
And sure, some people might want to discuss an episode before they finish the game, but I find that approach insane, as insane as people who google a series they've just got into or look it up on YouTube. This is the Internet. There are any number of people who will spoil you just because they think it's hilarious to do so, and will try it even on a strictly moderated board, hoping to ruin it for someone before the thread gets deleted.
Smart people do not look up things they haven't caught up with yet on the Internet. At least, if they care about being 'spoiled'. That they will be spoiled by someone is unfair and totally the fault of the spoiler but extraordinarily likely given the nature of the Internet and GIFT.
There is a very accessible spoiler forum. Also, that's not a good comparison, given how huge Star Wars was and still is, and the fact that it… more's been decades since it came out. Like I've pointed out over and over, sometimes you just want to talk about the episode you just beat, report a glitch, request help, or ask for information. There's also the fact that the spoiler topic titles are all visible from the main page, where even people who come here for some other game can see them. And not everyone beats the whole game in one sitting. And most importantly, it is not asking a lot to follow the rules and word your topic title so that it's not a spoiler or to mark for spoilers.
The forum guidelines specifically state that spoilers are not okay and that the tags should be used, so that everyone can be here and still enjoy the game. The "Story Discussion" section was created to avoid situations like this, and it even labels itself as a place where people can talk about spoilers freely-which is also why posts there don't show up on the main page. It doesn't seem even remotely right that, just because some people don't want to be bothered or feel like being considerate, that they can just ignore the rules and precautions set in place. Why have these things if people are free to ignore them just because they could care less about ruining the series for other people?
It's not about minority, but what's right. There is no reason people can't use the tags or carefully word their topic titles or use the spoiler section. Heck, mods could rename said section like I suggested and make a sticky announcing spoilers topics are too go there. The sub-sections are all right there to the right, in plain sight. And if it's clearly labelled, with even a stickied topic dedicated to it, then there should be no confusion that spoiler discussion goes there.
I'm sick and tired of the excuse that those who haven't beaten the game shouldn't come here. So, what about fans of other games? If I'm a TWAU us fan who would like to someday play this similar game, should I not even go into the section for that game, simply because it's impossible to get to without being spoiler for TWD? What if I experience a glitch or need help? GameFAQs is dead, so this forum is all there is. And what if I just beat an episode and want to talk about it? Waiting is not the same-the initial feelings are gone and new stuff has happened. There are also people that might want to get into the series but have questions.
The foru-COMMUNITY is here to stay, I'm afraid.
While placing threads in a sub-section would benefit those who haven't played S1, the major… moreity of other users would have trouble finding where the threads are due to the somewhat confusing layout of the site. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
While I do sympathise with your plight, MOST people have already played the game in one way or another. I'm afraid you are going to have to accept that you are in the minority, and we can't cater to everyone, no matter how much we want to.
It's a sub-section that's a click away and just needs to be renamed and re-announced, with the link right there to the right.
The spoiler rules are not being enforced AT ALL. From the main forum page to the first page of the actual section for this game, there is spoiler after spoiler. It's not hard to word a topic title carefully in order to be considerate and avoid spoiling others.
I'm sick and tired of the excuse that those who haven't beaten the game shouldn't come here. So, what about fans of other games? If I'm a TWAU us fan who would like to someday play this similar game, should I not even go into the section for that game, simply because it's impossible to get to without being spoiler for TWD? What if I experience a glitch or need help? GameFAQs is dead, so this forum is all there is. And what if I just beat an episode and want to talk about it? Waiting is not the same-the initial feelings are gone and new stuff has happened. There are also people that might want to get into the series but have questions.
It's a forum a number of people have had to be told even exists. It's a forum where you can expect your posts to languish unnoticed because th… moree overwhelming bulk of activity is concentrated here, probably because a number of people don't even know the spoiler forum still exists. It's bad site design and I hope they rethink it so that the open spoiler forum is more clearly visible, taking this issue off the table.
Nevertheless, that's not how it is now, and it leaves the mods with two unfortunate options, as they've said in this thread:
1) Follow the rules with an iron fist and clamp down on every little trace of potential unmarked spoilers in both titles and threads alike. This would be done in the interests of what by this point would have to be an extreme minority of people: those who care enough about TWD to go out of their way to talk about it on a message board but not enough to play the quite brief story to its conclusion before they … [view original content]
I agree that parts of the forum guidelines refer to a 'perfect' version of the forum and are, in fact, not entirely applicable to the present 'work in progress' state of it. Believe me, the moderators are the least happy about this.
First of all, moderators can NOT change anything about the forum's structure. We can not create new sections, we can not rename sections.
Back in the old forum, the story discussion forum was created to separate spoiler discussion and general chat. I was never a big fan of the idea (while some other people who have almost never set foot in TWD forum seemed to have been the greatest fans). Hardly anyone in the community made the distinction. It was already a pretty unclear structure in the vbulletin forum, even when we set up the sticky to guide people to the right forum. It was a BITCH to maintain for moderators, who ended up shoveling threads from one to the other forum day after day after day. And at the end of those days, you were pretty sure that people never understood what kind of threads they were supposed to post in the "general chat" section, so all they ever used was the "Story discussion", devaluing its meaning completely.
I personally gave up the distinction when episode five was released, and I know I had transferred an easily four digit number of threads.
I'm not entirely sure what happened in this new forum, we haven't been told any decision, but I think the story and general discussion are now merged forums again. I agree that for the people who really worked with the distinction, that is a low blow. I personally welcome it, because I believe even less people than before have grasped the rather complex navigational prerequisites to switch between those two subforums. In other words, the distinction was totally lost two entire months ago already.
I can't say I'm satisfied with the situation as it is, because I feel a bit as if I've worked for nothing, but, yeah, Season 1 is, for all purposes, spoiled already. Taking up the task of renaming close to 5,000 threads (creative names which still denote SOMETHING, just not ALL of it), that is a herculean task that we really, really can't cope with.
We CAN and WILL however, as promised above, take up those tasks as soon as Season 2 begins.
We'll rename spoilerous thread titles to the best of our ability.
We'll remind people to use such titles continuously and enforce the use of tags.
We'll yank people out of the forum who take pride in spoiling the story for others.
But that makes no sense.
The forum guidelines specifically state that spoilers are not okay and that the tags should be used, so that every… moreone can be here and still enjoy the game. The "Story Discussion" section was created to avoid situations like this, and it even labels itself as a place where people can talk about spoilers freely-which is also why posts there don't show up on the main page. It doesn't seem even remotely right that, just because some people don't want to be bothered or feel like being considerate, that they can just ignore the rules and precautions set in place. Why have these things if people are free to ignore them just because they could care less about ruining the series for other people?
It's not about minority, but what's right. There is no reason people can't use the tags or carefully word their topic titles or use the spoiler section. Heck, mods could rename said section like I suggested and make a sticky an… [view original content]
Well, it is difficult to draw the line (and I think it should be drawn since nobody could talk about the stories like Deus Ex or Mafia or even oldies like Ultima otherwise because there COULD someone who want to play those but still haven't). When is a release long enough ago to NOT talk about the story with spoiler-markings? I mean if I go the forums for let's just say GTA V I could expect some spoilers but at least they are likely beeing marked. But shall everyone mark their thread at talking about GTA IV just because there are some people who didn't play it? At some point there is the expectation that most of the players already finished it. Especially by the time of arriving of the sequel. So the minority of gamers who didn't finish it could EXPECT that, too.
There are simple rules of not being spoilered;
stay away from YouTube (videos of such games)
seriously. stay. away. from. YouTube! No soundtrack, no pre- or review, let's play, no trailer. NOTHING. Not even the least bit. You could never know that there is some spoiler not so hidden in the top comment or even in the title or description. A single word can be enough. My Red Dead Redemption end experience and expectations was kind of ruined by those few letters: RIP
stay away from discussion,
be carefull in technical help sections (threads can be about a specific chapter and people will describe within the thread, likely to spoil some of the story until that event which is causing trouble)
in evolving discussions (like in real life) make clear that you didn't played the game but WANT TO. Even if you're not sure if you ever play that specific title, make clear that you don't want to be spoilered.
You are an internet user. There are a few simple rules in almost every aspect of using the internet. And it doesn't end at being spoilered of a games/movies/books story. You cannot change people or prevent THEM from spoiling you, but you can increase your chances by preventing yourself from being spoilered.
Yes, there are. Not everyone who comes to this forum will have beaten the first season. Heck, the Vita version only came out a month ago, an… mored I believe there are still some platforms it is not out for yet. Even if you were to avoid this specific section, you can still see the topics from the main page of the forums.
The rules are perfectly applicable, just people are refusing to follow them, and since the mods let them get away with it, they see no reason to stop. With the rules, tags, and even a specific section, more than enough effort has been made to make things easier for both sides, but certain members don't want to be bothered and could care less how this effects others.
Is there anyone who CAN rename sections or create new ones?
There is no merge-the Story section still exists, in plain sight.
I'm not asking you mods to rename every thread. I'm asking you to crack down on these people who are putting spoilers in their topic titles. Why else do we have rules? What they are doing is not okay, and it isn't fair to all the kinds of people mentioned in my previous posts. Why should they have to sacrifice and suffer because a select few think it is okay to blow off the rules, just because they have beaten the game and could care less about anyone else? This forum is supposed to be for everyone to enjoy, not just a select few, who are acting like entitled brats. Why should some of us be forced to leave or spoiled?
Doing it for Season Two is not enough, and if you really want to, then that's all the more reason to start now, with Season One. This forum has fallen into an ugly precedent, which has even started to effect the mods. The rules and tags and special sections were all put in place so everyone could be here and talk about the game, but now, it's like only those who have beaten the game matter. Even fans of other TellTale games aren't permitted to check out those boards if they haven't beaten this one game and hope to play it, because the spoilers are visible from the main page.
I agree that parts of the forum guidelines refer to a 'perfect' version of the forum and are, in fact, not entirely applicable to the present … more'work in progress' state of it. Believe me, the moderators are the least happy about this.
First of all, moderators can NOT change anything about the forum's structure. We can not create new sections, we can not rename sections.
Back in the old forum, the story discussion forum was created to separate spoiler discussion and general chat. I was never a big fan of the idea (while some other people who have almost never set foot in TWD forum seemed to have been the greatest fans). Hardly anyone in the community made the distinction. It was already a pretty unclear structure in the vbulletin forum, even when we set up the sticky to guide people to the right forum. It was a BITCH to maintain for moderators, who ended up shoveling threads from one to the other forum day after day after day. And at the end o… [view original content]
I believed there was one. But I think the navigational tools have gotten the better of me. The reason I thought this is that the navigational menu in the upper right doesn't show "General Chat". Once you clicked on the Story Discussion, you can't go back. Not the best basis for enforcing a difference.
I'm asking you to crack down on these people who are putting spoilers in their topic titles.
We're doing that. We do concentrate our efforts on the Wolf among Us forum for the moment, for very obvious reasons.
The rules are perfectly applicable, just people are refusing to follow them, and since the mods let them get away with it, they see no reason … moreto stop. With the rules, tags, and even a specific section, more than enough effort has been made to make things easier for both sides, but certain members don't want to be bothered and could care less how this effects others.
Is there anyone who CAN rename sections or create new ones?
There is no merge-the Story section still exists, in plain sight.
I'm not asking you mods to rename every thread. I'm asking you to crack down on these people who are putting spoilers in their topic titles. Why else do we have rules? What they are doing is not okay, and it isn't fair to all the kinds of people mentioned in my previous posts. Why should they have to sacrifice and suffer because a select few think it is okay to blow off the rules, just because they have beaten the game and could care less about an… [view original content]
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Isn't the General Chat section now just the main Walking Dead page? So if you want to talk about the game in a way that doesn't involve spoilers you would go here, whereas if you want to talk about the spoiler topics, you would go here.
Mind telling me what you were looking for when you apparently read a spoiler, and what the spoiler was?
Don't forget to tag it first though!!!!!!!
I'm just curious as to why people such as yourself cannot stay away from the forums during a playthrough, then have the nuts to cry about it. I see your argument but when you see that there are spoilers and people don't seem to care, WHY KEEP COMING BACK? I just don't get it especially since your not waiting between episodes for info or anything, it has all been released already so just play it through first instead of checking in for whatever reason and being surprised that people are talking bout a year old game.
Read through the topic. I've pointed out plenty of reasons people would come here without having beaten this game, and they should be free to do so without worrying about being spoiled, especially when there are rules and precautions set up to avoid this very thing.
Well, it is difficult to draw the line (and I think it should be drawn since nobody could talk about the stories like Deus Ex or Mafia or even… more oldies like Ultima otherwise because there COULD someone who want to play those but still haven't). When is a release long enough ago to NOT talk about the story with spoiler-markings? I mean if I go the forums for let's just say GTA V I could expect some spoilers but at least they are likely beeing marked. But shall everyone mark their thread at talking about GTA IV just because there are some people who didn't play it? At some point there is the expectation that most of the players already finished it. Especially by the time of arriving of the sequel. So the minority of gamers who didn't finish it could EXPECT that, too.
There are simple rules of not being spoilered;
* stay away from YouTube (videos of such games)
* seriously. stay. away. from. YouTube! No soundtrack, no pre- or review, let's pl… [view original content]
Because someone has to. I've been around long enough to know that a lot of things happen because people don't bother to take action. Neither the mods nor a majority of the forum users call out those who blatantly break the rules and ruin the game.
There is no merge
I believed there was one. But I think the navigational tools have gotten the better of me. The reason I thought this… more is that the navigational menu in the upper right doesn't show "General Chat". Once you clicked on the Story Discussion, you can't go back. Not the best basis for enforcing a difference.
I'm asking you to crack down on these people who are putting spoilers in their topic titles.
We're doing that. We do concentrate our efforts on the Wolf among Us forum for the moment, for very obvious reasons.
Because someone has to. I've been around long enough to know that a lot of things happen because people don't bother to take action. Neither the mods nor a majority of the forum users call out those who blatantly break the rules and ruin the game.
This isn't really about me, and if you read through the topic, I've listed a bunch of valid reasons why a person would come here without having beaten the whole game or even having played it. I'm sick of these forums where people who don't care about ignoring forum rules and spoiling the game for others run rampant, using excuses about how people who haven't beaten the whole game don't belong. That's not their call, and it's a very entitled attitude.
Mind telling me what you were looking for when you apparently read a spoiler, and what the spoiler was?
Don't forget to tag it first though!!… more!!!!!
I'm just curious as to why people such as yourself cannot stay away from the forums during a playthrough, then have the nuts to cry about it. I see your argument but when you see that there are spoilers and people don't seem to care, WHY KEEP COMING BACK? I just don't get it especially since your not waiting between episodes for info or anything, it has all been released already so just play it through first instead of checking in for whatever reason and being surprised that people are talking bout a year old game.
I really don't want to break your heart in this issue, as spoiler avoidance IS very important to me too, but my suggestion to the staff would be: merge those two subforums back into one please, it has never worked properly and now works worse than before.
As I understand it, there is an innovative and indeed fundamentally better solution to the problem in the works for this forum. As befits the company, who singularly amplifies the impact of spoilers with their focus on story and the concept of episodic gaming. Telltale just needs to really hurry up with those forum improvements.
Until then, we're doing this old style, like in the forums of every major game developer.
Mark your spoilers, keep them out of the titles, and if you find a spoilered title, you respectfully suggest a creative alternative non-spoilery title to the thread creator instead of screaming 'troll' immediately.
Well, it is difficult to draw the line (and I think it should be drawn since nobody could talk about the stories like Deus Ex or Mafia or even… more oldies like Ultima otherwise because there COULD someone who want to play those but still haven't). When is a release long enough ago to NOT talk about the story with spoiler-markings? I mean if I go the forums for let's just say GTA V I could expect some spoilers but at least they are likely beeing marked. But shall everyone mark their thread at talking about GTA IV just because there are some people who didn't play it? At some point there is the expectation that most of the players already finished it. Especially by the time of arriving of the sequel. So the minority of gamers who didn't finish it could EXPECT that, too.
There are simple rules of not being spoilered;
* stay away from YouTube (videos of such games)
* seriously. stay. away. from. YouTube! No soundtrack, no pre- or review, let's pl… [view original content]
I don't see how it would be against the rules for mods to tell a person they are spoiling someone with their topic title and that is not okay. A warning like that is usually the first step. Throwing out would be for repeat offenders or very severe spoilers.
Neither the mods nor a majority of the forum users call out those who blatantly break the rules and ruin the game.
"Call out", no.
… moreThat's not what mods do here usually, and it would even be against the forum guidelines.
"Throw out", that's more like it!
Um, that is the whole issue? People are not doing those things, and even when other users point it out to them, most don't change them. The whole first page is filled with spoilers in topic titles, which are even viewable from the main forum page. Us regular forum users can't do anything. I've tried, and I've never been anything but polite about it. The mods need to start taking charge, as people with actual pull and powers.
I really don't want to break your heart in this issue, as spoiler avoidance IS very important to me too, but my suggestion to the staff would … morebe: merge those two subforums back into one please, it has never worked properly and now works worse than before.
As I understand it, there is an innovative and indeed fundamentally better solution to the problem in the works for this forum. As befits the company, who singularly amplifies the impact of spoilers with their focus on story and the concept of episodic gaming. Telltale just needs to really hurry up with those forum improvements.
Until then, we're doing this old style, like in the forums of every major game developer.
Mark your spoilers, keep them out of the titles, and if you find a spoilered title, you respectfully suggest a creative alternative non-spoilery title to the thread creator instead of screaming 'troll' immediately.
It's a sub-section which is sidelined in a tiny link to the right compared to a general forum which is blatantly visible and the first stop someone has to pass through to even notice it. It also happens to be pretty dead, probably for that very reason. In case you didn't notice, a number of people have already stated flat out they didn't notice it. Just repeating over and over that everyone should be noticing it doesn't make it the case.
And the moderators have already made it clear they'll be clamping down harder when Season 2 rolls around. It's just the year-old game that takes a handful of hours to finish that they're not worked up about.
Seriously, you've been coming on here repeating the same arguments over and over, often voicing those same arguments right over people who have just told you problems with those arguments. The moderators have heard you and responded. If they choose to eventually heed you and tighten things, then great for you. If they choose to ignore you, I guess you're SOL. But either way, I'm really not sure how repeating yourself over and over to everyone who comes along and responds is going to help you. It in fact makes you look a bit deranged.
It's a sub-section that's a click away and just needs to be renamed and re-announced, with the link right there to the right.
The spoiler r… moreules are not being enforced AT ALL. From the main forum page to the first page of the actual section for this game, there is spoiler after spoiler. It's not hard to word a topic title carefully in order to be considerate and avoid spoiling others.
I'm sick and tired of the excuse that those who haven't beaten the game shouldn't come here. So, what about fans of other games? If I'm a TWAU us fan who would like to someday play this similar game, should I not even go into the section for that game, simply because it's impossible to get to without being spoiler for TWD? What if I experience a glitch or need help? GameFAQs is dead, so this forum is all there is. And what if I just beat an episode and want to talk about it? Waiting is not the same-the initial feelings are gone and new stuff has happene… [view original content]
The mods could re-announce the section, and I've given a number of other suggestions, as well as responded to everything you point out now. This is about Season One spoilers. The game only came out for Vita a month ago, and more platforms are still getting it in the future.
I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself if people would read through the topic before posting, because a lot of them keep posting stuff I've already addressed.
I'm not going to give up, because what's happening here isn't right.
It's a sub-section which is sidelined in a tiny link to the right compared to a general forum which is blatantly visible and the first stop so… moremeone has to pass through to even notice it. It also happens to be pretty dead, probably for that very reason. In case you didn't notice, a number of people have already stated flat out they didn't notice it. Just repeating over and over that everyone should be noticing it doesn't make it the case.
And the moderators have already made it clear they'll be clamping down harder when Season 2 rolls around. It's just the year-old game that takes a handful of hours to finish that they're not worked up about.
Seriously, you've been coming on here repeating the same arguments over and over, often voicing those same arguments right over people who have just told you problems with those arguments. The moderators have heard you and responded. If they choose to eventually heed you and tighten things, then great f… [view original content]
If your position is that of the voice of justice against the evil spoiler-friendly mods, and your approach is to keep responding to those mods incessantly about how wrong they are and making the same post over and over, you're probably going to lose badly. Moreover, your tactics are going to ostracize a good number of people who may have actually agreed with you because your approach is to fixing the issue is very annoying.
How rude.-.-
The mods could re-announce the section, and I've given a number of other suggestions, as well as responded to everything you p… moreoint out now. This is about Season One spoilers. The game only came out for Vita a month ago, and more platforms are still getting it in the future.
I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself if people would read through the topic before posting, because a lot of them keep posting stuff I've already addressed.
I'm not going to give up, because what's happening here isn't right.
There is nothing wrong with my approach. Again, I'm forced to keep repeating myself, because other people neglect to read the topic and repeat things other people have said.
If your position is that of the voice of justice against the evil spoiler-friendly mods, and your approach is to keep responding to those mods… more incessantly about how wrong they are and making the same post over and over, you're probably going to lose badly. Moreover, your tactics are going to ostracize a good number of people who may have actually agreed with you because your approach is to fixing the issue is very annoying.
Ocarina of Time (1998) Spoilers
I'm warning you!!
You rescue the princess....and you get an Ocarina that (can you guess) controls time!
Anyhow, I'm with you on this, just stay away from the internet if you don't want to have things spoiled.
That being said a (former) friend of mine actually spoiled RDR for me. I asked him to show me some of the game and he let me play the last mission.
Well, it is difficult to draw the line (and I think it should be drawn since nobody could talk about the stories like Deus Ex or Mafia or even… more oldies like Ultima otherwise because there COULD someone who want to play those but still haven't). When is a release long enough ago to NOT talk about the story with spoiler-markings? I mean if I go the forums for let's just say GTA V I could expect some spoilers but at least they are likely beeing marked. But shall everyone mark their thread at talking about GTA IV just because there are some people who didn't play it? At some point there is the expectation that most of the players already finished it. Especially by the time of arriving of the sequel. So the minority of gamers who didn't finish it could EXPECT that, too.
There are simple rules of not being spoilered;
* stay away from YouTube (videos of such games)
* seriously. stay. away. from. YouTube! No soundtrack, no pre- or review, let's pl… [view original content]
NOT cool, RoboSheriff.
There is? I thought that was gone
What are you looking for, anyway? Theories what could happen in S1 episode 3? I haven't finished "The Last Of Us" yet, that's why I'm so smart to avoid that games' forum, it's as simple as that.
Again, read through the topic. You clearly have little idea what this discussion is actually about.
Actually, I've read everything. However, my opinion remains the same. The problem is you won't stop argueing until EVERYBODY agrees with you but that won't happen.
You clearly haven't read everything, judging by your replies.
As you may suppose, I don't care. Keep your pants on, mate
If you're going to act rude, then don't post in here at all.
You're a mod, right? Can't you do something about this? Even if you politely point out to someone that their topic title is a spoiler, odds are they won't change it. It's going to be much worse when Season Two comes out, if people don't start cracking down on this.
We'll obviously crack down on Season 2 spoilers.
As I said in my post on the first page, it's a tricky situation to be in. Either we let people name their threads like they are - which, as you say, can be considered spoilers to those who haven't played the game yet - or we censor the thread titles, which makes it hard to understand what each topic is about at a glance and would therefore irritate the majority of people.
The only other option is to put the word SPOILER at the beginning of each thread, but that would mean some 90% of the threads would have that and it'd lose all meaning.
Sadly these sorts of spoilers are sadly inevitable, and considering the game is almost a year old by this point whatever unofficial 'grace period' there was has long since ended. It may be irritating, but the best course of action may be to just avoid TWD section completely.
I will bring the issue up with the other mods and see what they have to say, but I don't think there's going to be a perfect solution to this one I'm afraid.
But those are not the only options. There's a spoiler section. Now, maybe you could re-title it from "Story Discussion" to "S1 Spoiler Discussion", to make that more obvious, but it is still right there.
And I've pointed this out several times already, but the game is not a year old for everyone. I got it for Vita, and that version was released a month ago. There are still platforms it's been announced for that haven't gotten it yet, either, right? And also, you CAN'T avoid this section, if you want info, want to report something, or just want to talk about a specific episode? Have we all forgotten the way we felt upon beating certain episodes for the first time? And remember, the topics in the General Section are visible on the main page of the forums, so you can see them even without entering this specific section.
Also, a bit off-topic, but is it possible to change the format of this forum? I'm browsing through the older topics, but changing the page doesn't effect the site itself. Like, if I'm on page 30 and click on a topic and then click "Back" after reading it, the forums will be reset to the first page. This happens when you refresh in any way, and it's irritating, since it forces you to open these threads in new tabs or windows, and even then, I keep accidentally clicking the thread somehow.
The foru-COMMUNITY is here to stay, I'm afraid.
While placing threads in a sub-section would benefit those who haven't played S1, the majority of other users would have trouble finding where the threads are due to the somewhat confusing layout of the site. Damned if we do, damned if we don't.
While I do sympathise with your plight, MOST people have already played the game in one way or another. I'm afraid you are going to have to accept that you are in the minority, and we can't cater to everyone, no matter how much we want to.
It's a forum a number of people have had to be told even exists. It's a forum where you can expect your posts to languish unnoticed because the overwhelming bulk of activity is concentrated here, probably because a number of people don't even know the spoiler forum still exists. It's bad site design and I hope they rethink it so that the open spoiler forum is more clearly visible, taking this issue off the table.
Nevertheless, that's not how it is now, and it leaves the mods with two unfortunate options, as they've said in this thread:
1) Follow the rules with an iron fist and clamp down on every little trace of potential unmarked spoilers in both titles and threads alike. This would be done in the interests of what by this point would have to be an extreme minority of people: those who care enough about TWD to go out of their way to talk about it on a message board but not enough to play the quite brief story to its conclusion before they do so. In doing so, it would give the mods a much larger workload and prove a perpetual irritant to those fans who just want to discuss a game without needing to second-guess at every turn whether they're saying something in the title that would ruin it for a guy who couldn't stick it out for the 3 or 4 more hours of gameplay he would have needed to become spoiler-proof.
2) Do what they seem to be doing now and not enforce that rule very strictly, potentially spoiling some through revealing thread titles but overall probably not hurting very many people and allowing a much more relaxed atmosphere. I support them taking option 2, if they can't have the spoiler forum as clearly obvious as the general forum.
If this were a forum for...say, A Song of Ice and Fire, a fantasy series totalling five books now extending several thousand pages, then an iron-clad spoiler policy outside of very clearly marked parts of the forum would be very necessary and people who post revealing thread titles justifiably deplored. But I just find it extremely hard to muster up much anger at people who spoil a game that takes...what? Eight hours to finish? Less?
And sure, some people might want to discuss an episode before they finish the game, but I find that approach insane, as insane as people who google a series they've just got into or look it up on YouTube. This is the Internet. There are any number of people who will spoil you just because they think it's hilarious to do so, and will try it even on a strictly moderated board, hoping to ruin it for someone before the thread gets deleted.
Smart people do not look up things they haven't caught up with yet on the Internet. At least, if they care about being 'spoiled'. That they will be spoiled by someone is unfair and totally the fault of the spoiler but extraordinarily likely given the nature of the Internet and GIFT.
But that makes no sense.
The forum guidelines specifically state that spoilers are not okay and that the tags should be used, so that everyone can be here and still enjoy the game. The "Story Discussion" section was created to avoid situations like this, and it even labels itself as a place where people can talk about spoilers freely-which is also why posts there don't show up on the main page. It doesn't seem even remotely right that, just because some people don't want to be bothered or feel like being considerate, that they can just ignore the rules and precautions set in place. Why have these things if people are free to ignore them just because they could care less about ruining the series for other people?
It's not about minority, but what's right. There is no reason people can't use the tags or carefully word their topic titles or use the spoiler section. Heck, mods could rename said section like I suggested and make a sticky announcing spoilers topics are too go there. The sub-sections are all right there to the right, in plain sight. And if it's clearly labelled, with even a stickied topic dedicated to it, then there should be no confusion that spoiler discussion goes there.
I'm sick and tired of the excuse that those who haven't beaten the game shouldn't come here. So, what about fans of other games? If I'm a TWAU us fan who would like to someday play this similar game, should I not even go into the section for that game, simply because it's impossible to get to without being spoiler for TWD? What if I experience a glitch or need help? GameFAQs is dead, so this forum is all there is. And what if I just beat an episode and want to talk about it? Waiting is not the same-the initial feelings are gone and new stuff has happened. There are also people that might want to get into the series but have questions.
It's a sub-section that's a click away and just needs to be renamed and re-announced, with the link right there to the right.
The spoiler rules are not being enforced AT ALL. From the main forum page to the first page of the actual section for this game, there is spoiler after spoiler. It's not hard to word a topic title carefully in order to be considerate and avoid spoiling others.
I'm sick and tired of the excuse that those who haven't beaten the game shouldn't come here. So, what about fans of other games? If I'm a TWAU us fan who would like to someday play this similar game, should I not even go into the section for that game, simply because it's impossible to get to without being spoiler for TWD? What if I experience a glitch or need help? GameFAQs is dead, so this forum is all there is. And what if I just beat an episode and want to talk about it? Waiting is not the same-the initial feelings are gone and new stuff has happened. There are also people that might want to get into the series but have questions.
Because it's unneeded.
I agree that parts of the forum guidelines refer to a 'perfect' version of the forum and are, in fact, not entirely applicable to the present 'work in progress' state of it. Believe me, the moderators are the least happy about this.
First of all, moderators can NOT change anything about the forum's structure. We can not create new sections, we can not rename sections.
Back in the old forum, the story discussion forum was created to separate spoiler discussion and general chat. I was never a big fan of the idea (while some other people who have almost never set foot in TWD forum seemed to have been the greatest fans). Hardly anyone in the community made the distinction. It was already a pretty unclear structure in the vbulletin forum, even when we set up the sticky to guide people to the right forum. It was a BITCH to maintain for moderators, who ended up shoveling threads from one to the other forum day after day after day. And at the end of those days, you were pretty sure that people never understood what kind of threads they were supposed to post in the "general chat" section, so all they ever used was the "Story discussion", devaluing its meaning completely.
I personally gave up the distinction when episode five was released, and I know I had transferred an easily four digit number of threads.
I'm not entirely sure what happened in this new forum, we haven't been told any decision, but I think the story and general discussion are now merged forums again. I agree that for the people who really worked with the distinction, that is a low blow. I personally welcome it, because I believe even less people than before have grasped the rather complex navigational prerequisites to switch between those two subforums. In other words, the distinction was totally lost two entire months ago already.

I can't say I'm satisfied with the situation as it is, because I feel a bit as if I've worked for nothing, but, yeah, Season 1 is, for all purposes, spoiled already. Taking up the task of renaming close to 5,000 threads (creative names which still denote SOMETHING, just not ALL of it), that is a herculean task that we really, really can't cope with.
We CAN and WILL however, as promised above, take up those tasks as soon as Season 2 begins.
Well, it is difficult to draw the line (and I think it should be drawn since nobody could talk about the stories like Deus Ex or Mafia or even oldies like Ultima otherwise because there COULD someone who want to play those but still haven't). When is a release long enough ago to NOT talk about the story with spoiler-markings? I mean if I go the forums for let's just say GTA V I could expect some spoilers but at least they are likely beeing marked. But shall everyone mark their thread at talking about GTA IV just because there are some people who didn't play it? At some point there is the expectation that most of the players already finished it. Especially by the time of arriving of the sequel. So the minority of gamers who didn't finish it could EXPECT that, too.
There are simple rules of not being spoilered;
You are an internet user. There are a few simple rules in almost every aspect of using the internet. And it doesn't end at being spoilered of a games/movies/books story. You cannot change people or prevent THEM from spoiling you, but you can increase your chances by preventing yourself from being spoilered.
The rules are perfectly applicable, just people are refusing to follow them, and since the mods let them get away with it, they see no reason to stop. With the rules, tags, and even a specific section, more than enough effort has been made to make things easier for both sides, but certain members don't want to be bothered and could care less how this effects others.
Is there anyone who CAN rename sections or create new ones?
There is no merge-the Story section still exists, in plain sight.
I'm not asking you mods to rename every thread. I'm asking you to crack down on these people who are putting spoilers in their topic titles. Why else do we have rules? What they are doing is not okay, and it isn't fair to all the kinds of people mentioned in my previous posts. Why should they have to sacrifice and suffer because a select few think it is okay to blow off the rules, just because they have beaten the game and could care less about anyone else? This forum is supposed to be for everyone to enjoy, not just a select few, who are acting like entitled brats. Why should some of us be forced to leave or spoiled?
Doing it for Season Two is not enough, and if you really want to, then that's all the more reason to start now, with Season One. This forum has fallen into an ugly precedent, which has even started to effect the mods. The rules and tags and special sections were all put in place so everyone could be here and talk about the game, but now, it's like only those who have beaten the game matter. Even fans of other TellTale games aren't permitted to check out those boards if they haven't beaten this one game and hope to play it, because the spoilers are visible from the main page.
I believed there was one. But I think the navigational tools have gotten the better of me. The reason I thought this is that the navigational menu in the upper right doesn't show "General Chat". Once you clicked on the Story Discussion, you can't go back. Not the best basis for enforcing a difference.
We're doing that. We do concentrate our efforts on the Wolf among Us forum for the moment, for very obvious reasons.
I'm not quite sure what you mean. Isn't the General Chat section now just the main Walking Dead page? So if you want to talk about the game in a way that doesn't involve spoilers you would go here, whereas if you want to talk about the spoiler topics, you would go here.
no my question is "why do YOU need to take this fight ?"
The only thing that you fight is a shadow, and not the nicest...
Mind telling me what you were looking for when you apparently read a spoiler, and what the spoiler was?
Don't forget to tag it first though!!!!!!!
I'm just curious as to why people such as yourself cannot stay away from the forums during a playthrough, then have the nuts to cry about it. I see your argument but when you see that there are spoilers and people don't seem to care, WHY KEEP COMING BACK? I just don't get it especially since your not waiting between episodes for info or anything, it has all been released already so just play it through first instead of checking in for whatever reason and being surprised that people are talking bout a year old game.
Read through the topic. I've pointed out plenty of reasons people would come here without having beaten this game, and they should be free to do so without worrying about being spoiled, especially when there are rules and precautions set up to avoid this very thing.
Because someone has to. I've been around long enough to know that a lot of things happen because people don't bother to take action. Neither the mods nor a majority of the forum users call out those who blatantly break the rules and ruin the game.
You could just click "Back" on your browser. But the point is, the staff needs to handle this, and before it gets worse.
"Call out", no.
That's not what mods do here usually, and it would even be against the forum guidelines.
"Throw out", that's more like it!
This isn't really about me, and if you read through the topic, I've listed a bunch of valid reasons why a person would come here without having beaten the whole game or even having played it. I'm sick of these forums where people who don't care about ignoring forum rules and spoiling the game for others run rampant, using excuses about how people who haven't beaten the whole game don't belong. That's not their call, and it's a very entitled attitude.
I really don't want to break your heart in this issue, as spoiler avoidance IS very important to me too, but my suggestion to the staff would be: merge those two subforums back into one please, it has never worked properly and now works worse than before.
As I understand it, there is an innovative and indeed fundamentally better solution to the problem in the works for this forum. As befits the company, who singularly amplifies the impact of spoilers with their focus on story and the concept of episodic gaming. Telltale just needs to really hurry up with those forum improvements.
Until then, we're doing this old style, like in the forums of every major game developer.
Mark your spoilers, keep them out of the titles, and if you find a spoilered title, you respectfully suggest a creative alternative non-spoilery title to the thread creator instead of screaming 'troll' immediately.
Best advice right here
I don't see how it would be against the rules for mods to tell a person they are spoiling someone with their topic title and that is not okay. A warning like that is usually the first step. Throwing out would be for repeat offenders or very severe spoilers.
Um, that is the whole issue? People are not doing those things, and even when other users point it out to them, most don't change them. The whole first page is filled with spoilers in topic titles, which are even viewable from the main forum page. Us regular forum users can't do anything. I've tried, and I've never been anything but polite about it. The mods need to start taking charge, as people with actual pull and powers.
It's a sub-section which is sidelined in a tiny link to the right compared to a general forum which is blatantly visible and the first stop someone has to pass through to even notice it. It also happens to be pretty dead, probably for that very reason. In case you didn't notice, a number of people have already stated flat out they didn't notice it. Just repeating over and over that everyone should be noticing it doesn't make it the case.
And the moderators have already made it clear they'll be clamping down harder when Season 2 rolls around. It's just the year-old game that takes a handful of hours to finish that they're not worked up about.
Seriously, you've been coming on here repeating the same arguments over and over, often voicing those same arguments right over people who have just told you problems with those arguments. The moderators have heard you and responded. If they choose to eventually heed you and tighten things, then great for you. If they choose to ignore you, I guess you're SOL. But either way, I'm really not sure how repeating yourself over and over to everyone who comes along and responds is going to help you. It in fact makes you look a bit deranged.
Only if you're referring to mine.
How rude.-.-
The mods could re-announce the section, and I've given a number of other suggestions, as well as responded to everything you point out now. This is about Season One spoilers. The game only came out for Vita a month ago, and more platforms are still getting it in the future.
I wouldn't have to keep repeating myself if people would read through the topic before posting, because a lot of them keep posting stuff I've already addressed.
I'm not going to give up, because what's happening here isn't right.
So we should just not talk about the walking dead season 1 just to make you happy? In that case...
-Redacted by Mod-
Happy now ??
If your position is that of the voice of justice against the evil spoiler-friendly mods, and your approach is to keep responding to those mods incessantly about how wrong they are and making the same post over and over, you're probably going to lose badly. Moreover, your tactics are going to ostracize a good number of people who may have actually agreed with you because your approach is to fixing the issue is very annoying.
There is nothing wrong with my approach. Again, I'm forced to keep repeating myself, because other people neglect to read the topic and repeat things other people have said.
Ocarina of Time (1998) Spoilers
I'm warning you!!
You rescue the princess....and you get an Ocarina that (can you guess) controls time!
Anyhow, I'm with you on this, just stay away from the internet if you don't want to have things spoiled.
That being said a (former) friend of mine actually spoiled RDR for me. I asked him to show me some of the game and he let me play the last mission.